Naruto: My Hiddden Village

Chapter 10: Solidarity in Sorrow

After a long and tiring journey that felt like it had drained every last drop of energy, 'Venom' finally arrived at the Valley. A familiar sensation greeted Tsubasa as 'Venom' pierced the earth's surface, emerging right inside his own house. The wooden floor of his home felt soothing after being trapped in a tense journey for so long.

The fresh valley air and the distinctive scent of pine immediately greeted his sense of smell, a stark contrast to the stuffy and foul air of the Karasuma prison. This momentary relief, however, was unable to erase the heavy burden he now carried. The pine scent, usually calming, now felt bitter, reminding him of a peace that now seemed far out of reach.

After ensuring it was safe—a habit ingrained after his experiences—Tsubasa released 'Venom' that was enveloping his brother's body with the gentlest of movements.

Carefully, he moved Ozora and laid him down on the bed in the next room. Ozora looked like a candle about to extinguish, the flame of life in his eyes barely visible. His skin was deathly pale, his lips dry and cracked, and his breathing shallow and weak.

Then, with a somber face full of grief, Tsubasa called his subordinates. Worry constricted his chest, but he knew he couldn't face all of this alone. He needed support and strength from the people who had been faithfully by his side all this time.

Not long after, Ginga, Kyoya, Benkei, Ayame, and Madoka had gathered in the main room of Tsubasa's house. Their presence, although in a tense atmosphere, provided a little warmth amidst the cold despair. The faces he knew so well, although now filled with worry, were a glimmer of hope in the darkness surrounding him.

Hotaru did not join as Tsubasa had asked her to look after the three young children. He knew that what he was about to say was not suitable for children to hear. The shadow of a future full of uncertainty and violence should not rob them of their innocence.

Hotaru nodded in understanding, although her face also radiated the same worry. Hotaru's eyes, usually cheerful and warm, were now dimmed, reflecting the gravity of the situation they faced.

His five subordinates were shocked and worried to see the sad expression on Tsubasa's face. They had never seen Tsubasa this sad before. Their leader, who was usually calm, now looked fragile and enveloped in deep sorrow.

This sight made their hearts sink; a bad feeling enveloped their minds. The Tsubasa they knew had always been a cheerful figure, and seeing him broken like this made them feel like their world was collapsing with him.

"Tsubasa-sama, what happened?" Ginga asked, being the first to break the oppressive silence. His voice was full of anxiety, reflecting the confusion and worry everyone in the room felt.

Ginga's eyes stared at Tsubasa questioningly, seeking answers to the drastic change that had befallen their leader. Ginga, who was usually enthusiastic and full of energy, now looked withered, affected by the aura of sadness emanating from Tsubasa.

Tsubasa took a deep breath, trying to calm his turbulent emotions before recounting the terrible events he had just experienced. The air in the room felt heavy and oppressive, as if it too felt the sadness radiating from Tsubasa.

In a soft but firm voice, Tsubasa briefly explained what had happened. He told them about his discovery in the Karasuma clan's prison, Ozora's terrible condition, and the tragic death of their parents.

Each word that came out of Tsubasa's mouth felt heavy and painful, like digging up old wounds that had not yet healed. The shadows of the dark and cold Karasuma prison, the hoarse voice of his brother, and the corpses of his parents haunted him again.

Oppressive silence returned to the room after Tsubasa finished his story. This time, the silence felt thicker and more suffocating, filled with echoes of sadness and restrained anger. This silence was not just an absence of sound, but a real presence, pressing on chests and making breaths catch in throats.

His five subordinates remained silent, their faces deathly pale with shock and anger. They had never imagined that the Karasuma clan would commit such atrocities against Tsubasa's family. This cruelty was beyond humanity's limits.

Ginga, Kyoya, and Benkei clenched their fists tightly, their faces flushed red with anger. Their jaws hardened, their teeth gritted as they held back the outpouring of emotion. Every muscle in their bodies tensed, ready to explode in fury.

Ayame and Madoka covered their mouths with their hands, their eyes glistening with tears that were desperate to escape. Ozora's suffering and the tragedy of Tsubasa's family touched the deepest recesses of their hearts. The tears welling up in their eyes were a reflection of the pain they felt alongside Tsubasa.

"Tsubasa-sama, we must immediately take revenge on the Karasuma clan!" Ginga exclaimed in a voice trembling with rage. His emotions exploded; he could no longer contain the burning anger in his chest. He wanted to act immediately, punishing the perpetrators of this atrocity as severely as possible. Revenge was the only thing that now filled his mind, blinding rational consideration.

"That's right, Tsubasa-sama, this cruelty cannot be allowed to stand!" Kyoya and Benkei chimed in with equally angry voices. They agreed with Ginga, that revenge was the only way to restore honor and demand justice. Their spirits blazed, ready to fight for Tsubasa. They were loyal warriors, ready to risk their lives for their leader and friend.

Tsubasa raised his hand, stopping his subordinates' outpouring of anger. He understood their feelings, he also felt the burning desire for revenge in his heart, but he knew that acting rashly would only cause bigger problems. Hasty revenge without careful planning would only plunge them into the abyss of destruction.

"I understand how you all feel, I also want to take revenge immediately," Tsubasa said in a calm but determined voice. "But we cannot act rashly. We must think of a well-thought-out plan to take revenge. We must not be carried away by emotion and make mistakes that will harm us."

Tsubasa's words came out steadily, showing that even though his heart was wounded, he was still able to think clearly and rationally. The firmness in his voice was a marker that despite his grief, he remained the leader they trusted.

The anger of Tsubasa's subordinates subsided slightly after hearing Tsubasa's explanation. They knew that Tsubasa always acted with a cool head and careful calculation.

They believed in Tsubasa's leadership and were confident that he would guide them on the right path. Their trust in Tsubasa never wavered, even in difficult times like these. Tsubasa was their compass, a guide in the storm of life.

"Yes, Tsubasa-sama, we will follow your orders," Ginga, Kyoya, and Benkei said in unison, bowing their heads as a sign of obedience. They accepted Tsubasa's decision, although the desire to take revenge immediately still burned in their hearts. They would restrain themselves for the sake of their trust in Tsubasa.

Ayame and Madoka could only nod in agreement, still trying to suppress their emotional shock. They entrusted all decisions to Tsubasa, confident that their leader would take the best steps for them all. They were loyal followers, supporting Tsubasa unconditionally.

Tsubasa nodded, he knew that his subordinates would always support him no matter what his decision. Their solidarity and loyalty were the greatest strength he had at this moment. Their unconditional support gave Tsubasa the strength to remain steadfast amidst the storm of sadness and anger. They were his family, and they would not leave him.

"However, more important than anything right now is Ozora-nii-san's condition," Tsubasa said in a soft voice, showing his deep concern for his brother's condition. His priority was now clear, saving his brother was above everything else.

Tsubasa's subordinates fell silent after hearing Tsubasa's words. They realized that Ozora's condition was indeed more urgent to address at this time. Humanity and brotherhood should be prioritized above all else, even above the desire for revenge. They forgot their anger and focused on Ozora's suffering.

"How is Ozora-sama's condition, Tsubasa-sama?" Ayame asked in a worried tone. She imagined Ozora's suffering in the Karasuma prison, and her heart ached imagining the physical and mental wounds that Tsubasa's brother had to endure.

"His condition is very bad," Tsubasa replied in a sad tone. "Physically, he is very weak and badly injured. But what's more worrying is his mental condition. The trauma he experienced in the Karasuma clan's prison is very deep. He seems to have lost his soul. Although he can still slightly recognize me, he shows no desire to live at all. He is just sullen and silent." Tsubasa recounted his brother's condition carefully, trying to convey how severe Ozora's trauma was.

Hearing Tsubasa's explanation, the atmosphere in the main room became even gloomier. Everyone felt worried and sorry for Ozora, imagining the suffering he had endured. The image of Ozora being tortured in the Karasuma prison haunted their minds, making their hearts feel heavy and constricted. They all felt Ozora's suffering as if it were their own.

"Then, what are we going to do now, Tsubasa-sama?" Madoka asked in a soft tone. Madoka, who was always thoughtful, tried to find a solution in this bleak situation.

Tsubasa took a deep breath, looking at his subordinates with a serious gaze. "Right now, our top priority is to save Ozora-nii-san," Tsubasa said firmly. "We must find a way to heal his mental trauma and restore his will to live." Tsubasa's decision was final; he would focus on healing his brother before thinking about anything else.

"But how, Tsubasa-sama? Mental trauma seems difficult to heal," Ayame said hesitantly. She realized that physical wounds might be healed, but inner wounds were often more difficult to treat and required a very long time.

"I know this will not be easy, but I will not give up," Tsubasa said with burning determination. "I will conduct research and find a way to heal Ozora-nii-san's mental trauma. I will definitely find a solution." Tsubasa's eyes radiated strong conviction, infecting everyone in the room.

Tsubasa's subordinates exchanged glances, they saw a strong determination radiating from Tsubasa's eyes. They knew that Tsubasa never joked with his words. If he had made a decision, he would definitely carry it out until successful.

"We will support you fully, Tsubasa-sama!" Ginga, Kyoya, and Benkei exclaimed in unison, showing their unwavering loyalty to Tsubasa. They were ready to do anything to help Tsubasa save Ozora. Their loyalty was an invaluable strength, a bond that could not be broken.

"Thank you, everyone," Tsubasa said with a thin smile, feeling touched by his subordinates' support. "For now, let's postpone our revenge plan. Let's focus on saving Ozora-nii-san." Revenge could wait, but his brother's health could not.

"In addition," Tsubasa continued, his voice softening, "We must also give a proper burial to our parents." Tsubasa asked his subordinates to help care for Ozora and prepare for their parents' funeral.

They all worked together to lighten Tsubasa's burden, showing their solidarity and loyalty to their leader. In an atmosphere of grief, they comforted each other and worked together to face this difficult time. Their togetherness was a fortress of defense in the midst of sadness.

The next day, Tsubasa and all his subordinates held a funeral for his parents. The valley was filled with an atmosphere of grief and anger, but also solidarity and determination for revenge. A gentle breeze carried whispers of prayers and promises of vengeance.

Tsubasa knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in his life, a chapter full of challenges and struggles. However, he would not give up, he would face all these challenges and struggles for his family and for the honor of his clan.

His vengeance against the Karasuma clan would motivate him to become stronger and wiser. This grief would not break his spirit, but rather become a whip to keep moving forward. He would rise from this sadness, stronger than before.

And with the support of his subordinates, Tsubasa was ready to face a future full of uncertainty, but also full of hope.

After the funeral was over, Tsubasa gathered his subordinates to convey his orders. The sun began to lean westward, radiating a melancholy orange light, as if it too felt the sadness enveloping the valley. The light of the evening sun was a silent witness to their sorrow and determination.

"After this, I will begin to conduct research," Tsubasa said in a serious tone. "And I need your help to look after Ozora-nii-san and make sure he gets enough rest." Tsubasa would focus on research to heal his brother, while his subordinates would ensure Ozora received the care and attention he needed.

"Yes, Tsubasa-sama!" all of Tsubasa's subordinates answered in unison. After that, Tsubasa immediately went to his research room, determined to begin his research to save his brother. His steps were firm and full of conviction, even though the burden on his shoulders felt increasingly heavy. He would bear this burden for his brother, for his family, for his clan.

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