Naruto: Mind over matter


Pov: Almighty

Yet another enemy to not be effected by my fog... it seems that I will have a lot more chakra to play with here.

Lord Riku summoned me on top of the building and I slid down the side and into the meeting room he was in prior.

Multiple fights are happening and it seems to be a massive mess.

Everyone is busy... and I cannot tell where to enter this fight.

I see Gaara and Temari fighting the needle wielding swordsman and Zabuza the man who team seven killed.

I see the Tsuchikage and his two guard's winning against four jinchurikii and the Mizukage and her guards in a defensive battle keeping everyone else away from those fights... it seems they are trying to handle them separately.

I grasp my Odachi but stop to listen to my boss.

'Ignore the battle, the Kage and the bodyguards can handle themselves... come aid me for when the inevitable ambush arrives' The Rock Sage tells me and I listen, I launch out of the wall and unfortunately I am stopped by a few dead men... a few are outside keeping the eight tails separated... that means they wanted them separated and we made a bad call.

I unsheathe my Odachi and point down from above my head, ready for battle.

Wait... these are alive shinobi?


[Dominion Aura: Expanding Fog]

A layer of fog washes over the battle field.



These ninja look like that Akatsuki member...


Pov: Riku

I send my Kunai flying towards the masked man like homing missiles and I watch as each of them phase through him- I make sure they constantly fly around us and fling themselves at the masked man... if he lets go of that phasing ability...

The masked man slowly watches the Kunai and I start off another set of hand signs- which in turn makes him vanish and appear behind me, I body shunt out of the way and I attempt to complete the summoning of Anchor but to my disappointment he has completed a fire jutsu and bombards me.

I cancel my jutsu and fly up higher and away with a force burst.

I launch all my Kunai into the flames.

*Tink* *clink* *tunk*

I hear them being deflected? Why didn't he phase through them...? And as if on cue a figure emerges from where the man once stood.

White hair, pale flesh and a terrible match up for my skills.

The bone man that nearly killed me replaces Tobi's position and flies towards me with great propulsion.

Without though I [force burst] upwards and away getting further than he can launch himself.

I watch the bone man fall and land on the roof... staring up towards me.

Fast, powerful and capable of getting past my defences easily... and I cannot use telekinetic jutsu on his weapons as they are himself and passively filled with his own chakra...

If I am mind he is body...

I cant stay up here forever, force burst as a jutsu doesn't let me hover only fly- I use it every five seconds and although Emrys can make me lighter...

Anchors Chain blade would be pinned in an instant with a bone shot and I wouldn't bet on the bone man missing his shots.

As I think on what to do the Bone man launches bone projectiles at me- *Woosh!* sharper then steel these bones fly past me and all I can do is dodge with my bursts of speed.

Damnit this is a waste of chakra!

I make Emrys drop the lightening and expand his senses... Tobi is gone to attack the eight tails...

As I catapult to the roof where Bone man I take a few hits- two bones scratch my shoulder and one implants into my leg- *Crash!* I land on the roof and despite my injury I use Emrys's [Dominion Aura: Point Burst] to kick the bone man in the abdomen.

*Slam!* I hit him fast and take my foot back before the ribcage can take my foot.

He pops a bone put of his shoulder and slashes it forward like a sword- I [Point Burst]! Backwards and summon my own.

"Come here you little fuck!" Edge yells and I grasp him.


Our weapons meet and I use both of Emrys and Edge to the best of my ability in order to defend against him.


Pov: Gaara

Why does it feel like something is wrong....the jinchruikii don't look like the other dead... why is that? The cracks and eyes seem the same but the movements... the swordsmen are unwillingly moving and the jinchurikii seem to be controlled in a different manner.

But how? And why? And why are they not using their signature jutsu?

The needle sword pierces my sand shield.

"Shukaku!" I yell.

"I know, I know!" The tailed beast that resides in me yelps back.

The needle retracts once more and I spread my sand throughout the room... he is setting up a trap- one that I cannot deal with due to *Slash!* Zabuza.


A rock the size of me barely scrapes by me.

This room is far too crowded.

... all this snow is limiting the use of getting more sand and I cannot leave this room at all... I should have brought a bigger gourd.

And just as expected the needle wielder pulls on the back of his sword- *Zzip!* causing all the wires spread throughout the room to converge on my sand... too little sand to block from every direction.


Suddenly a blast of magma launches and cuts through the wires, the Mizukage smirks at me and I nod in thanks.


A bright light assails my eyes and I see Zabuza's lower half reduced to atoms as the Tsuchikage turns his jutsu for a moment.

I raise all my sand around Zabuza and I engulf him in a sand coffin.

"He wont die we need to seal him!" I yell.

The Mizukage's one eyed body guard launches past me and slaps a seal on the sand coffin.

"Defend me for a moment!" He yells.

I don't have sand but I grab a kunai that has been thrown into the wall and rush to attack the needle user.


the needle user is crushed by Riku who falls through the roof and holds back a long and powerful bone spear.

"Gods I hate this guy!" Riku yells and nods his head up- *Woosh!* which calls edge down to slice the bone spear in two.

"These guys are undead!" He yells.

"We know!!" Almost half the room yells back.

"No one told me!" He groans in annoyance.

Riku gets up as the bone man comes down and the sealing behind me is done... unfortunately that means no sand for me.

"Shukaku!" I yell again.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" He replies.

I watch as Riku dodges two of bone slashes and with incredible bursts of speed kicks the bone mans head- *BOOM!* in which Riku uses his destructive force to send him flying through the building.



A rush of chakra assails me and my transformation starts... now that I only have five percent of Shukaku in me I don't turn into the giant beast... but it is enough to summon more and more chakra into sand.

My body wraps like armour and the room fills with Shukaku's sand- *BOOOOM!*


The building shakes and explodes as my sand expands and destroys everything in sight- the Kage and every ally within the building flicker out to safety as I hurl all of Shukaku's sand at the dead people.


As the sand falls around us we all watch as the dead men who were caught off guard get swallowed by my sand and anyone that was in the room that could seal someone launches at the swordsmen.


But the Jinchurikii do not show.


Where are they?




"I see that I have to reveal my cards so early..." A voice booms out.

"Perhaps this wasn't just a simple announcement at all..." the Tsuchikage scoffs.

"No... it is just that- but what a better way to announce something... then killing all the great Kage..." The Jinchurikii's appear on the snowy cliff around us... skin peels and we all open our eyes to see that the Jinchurikii have rinnegan... and no cracks on them.

"Ah. We should have retreated with the Raikage" the Mizukage sighs.

Every ally sighs as well when the old Raikage... Mizukage... and Kazekage... my father walk up behind them...


The second Tsuchikage reveals himself, and to top it all off the Jinchurikii start to emit the jutsu they are known for...

And hundreds of shinobi reveal themselves behind that.


"This isn't too much is it?" The Jinchurikii covered in magma mocks... with the voice of 'Madara'...

I am glad I left Kankuro at home...

"No, bring some more" the Kage's, Bodyguards, Samurai and Mifune all twitch in annoyance when the fog behind us reveals a mountain of white corpses... with Almighty sitting on top as if it where a throne.

"You guys all go help the Raikage and retreat, I got this" Riku steps forward and dusts off his Hokage hat before placing it on again.

"Don't be an idiot brat! You cant win against all that!" The Tsuchikage mocks.

"I can keep them busy" He retorts.

"..." I sit in silence and look at the rest.

"And what? They will kill me? Oh no... anyway" Riku cracks his knuckles and *PUFF!* Smoke erupts around him as he summons all his terrors.


"Tch- lets go!" The Tsuchikage flickers away with his guards...

"We wont forget this Hokage" The Mizukage says before flickering away.

Riku nods to me and I flicker away with my guards... Mifune and the samurai run as well.

As we run we all hear.

"Dominion Aura"

Nine voices mingle coldly.


Pov: Naruto

"What!? Now?" I groan.

"Yes, you will be needed in the Hokage's office..." Almighty tells me and I get up.

"Stay safe Riku!" I yell out and flicker away to the roof of Konoha.

I cant believe Riku didn't take any guards! He should have taken something at least... I cant even run to help because he is all the way in Iron!

Stupid Riku!

I land and head into the currently being painted office of the Hokage... where Tsunade is already up and working.

"Granny!-" I am cut off.

"Naruto, you are to be kept under heavy supervision- you may not go anywhere alone anymore, Kakashi is late but he will be constantly watching you alongside team eight... and due to your current mission that includes team seven and team yamanko" She tells me.

I groan in annoyance.

"I don't need that many guards Granny!" I yell.

"You do, especially considering what Javelin is reporting right now- Shizune! Where did the bird go!" She yells and Shizune looks around.


"It... was summoned?" She says hesitantly.



"Get out and go Naruto, send Team Gai to the Summit immediately! And three teams of Anbu!" Tsunade yells.

"But we are all busy due to-" Shizune replies.

"Not another word! Have those root Anbu prove themselves and do something!" Tsunade yells and I take the moment to go back to Sasuke's new house...





"Where did you guys go?" I ask the house and no one is home...



"Kakashi-sensei! Did you pass Sasuke?" I ask.

"Hm? No... I thought he would be here...?" He says and flips another page of his porn.


"Lets head to training ground three... team eight has been waiting for three hours" Kakashi-sensei flickers away and I sigh.


Pov: 'Madara'

I rest and watch the battles from afar.

I dropped Kisame with around a thousand Zetsu to ambush the Raikage... they made some distance.

The group of Kage saw that Riku could by them some time as they rescue Killer B from my ambush... annoying.

I will have to kill the Terror quickly this time.


I said I will have to kill the Terror quickly this time!



Why are the tailed beasts not emerging! Are they resisting being controlled!?

No... then why are they stuck in the human jinchurikii...?

I replace my mask with my new one... revealing the Rinnegan, and I look into the distance with wonder...

How? What is causing this?

"Its the fog... my Zetsu were weakened and tired in it... but that Almighty is casting it and I had seen that he had resistance to the one tailed beast during the Chuunin exams... Almighty is made of Hashirama wood given life... able to resist many of the Jinchurikii and keep them from transforming" Zetsu appears beside me and I frown upon hearing this information.

"Why is Kabuto not sending his immortal warriors after the running Kage" I ask.

"He was more interested in killing the Terror... to see if he had gained immortality like Oorochimaru once dreamed of" Zetsu lets me know and I sigh.

"Have him kill the Terror then, I will help Kisame and your Zetsu get Killer B" Zetus vanishes into the ground as I too vanish and appear in the battle between the Raikage and Kisame... Kisame is not faring well but he is putting up an amazing fight.

I grab my war fan and join the battle.

I have ten minutes to capture the eight tails before the other Kage arrive.

Thanks for reading :)

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