Naruto: Mind over matter

Marriage Proposals

-3 days later-

So I need a new place, to both live in and have space for my not-puppets... in combat the Almighty is amazing- but for my wallet it is not.

I had it constantly training when I got it so I didn't think on where the hell I should put it.

Technically right now buildings are much cheaper due to the village needing to rebuild and give homes to anyone who actually needs it, so that is a plus...

I could take a loan out from the village and deduct a cut from the missions I do. But that means no more not-puppets till I can afford it again.

Or I could have absolutely no space in my home and see what happens..

Another option is to permanently cut my chakra in half by fuelling my puppets all the time and keeping them training at a public training ground...

That might be my best option. Almighty needs not-puppet maintenance every three days so it does not malfunction and Ace once a week...

Haaa~ ill find some shitty apartment again and keep Almighty constantly practicing with the Odachi- ill have Ace on a constant researching project in the library and at night his Taijutsu will be practiced.

So I still need money for both an apartment and materials to repair Ace.

Almighty needs another week of chakra input and I met Asuma-san and he is fine with keeping him for a bit so that's great.

Oh I also need new clothes, I'm going through a growth spurt and also my house got crushed by a snake and its all ruined.

Adding onto that I also need new household stuff.. the only things that Anko could really scavenge were my notes and documents.


Sasuke is bedridden alongside his sensei, and Naruto wont be back for weeks apparently so I may or may not be stealing his apartment until I can afford my own- cannot stay at Shikamaru's forever.

And that's pretty much the quick future figured out.

Long term future plans though?

Jutsu, making me some new and shiny jutsu, alongside learning some wind and earth release jutsu.

New models different from my sentinels that will be much more useful in different tasks as well as making my last sentinel.

It isn't going to be another almighty because when I heard his price tag I had a mini heart attack.

I made the sentinels to be my fighters, the confrontation group. Anything I split myself into can use my three unique releases and some basic chakra innate abilities like tree walking and such, meaning for Ace to be at his full potential I need to make more jutsu.

Ace- Taijutsu.

Almighty- Kenjutsu, and poison. (Tailed beast resistant)

???- Something ranged to help balance out the squad. A bow perhaps? Maybe a senbon specializing sentinel? I could also do mid ranged so something with chains?

This is for the future though, right now all my plans need money, so missions.


Pov: Hiashi Hyuga

I love my family- I do.

But failing my position as the clan head and member of the main branch could force the Elders of the Hyuga to 'punish' me in some ways.

Would they take away my clan head status? No, they couldn't. But I could be caught away from home for any manner of things and suddenly my Daughter is enslaved due to being 'inadequate'.

Something ill make sure never happens.

Yes I am harsh but I need to be. To uphold my heritage and especially so after the many things that Konoha has been going through.

Do I wish I could change things? Yes, In a heartbeat. But a clan is not just its leader, unfortunately I don't make all the decisions and able to shelter all my extended family, I need others to do so many things all so the Hyuga can live and not be hunted.

Which is why I have been so happy with my daughter-Hinata lately, she has been more outspoken, stronger and rarely stuttering when she is prepared to face the elders and me, she has been especially happy and less depressed since coming home with a golden bracelet on her.

I may have confronted her about her relationship with Riku and I may of panicked when she looked at me like I was an idiot. Then she started humming and wouldn't stop smiling when she came home with a fox necklace.

When I confronted her about THAT she definitely gave away her desires for the jinchurikii by blushing and stuttering so much.

And to be frank- I have no clue on what to do when my daughter has interest in a boy.

What I did find out from all this is that Riku, a young man who Ko said had been helping my daughter solving her problems for quite a while now and apparently best friend to my daughter is in somewhat of a poor situation, crippled body at young and he overcame death through diligence and hard work, he overcame death during the preliminary tournament in the chunin exams and also someone who rumour suggests made the three children of Rasa surrender one of which being a rampaging Jinchurikii- subsequently making many sand ninja surrender as well.

Why am I bringing up Riku? The Elders of the clan have suggested integrating him into our clan when we discovered he had a Telekinetic sight of sorts that does not rely on using the eyes- aka a golden opportunity to make more powerful Hyuga in the Elders eyes.

And why have I mentioned all above for my love of family and duty to the Hyuga always clashing? The Elders insisted that Hinata is close to the boy and therefore able to 'help persuade him into the Hyuga' to put it nicely. Which means I have to work overtime making a better proposal to persuade him into the Hyuga instead of sicking my daughter on him, who loves another boy...

I'm hoping that an arranged marriage with another willing member of the family plus an additional sponsorship to help him create more of his impressive puppets and giving him a residence to store and let him live at will be enough, if not I don't know what ill do...


-1 day later-

-Hyuga compound: meeting room-

Pov: Riku

So all my problems can be fixed- there is a catch though, I have to become the fiancé of someone named Eiko Hyuga. We met and had tea for an hour and then she left five minutes ago so I could think about the proposal.

She has long straight hair like most Hyuga, pale with cute and bright features. Very slim- sorry I mean she is sick slim, some blood disease she was born with that makes her frail and cold all the time, nothing life threatening though.

Her personality is bubbly and caring, but I'm pretty sure I saw hints of a predator like gaze when she thought I couldn't see her, my Telekinetic sight caught that.

So I'm at a loss on what to do... marry into a rich family and get all my monetary goals solved. The biggest thing though is that someone named Ko approached me and asked if I could accept this marriage in order to help one of my best friends Hinata... I would've probably refused right now if I wasn't told that to be honest.

Again I'm at a loss here so I think I'm going to ask for some time to think about it and collect my bearings considering my current situation.

I step outside into the hall where Hiashi is waiting for me.

"I'm sorry but I am currently unable to come to a decision.. would it be possible to postpone my decision until I recollect myself after the recent attack and think about what may be best for me?"

Hiashi looks at me in the eyes before speaking

"That is understandable. Is there something in the arrangement that is making you tilt towards saying no? The Hyuga are capable of many things, perhaps Eiko is not to your liking? We had another volunteer but they were from the branch family. Would you like to meet them?"

"Ah no, it is not a question of if I liked Eiko or not, that is a question for months or years later when I get to see all aspects of her, so no it has nothing to do with whom I'm marrying but rather that I am marrying to begin with, it is a big part of life to dedicate it to someone else and I would like some time to think about if I should or should not do this."

He gives me a stern nod before escorting me out of the compound, I give a final bow and head to Naruto's apartment.

Lets see how long I can postpone this... also have to look at places to stay tomorrow too, I cant stay at Naruto's when he gets back... or I can marry and have a pretty decent house?...haaaaa-

Lets just sleep on it.


-1 day later: afternoon-

Everything is going wrong quickly. Somehow word about me talking to the Hyuga family got out and now I have received multiple invitations to multiple clans.

This is going to be a busy week...


Pov: Hiashi Hyuga

I'm sorry Riku but spreading the word of you prospecting the Hyuga's to join them would take my daughter out of the equation entirely, I'm positive that you would of done the same in my position.

Now it isn't a matter on the person, but rather what the clan can do for his bloodline. Now my daughter can be safe and protected, like I have protected her many times before.

I will still have to try and procure Riku for the clan however I can do so without worrying if Hinata will be forced to do anything if I failed to get Riku to join us.

This has gone very good, and quickly too.


-5 days later-

I have been unable to do anything other than a few D-rank missions lately for money, why? Because these past few days I've been preoccupied with meetings of various clans and I decided to compile a list of who and what I'm getting into with each clan.

1- Eiko Hyuga. She has long straight hair like most Hyuga, pale with cute and bright features. she is sickly slim, some blood disease she was born with that makes her frail and cold all the time, nothing life threatening though.

Her personality is bubbly and caring, but I'm pretty sure I saw hints of a predator like gaze when she thought I couldn't see her.

I will gain money, a house and clan backing of the Hyuga clan.

2 - Toyoko Inuzuka. Short dark brown hair in a windswept fashion like mine and a tanned tomboy who has strong and stern facial features, that is when she isn't smiling, she turns from stern to the cutest fucking thing you will ever see when she smiles.

Her personality is serious and a workaholic, but when in private she becomes timid and embarrassed around me.

Ill get a house and backing from the Inuzuka clan..

3 -  Miyu Kurama. Shoulder length curly black hair and fine white skin that is scarred along the torso, has calm and heroic features and she is tiny- like really tiny, top of her head reaches my chin, has the prettiest face and most calming eyes.

Her personality is calm and serene, very hard to start conversation though as she is gentle and quiet in personality.

Ill get a house and Kurama clan backing.

4 - Reina Nara. Pineapple hair like Shikamaru and milky white skin, pointy and cute facial features and has an eyepatch with small burn wounds around her eye which she covers with make-up- not to blend it in but rather have war paint or jester like designs on her face, she loves messing with make up- supposedly a hobby she has in her free time.

Her personality is sleepy (classic) until you say/do something she likes and she 180's into a ball of excitement.

Ill get a house, money and discounts from any store run by the Nara's, and they will dedicate some of there minds to help make my kekkai genkai Ninjutsu when available, plus the Nara clan backing

5 - Ayumi Akimichi. Long brown hair that goes all the way down to her knees, with rounded and vibrant facial features. Has two prosthetics which replace her legs below her knees, not foot like but the single bar of bendy metal prosthetics.

Her personality is fast and tomboyish, and she likes to train her flicker and any speed technique she can get.

Ill get a house, Discounts at every store the Akimichi run and clan backing from them.

6 - Masuyo Yamanaka. Wild bright blonde hair that doesn't go down, beautiful and calm features and scars all over, the younger sister to Mariko... I don't know what to say about that if anything. Is tanned and has tan lines like Mariko however and also the muscle.

Her personality is strong and blunt, she giggles in an intimidating manner but unlike her sister is highly intelligent and doesn't focus just Taijutsu but rather the Yamanaka techniques as well.


And that is everyone I have met and everything I can remember about our meetings the problem is who do I choose? And should I choose any of them? Should I try my luck on random encounters for my love life or try my luck with an arranged marriage? I'm lucky that this means Hinata wont be forced to do nothing, and I'm pretty sure if I just say 'no' I might be back at square one... Nevertheless I wish to try love eventually in this life, Luke was never interested but I am...

What to do...decisions...decisions....

I have time, roughly a month or two to decide whatever it is that I choose.

Till then ill keep myself busy so the council of the best in Konoha (my group of friends) can help me decide.


Thanks for reading :)

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