Naruto-reincarnated in Konoha I will be the strongest Puppeteer

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

I woke up Sunday morning and started the same routine, just puppet training. I can read books during academy. The weekends are for training my puppet skills. By the end of the day I had been able to remove 2 more strings, I found that due to having done the hard work and practice on one side, it was significantly easier to do it for the other side, with that thought I practiced the left arm next and completed that before the day ended. I have a strong feeling it will just get harder from here on out.

I arrived at school early today. Ready to get into my Fūinjutsu books I set that as a priority, the reason? Because I have to leave my puppets at home right now, I am not allowed to have my puppets running around school due to it being classified as a ninja tool. So, I must learn sealing Fūinjutsu so I can have them all with me at any time. School goes by in a flash, during which I have learned everything and memorized everything on sealing fūinjutsu. Now I just need to practice.

"Hey Kenzo!" Kiba shouted to me.

"Hey Kiba, Akimaru was up?" I asked as I pet Akimaru.

"Where are you headed off to so quickly?" He asked.

"So this weekend I finished my Gible puppet and have been practicing my puppet jutsu control." I said.

"Dude no way you have to show me? Where is it?" He asked.

"It's at home which is why I'm rushing. I need to learn sealing Fūinjutsu so I can seal my puppets and bring them with me wherever I go. I could ask my mom to buy me a scroll but I have this idea I want to use but I would have to create it myself" I said.

"Man no way that is crazy… fūinjutsu is what makes those scrolls? I didn't know. That must be some hard work man. I'll head home I gotta train my clan jutsu's as well. Good luck man" Kiba said as he ran off.

"Thanks you too!" I shouted towards his retreating figure.

As I get home I get some blank chakra scrolls, with ink and a brush from my mom so I can practice. After 5 hours of trial and error I had finally created my first storage sealing scroll. Mom came into my room.

"Good your all done now you need to eat then get ready for bed it's 7 pm right now. I didn't want to interrupt your focus. But now it's time to be done you have classes in the morning" mom said shooing me out of the room.

After eating, and washing up I head to bed and do my infuse jutsu on Gible for four minutes and then pass out.

I'm walking to school this morning and I brought with me a 4 1/2in by 4 1/2in block of wood. That I am carving on my way. What am I carving? It's a Pokéball. The plan I have for this is infusing it with my chakra thus making it able to have Fūinjutsu applied to it and making it the storage scroll. The reason? I have ideas on making this useful strategically, during fights I could throw the ball or deposit it in the battlefield behind the enemy and activate it with my strings at opportune moments for a surprise attack. Have them attached to my side, or a strap to my body so if my hands are tied up I can activate them without needing to pull a scroll out and open them to bring out a puppet. Who has time for that BS, Not me.

I get to class and I have finished the outside of my Pokéball. At my desk I use my jutsu once more and shaping it into a fine string I drill into where the button would be and hallow out the inside of the ball leaving and inch thick wall. Class starts and as I'm unable to hold back my excitement in completing this project I bring out the Fūinjutsu ink from home. While I can up with this idea I had a dilemma come up with how I will inscribe Fūinjutsu on the inside, I had the idea of using my chakra strings as the paint brush, thin enough to make all the seals tiny as well as good practice for my already great chakra control. I dip a chakra string from my pointer into the ink and carefully guide it into the Pokéball. I close my eyes and imagine the Fūinjutsu storage scrip that I practiced to the very detail. I traced it like I was doing it with the brush but using the tip of my chakra string, soon I zoned out completely focused on my task, by the time class ended I had completed it. I slumped down and my head hit the table. Damn that was difficult and I have a headache.. I just want to sleep. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder as I look to my left I see Hinata standing next to me.

"A a are you o o ok? Tha that l l looked di di difficult" she said stuttering.

"Ah you saw that huh. Yeah I'm ok just exhausted is all. Thank you for asking. That is very kind of you" I say as she blushes bows and runs off.

"Such a strange girl" I mutter.

As I stand I walk over to Kiba at the door.

"Dude I did it I think" I said as I tossed him the ball and he looks at it.

"No way dude. I have never seen anything like this" he said.

"You have a kunai I can borrow to check if it works or not?" I asked.

"Yeah sure here take it" Kiba said handing me one.

I put the ball to the kunai and make the seal and the kunai to my and Kiba's utter shock puffs into smoke disappearing. I look shocked at Kiba.

"Dude what the heck.. I didn't think it would work it was my first attempt." I said in shock.

"Quickly make the seal and see if it comes back out" Kiba said in a rush of excitement.

I make the seal and in a poof the kunai is on the table again.

"Yeah!" We both shout and jump up and high five each other.

"That's so cool bro you gotta make me some of those to store my tools instead of a ninja pouch" Kiba said.

"Sure thing man I'll make you some no problem" I said.

I felt like I was on cloud nine right now.

"Now I can bring my puppet to school and I can show you after school ends" I say to Kiba.

"Can't wait dude. You should have Akimaru and your puppet spar that way we both can train and get stronger" Kiba said.

"Yeah that sounds like a great idea. Let me know what days you have clan technique training and we can set it up around that" I said.

After talking a bit more we said goodbye and headed back home. As soon as I got home I made a wood plug to close the small hole I made to draw the storage seal on the inside. I chose to do it on the inside even though it would be harder so that the seals could be protected from damage. Once completed I used the infuse jutsu on it and lasted 10 minutes before I had to stop. I then walked over to my poor lonely Gible and tapped the ball on its head and did the seal.

"Gible return" I said as I laughed.

"who would have thought I could bring Pokémon to this world this way" I said while chuckling.

I headed back to the living room to show mom my new creation.

"Mom mom look what I made" I said while showing her the Pokéball and then making the seal and releasing Gible. She looked at the ball then Gible shocked.

"You succeeded in making a storage seal. No less able to use it in such a unique way" mom said.

She had a shocked and proud look on her face.

"Good now you can have Gible with you wherever you go. It's very important for a puppeteer to always have puppets handy. Always be prepared and have backups for the backups and backups for that as well" mom said in a lecturing manner.

"You got it mom I'll start plans for a second puppet. But I'll need more materials I plan on making a big one this time" I said.

She looked at me with curiosity. "I'm very interested in seeing what that cooky mind of yours whips up this time" she said while chuckling.

"I'm gonna be in my room brainstorming plans, no training today I'm wiped after making that seal" I said.

I store Gible back in the Pokéball and head to my room. I sit at my desk and start thinking on what my next puppet should be. Gible was more of a whim choice as it was one of my favorite Pokémon in my first life as well as it being simple to make. Hmm maybe a defensive type? A defensive artillery type? What would work best Blastois.. no not the perfect fit, Registeel mm maybe that feels closer. Oh that's right Bastiodon! He is perfect a giant shield for a head I can make firing ports on the shield face so it's can be aimed easily and his body big enough to store all that ammunition. With storage seals now I can fit so much more.

"Mwahahahaha" (cough cough) "Whoops lost my cool there for a minute" I said to myself.

Alright let's start fleshing this out. The head has to be a steel or chakra metal if possible. I need to ask mom if that is doable. To support the head, mmm it doesn't need to be agile, but has to be sturdy, I could use a double hinge one for the left and right, attached to one that goes up and down. I could use some gears attached to hinges with some springs to help support the weight better. Yeah that should work. As I draw out the neck mechanism that I thought of and making it a reality. Body of wood with metal accents for the spikes. Lower legs of metal upper leg wood like the body. Oh! The tail of metal but segmented with half the length hidden in the body as a surprise defense on anyone who thinks the back is unprotected. It can retract and extend with a thick metal cable tail hidden would be four feet with another 4 feet hidden and can extend with the cable up to 16 feet. My mom is gonna kill me… I have a bad feeling this will cost a lot to have everything I want.. well won't hurt to ask anyway.

I run to the living room where I see mom tinkering with one of her puppets a humanoid one. Those are the majority of her puppets.

"Hey mom I got a great design for a puppet tho it will require some metal parts in it" I said to mom not looking her in the eye.

She looks at me and here eyes squint. "Hmm. Let me see your design then. I assume you drew it up yea?" She asked not taking her eyes off my face.

"Yeah I did here it is" I handed her the paper.

She takes it and starts looking through it first with a interested look then that look starts to shift into a frown and I get nervous. Then she breaks out into an outright laughing fit to the point she is crying.

"What's so funny" Dad walked into the house at that moment.

"Here dear, look our son designed a new puppet and was asking me if I could get the materials for this" mom said to dad.

Dad read the paper though he didn't laugh.

"This is one heck of a puppet son. But I don't think you truly understand what it would cost to get this much material for you to build it. This head alone is supposed to be 8 feet tall by 5 feet wide and 2 feet thick?That alone could sink a small country financially. Your mother and I couldn't even afford a leg on this frankly awesome puppet by the way. Even if she sold all her prized puppets for parts it would not purchase this trunk of a leg. Son we will support you in anything you want to do but within reason" Dad said.

"Ah I figured something along these lines but I had to try" I said dejected

"Baby it's a great puppet but it's also just your second one it doesn't have to be what you designed at the start half my puppets are on their 20th to 40th iterations they look nothing like how they started. I See what your going for here but just start with wood and upgrade it slowly or find other ways to make shields. I say you still build it just with wood with some of the parts being metal that need it" mom said.

I take a deep breath and sigh. "Your both right I need to take regular steps I just tried to take leaps and also throw tons of money at it" I said while laughing.

"don't get me wrong puppets suck money more so than any other ninja techniques for sure" mom said while laughing as well.

"So I will have your material and I will purchase quality steel for your puppet but I recommend using it for your joints as they will bear the load better. Maybe some left over for your tail joints. It's a great puppet I'm proud of you" Mom said to me smiling.

"Thanks mom" I said smiling.

I head back to my room looking at my design, it will still work just not as indestructible as I would want it. Although I can make it more resilient with the infuse jutsu.

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