Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 16: Jutsu training starts

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After one week, their class became purely focused on the theory section provided by Kenji.

"Since you guys have only two years to study in the academy rather than three like every other student, you will be taught all the theories related to the shinobi world and their traditions.

You will also learn about geography and politics since most of the missions you will get will be related to outside the village. So, it is important to learn about our surroundings.

Normal classes like mathematics and science will also take place. You guys will have six whole months to focus on theory. After six months, an exam will be held where if your score is not satisfactory, you may be transferred to normal classes."

Listening to Kenji's warning, every student became worried and decided to focus on theory a lot more than they initially thought.

For six months, Kaida and Yomi decided to do physical exercise and leaf concentration in the morning and academic practice in the evening. 

Kaida didn't have any major problems with theory since his mental age was 14-15 rather than 6-7, but this led him to think there was some problem with ninjas. Who teaches a 6-7-year-old child algebra, calculus, and thermodynamics?

But seeing everyone else learning without any major problems, he concluded that everyone in the ninja world not only has a physical advantage over people in his previous life, but their minds are also more adaptable.

Thanking God that quantum physics is not explored in this world yet, Kaida began to focus on theory and also helped Yomi with her study. Though she was not on the genius side, considering normal standards, she was above average.

Sometimes Ryota also joined them in their study time, and this was how they spent most of their six months.

(On the day of the exam...)

"Kaida, are you not even a little worried about the exam?" Yomi asked while nervously biting her nails.

"Calm down, Yomi. Take a deep breath. We have practiced so much that forget about failing, I think we are going to get the top score in the exam. So don't worry," Kaida said.

They skipped their morning exercise and went towards the academy. They didn't have to take the exam for all the subjects; rather, a single question paper had questions related to all the subjects they were taught.

Every student sat at their designated location and started writing answers. The duration of the test was three hours, so everyone was focused on the test, and no one was even trying to cheat as two elite chunins were supervising the exam.

After three hours, the invigilators announced the end of the exam time and started collecting the answer sheets. After submitting their answer sheets, the students left the examination hall.

"How was your exam, guys?" Ryota asked.

"I was feeling so much tension in the morning, but the question paper was surprisingly easy. It went well," Yomi said with a grin on her face.

"Same here. What about you, Ryota?" Kaida asked.

"Well, thanks to you guys, I will at least not fail this exam."

After a small discussion, they went back to their houses. The results were disclosed the next day, and without any surprise, Kaida had the highest score with 196/200, followed by the Uchiha twins with 194/200. Yomi scored a little less with 193/200, but she was happy with her score. Ryota also managed to pass the exam, but he was not among the top scorers in the class.

The next day, Kaida and Yomi began their morning training, which had now been modified into a form of duel where they practiced taijutsu moves against each other, though not to the extent of actually hurting each other. After finishing their exercise, both of them took a bath and went toward the academy. When they entered the class, Ryota went towards them with Kiba.

"Hey guys, congratulations on your results! Is there anything you guys can't do?" Ryota said.

But Kaida looked past him; everyone in the class was giving them angry looks.

"What happened to them? Why does it feel like they are angrier than before?" Kaida asked Ryota.

"Actually, after the entrance exam, their training was doubled, not only physically but also in theory. But since you were again the top scorer, let's just say their clan's response was not very good," Ryota replied with an awkward smile on his face.

"Well, it's their fault if they are not as smart as Kaida. Why are we paying attention to them when we have our cute little Kiba here who deserves all our attention?" Yomi said.

"Woof," Kiba barked in affirmation.

Both Kaida and Yomi sat with Ryota at the side of the class and began playing with Kiba. After 10 minutes, Kenji entered the class.

"Good morning, everyone. It's great that everyone in my class passed the exam, though some of you barely managed a passing score. But still, since everyone passed, now that your theory part is completed, we will focus on the practical side. From today, you guys will be taught about Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and some Taijutsu. What I told you guys about two years in the academy was just a rough estimate. Mainly, you guys have to complete three tasks to graduate from the academy. The sooner you finish these tasks, the sooner you'll be able to embark on your journey as a ninja.

Coming to the tasks, your first task is to learn basic jutsu which are taught to all the students in the academy. That jutsu is the Clone Technique. This is a basic technique that every shinobi can use. For this technique, users create one or more afterimages of themselves to move alongside them.

Unlike most other clone techniques, these afterimages have no substance and thus are incapable of damaging opponents. Because of this, it is only useful for distracting enemies while other attacks are prepared.

But don't underestimate this jutsu just because it is an E-rank. A momentary distraction is what an experienced ninja needs to change the direction of the fight. The hand sign for performing this jutsu is...

Now, the next jutsu will be the Transformation Jutsu. This technique is most often used to disguise the user as another person, but they can also turn into an animal, plant, or inanimate object. It is most difficult for users to transform into inanimate objects, and users are shown familiarizing themselves with an object's weight and feel before assuming its form.

Users will gain the attributes and physical features of whatever they transform into, such as a weapon's sharpness or an animal's fangs. To be able to assume so many different forms makes this technique invaluable for not just combat but intelligence gathering and diversionary tactics as well.

If you guys can master this jutsu, it can be compared to B or some low A-rank jutsu. But in its initial phase, it is also an E-rank jutsu. The hand sign for this jutsu is...

And the last jutsu you guys are going to learn is the Substitution Jutsu. With this jutsu, one replaces their own body with a block of wood or some other object the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful.

From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield. With the enemy's guard down, you can take advantage of that and change the results of the fight. This is also an E-rank jutsu, and the hand sign for this jutsu is...

Do you guys understand what I taught? If not, you can ask your doubts."

"Sensei," Kaida raised his hand.

"Yes, Kaida?"

"Are just hand signs enough to perform any jutsu?" Kaida asked.

"No, Kaida. Even though you can learn low-rank jutsu from hand signs, higher-rank jutsu are not only based on hand signs but you also have to understand the principle behind that technique. Anything else?"

"No, sensei. Thank you," Kaida said and sat down in his seat.

"With jutsu classes, we will also begin your shuriken throwing lectures now, so you guys can collect your practice weapons from the weapon department on the 4th floor tomorrow. That's it for today; we will begin the practice tomorrow," Kenji said and dismissed the class.


**Next Chapter: Feeling like a Ninja**

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