Chapter 70: Coup d’État

While the four villages marched towards Konoha, Honzo was among them with a group of ninjas.

Now, what was the main reason that made these villages unite against Konoha?

There could be several reasons. However, only one truly motivated them to move: the strength Konoha demonstrated after Danzo took over for a brief period.

Even for a short time, when Konoha sent out several Jonin-level ninjas, it became clear how strong Konoha still was. And, if they let it go unchecked, sooner or later, there was a chance they would be swallowed by Konoha, a scenario none of them wanted to see happen.

The most frightened among them was the Sand Village. Though powerful, they knew that if Konoha attacked them with full force, they would have no choice but to surrender.

After all, even their best poisons were being neutralized thanks to Tsunade.

Of course, the Third Kazekage was powerful with his unique style, Magnet Release. But, no matter how powerful he was, against several strong Jonin, his defeat was inevitable.


What would happen if several Uzumaki were on a ship and used wind and Fuinjutsu to go full speed ahead?

It was no longer a simple, ordinary trip. It was more like the bullet train ride that Tanaka remembers from his previous life!

There were four wind casters taking turns to generate wind in the ship's sails, while others had to enhance the defenses with Fuinjutsu.

It didn't reach the extreme speed of 500KM/H, but it comfortably surpassed 200KM/H.

"At this pace, we'll reach the coast of the Land of Fire quickly," Shiori said next to Tanaka.

Tanaka had to agree: "Mm, I believe we'll be there in an hour at most."

The fact that this was a strong and large ship, not to mention filled with several experienced ninjas, made the journey swift and safe. This also showed how much importance Masashi placed on the safety of his daughter and Tanaka as well.

"By the way, Tanaka-kun, aren't you going to wear your mask?" Shiori asked.

"Is it really necessary?" Tanaka shifted his gaze from the sea to her. "It's not like I don't want to be recognized."

"But we're going to war," Shiori replied. "Being recognized there might not be a good thing."

"Indeed, but, you know, Shiori-san, everything has its pros and cons," said Tanaka, giving an example. "I know that gaining notoriety can have its downsides, but it also brings benefits, like attracting more merit to our village when a face earns a name. What I want now is to give it my best. I want people to think: 'Ah, so that's what a ninja from Uzushiogakure is like.'"

Shiori seemed to understand, yet not completely...

Of course, being the only one who knew the danger Uzushio might still face, it was no surprise she couldn't fully grasp what he was trying to say.

And, just as he told her, this time, he wanted to at least do something significant enough to be feared, to the point where they would think twice before attempting to face Uzushio.

Being invisible isn't always the answer. Sometimes, you have to show that if they go against you, they'd better be ready to be annihilated!

Shiori, unaware of Tanaka's motives, said, "But, Tanaka-kun, I hope you don't push yourself too hard. None of us would be happy if something tragic were to happen to you."

"I understand, thank you, Shiori-san." Tanaka smiled slightly.

"Hmm, as long as you've understood, everything's fine." Shiori replied with a rare, wide smile.


Several hours later, the troops of the five villages arrived very close to Konoha. However, on the way, they were intercepted by Konoha, which had set up several traps against them.


"Damn it, the Leaf Ninjas are here!"

"Kill them!"

"For the glory of Iwa!"

"For the glory of Suna!"

"For the glory of Suna!"

"For the glory of Kumo!"

"For the glory of Ame!"


Meanwhile, in Amegakure, a coup d'état was underway.

With their leader absent, the ninjas loyal to Hanzō struggled to resist the attacks of Tanaka's clones.

It took only a few hours to succeed, capturing as many as they could and killing those who fled. None made it out of Amegakure alive.

Of course, Tanaka didn't want Hanzō to become aware of what was happening there.

Who said the leader could just leave and leave the village unprotected?

And, on top of that, Killua, who was wandering through the Land of Fire near the eastern coast, finally encountered Reibi, the Zero-Tails.

The Zero-Tails is a malevolent spirit created by the dark thoughts and feelings of the oppressed people sealed in the Land of Sky.

The Zero-Tails mostly resembles a dark purple leech with a snake-like body. On its face, it wears a Noh mask that has a kanji meaning "zero" (king) and five strands of hair, like red threads sprouting from it. It also has a very wide mouth with large molars.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

When Ace struck the ground with the palm of his hand, the summoning mark was created, and soon a curtain of white smoke rose; it didn't take long for Killua's appearance to be revealed, using chains to bind Reibi.


Tanaka was surprised when a holographic screen appeared in his vision after several EXP and drop notifications.

Of course, until then, he understood why the initial notifications came, but he hadn't expected the last one. Naturally, he was also surprised to learn that Reibi, the Zero-Tails, had been found. With this, his plans aligned in such a way that it became possible to execute Plan A, without resorting to Plan B, which was to spend all the Soul Stones he had on hand.

[Congratulations! You have taken control of Amegakure while the leader was absent, successfully consolidating your power. Now, your mission is clear: strengthen the village and defend your domain to ensure no one dares to reclaim the throne!]

Before him, a holographic projection of Amegakure also appeared. He had the ability to control anything, even from a distance. One of the features allowed him to create and modify, similar to playing a city-building game like 'Cities: Skylines.'

He could even use his current income to modify something, even if he didn't have certain resources.

'Am I really capable of doing this too?' There was no way he couldn't be amazed. Tanaka was left with his mouth agape.

"Tanaka-kun, are you okay?" Shiori, noticing his odd behavior, asked.

Regaining his composure, Tanaka coughed and said, "Hmm, yes, I just got lost in thought... Sorry for worrying you."

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