Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 7: More Training

"Well, I was also thinking of doing the same, but since I will not get any privacy in my room to meditate, I will also come to your room to do my meditation practice."


Both Kaida and Yomi went to Kaida's room and, without discussing anything, sat in the lotus position to begin their respective exercises.

Yomi just had to meditate since she had not unlocked her chakra, but it was by no means easy since her full concentration had to be on her exercise. Even a little distraction would interrupt and reset the whole progress.

At first, Yomi could only maintain her concentration for 5 minutes at max, but it steadily increased as time passed. On the other hand, Kaida was having much difficulty doing his exercise.

The exercise he was doing was known as leaf concentration, in which you have to stick a leaf on your forehead with the help of chakra while sitting in a lotus position.

When Kaida started to practice the exercise, he thought, *Hmmm, the old man said that chakra has both physical and spiritual nature. So, if I want to move my chakra, I just have to will it to move in that direction with full concentration. Let's try doing that.*

*Wow, my whole chakra started to move in the direction I wanted it to move, and I'm pretty sure I have to get a stream-like flow from there to stick on my forehead. Okay, let's try to imagine it as a river or a stream and see if it helps.*

When Kaida started imagining it as a river, the chakra did start to move in the form of a stream, but it was by no means a small amount. If we calculate the rate at which his chakra was flowing out of his chakra reserve, it would be around 20% of his whole chakra reserve per minute. So, at most, he could maintain this for 4 to 4 and a half minutes since he couldn't fully exhaust his chakra, as it is harmful for anyone to empty their chakra.

Kaida still decided to continue with the exercise while trying to limit the amount coming out of his chakra reserve. It was by no means an easy task as whenever he tried to slow down or reduce the amount, the chakra flow stopped immediately.

He continued to try, and after 5 minutes, his chakra became dangerously low. That's when he decided to meditate, as the old man had advised. Since it would take nearly 7-8 hours to completely refill his chakra, he decided to continue meditating as well.

They both kept practicing and only came out of their room to eat, but for different reasons. Kaida wanted to become strong and felt too old to play with some 4-year-old children. Though the age gap wasn't that big, he was nearly 14 in his previous life. As for Yomi, she wanted to catch up with Kaida's progress as soon as she could.

In the evening, when his chakra reserve was full, Kaida again started leaf concentration with nearly the same result, but there was a little improvement. The leaf fell a lot less from his forehead as he was able to maintain a steady flow of chakra for quite some time.

After that, he again started meditating until it was time for dinner. After that, both of them went to their respective rooms to sleep as they had to go for training tomorrow at 5:00 A.M.

**(Next morning...)**

Kaida and Yomi met at the orphanage door and went to their training area 15 minutes early. The old man was already there and said, "Great to know that my lesson did not fall on deaf ears.

Now I hope both of you have done the exercise I suggested. Come forward one by one so I can examine if there were any problems."

Since the chances of anything going wrong were low in these beginner exercises, the old man still decided to take no risks.

First, Yomi went forward. The old man again covered his hand with chakra and placed it at her back near the solar plexus. After 2 minutes, he removed his hand, stood back, and said, "Yomi, I can easily see that you have been diligent in your exercise, so if you keep doing it like this, I am sure you will unlock your chakra in a week or less."

After hearing that, Yomi's face bloomed like a flower. She thanked the old man and went back to her position. Then Kaida came forward.

The old man again followed the same procedure. Surprised, he asked Kaida what he had done yesterday. A look of understanding came over his face, and he said, "Kaida, it is already great that you were able to stick the leaf on your head on your first try. Don't worry, you will get better at it as you keep practicing the same exercise."

Kaida also thanked the old man and went back to his position.

The old man nodded his head and said, "I can see both of you are serious about your training, so I am just going to give both of you your training plans. You can come to me if you face any problems during your exercise. This damn office work doesn't give me much free time."

After that, he passed both of them a paper with full instructions about which exercises to do on which days, with running, stretching, and meditation being common for all days and one day of rest. Reading his training plan, Kaida asked, "Old man, why is there one day empty, without any training to do?"

"Well, giving rest to your body is as important as doing exercise, so don't do any exercise on that day. Just enjoy and play," said the old man with a smile.

Seeing that neither of them had any more doubts, the old man went back to his office, and Kaida and Yomi started their exercises.


Next Chapter: Improvements

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