Naruto: the simple skills

Bad time.

-one month later-

Pov: Kabuto

"Test #56 has failed... his blood does not respond to the lightning imbuement seal... throw away test #57 and #59 as well" Lord Oorochimaru orders.

"Of course" I answer and start sorting the test tubes, removing the required tubes of blood.

"He can stay with the other subjects from now on as well... throw away the eastern laboratory and remove all evidence from it..." He orders and I move to follow his word.

First lets move Kenzo.

I walk down the lab hall and I arrive at surgery room two, inside lays Kenzo who we have kept in this room for a while.

I henge into another face so he doesn't recognize me later.

I stare a moment at the back of his head before grabbing his table and unlocking his cuffs.

"The freedom to move? I assume I will be wiping my own ass from now on?" He asks with mockery.

He gets up and wiggles his limbs... he truly doesn't care what situation he is in, no wonder Lord Oorochimaru is pausing so many projects just to stay in Konoha to study Kenzo and his surroundings...

I walk out the door and open it so he may follow.

He walks out and whistles while walking down the hall.

"This way" I pull on his collar and turn him away from the sign that says exit on left.

"Worth a try.." he mutters.

We walk down the hall and arrive at a prison area, cells surround the small stone underground courtyard.

All the prisoners turn to us as the door opens and they rattle on their bars and yell for freedom- most heckling the newcomer as I place him in a lone cell.


I walk out to abandon another lab as I was told.


Pov: Kenzo

I sit alone in my cell and it is ten times better then being stuck on that bed, my bones crack and my muscles stretch just from walking and I feel divine compared to ten minutes ago.


Complete: Get up and stretch.

Reward: C-rank scroll.


I yawn and sit in a meditative position.

'Finger Snap'


The deep orange room greets me.

Is that ink? I look at the floor and wall as an Ink line is brushed and dragged from where I am standing up the wall and cuts off abruptly at the roof corner.

I shrug my shoulders.

*Scratch* *scrawl*

'Mortal limit reached. Understood intent to use 'Chakra' in this skill... test adjusted'

I blink and the room folds into a Laboratory much like the one I just left... in front of me stands an ink man with a snake head, the ink drips on the floor repeatedly.

"H-Hello... I-I will teach! Teach you Genjutsu! And you will cast with a-a SNAP!" The snake hisses and twitches.

I furrow my brows as he starts to discuss the basics of genjutsu...

I have a teacher this time? I listen intently and after what feels like a day he finishes rambling.

"Now- Now a test!" He yelps and throws a few pages at me.

I catch them and place them on a desk before taking a pen and looking through the paper.

I answer all the questions and hand it back.

"Ten wrong! Lets go again!" He hisses out and begins talking about the basics of genjutsu again... from the start...

-four days later-

"All done! All done! All done! Lets- Lets teach you a basic E-rank genjutsu! Lets! Lets!" He hisses in excitement.


He starts talking and I wipe my face in annoyance.

This is going to take days again.


After five hours he makes me try it and I weave the hand-

"NO! ONE SNAP!" He screams at me and I stop weaving hand signs...

I am supposed to cast a jutsu without hand signs?

I snap my finger and try to mould the jutsu but.... it doesn't work, how do I even begin to-

"Lets say it all again!" He hisses.


Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!" Another five hours and *Snap!* "Wrong!"
Another five hours and *Snap!* "Correct!"

Fucking finally! That took forever... lucky he adjusts his big lecture on the same jutsu or I would have strangled him by now...

"Another E-rank! Lets learn them all up to C-rank! Like- Like the scroll you are using!" He hisses and begins talking about another E-rank genjutsu...

Oh man... more!? Please don't have a lot of jutsu to learn...



He had a lot.

-ten minutes later real time-

-twenty eight years room time-

As I escape the deep orange room I let out a deep breath and crack my neck... that snake had way too many genjutsu... and to master them with one hand sign... or just one snap.

I can confirm that Knowledge taker must have helped me stay sane... it has to be the titles affect.

I can stay in that box for years but I still feel four out here... not that it matters considering I was never truly four in this body.


Knowledge Taker: E-rank.

Occupied: D-rank.


Unyielding Stare: E×D×C×B×A×S•K•

Breathing: E×D×C×B•A•S•K•

Word- Truth: E×D×C•B•A•S•K•

Eternal Walk: E×D×C×B•A•S•K•

Finger Snap E×D×C×B•A•S•K•


Genjutsu Affinity +1

Strength +1


All that for a C-Rank skill... makes me wonder how long I really spent in that staring contest with the fragment of the mad one...

I don't know how but my system copied the man who kidnapped me... I memorized the stare he gazed at me with and compared it with the snake I was stuck with for so long... I was bound to find out eventually.

I yawn and my recent memories flash through my mind.


Oh! I see, my mind refreshes the experiences before I went to its realm... that's why I never looked at Naruto and missed him when I went to the staring contests... this is helpful.

I was feeling guilty and a sense of loss just a second ago but now... much less, a month does not compare to years after all.

I stand and start walking in circles around my cell.

Nothing else to do really.

-one year since Kenzo disappeared-

Pov: Naruto

I get up and stretch.

I turn over to the empty spot in my apartment and I sigh... I miss Kenzo, where did he go?

I grab my shirt and I leap outside to head to the park to swing on the swing set.

Maybe I should fish at the river later?

Oh! I forgot about school! I run back through the streets and head to the Academy.

Entering into the building I find my class.

"Naruto! You are late!" Iruka-sensei yells.

"I slept in! Sorry!" I chuckle back.

"Sit down and pay attention!" He scolds and I follow, sitting at the back of the class.


This is boring.

I should of just went to the park and ignored school today.

I turn to my left and see Kiba who smells like dogs and he is drawing something cool on the desk...

I turn to my right and see Shikamaru sleeping... boring! When can we learn about amazing ninja! I don't want to learn about catra or whatever.


Its so boring without Kenzo...


Pov: Kabuto

I walk through the halls of Oorochimaru's last lab in Konoha.

I arrive at the holding area and open the door, as expected it is free time and everyone is outside their cells exercising or fighting each other.

They all steer clear from a cell with its door wide open, no one approaches Kenzo after what he did when he came here... the minute someone antagonized him he snapped his fingers and everyone looked at him... before he glared at everyone one by one and made them not want to approach.

Best answer to why that we have gotten is 'that's not just a kid, I am not going near that thing'.

So, so curious.

How did he do it? No genjutsu, no seals... no chakra used at all and yet all of them refuse to even look in his direction now.

I approach his cell and see that he is meditating again.


Haa- he wont respond even if I cut into his nerves and strangle them.

I wait ten minutes for him to awaken and he smiles at me and gets up... the hairs on his body stand and I can tell he is clenching his teeth in pain.

"Follow me" I order and he obeys.


We find ourselves walking to surgery room #2 and he lays down on the table in compliance.

Lord Oorochimaru enters and we begin cutting him open to study his chakra points... they have grown smaller again... the precision and stress these chakra points and lines have developed to entertain... he is acutely attuned to casting genjutsu to the point that Oorochimaru may consider discipling him if he ever figures out how to keep his curse mark on him...


Pov: Kenzo

I focus on my skills.


Knowledge Taker: E-rank.

Occupied: D-rank.


Unyielding Stare: E×D×C×B×A×S•K•

Breathing: E×D×C×B×A•S•K•

Word- Truth: E×D×C×B•A•S•K•

Eternal Walk: E×D×C×B×A•S•K•

Genjutsu Snap: E×D×C×B×A•S•K•

Lockpicking: E×D•C•B•A•S•K•

Juggling: E×D•C•B•A•S•K•


Genjutsu Affinity +3

Strength +2


I have been getting scrolls through out the year so I will go through them one by one.

I got a statistic scroll and an E-rank scroll for scaring everyone in the holding cells or my new home as I like to call it- I used the E-rank scroll on lockpicking because if I have a chance at getting out of here and the doors lock stands in my way I would be so angry at myself, I spent the stat scroll on upping my strength- purely because when in doubt, smack the lock real hard... *sniff* the internet taught me well.

I got another statistic scroll a month later when I successfully tricked the ninja who watches over us that I hadn't gotten my food yet- turns out a little C-rank genjutsu works wonders~ I then used that to grow my genjutsu affinity and that hurt like hell.

They got interested in my sudden change and have been investigating me since.

Truth got an upgrade and the thing I had to do for a C-rank upgrade was speak every lie I ever told and that was painful to try and remember each one- for every lie I didn't remember I was swallowed by darkness for a day... it made me remember the lies.

Walk became B-rank and I had to learn how to walk over a raging river that was also conveniently a water fall that was definitely bigger then any I had ever heard about... it hurts to fall constantly down that thing... but now I can walk over raging rivers! I never thought I would be able to walk on liquids but hey... nothing stops my walk- NOTHING.

Breathing became B rank as well... that was a nightmare to go through... I had to sprint across a burning hot road that crumbled behind me faster than I could run and I had to breath faster and faster and sustain that boost for much longer times... simple but effective, falling under the road was terrible... I had to be crushed by every rock that road was made of one by one like that water drip torture... I hated that.

Finger snap turned into Genjutsu snap at C-rank but also got a new rank into B- mastering every B-rank genjutsu was easier than mastering from E - C, mostly because it was just one set of genjutsu instead of three different classes...

I got another stat scroll from holding back the systems information from my latest 'torture' session... the things they do to me... is often considered kind compared to what I put myself through with these scrolls- put another stat into my genjutsu affinity.


I recently got another E-rank scroll that I made into juggling because I desperately needed a hobby and I was bored of walking and breathing and running... I had a gun aimed to the back of my head and I had to juggle ten items in fifty different ways or I would be shot.


Not the worst but was way more stressful then need be.

I got the scroll from 'complete: Annoy Oorochimaru' I now know the snakes name at least.

How did I annoy him? From snapping my fingers through the night and trapping everyone in the prison in a genjutsu that made them think they where in need of the bathroom... I missed Naruto's pranks alright!

I just finished juggling and was called to the surgeons table now... I watch them pick apart my body and study my chakra points, always love to confuse them.


After an hour of this they give up and send me back after stitching me to normal.


Hehehe- losers.


Pov: Kabuto

After I drop Kenzo at his cell I walk back through the halls and arrive at Lord Oorochimaru's personal study.

Entering in I can see him writing about the new changes to Kenzo's body and the new effects that these changes bring him...

"Unseal the south-eastern lab again... we need some of the genetic material stored their... I want to know what happens when I add Hashirama cells into Kenzo..." He orders me.

"Of course, I will get you the material by tomorrow" I accept his order and leave the base to head towards another... its about 7 hours trip to get there...

I start tree hopping outside of our woodland lab and in the direction I need to head.




I wonder how he got such a unique constitution... who was his parents? Some talented Genjutsu user for sure- but there is little Genjutsu masters who had children around the time of the kyubi attack and died...

Could Danzo have made this child? Ordered unique bloodlines to mix?

No... he wouldn't let that slip from his hands...

Haaa- I undo my henge and I relax my shoulders... it is quite annoying maintaining that thing for so long around the kid.


-one week later-

Pov: Oorochimaru

Another failure.

Again and again.

Not even Hashirama cells can alter Kenzo's blood... its like my curse mark, swallowed into nothingness.

Haaa- I cannot remain in Konoha any longer, Sensei found one of my old bases and has been tracking this one down ever since...

I can hide it for another year at most.

I should take Kenzo and continue my research away from here- it is annoying but it must be done, I will have the base transferred.

Although... if I am fast and change base quickly Sensei might notice the large number of items being transported... tsk, we will do it slowly over time.


Lets continue our research in the mean time, Kenzo knows something and we don't have any procedure telling us our answers- we have to make him talk.


-two weeks later-

Pov: Kenzo

*snap* *crack*

"Again" the ninja who works for Oorochimaru orders.

I get up off the floor and fix my dislocated shoulder before leaping at the standard looking ninja.

*Slam* *pop*

He slams my other shoulder and sends me to the ground.

Haaa- Haa-

I get up again and charge.

We have been doing this everyday, he brings me to the exit- and beats me up... constantly blocking the way out.

I am just a child... I cannot run from this man... I need a run scroll.


Let me guess, after ten more minutes of this he will put me into the 'room' where they make me see horrible illusions of people I love dying...

Yeah that doesn't actually happen, they waste a bunch of chakra but my eyes see through it all and then I pretend to be caught in a jutsu for relaxation time.

After that it gets worse when the ninja in front of me brings in various tools...

This should not be done to children...

But from the experiments they do here that I have seen... this is him being kind to me... he wants something from me.

Is he trying to break me so I can be built back up? I cant think of any other reason...

At least my face isn't scarred or injured, he just goes below my collarbone and above the wrist and ankles...

I just want to leave... pointless torture drives me mad... so much time wasted not learning... not talking to Naruto...  not buying flowers... not eating ramen...

Haaa- Haa-

"Lets head to the room" He orders and I get up to follow him... finally a small break... a calm before the storm.

-one month later-


The treatment is getting worse... the big bad snake himself personally came to help his subordinate.

I just want to do something. Anything else.

I just want to do something interesting and this stupid repetitive nonsense is endless.

Worse thing is I get nothing from it, including scrolls as the system only rewards based on its whims... and if it didn't reward me the first torture session there is no way it would the second.


Just think happy thoughts.

-one month later-


I found a handy trick.

I stare at the wall and let time pass... so focused on staring that it feels like nothing is happening to me...


Nothing at all.

No snake stitched into my stomach constantly trying to crawl out my throat.



Thanks for reading :)

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