Naruto: Escape From Konoha

Chapter 189: 185: Debt Collectors and The Wood Release Restart Plan

Chapter 189: 185: Debt Collectors and The Wood Release Restart Plan

Returning to the Land of Demons via a sea route from the Land of Tea took less than three days.

As a well-known bounty hunter, Kakuzu had over 40 years of experience, specialized in tracking down high-value targets listed on bounties. His extensive travels across the world, multiple visits to different countries, and in-depth knowledge of the ancient ninja world's cultures allowed him to blend seamlessly into various environments, as sometimes raw violence wouldn't suffice.

The core of effective camouflage involved understanding each country's unique situation and grasping their ancient and modern contexts, granting him the skills to navigate these unfamiliar terrains.

Among the nations in the world, the Land of Demons stood out as an incredibly unique country. It had a resemblance to the Land of Iron, with one representing the pure culture of priestesses and the other represented the pure culture of samurais.

In Kakuzu's early years, during the Warring States Period, cultures like Priestess and Samurai were were spread out around he world.

The priestesses would travel the world, offering their help and goodwill to those they encountered. Meanwhile, samurais embarked on self-discovery journeys, to hone their will, spirit and Kenjutsu through trials.

Despite the dominance of ninjas in that era, Priestesses, Samurais, and even Monks still had their place. Monks too roamed far and wide, spreading their beliefs and recruiting followers to their religion.

However, with the pacification of the Warring States Period, the power of ninjas reached its peak. The establishment of the one-country, one-village system gradually diminished the influence of priestesses, samurais, and monks. The culture of these groups took a backseat as the ninja culture took over.

In the past, the Land of Fire was an extremely large nation deeply rooted in the beliefs of monks. However, with the rise of ninjas, even the Temple of Fire, loyal to the Daimyo, lost its former majesty. Their ideals could only be spread to a limited area, and the traditional monk culture gradually yielded to the influence of ninja culture.

The Land of Demons witnessed a similar change with its Priestesses. In an era dominated by ninjas, the priestess culture that once thrived in the outside world gradually receded within the nation, protected by the main lineage of Priestesses, and their activities became more localized.

Moreover, most of the Priestesses within the Land of Demons were ordinary women, with only a few having special abilities. In an independent system like the Land of Demons, even the most powerful ninja couldn't challenge the Priestess's status.

The Land of Demons had an internationally recognized leader in the form of a Priestess. Still, interestingly, no bounty was ever placed on any of them in the underground market. This was a stark contrast to even major countries whose names appeared on the bounty lists. The bounty amounts for smaller nations and neutral states varied, but their presence was undeniable.

Despite Kakuzu's many years in the underground black market, he had never come across a Priestess from the Land of Demons on any bounty list.

The Land of Demons remained a peculiar country with a unique system, untouched by the overarching ninja framework. To Kakuzu, it was a haven of stability, particularly when compared to other countries embroiled in the Third Great Ninja War.

Similarly, there was no rampant underground black market in the Land of Demons, as he could have readily exchanged Hanzo's bounty directly within its borders.

With the eruption of the third ninja world war, the center of the ninja world shifted its focus to major nations like the Land of Fire. Meanwhile, the Land of Demons, situated as a remote, neutral territory, remained relatively inconspicuous, far removed from the mainland's turmoil.

However, Kakuzu was an exception. He maintained a financial partnership with the official medical company in the Land of Demons. While others focused on the five major nations, he was the sole person able to see these boundaries and perceive the essence of these things.

The Land of Demons underwent new changes every year. These changes were hidden from outsiders.

The establishment of the perfect road system attracted businesses increasing the economic development of the country. This increase in the economy facilitated the integration of ninjas and regular soldiers in the Land of Demons, leading to the creation of numerous military districts and a centralized governance structure.

These reforms, coupled with the highly efficient road network, reduced the travel times between towns and villages. They also made the issuance of high-level government orders more straightforward, supporting the government's efforts to centralize power. Additionally, the Land of Demons introduced new educational and healthcare reforms.

Each reform required huge amount of funds, along with a considerable amount of manpower and material resources.

While he remained unaware of the exact motives of the high-ranking officials in the Land of Demons behind these initiatives, it was evident that the country's power was steadily increasing.

These developments were skillfully covered up by the ongoing ninja war between the great ninja nations, after all, the major countries were the protagonists of the world.

However, Kakuzu understood that the wealth amassed within the modest Land of Demons might be on par with that of major nations. The primary reason it fell short in comparison to these larger nations was purely due to its limited territory and population. He couldn't help but have a single thought regarding the current Land of Demons – They were extremely ambitious.

What lay in store for the future?

Kakuzu pondered this question prior to his encounter with the mysterious leader mentioned by Bug Man.

He had a strong sense that the Land of Demons would undoubtedly not go unnoticed on the international stage in the coming years. As for the magnitude of the impact it would make, he couldn't predict. Nevertheless, it was certain to cause great consternation among the prominent figures of the five major nations.

Oni City's First Military District in the capital city, was separated from the bustling commercial district by a towering wall, effectively dividing the outside from the inside as if it were two different worlds.

In contrast to the lively commercial streets, the First Military District, officially known as such, exuded an air of seriousness and solemnity. This atmosphere was in stark contrast to the liveliness outside.

The protective wall that separated the commercial area from the First Military District was equally imposing, rivaling even the formidable barrier surrounding the entire Konoha.

Although the interior had undergone secondary expansion, it still couldn't match the sheer size of a Ninja Village. Such a distinction was expected, as a Ninja Village blended ninjas and civilians in a shared living environment, while the Land of Demons maintained a separation between its military and civilian populations.

In Oni City, the visible ninja teams primarily served as a law enforcement unit to maintain public order. free.c om

Upon entering the administrative area, aside from necessary guards, the area appeared eerily devoid of signs or sounds of human presence, which proved the guards concealed had excellent stealth ability.

The numerous powerful ninjas produced silently piqued Kakuzu's curiosity about the Land of Demons' future plans. The organization, strength, financial resources, and planning displayed by the Land of Demons raised questions about their ultimate objectives.

It was highly unlikely that these endeavors were done just for fun.

Moreover, for Kakuzu, the forty-year work contract was but a brief chapter in his long existence, much like his nearly forty-year career as a bounty hunter, offering a unique flavor of life. Such was the luxury of an immortal; there was no need to worry over the fleeting passage of time. This new journey was, in a way, an intriguing experience.


A momentary interruption broke his thoughts.

It wasn't Bug Man who was responsible for leading Kakuzu, but another member of the military staff, led Kakuzu onwards.

Following close behind, he spotted a man with raven-black hair and a rather handsome face.

Dressed in formal black attire whih was embroidered with roses, the ninja had an additional emblem on both shoulders—a circular fan symbol.

That was the crest of the Uchiha clan of Konoha.

Was this unfamiliar figure an Uchiha ninja hailing from Konoha, sent as an envoy? It seemed impossible that this highly secured place would admit outsiders, not to mention this Uchiha ninja work the official worker clothing with the rose emblem.

This could only mean one thing - this Uchiha didn't belong to Konoha but was instead affiliated with the military organization of the Land of Demons.

The lower-ranking staff escorting Kakuzu even offered a respectful salute to this Uchiha ninja, a sign of his elevated rank. He also had a strikingly familiar appearance.

Curious and interested by this revelation, Kakuzu remained calm. This unexpected development merely added another layer of interest to the mysteries of the Land of Demons' military organization.

Judging from the Uchiha's confident stride and his seamless demeanor, it was clear that he was at least a ninja of formidable caliber. Facing such an enemy with only a single heart was a challenge Kakuzu recognized. This fact merely fueled his curiosity.

"Kakuzu-san, we've arrived our destination."

The staff guiding him stopped before a door. They knocked first, only pushing it open after an invitation to enter was extended from within, allowing Kakuzu to step into the office.

The office environment was simple, striking a balance between luxury nor cheap. There were green plants in flowerpots placed near the window, while glass cabinets along the walls contained numerous books, documents, and accumulated materials.

Seated at a desk, a man in his twenties diligently processed documents arranged in an orderly manner. A half-empty teacup accompanied his workspace.

After bringing Kakuzu into the office, the staff silently exited, leaving Kakuzu and Shiraishi alone.

"I've heard about you for quite some time, Kakuzu-san. Please, take a seat." Shiraishi said as he rose from his sit, extending an inviting gesture.

Kakuzu seated himself on a nearby chair per Shiraishi's request.

"I've already drawn up the work contract. You can go back and have a proper look at the contract. And you can return it to me once you've signed it. If there's anything you're not satisfied with, you can sit and we discuss about it at a time."

Shiraishi retrieved the contract from a drawer and placed it near Kakuzu on the edge of the table. Rather than reach for the document, Kakuzu looked Shiraishi with interest and somewhat relieved expression.

"Aren't you the medical ninja from White Fang's team?.."

Though it appeared to be a question, Kakuzu's tone showed a high degree of certainty. After all, he couldn't forget this name, especially with the underground market offering a bounty of 45 million ryo. To Kakuzu, who gauged people's worth in their price, this was a name he couldn't afford to ignore. And at the same time, he now understood who the so-called "three leaders" were.

All three members of the former White Fang team, with the exception of their dead captain, Hatake Sakumo, had become internationally renowned S-class rogue ninjas who had betrayed Konoha.

Among them, Hyuga Ayane, with her Byakugan, boasted a bounty nearing 100 million ryo, signifying her immense value while only in her early twenties. There is a probably a chance of her surpassing the famous Hanzo and her teacher, Hatake Sakumo.

"Exactly, and at the same time, I am also the direct supervisor of Bug Man's team. They engage in specialized military operations as a secret force."

Shiraishi candidly acknowledged, recognizing the significance of maintaining transparency given their longstanding 40-year partnership with Kakuzu, and possibly even more years in the future.

Kakuzu nodded in understanding. Large organizations often had involvement in shady activities, as some actions were ill-suited for public exposure, such as stealing sensitive information from other countries, assassinating foreign important officials, and conducting secret investigations.

Bug Man's team, in particular, undertook such secret missions that couldn't be known to the public.

With nothing more to discuss, and being a man of few words, Kakuzu accepted the work contract from Shiraishi and left from the latter's office.

In the end, Kakuzu refrained from asking about Shiraishi's underlying motivations for promoting the development of the Land of Demons.

Since he had only been in this place for less than a day, he deemed such questions inappropriate. He believed that Shiraishi would eventually offer an explanation of his own accord. If not, it didn't matter, Kakuzu trusted in his own acumen to glean insight into the Land of Demons' future ambitions by observing its internal machinations.

Watching Kakuzu leave, Shiraishi fell into deep thought.

The recruitment of Kakuzu wasn't an impulsive decision; it had been well-prepared.

The war in the Land of Rain was merely a fortuitous opportunity. The Land of Demons indeed faced a shortage of elite ninjas.

The process of training such individuals, in terms of financial and material investments, was arduous and took too much time. Moreover, one had to account for the possibility of losing the candidates.

In general, Kakuzu's inclusion addressed the deficiency in the Land of Demons' military's high-level combat capabilities.

Prior to this, Shiraishi had conducted background research on Kakuzu. His significant regard for money and job contracts, as well as his reluctance to harm ordinary people, had been two key findings.

Kakuzu refrained from killing civilians not out of benevolence or concern for his conscience but due to the nature of his work. His interest lay solely in high-bounty special groups and individuals.

Killing ordinary people was not only unprofitable but also entailed unnecessary complications, with costs far exceeding benefits. As for killing in general, it was a practice viewed differently by the benevolent and the wise; after all, it was common for ninjas to engage in combat with one another.

On the contrary, Kakuzu, who prioritized profit and contractual integrity, proved more trustworthy than most other ninjas.

When Kakuzu set his sights on a target, they were far from ordinary individuals; they ranged from nobles representing various countries to officials from far and wide, and even specialized groups like ninjas.

Lost on the path of killing and accumulating wealth, all that remained was a vestige of his original personality. He had a deep understanding of how to navigate this world for his own survival. From this point of view, he was indeed a bounty hunter worthy of trust.

Shiraishi hoped that Kakuzu would maintain this code of conduct going forward and refrain from violating his last principle as a human being. Bounty hunters who betrayed their home and country clung to the integrity of their work, their only redeeming quality in the eyes of others. If this trust was violated, Kakuzu would face dire consequences, primarily at the hands of his employers.

Losing their integrity, those treacherous bounty hunters have no choice but to die.


Now, Kakuzu's new job title was "Debt Collector." a position he had recently undertaken on behalf of the Purple Rose Merchant Association.

The Purple Rose Merchant Association encompassed a wide array of companies, including the globally recognized Purple Rose Medical Company. Additionally, the association had a department dedicated to providing loans, which had debtors in countries across the world.

Two categories of debtors existed: They honest ones who repaid their loans im time, preserving their credibility within the Association. When next they request for a loan, they enjoy the preferential treatment of reduction in the interest rate.

An then, the dishonest debtors who borrowed but refused to pay, thereby forfeiting their credibility.

Dealing with such dishonest people often required the use of unconventional methods to expedite the repayment of overdue sums. And these Debt collectors were tasked with convincing these dishonest debtors to settle their accounts promptly, occasionally using unorthodox means when necessary.

The Land of Demons' military had driven the official establishment of an international debt collection division under the shield of the Purple Rose Merchant Association.

Debt collectors fell into four categories: gold, silver, copper, and iron, with gold being the highest rank and iron the lowest. Their responsibilities included interacting with businesspeople, celebrities, and even entire nations.

However, among all the Association's debt collectors, no one had yet achieved the highest gold rank. Currently, only three debt collectors held the silver rank, with the rest occupying bronze and iron ranks.

Moreover, the higher a debt collector's rank, the more higher their fixed monthly salary, and the gold medal debt collectors, in particular, received a monthly wage of 300,000 ryo, significant year-end bonuses, and the best social security benefits.

Kakuzu looked at the various benefits listed in the contract, his green eyes shimmering with interest. A 300,000-ryo monthly salary was a trifling matter, but the huge income stemmed from commissions and excellent social security provisions were different matters.

Kakuzu held a meticulously crafted round iron emblem bearing the Purple Rose insignia in his hand. This signified his status as a low-level iron-rank debt collector, yet regardless of the profession he pursued, Kakuzu demanded excellence of himself, setting a benchmark in the industry. Be it as a bounty hunter or a debt collector, he upheld exacting standards, aspiring to become the association's chief gold medal debt collector.


Konoha Year 46. Early February.

A heavy snowfall blanketed the land. It was during this time that Iwagakure and Kumogakure unexpectedly reached a truce agreement.

Iwa returned the body of the Third Raikage, and in return, Kumo provided compensation to Iwa.

Though the battle between Iwa and Kumo had drawn to a conclusion, however the Third Ninja World War still continued.

A few days after the truce with Kumo, Iwa quickly mobilized 3,000 ninjas and marched to the Land of Grass to confront Konoha. Faced with dwindling supplies, Iwa had opted for an all-or-nothing approach, breaking off all ties with Konoha and seeking a decisive victory.

At the same time, Kumo dispatched reinforcements to the Land of Tea. Thousands of ninjas, previously used to counter Iwa in the Land of Tea, were led by the Fourth Raikage himself and launched a large-scale invasion into the Land of Fire.

Under the pressure of Kumo's relentless advances, the Konoha forces commanded by Akimichi Tokukaze began to retreat. Only with the timely arrival of numerous elite ninjas from the Uchiha and other ninja clans were they able to hold their ground against Kumo's further assaults, albeit at the cost of significant losses.

While Kumo surged forward with unstoppable momentum, Konoha found itself in a precarious position, suffering particularly heavy losses with the Fourth Raikage personally taking the field. His presence had significantly boosted Kumo's morale and intensified the pressure on Konoha.

In the midst of chaos and war in the outside world, a shadowy corner of Konoha remained eerily calm.

Inside a dimly lit laboratory filled with yellow-tinted light, various experimental equipment adorned the workspace. Before an experimentation table, a figure with a blank expression, pale skin, and vertically slit snake-like pupils held a scalpel as they dissected a lifeless creature.

After a while, the lab's door creaked open, revealing someone who entered without the courtesy of knocking.

This newcomer's aura was cold and gloomy. The right half of his face was concealed by bandages, and his face had more wrinkles than before, showing he hasn't been doing well as of recent.

"Why are you here when you should be at the Root base? Did you come here to watch me make a fool of myself...Danzo?"

Orochimaru placed the scalpel down, wiping his hands clean of the blood with a white handkerchief, he fixed his gazed on Danzo.

"The front-line troops in the battle between Konoha and Kumo have lost. During the recent meeting, several ninjas recommended your presence on the Kumo battlefield. Congratulations, Orochimaru."

Danzo's seemingly congratulatory words, sounded bitter to Orochimaru's ears.

Orochimaru found amusement in the words, he let out a sinister laugh. "Don't make me laugh, Danzo. You know well that the more they support me, the more Sarutobi-sensei fears my existence. As you grow older, the fear of being forgotten grows within you. Sarutobi-sensei is reluctant to abdicate from his position."

Although the time for Hiruzen to step down had arrived, the village had grumbled about his gentle policies for quite some time.

So, after this war, it was almost a necessity for Hiruzen to relinquish his position. However, he couldn't relinquish the power he held over Konoha, for he remained steadfast in his belief that his balanced policies brought stability to the village. Therefore, he needed a Fourth Hokage who would heed his counsel.

Disobedience or weakness wasn't an issue for Hiruzen. In fact, having a Fourth Hokage without real authority and fame was acceptable. The problem lay in the fact that Orochimaru didn't fit this role. As one of the Sannin, he possessed not only prestige but also his own team. He became a force that tne Hokage sorely lacked, leaving only the Anbu which responds to the Hokage.

Even the Anbu ranks had been infiltrated by the Sarutobi clan. The most influential ministers and deputy ministers were Sarutobi clan members, effectively making them the dominant family.

In this situation, support for Orochimaru at high-level meetings would only force Hiruzen to abandon him as a disciple.

The Hokage's seat seemed to grow farther and farther away from Orochimaru's reach.

"Orochimaru, don't you feel any anger?" Danzo asked calmly.

"Anger?" Orochimaru sneered. "It's just a stupid political struggle. Whatever i desire i shall take with my own hands and i won't need the help of others to get them, even if that person happens to be my sensei."

Indeed, Sarutobi-sensei had indeed taught him invaluable knowledge and skills, significantly contributing to his achievements and mastery of ninjutsu. Yet, this didn't mean Orochimaru would follow Hiruzen's arrangements for the rest of his life.

"Even if you wish to gain the Hokage position through your own means, it's unlikely that the other two Sannin will support you.. Especially Jiraiya..."

"Jiraiya? He's grown used to Sarutobi-sensei's guidance ever since he was a child. Especially when it comes to major decisions, he never opposes sensei's ideas. It's as if he's living a life planned for him by someone else. Although he is my friend, this is what I precisely despise about him."

"Then why don't you support me in becoming the Hokage?" Danzo's eyes burned with ambition.

"Support you?" Orochimaru was caught off guard, and after studying Danzo's wrinkled face, he shook his head. "Ten years ago, you had the opportunity to compete for the role, but're just too old...."

Orochimaru turned away and resumed his research.

"Leave aside the matter of Hokage, I hope you will assist me in completing a research."

Danzo wasn't angry but instead extended an invitation to Orochimaru, acknowledging his genius mind and superior research abilities.

"What research?"

Danzo uttered just two words.

"Wood Release."

Orochimaru stopped his work and turned to cast a deep, scrutinizing gaze upon Danzo. "Sarutobi-sensei has banned the Wood Release research for many years. You should know what could happen if it's discovered that you're still conducting secret research on the Wood Release."

"I understand Hiruzen better than you do. Even if it gets revealed, he won't act against me. Moreover, I've arranged an important spy close to him, someone who will remain and unexpected." Danzo said confidently.

After thinking tor a while, Orochimaru spoke to Danzo, "I understand. I'm willing to study the wood release for you, but I expect to receive a share of cells as a reward for my research."

Danzo frowned but ultimately agreed to share to Orochimaru with a portion of Hashirama's cells in exchange for the research. Compared to the completed Wood Release, one serving of inter-column cells was a trifling offering.

Danzo smiled coldly in his heart at the prospect of Orochimaru succeeding in Wood Release research.

Hiruzen's most esteemed disciple was tangled in a forbidden research strictly prohibited by the village. If this matter was exposed, how would Hiruze face the villagers, let alone retain his position as Hokage? Danzo looked forward to seeing the other party's painful and regretful expression.

Since Hiruzen has refused to give up the Hokage position, Danzo had no other option than to force him to give up the position.

From that moment forward, Danzo was resolute in using his methods to save Konoha and Complete correct the outdated ideologies of Konoha's conservatives.


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