Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 536: Reaper Ceremony (Upgrade Version)

A right hand with infinite gloves, gently patted on the shoulders of the bully.

Because of the reason why time and space were imprisoned, Bully turned out to let that hand be patted on his shoulder, and then... The body of Bully was broken like a mirror, and the pieces were broken into cosmic atoms, dissipated in In the universe.

This is beyond everyone's expectations!

A seemingly powerful tyrant that can't be added, will it be broken by one hand?

Still not even a whole body!

And the holder of the right-handed infinite glove....It was Odin who was killed by the tyrant. Last time Zhang Lan had the opportunity to take it, he did not take it in the end.

After exterminating the tyrant, the owner who reached out the door of the space also slowly passed through, standing in the position where the tyrant disappeared before, with a cold look.

It's Zhang Lan.

He wears infinite gloves on his right hand, but the grooves on it are not inlaid with any gemstones.

Standing in the shattered position before the tyrant, Zhang Lan's nine hook jade reincarnation eyes and eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes glanced around, and finally suddenly fixed at a void position on the side and back, staring coldly at the void.

That expression looks like eating people!

Soon after Zhang Lan's eyes fixed, he was staring at pieces of broken material that began to condense, and its speed was very fast, but a moment later it was pieced together a complete human form-hegemony!

It is the extinction of the left hand infinite gloves.

I saw Domineering staring closely at Zhang Lan's right hand's infinite glove, and suddenly realized the color: "Your rhythm infinite glove serves as a hub, eliminating the rejection of the cosmic bit facing you."

But it turns out that Zhang Lan uses infinite gloves so much, and it's no wonder why Zhang Lan's infinite gloves have no gems inlaid.

So now it is that the Bully is in perfect control of the two laws of soul and power, and Zhang Lan is the perfect control of the four laws of reality, mind, space and time.

There is no doubt that Zhang Lan has the upper hand!

It's just... there is no slight joy in Zhang Lan's face, and some are just full of cold colors.

Even with the integration of the laws of the mind, Zhang Lan's mind is a bit concerned about the scene.

His beloved relatives Katie, Hill, and Harry were crushed by the aftermath when the door opened by the first Potoni.

His best friends Tony, Reid and others were also killed by the Bully.

The only surviving friend now has only one phantom.

Still a phantom that will soon die.

In just half an hour, he has lost all his loved ones and friends... At this moment, Zhang Lan is almost lifeless.

His belief has always been to protect such a vital group of people, and now... it is gone.

At this moment, he seemed to have lost all his feelings, and there was no sadness and joy in his heart, and some were just endless cold.

He just wanted to kill the bully, and the way to kill the bully...

Hegemony, even though he has only two laws, he has mastered the vital soul laws.

If the soul does not die, he will never die if he dies.

And Zhang Lan's means of attacking the soul

The combination of space and time is at most a permanent ban on freezing the soul and body of the tyrant.

Only so.

This is not enough, Yongyong is not enough, he Zhang Lan wants to kill the person in front of him, even if he gives... his own life!

Therefore, after attempting to use time and space to destroy the hegemonic body, Zhang Lan tried to use the power of the reality gem to weaken the hegemony law, and then use the soul law to crush the hegemony soul.

Unfortunately, in the end, there is still no way to completely crush all the souls of the tyrant. The other party can even reorganize the soul even if it is crushed into the universe's original unit.

Moreover, Zhang Lan found out that hegemony had no physical body!

His body has always been an entity between the energy body and the soul body. There is no trace of blood in the body, because the soul does not need these things.

Zhang Lan was quite surprised by this discovery, followed by silence.

He had agreed with Mirage three minutes before, but the time was actually quite ample, but then she discovered that even if she mastered the four rules, he, sadly isolated from the plane, would still not be the opponent of the tyrant.

Even, he wanted to trap the bully is a delusion.

Later, Zhang Lan thought of the infinite glove in the hands of the bully. The opponent did not directly absorb the infinite gem but controlled the law by the infinite glove. There must be a way to belong to him.

So, Zhang Lan went to Asgard and put the other right hand's infinite gloves into his own hands from Odin's treasure house.

The effect is remarkable. With the help of this infinite glove, Zhang Lan can indeed feel that the Marvel Universe's resistance to Zhang Lan disappeared.

But... he was also forced to accept the final comprehension of the four laws of fusion and Marvel universe.

His mastery of the four laws is still a little bit less, because of the gap in the Marvel Universe, and now that this gap has disappeared, Zhang Lan naturally fell into an epiphany.

When Zhang Lan woke up again, he received bad news.

Therefore, there was the problem of Zhang Lan breaking the body and destroying the hegemony with one blow, and then reorganizing the hegemony.

At this time, Zhang Lan and the Bully were confronting each other, and no one had any intention to do it-there was no need to do it, because neither of them could kill anyone.

Do not!


There is a way!

Zhang Lan suddenly remembered one of the forbidden spells he acquired at the beginning, or the skill-immortality.

The undead ability is because the "death ritual" of the flying segment is broken, and a part of the ability to curse a bug is lost.

Relying on this ability, Zhang Lan has survived from the crisis-ridden Marvel world to the present.

Later, as Zhang Lan's strength improved, the opportunities for this ability became less and less, and until the end it was almost forgotten.

Because no creature can make him lose his life.

Until then, he was punched by the bully, and now he can’t kill the bully... he thought of another half-power of the "death ritual"-curse!

That's an ability to connect yourself with each other, and the damage you receive will be shared with the connector.

There is really no way for Zhang Lan to fundamentally destroy the domineering soul, but... there is no problem in destroying his own soul!

After losing everything he worked for, Zhang Lan seemed to have given up everything, only to be able to destroy the one in front of him and cause the current mirror tyrant.

Redeeming "Death Ritual" is simple, it's just a skill rated as s.

It simply means useless.

Can the s-level "death ritual" really share the power of soul destruction to the bully who controls the law of souls?

No doubt, it is impossible.

However, Zhang Lan has a back hand-[Law Conversion Card].


[Law Conversion Card]: You can transform a certain law into a law without increasing power and increasing priority.


The upgrade process is simple, Zhang Lan only upgrades the ability to "curse", and he does not spend energy to upgrade without dying.

But even if the law is against the law, the soul law, as one of the six major rules of the Marvel world, is obviously not just a curse law that has just been promoted.

The likely result is that Zhang Lan's soul is self-defeating, while the tyrant is only receiving serious injuries or even minor injuries.

But don’t forget that Zhang Lan’s law of reality follows the law of mind and weakens the ability of the law of soul.

With this trade-off, Zhang Lan has a 70% chance of killing the tyrant at the cost of... he will also die with it.

As for the blood of the key issue... The opening of the death ritual requires a drop of cursed blood as a medium, even the death ritual that was upgraded to the law of curse is inevitable.

The current bully is between the soul body and the energy body, and there is no blood.

However, this is difficult for Zhang Lan.

I saw that Zhang Lan took out a transparent crystal bottle from the system space, which contained a drop of blood-red liquid-this is a red liquid extracted from the original right-hand infinite gem.

According to Odin's complaint, this was the time when the Bully had just inherited the law of space. Odin's loot was obtained after defeating the opponent by his own hands. Thousands of years in his own treasure trove.

Well, the blood above it is not tyrant, but Odin's.

And Odin is already dead...if this blood is Odin, then the death ritual will not be launched.

After drawing a circle and triangle under his feet with the power of time and space, Zhang Lan did not hesitate to swallow the blood in the crystal bottle. The next moment his body was completely covered by black and white, depicting the shape of a human-shaped skull .

This look is exactly where the death ritual was successfully launched!

Ah, there is no doubt that this drop of blood is exactly the hegemony in front of you!

At that moment, Zhang Lan was able to perceive that there was a touch of non-existent connection between him and the tyrant.

At this moment, Zhang Lan has a consciousness-he, live and die together with the tyrant!

Not only did Zhang Lan feel this way, but hegemony also instantly realized this special connection. The power of the soul law fluctuated violently in his body trying to cut off or shield this connection. However, the interference of Zhang Lan’s law of mind and the law of reality Under the protection of the tyrant, hegemony did not succeed.

Even he can't touch the connected fate line.

"What did you do to me!" The tyrant looks angry.

"Oh... Of course it killed you!" Zhang Lan's smile was cold, and it was a bit creepy when it was so cold.

Hegemony wants to give Zhang Lan some color to look at. The law of sports power is far from punching Zhang Lan, but the result is-his right hand is frozen by time and space. The Law of Momentum is also unable to break free.

If you can't get rid of it, you will no longer get rid of it.

"Zhang Lan, you can't kill me." However, the fight against the bully started to make sense: "If you want to use the time space to freeze me, I can break myself up and build a body in another place, you know , I don’t have a body but a soul, so I won’t be afraid of your freezing.”

In other words, in order to prove his own words, hegemony was broken into a void by the right-hand inch of the solidification of time and space, and hegemony was also able to reach the limit, and then the right hand slowly condensed out.

As hegemony said, he has no body, but his soul can be reshaped indefinitely.

If the average person will naturally lose part of the soul's power due to fragmentation and reorganization, repeated repetitions will disappear forever due to insufficient soul power.

Tyrant is different.

He mastered the laws of the soul, the power of the soul was endless, and there was no exhaustion at all.

Zhang Lan looked at the tyrant so suddenly, suddenly, he made an action that he did not expect-Zhang Lan, using the law of mind to crush the soul of his left ear into nothingness!

The kind of pain that hit the soul directly, even if Zhang Lan clenched his teeth, he resisted.

Through the curse sharing of the [Death Ceremony], Zhang Lan clearly saw that the left ear of the tyrant was also crushed by the inch, and then... no longer shaped back to the original body!

Domineering, it is indeed unable to be immune to the shared damage of Zhang Lan [Death Ceremony]!

That is to say, Zhang Lan's life is now linked to the tyrant. The most sad thing is that the tyrant is not affected by Zhang Lan's death. As long as Zhang Lan is injured, the tyrant will be destroyed!

This is not the most tragic.

[Death Ceremony] has obvious shortcomings, that is, he cannot leave the scope of the ritual he built, that is, the trapped triangle at his feet.

And Zhang Lan uses the ritual created by the law of space-time assisted reality, which will move with Zhang Lan's movement-that is, no one in this world can interrupt this ritual unless Zhang Lan's own reasons!

Obviously, the Bully has discovered these problems. I don’t know how many years have passed since the Bully finally realized the taste of death!

There is still no way to fight back!

Because hegemony, as part of the rule of this supreme law of the universe, is also aware of the new curse law and the current state of Zhang Lan. He understands that ~~ does not need to do useless work.

The only thing you can do...probably hold it!

"Zhang Lan, do you know what would happen if both of our law holders died?" The Bully suddenly said.

Zhang Lan stared coldly at the bully without making any noise, but his men were dissatisfied and crushed his other ear again.

Seeing this, the Bully will not sell the key, and he said quickly-

"There was a reason why I called you. Why do you think the fragments of the law came from us? Only a higher level of existence can break the law. This is the previous generation of law holders to protect this plane and the other five. The consequences of the battle of the fame predators, their laws are converted into these six laws, and finally they stayed in this plane by our last term, and they are now turned into infinite gems."

-"These six laws are in themselves the complete laws of the small plane, but the focus is different, because the universe has these five additional laws before it can be promoted to a more advanced plane."

-"And, if you let us both get rid of the soul together in this way today, then the four laws of time, space, reality, and soul engraved in your soul will be annihilated together with your original law, and no one will Knowing whether they will exist in this plane again, by then this plane will degenerate for the lack of the law of reference."

-"The consequences of plane degradation will be a sign of the death of countless lives. Do you really have the heart to let so many people die?"

-"You know, these races, but also your relatives, friends, and even future children!"

Some words are rich and emotional.

After all, I still want Zhang Lan to give up the idea of ​​holding him to die together.

And Zhang Lan's answer is-

"My relatives and friends, just now, have been killed by you!"

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