Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 22: Mighty Roar

When Yomi was able to copy Kenji to an acceptable level, Kaida started his training. The first animal he decided to transform into was a monkey, as the book had said about the sudden shift in perspective, he first decided to transform into an animal that somewhat looked like a human.

Kaida imagined a complete image of a monkey with all the body parts he had read about today. As a die-hard fan of Ben 10, he visualized himself transforming like an alien, with each cell changing into something different.

When he performed the hand sign, at first nothing happened. He thought it didn't work, but just as he was about to stop, white smoke started to emerge from his leg and slowly covered his head. With a puff, all the smoke dispersed, and Kaida was transformed into a monkey.

Yomi, seeing that Kaida was able to perform this difficult task, wanted to congratulate him. He looked just like a normal monkey, a little fit one, but nothing out of the ordinary.

On the other hand, it was getting awkward for Kaida, as his clothes had not transformed with him, so he was standing there naked.

Coming out of his pile of clothes, he started to walk but fell head first. That was when it clicked to him what the book meant when it said it would take some time to get used to the change in perspective.

He went over his memory for details about monkeys and then remembered that monkeys use their tails to balance themselves.

He began his practice again. The first thing he did was forget how to walk and started to find the best way to walk according to his new body.

After some time, Kaida was able to walk on all fours as well as on two legs, though it felt more natural to walk on all fours.

After walking, he decided to try something that is a specialty of monkeys: tree climbing. When he went to the tree, he subconsciously transferred his chakra into his legs and walked on the tree. After reaching the peak, Kaida noticed what he had done.

The book said that controlling chakra while transformed into an animal is very difficult since they just imitate the physical nature, not the chakra veins.

But since he imagined his whole body transforming from cell to cell, he was able to modify the chakra veins to suit his new body, though subconsciously.

He jumped from one tree to another with the help of both his instinct and chakra. He was able to perfectly jump from one tree to another and even swing on his tail sometimes.

While Kaida was doing this, Yomi was standing on the ground, watching Kaida practice the jutsu.

When he first fell, she became worried and was about to help him but stopped when she noticed he was thinking. Whenever Kaida thought about something like this, he came up with a simple and easy solution to their problem.

This time, too, after just 10 minutes, he was able to walk like a monkey and do all the things a monkey would normally do.

She was watching Kaida, but suddenly he gestured for her to go somewhere. At first, she didn't understand what he was saying, but then he pointed to his clothes, and everything became clear. He was not wearing anything, so if he transformed back, he would be completely naked.

With a blush on her face, she ran back toward her house as it clicked to her that she was continuously watching him naked. A thought came to her mind about watching him transform back while hiding, but this made her face even redder. Now she could have competed with a tomato.

She swiftly went back to her house. Seeing this, Kaida laughed a little at the girl's antics and went down, removed the transformation, and just when he was about to get dressed, he thought, "Since I still have some time, why not try to transform into all of those animals?"

Then he transformed into a dog and a cat for half an hour each and became familiar with their specialties, like the smelling sense of dogs and the full-body flexibility of a cat.

At last, he decided to transform into a lion, the one he was most excited about. Once again, he imagined the transformation like the animation of Ben 10, with a modification that his transformation starts from the legs rather than the hands, as the jutsu starts from the legs. He did the hand sign again.

When the smoke faded, a majestic lion was standing around 6 feet tall with a light golden mane and golden fur.

All of its muscles were well-defined. Since he had already transformed into a four-legged creature, he didn't have any problems due to the change in perspective.

The first thing he did was try to run, which surprised him as he was able to attain the speed of 40 km per hour for 5 minutes.

But that seemed to be the limit as he was unable to continue running after that. After running, he decided to try the roar that lions are famous for. Taking a deep breath, he adjusted his vocal muscles a little and


Kaida was so stunned by this that he stood there for some time. His roar created sound waves that shook the trees.

He was pretty sure many people in the village had heard it and that many would be heading in his direction to check the source of the sound.

He quickly ran back toward his clothes. Fortunately, he had decided to run in a circle, so he was not far from his clothes.

He quickly transformed back and started putting on his clothes. Just as he had finished putting on his pants, some Anbu ninja arrived at his location.

"Boy, are you the one who produced that sound earlier?" an Anbu ninja asked in an authoritative tone.

"I am sorry, sir. I was practicing transformation jutsu and accidentally produced that sound. I will be more careful from now on," Kaida said with a calm expression.

After asking for some of his details, the Anbu ninja left, with a warning not to disturb the villagers with his practice. Even though Kaida maintained a calm front in front of the Anbu ninja, in reality, he was super excited.

The roar was awesome, though it had no practical use for a ninja as most powerful ninja work requires stealth and all, but why should he always do everything the ninja way?

With a smile on his face, Kaida went back to his house. Halfway there, he met with Yomi, who was going toward the training area to find him after hearing the sound.

Kaida explained to her that there was nothing to worry about, that he had only made that sound, but secretly he was smiling inside, seeing his little savior who was on her way to save him with great determination on her face.

They both went to their houses.


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