Naruto training system

Chapter 43 Chapter 043

Chapter 43 Chapter 043

In the cabin, looking at the seven-tailed seal altar in Ito's hand, Zhou Zhu was not surprised.

Ito who can play with time, and even use it, in different time periods.It is not unusual to be able to start dual timeline battles.

Although I heard from Teacher Feizhen that Imai Longgui is an explosive ninja and a navy thirteen forces.

But from Zhou Zhu's point of view, there is an unchanging ranking of strength and weakness in the ninja world, commonly known as the pyramid of strength.

Standing at the bottom is the genin who has just joined the job, and then the chunin with certain mission experience, and above that is the elite level ninja.

And the Kage class above the Jonin, and the gap between the strength of the ordinary Jnin is too big.So one more layer can be added in the middle, which is Blood Successor Jonin.

The reason why the blood-succession family ninjas are powerful lies in their strange abilities.

Compared with the mainstream ninja, body, and phantom techniques.

Compared with the general public's water, fire, wind, thunder, and earth, the five chakra attributes are bad.

The blood successor family ninja has the magical and mysterious blood succession limit, which can be viewed as a RMB player in the ninja world.

Various abilities, mysterious and unpredictable.Combat styles are varied.Feizhen said that ninjas rely on intelligence and analyze this and that.In fact, it is all to deal with these blood successor limit ninjas.

If there were no blood inheritance boundaries in this world, everyone's cultivation would be fixed.Then this is a world of brainless hacking and killing.

The Blood Successor Limit Ninja relies on being different from the public.Often relying on these weird abilities, they can form a crushing advantage over ordinary ninjas.

Only when one's own information is leaked, analyzed and targeted by others, and weaknesses are found, will one be restricted.

And Yujiro Ito, as a priest.Not only has he mastered, but he has even weirder abilities than Xueji Boundary Ninja.Also in the energy system, it surpasses the chakra used by ninjas.

Zhou Zhu really can't think of anyone who can stop this kind of Naruto World's late-stage coercion.

Just because of Imai Ryuuki? With his muscular body? With his more chakra than ordinary ninjas?
Zhou Zhu from the 21st century deeply understands that quantitative change is not as good as qualitative change.

Just like silver, no matter how much you have, it cannot replace gold.Just like Jin Yong's martial arts, even if you have decades of skill, it is not as good as someone else's skill level is higher than yours.

What are the bells and whistles, nine yin and nine yangs to understand. (funny face)
"But having said that, Ito's time magic is a bit unscientific!" Zhou Zhu wondered inwardly.

According to Ito's explanation, those avatars are Ito himself in different time periods.So how does he exist in a space?
After all, in Zhou Zhu's understanding, the self he was just a second ago couldn't possibly be an independent existence!Isn't it a bit unreasonable for Yito to use the time avatar just to pull it over?
It's a bit timeless.

There is also a sense of déjà vu that "one cannot step into the same river twice".

This sentence was said by the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus.Familiar? That’s right, the high school political philosophy book.

It is a philosophy of change.His philosophy is full of dialectical thought, which had a great impact on the later development of dialectics.

Let's look at his philosophy again.

Since Heraclitus admitted that the universe is an unquenchable fire, which is constantly transformed into everything, and everything is constantly transformed into fire again, the idea of ​​change must occupy an important place in his philosophy, so that later People call his philosophy the philosophy of change.

Is there a sense of sight that the ancients could not recognize the world clearly!I think many people, when they learned about him in high school, were blinded.

"What the hell is this? What about those fucking philosophers! Is philosophy all about fantasies?"

But abandon his thinking that the universe is fire, and look at his thought change.

He vividly expressed his thoughts on change, saying: "The sun is new every day." He compared existing things to a river, claiming that people cannot step into the same river twice.Because when a person enters the river for the second time, it is the new water flowing instead of the original water.

Heraclitus summed up his thoughts on the change of motion in very succinct language: "Everything flows, nothing stays." In his view.Nothing in the universe is absolutely static and unchanging, everything is moving and changing.

And Zhou Zhu was able to give Ito such an incredible ability, the only explanation he could give.Maybe it's just the philosophy of this boss.

Everything is changing, the self at the previous moment is not the self at this moment.So Ito was able to pull himself out of the previous moment alone, and be in the same space with him.

However, this is only Zhou Zhu's poor knowledge, the only reasonable explanation for Ito Yujiro's "separation" ability.

Whether this is the case, I really don't know.After all, this is another world, a world with a magical energy system.

What if even the rules are different? What Zhou Zhu learned in his previous life, the so-called science, will become a fallacy.

No matter what Zhou Zhu thinks, Yujiro Ito is still unrestrained.

The matter arranged by the old man in the family is considered to be completed.He also discovered Zhou Zhu, the "body of a fairy god".It can be said that this trip has been very fruitful.

It's time to go back and return to life, but before I leave, I must pretend to attract Zhou Zhu and ensure that in the future, Zhou Zhu will bite the fishhook of the Ito clan because of his yearning for time magic.

"Nanao got it, so it's time to say goodbye!" Ito said playfully, his eyes were piercing, and he met Losano Feima.

As he spoke, Ito waved his hand casually, and the entire cabin began to decay and decompose.

It's like going through the baptism of time.The rust on the ship's walls rose and slowly disintegrated into slag, which dissipated with the wind.

Everyone in the seventh class, the floor under their feet, also slowly disappeared.This strange change caused everyone to panic.

Time passed very slowly, but it seemed like an instant.

Nuoda's seven-fan cruiser gradually decayed and dissipated, and the debris flew in the air.

Everyone fell on the surface of the sea, and because Zhou Zhu couldn't tread water, Fei Zhen staggered and lifted them from the sea with one hand.

Seeing Zhou Zhu who suddenly fell into the water, Ito shook his head and smiled wryly, "It's really an accident, are you sure this is a ninja?" He looked suspiciously, as if he was asking other people in Class [-].

But in Zhou Zhu's eyes, this was blatant ridicule.

"Forget it, goodbye everyone, I wish you a smooth journey in the future!" Ito didn't get a response, so he could only say goodbye in embarrassment.

Losing Ye Feizhen has been on guard all the time. After trying out no favorable information, if he recklessly fights again, he will only leave his fate to luck.

But she has always been rational, it is impossible to do so.Now Nanao has been captured, but the safety of his subordinates is more important.So she could only watch the enemy and take away the sealed item.

If she had acted alone, there would be no such involvement.But now she is the teacher leading the team. Among the students are Zongtai's only grandson and the only younger brother of the old subordinate.

As long as the other party doesn't rush to kill them all, a mission failure is not enough to make her desperate.

Above the sky, ripples in space-time form a black hole.

Yito's figure rose gradually, accompanied by his chanting to himself, like an ancient poem of the Warring States Period.

"I was not me before,
Neither am I today.

when for me
I don't know either.

life and death,

Fake and true.

back and forth,
No peace! "

It seems to be an explanation of his own time ability, but also has a kind of helplessness, as if a cursed person is trying to seek relief.

Zhou Zhu recalled Ito's description of the magic.The dark natural energy of magical practice, often accompanied by curses.

Now, listening to Yidong's old saying, Zhou Zhu had a clear understanding of the curse he received when he practiced the magic of time.

Like Ito, playing with time recklessly, how could it end well.

No matter in any world, everything has a price and needs to be paid.

Just like if you want to have a good body, you need to exercise every day.

The weirder the ability, the greater the price you pay.What's more, it is the magical ability that comes with the curse.

"Ito, he may have been trapped in the long river of time, unable to find his true self. The situation may even be worse." Zhou Zhu thought in his heart.

"Reincarnation, no peace!" Yidong, how helpless.

This guy who has always been unrestrained and unrestrained is definitely not as frivolous and casual as he appears.

After all, a person's suffering can only be realized by himself.And the understanding of others will be somewhat biased.

(End of this chapter)

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