Naruto: Mind over matter


Pov: Anko

My dumbass genin has a month to prepare to fight his opponents in the tournament.

He should be training right now.

But I am happy he is not, I am happy that Yamato is yelling at him for saying 'I mean the sex was great, but the dying not so much'

I think he is deflecting what happened with humour.. Haaaa~ when did my favourite (only) genin become such a hassle.

We just spent yesterday getting his body up to speed and luckily there was no permanent damage, apparently when your patient can manually operate every part of his body the Medic-Nins have a much easier time healing them.

Why haven't we lectured to him about prioritizing his life over shitty exams? We did, we had that discussion yesterday and I had to spend all last night consoling Yamato because he blamed himself for not knowing that his body was lifeless.

They are both idiots, its no ones fault, well except for the two other idiots that didn't know much about poisons and drugs, but I have already told Naruto Uzumaki their address and sponsored his next few pranks, love that kid- has guts and is loyal.

Technically there is no punishment in this village for being 'morally wrong' because well.... we are ninjas not soldiers. Everyone has silently agreed to give both Yuko and Mariko some punishments but nothing too harsh.

The harsh punishments have gone to the elders of the Yamanaka and Nara clan, not the heads mind you, just the old war minded fools that hold power in the clans.

Apparently they went behind Inoichi and Shikaku's back when rushing two brutes into seducing someone.. yeah war has permanently marked those guys, they always pull this kind of morally grey crap.

Just wish there was someone clearer to blame and it not be maybe these two random genins + 15 old guys spread out from here to there...would be easier to get some good old revenge then..

"Riku I want you to promise me.. Take care of yourself alright?"

"Yes, Yamato-sensei..."

Now that Yamato is done with the lecture lets get his training plan done.

Clapping my hands I huff a breath and speak up.

"Riku, me and Yamato will be gone this month working on a gift for you, it should be ready 4 days before your exam so you have time to train with it"

He looks at me inquisitively and before he speaks I cut him off-

"This is the tournament's first rounds, you will be fighting Gaara of the sand. Unfortunately because you spent a week with him and he watched your preliminary fight he knows quite literally everything you can do"


Neji vs Naruto

Shino vs Kankuro

Temari vs Shikamaru

Gaara vs Riku

Yoku vs dosu < winner fights Sasuke.


"We are preparing a secret weapon for you, a not-puppet, we will be creating a new model for you, do you have any design ideas, or style you want us to make it in?"

He thinks before rummaging through his desk and throwing me a book

"That has some designs I was thinking on for my next puppet..."

"Good, me and Yamato will look through it and surprise you."

I chuck the book at Yamato and continue.

"We blackmailed another Jonin to help you train this month, she will guide you on your swordsmanship and at least give you some basics with a katana- or... Yamato what the hell is the big ass katana called?"

"an O-"

"Fuck it I don't care, work hard we will be back at the end of this month"


Pov: Riku

You think I would be training something that takes a little less time to master right?

Double-sensei's and Anbu Moth don't think so, technically I'm training at triple the speed due to Ace and a wood clone thing Yamato-sensei leaves with me every morning. So all three minds and Anbu moth- I would describe what she looks like but she wears a half hood cloak and anbu gear... so moth mask is all I can really say- and Anbu moth giving three separate lessons while I'm disconnected and after every training session I reconnect and get the memories.

Me and ace are going through the basics of swordsmanship with a bamboo sword-thing while wood clone me is learning footwork?

I don't know really, apparently Anbu moth has a plan so that's good.

I also visit Hinata and Lee in the hospital every evening, making sure to drag Naruto with me as well, seeing him always improves Hinata's mood.

I also got to know lee and have been making sure he gets rest, he just keeps trying to train? I don't get it.

Oh and because I only train swordsmanship from morning to lunch and then spend free time in the afternoon, my two other me's have time to read notes and start making my next jutsu, then at night the wood clone disappears and Ace can spend the time studying for me!

Olay I might understand lee just a little...


-4 days till finals-


I. Fucking. Love. This.

"I fucking love this"

Anko barks a laugh and pats the new not-puppet.

Yamato smirks and starts to speak about its abilities.

"12 ft tall and built like a body builder this thing is heavy and slow, luckily your opponent cant run from this fight and isn't a speedy kid. Wielding an appropriately sized Odachi. Made from Hashirama wood, MY wood release- it is tough and when supplied with chakra can repair itself, though it takes a few hours for it to fully repair from any substantial damage. We have decided on storing the Odachi externally and all its internals are dedicating to a poisonous gas system, many holes open throughout the arms and legs, down the fore-arm and the out-side of your lower legs, the supplied gas will seep through those holes like escaping steam and you will be safe- *smack* inside the puppet"

The puppets chest opens up and oh my god. They built me a wooden mech.

"Now you don't need to be in this for it to work, because of your chakra you can be a mile away and no one would notice"

He takes a breath and Anko-sensei steps up.

"You will have to supply your own poison gas understood? Good. Now you still have to breathe in there so only use gasses you yourself have grown immune to- we used the design you had on page 43 of your book you labelled it as -Gladiator-"

It wears a Galea- a helmet that I associate most gladiators with, has two arm guards that go from the tips of its fingers up to its neck, but leaves the torso open, carving out the human male chest, a belt with green cloth wrapped around it going from just above the belly button to the knees, and two leg guards.

This. Is. Amazing.

"What about the chakra cost?"

"Its gonna take a chunk out of you to operate this yes- but when you grow older and your pool develops it won't be a problem. Even now the biggest drain would be the gas and using your ninjutsu with it, so don't panic"

She waves off my worry and continues"

"Now we saw your designs and plans and it was to our understanding that you were creating squads for each model right? So you can mix and match when on certain missions that require different skills. You wanted sentinels and a 'boss monster' sentinel, we thought that meant the heaviest hitter and decided to focus on making just that. Also I got onto that summoning stuff but you wont be able to use it till I work out some kinks here and there and you learn it, so after the exam alright kid? Now for the name, me and Yamato spent a bit thinking about this and because we made it- were naming it! How do you feel about..."

"[Sentinel: Almighty]"

I immediately jump and hug them both.

"This is the best thing I have ever gotten gifted, thank you so much! You two are the best SENSEI'S EVER!"

"Good because where broke now and need to mooch some dinners and lunch while we pay off this thing with some missions~"

Anko-the best-sensei declares and Yamato-The greatest-sensei chuckles at that, how much did this cost?

"Don't worry ill make sure to cook for you! As long as it takes!"

I hop into Almighty and split my third mind into it.

I feel powerful.


-Day of the chunin finals-

Pov: Hokage

The streets are packed and I watch the carriages and carts pull into Konoha.

"And so it begins..."

Me and my two guards flicker towards the stadium and I watch as the people find there seats.

An hour later the Kazekage arrives and sits on the chair besides me.

"Lord Kazekage! Arriving a tad early are we? You must be tired from your journey"

"Oh no... I am happy to make the trip, of course, your still hale and hearty... but the voyage might have been harder on you, Lord Hokage. Perhaps you ought to choose your successor soon?"

"Hahaha~ well, don't bury me yet! I hope to-- hmm? It seems young Riku has brought something to take on Gaara?"

I look ahead cutting myself off as I study the 12 ft tall wooden puppet, It enters the stadium and follows behind young Riku

Holding a massive Odachi over its shoulder it hushes the crowd as people stare in wonder.

Now is a good time as any I suppose, Sasuke is lucky he is last to fight.

Standing up I bellow to the crowd and young genin who stand within the massive stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Esteemed guests welcome! And a heartfelt thanks for your gathering here today... for the Chunin selection examination!"

A deep breath.

"We will now begin the matches between the candidates who beat the preliminaries! Please sit back... And enjoy!"

The proctor for this examination begins to explain the change in the roster as well as discussing the rules.

Neji Hyuga vs Naruto Uzumaki

The rest ascend to the waiting area...lucky there is a bigger set of doors for moments like this when a contestant brings something huge.

The fight begins and they ready there stances.

"Kage-Bunshin no jutsu!"

Multiple Naruto's puff into existence, I do not regret letting Naruto take that scroll now... he uses it well.

The Naruto's charge and Neji pushes two down jumping over them with a flip, he lands and starts to spin, releasing his taijutsu onto two other Naruto's.

The fight ensues with Neji giving the group of Naruto's a beatdown.

The fighting stops as a battle of wills start and the crowd is just as interested in the battle of words as they were with the skirmish.


Naruto summons dozens more of himself and the fight erupts again.

Crowding around Neji they are unable to hit him, Neji flings himself towards the Naruto at the back... smart if Naruto was a conventional ninja that is.

It was a shadow clone. Called it.

The other Naruto's start there attack again and Neji rotates violently, creating a pit around himself.. is that? Impressive Neji.

And yet your will states you are to die? Kick his ass Naruto..

Never mind, Neji flings himself forward.

"2 palms!"


"4 palms!"

"8 palms!

"16 palms!"

The beating is brutal and Naruto falls.

"Believing if your try hard enough you will win, it is simply a fantasy..."

"I told you... I'm a sore loser..."

The battle of wills continue, my will of fire stirs in excitement as Naruto delivers a beatdown in the style of words.

Neji scoffs and reveals his forehead, proclaiming the hateful legacy of the Hyuga.

The crowd is enthralled, and the minutes lass as Neji continues.

Naruto starts screaming and putting his hands together he doesn't have the ability to mould chakra... Naruto... I'm sorry...


This chakra..

Kakashi... so you have started teaching him?


the battle erupts again and Naruto fights like a beast, pouncing from wall to wall.

He charges at Neji and declares.


an explosion occurs but Neji is the one that remains standing.

Then without warning Neji is uppercut as Naruto wins and delivers his final blow in the form of inspirational words.

"The winner is... NARUTO UZUMAKI!"


Kankuro forfeits and the next fight commences.

It is an interesting fight as young Shikamaru hides in the shadows and Temari of the sand marks her positioning.

Much less speeches but it certainly isn't less interesting.

Using a makeshift parachute and waiting for Temari to back herself to the holes that Naruto created.

A smirk fills my face, that's one of our new chunin. I'm certain, Shikamaru has gone above and beyond in strategy and wit, coupled with his shadow jutsu it would be a crime to keep him a genin.

"I forfeit"



Is there something in the water in Konoha? Why the hell is our new batch so weird...never mind I almost forgot about Kakashi and his rival. And... Minato....and...Jiraiya.

Huh. Maybe there was always something in the water..?

Next round is... hmm. Riku.


Thank you for reading :)

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