Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 22: Summon

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My Body Flicker led me to a nearby street, and barely did I arrive that I heard the male's voice behind me, "Trying to flee? Unfortunately…" his voice stopped for a moment, before it once again rang out, this time uncomfortably close to me, "that's not going to work."

Somersaulting forward, I managed to dodge a knee to my side, and jumped forward into the street, looking back behind to see the guy's kick had shattered a few bricks on the wall. Had I not moved, I doubt my ribs would have fared better than those bricks.

The man looked at me in surprise as the female joined him, and he said, "She dodged my kick?"

The female nodded, "That she did. Told you, genius. Annoying to kill, but also very satisfying."

The man hummed lowly, before he disappeared. The moment he did, I also did, moving backwards with my Body Flicker. He was clearly faster than me, but he was also moving recklessly.

As I stopped, the man appeared above me, and he kicked downward, hammering down with his leg. He was a strong Taijutsu user.

I did not even try dodging this though, and instead went all out for the attack as I unsheathed my blade. The Unsheathing Technique was a cool one that aimed to unsheath the blade as fast as possible, striking once to claim the other's life. I had worked mostly on this technique, and I was quite fast.

However, his leg moved even faster, it wasn't only a matter of technique, his body was also much stronger than mine. Still, despite his leg supposedly reaching me first, I did not budge and continued attacking.

Now, was it that Iwa Spy, he would probably have guessed something was wrong, just like he did with my Senbonsakura, but this Suna Nin was so caught in his hubris that he did not bother checking, and that was his doom.

As the leg was about to make contact with my shoulder, it slammed into one of my wires. This one wasn't a sharp metal wire though, but instead an elastic and tough one. It did not hurt the guy in the slightest, but it considerably slowed his leg, enough to immobilize him for a moment.

And that's what it took. Only a single moment, for my blade to leave it's sheath, and slice through his neck.

As I sheathed back my blade, his head fell off his shoulders, his body losing all its strength as blood showered from the severed neck, partly drenching me in blood.

There was a second of silence, before a heavy screech came from the other end of alley, "What did you do!"

I spotted the female ninja, who had a fierce face full of hatred, clenching her teeth so hard blood was probably coming out of her gums. I used this small pause to quickly get a pill in my mouth.

She started weaving handsigns, so I quickly threw a shuriken towards her face, forcing her to stop as I appeared in front of her with a Body Flicker. I once again tried to use my Shunshin Slash, which should have me slash out and use the Body Flicker in conjunction. This would result in an extremely fast slash, and I had been working on it for some time, but I once again failed, just like with the bandits.

Still, I immediately performed an overhead strike, which she blocked with her two arms, placing us face to face. I could see the hatred in her eyes, she wanted to rip me apart. Not today, bitch.

But as she was about to curse me, I suddenly spat out a cloud of purple smoke right into her face, and due to our proximity there wasn't anything she could do to dodge or block as her face was completely covered in poison.

She backed off as she started coughing, so I used this instant to quickly take another pill, this time the antidote, before jumping high.

The female ninja, who had a clouded vision, also had a very high poison resistance it seemed as she started attacking once again, her face more or less returning to normal. However, her eyes had been damaged, and so she was forced to close them, meaning she attacked blindly.

As she performed several handsigns in quick succession, she released several large blades of winds, which she released blindly in front of her. Unfortunately for her, I was behind.

With a simple stab, my blade went through her heart, stopping her in place. I didn't let her say anything as I twisted my blade, kicked her body off my blade, and hacked one more time at her head, making sure she was dead.

Panting, I looked at the two Chunins I had killed. Again, I had prevailed against two vastly stronger opponents, and this time without any injuries. And again, I didn't find it in myself to find any happiness at the normally impressive feat.

As the fight ended, I could hear explosions in this distance, meaning Amai-Sensei's fight was getting serious. I quickly searched the bodies of the two I killed, and found a couple of radios in their ears, which were emitting voices.

This meant the others probably knew something had gone wrong here, and would converge here. And I doubt those two didn't transmit my description to the rest of their team before facing me, and I'm not confident of hiding my tracks from Jonins.

So again, fleeing was not really an option, but fighting was even less than one.

As I was thinking of what to do, I saw several figures moving on the roofs, heading towards me. I saw them, and they saw me. I was running out of time, so I decided to go for a dangerous third option.

Biting my finger hard enough to draw blood, I slammed it into the floor as a seal appeared on the ground. In the last second, I saw one of the shadows appear in front of me, revealing themselves to be an older man, and looking at his speed, he was probably a Jonin.

However, I disappeared in the same moment into a puff of smoke, disappearing before he could attack.

In the last month, while I had been training with Shisui, Itachi came by twice to train with us, and he displayed some of the techniques he had developed with his crows summons, which he mostly used for illusions.

I had asked him for the summoning technique, which he agreed to give me, and also gave me some information.

I always found it a little confusing how summons worked in the original manga. The only contract shown, or at least that I could remember, was Naruto with his toads, and he was handed the summoning contract from Jiraya.

However, how did all the others contract with their summoned beasts? Well, that's what Itachi taught me.

Actually, the first step for normal people was not the actual Summoning Jutsu, but instead the Reverse Summoning Jutsu.

The first summoned a contracted beast to the user, while the second teleported the user to the contracted beast.

But then one may ask, if one hasn't signed any contract with any beast, what would happen?

Well, that's exactly what I did, and what people had to do if they wanted to find their summons. As it turned out, everyone had an affinity to a certain race of beasts from the Summon World, to which they would be teleported.

Of course, my first reaction to this was how much more OP the Reverse Summoning Jutsu was. I mean, this thing can teleport you away from any dangerous situation! For fleeing, that's even better than the Flying Raijin Jutsu!

Of course, it wasn't. For several reasons.

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