Naruto: Reaching the Stars

Chapter 13

When the Third Hokage appeared, the crowd of children and teachers quickly fell silent. Their faces grew respectful, some even in awe. It wasn't every day that the leader of Konoha addressed them personally. Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled warmly as he began, "Congratulations to all of you for passing the entrance exams."

His gentle tone commanded attention as he continued, "Now that you've entered the academy, you will be trained in the ways of a Konoha Shinobi. This academy, created by the Second Hokage, has produced many great ninjas, myself included. I still remember the challenges and the fun of those days. Graduating from here means that you will be entrusted with the protection of our village and the peace we’ve fought so hard to maintain."

"The Will of Fire, as the First Hokage called it, is now yours to uphold. Love this village and make sure your will of fire preserves its peace and prosperity. Let everyone know that the Will of Fire still burns brightest here in Konoha."

"Konoha is not just a village; it's our shared home. Even if we aren't related by blood, that doesn't stop us from wanting to protect this village and the people we love."

"Wherever leaves fly, fire burns. That fire will light the village, and new leaves will sprout again."

"I am Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, who inherited the spirit of the First and Second Hokage. One day, I will grow old and pass on, but the pillars of this village will not fall because you will become the new pillars of Konoha."

In the academy auditorium, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the highest authority, conveyed the spirit of Konoha—the Will of Fire. His expression was all smiles, and though his voice was gentle, it inspired excitement and pride in all the children, including Yoruichi and Minato.

Kisuke observed quietly, hands in his pockets. The Will of Fire had driven countless Konoha ninjas to fight and even die proudly for the village. He saw nothing wrong with this spirit. It was like how, in his previous world, children grew up loving their country, learning to protect it, and singing the national anthem.

To these shinobi, Konoha was their country and home, where everyone they cared about lived. Of course they were going to defend it, just like soldiers of any nation would.

But just because Kisuke didn’t see anything wrong with it didn’t mean he would follow it. Yes, he would protect the people he cared about, but there were many shinobi rules he disagreed with. For one, he couldn’t see himself sacrificing his life for Konoha. Maybe that was just his paranoia because this wasn't his home, and he felt like an outsider.

Another rule he disagreed with was putting the mission above everything else. He couldn’t imagine giving away his life or abandoning his companions and family just to complete a mission that would earn him nothing more than money and recognition.

But again, maybe his paranoia was acting up. Shinobi completed missions, just like soldiers did.

Honestly, Kisuke didn’t hold any ill feelings toward Hiruzen. He didn’t know the man personally, nor did he fully understand what the Hokage had gone through to keep Konoha together. He didn’t take the events from the series as absolute truth when judging people.

Yes, Hiruzen made mistakes in his later years and messed up big time, but no one truly knew what he was dealing with at the time. The series didn’t cover those aspects.

But people often overlooked that after Tobirama’s unexpected death, Hiruzen managed to bring twenty years of peace to Konoha.

Think about it—would the other clans have quietly accepted Tobirama’s decision to appoint Hiruzen as the new Hokage without consulting them?

Kisuke was sure some were displeased and might have even tried to remove Hiruzen and appoint someone else.

But Hiruzen was smart. He likely managed to end the First Ninja War, earning the villagers' admiration and approval. Under his leadership, Konoha remained mostly peaceful for twenty years, until the Second War broke out.


After the speech, the kids were dismissed.

Kisuke and his two friends were about to leave when a Genin approached Minato.

"You're Namikaze Minato, the orphan, right?" the Genin asked.

"Yes, that's me," Minato replied.

"By order of the Hokage, all accepted orphans are being given new apartments, rent-free until you officially graduate and become a ninja."

Minato's eyes widened with surprise and excitement. He glanced at Kisuke and Yoruichi, who looked just as curious, then turned back to the Genin. "Really? A new apartment... just for me?"

The Genin nodded with a small smile. "That's right. If you follow me, I'll show you where it is."

Minato hesitated for a moment, looking at his friends. "Can they come with me?"

The Genin shrugged. "Sure, why not? It's your place."

Grinning, Minato turned to Kisuke and Yoruichi. "Come on, let's go check it out together!"

Kisuke and Yoruichi nodded, eager to see the new apartment. They followed the Genin through the village, weaving through streets until they reached a quiet neighborhood on the outskirts of Konoha. The area was peaceful, with rows of small, well-kept buildings.

The Genin led them to one of the apartments and opened the door, revealing a modest but cozy space. The apartment was clean and neat. The rooms were small but sufficient, with a living room, bedroom, compact kitchen, and washroom. It had basic appliances like a fridge, cooking stove, and other essentials. There was also a sofa in the living room and a bed with an alarm clock in the bedroom.

Minato stepped inside, eyes wide as he took in the sight. "This... this is my home," he whispered, his voice trembling slightly.

Kisuke and Yoruichi followed, smiling at their friend's excitement.

Yoruichi looked around, impressed. "Not bad at all. Way better than the orphanage."

Kisuke nodded in agreement, relieved. 'Thank God she knows how to read the room and didn't say anything bad!'

The Genin watched as Minato explored his new home, a satisfied look on his face. As an orphan himself, he understood how much this meant to Minato. "Everything here is yours. Make yourself comfortable. In the evening, someone will come by with some essentials and an allowance that you'll receive every month."

Minato turned to the Genin and bowed deeply. "Thank you so much. I can't tell you how grateful I am."

The Genin waved him off. "No need to thank me. Just focus on your training and do your best at the academy. That's all the Hokage asks."

Minato straightened up, his face full of determination. "I will. I promise."

The Genin gave them a few more tips about how the school operated and mentioned that Minato would have special classes to learn how to cook, manage his allowance, and take care of his apartment. Then, he left them to explore on their own.

Inside the apartment, Yoruichi sat on the bed while Kisuke and Minato relaxed on the floor. They stayed in comfortable silence until Yoruichi broke it.

"So, we're officially students now, huh? But why don't I feel excited or anything?" she mused.

"Of course you don't," Kisuke replied. "We were practically guaranteed to pass the assessment, so there's no surprise."

"I guess you're right."

"Do you think we'll be in the same class?" Minato asked, glancing between his friends.

"I sure hope so," Yoruichi said with a grin. "Otherwise, studying would be boring, right, Kisuke?"

Kisuke shrugged. "I guess."

Suddenly, a pillow flew through the air and hit Kisuke in the face. "Would it kill you to show a little enthusiasm?" Yoruichi said, exasperated. "At least try to be excited for once!"

Kisuke held the pillow but didn’t throw it back. "It’s troublesome being in the same class as you," he muttered, though a faint smile appeared on his face. "And be careful—this isn’t our apartment, so you can’t just throw stuff around. Look, Minato’s about to cry."

"Huh, really?" Yoruichi turned to check.

"I'm not," Minato quickly assured, though his slight smile showed he found it funny.

"So, what do we do now?" Yoruichi asked, trying to find something to do.

“I don’t know," Minato replied, scratching his head. "The Genin said the supplies would be delivered at 7 PM, so I need to be here for that. But until then… I’m not sure.” It was only 2 PM, and staying in the apartment all day didn’t seem appealing.

Kisuke stood up, dusting off his pants. "Mom told me to bring the two of you home after the test, so we should probably get going."

Yoruichi nodded, but Minato looked a little surprised. "Me too?"

"Of course," Kisuke replied. "Come on, let’s head out. You can come back here later."

Minato hesitated for a moment, but then smiled. "Alright, let's go."

When they reached Kisuke’s home, he noticed the store was closed, which was unusual for this time of day.

‘Is she not home?’ he wondered as he opened the door.

To his surprise, Kirikou and Kanao were waiting inside, both wearing proud smiles.

"Congratulations on passing the exam!" Kirikou exclaimed warmly, her eyes shining with pride as she looked at the three of them.

Kanao grinned, adding in a teasing tone, "Just to make sure… you all did pass the exam, right?"

"Mom!" Yoruichi groaned, rolling her eyes at her mother.

Minato chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, we all passed."

Kirikou clapped her hands together. "Wonderful! I knew you three would do great. We should celebrate a little."

She smiled and gestured toward the back of the house. "Come on, everyone, follow me. We’ve prepared something special for you."

Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Minato exchanged curious glances before following Kirikou and Kanao. As they entered the dining area, their eyes widened in surprise. The table was filled with a variety of delicious dishes: steaming bowls of ramen, neatly arranged sushi, grilled meat skewers, and even sweet treats like mochi and dango.


"This looks delicious!"

Kirikou beamed. "We wanted to celebrate your passing the exam. You all deserve it."

Kanao nodded. "So dig in and enjoy! This is for Konoha’s future Shinobi."

The three smiled at the women and thanked them before gathering around the table. The mood was light and joyful, filled with laughter and chatter as they enjoyed the feast together, sharing stories about the exam.

As Kisuke looked at the scene around him, he thought, ‘This isn’t a bad feeling. Hope it lasts long.’


In a dimly lit room, Danzo Shimura stood near a window, hands clasped behind his back as he stared out at the village. The muffled sounds of life in Konoha barely reached him from this secluded place, deep within the bowels of the village.

Suddenly, without so much of a sound, a figure appeared behind him, kneeling on one knee. The ninja was clad in a dark cloak, his face hidden behind a cat mask adorned with a red stripe.

“So… how did it go?” Danzo said without turning around.

The masked ninja bowed his head slightly. "The entrance exam had just finished, and this year 329 students were accepted. Among them There were a few notable individuals who stood out and had the criteria you requested."

Danzo’s gaze remained fixed on the village beyond the window, though a faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Notable, you say? Give me their names."

The masked ninja reached into his cloak and produced a small stack of papers. He stood up slightly, extending the documents toward Danzo, who took the papers, finally shifting his focus from the window to the list in his hands.

Each paper had a name, picture, and details about the students' scores and performances during the entrance exam. Danzo flipped through them while setting few of them aside.

He paused on one paper, then another, silently assessing their potential. "Namikaze Minato," he muttered under his breath, his gaze lingering on the blue-eyed boy’s photo. "A promising candidate."

As he continued to sift through the list, Danzo came across a few others who piqued his interest. Finally, he closed the file and looked down at the masked ninja kneeling before him.

"Not bad," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of approval. "These children have potential… they could serve the village well if molded correctly."

Danzo handed a few of the papers back to the ninja, his fingers brushing over the names as if sealing their fate. "Send people to bring them to me. I want to train them as fast as possible. Entering the academy will be just a waste for them. We'll determine if they're worth... grooming."

The masked ninja bowed his head deeply. "Understood, Danzo-sama. I will send operatives immediately."

Danzo nodded, his eye narrowing once again as he turned back to the window. "Konoha needs strong pillars… pillars who will protect the village from the shadows, regardless of the cost."

The ninja disappeared as silently as he had come, leaving Danzo alone once more. The elderly shinobi's mind began to churn, planning how best to mold his shadows.

“Hurizen thinks that I'll be satisfied by just giving me the Anbu leftovers that aren't worthy to stay under him.”

Despite being the head of the foundation, Danzo wanted to cultivate kids so they would be only loyal to him. And would do everything he asks without questioning or reporting back to the Hokage.

“I'll build my own unit to be better than the Anbu.”

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