Chapter 99: Chapter 98
He heard Naruto begin to utter what sounded like a protest, but Sasuke lifted his hand to stop him. He needed the boy distracted—if the boy's guard was off, maybe he could initiate an offensive and have this fight over in minutes. If the fight was over sooner, he could get the fight against the genin over with, thereby having Sakura teach him the new technique. He couldn't waste any more time just training as he was—even though his other senses had become almost supernaturally keen, he knew that he could not rely on that alone. This new technique, whatever it was, he hoped would cause him to get better still—he needed to defeat Itachi at all costs.
"I'm the best in my year," the boy replied with that haughty tone in his voice—were all Hyuuga males so arrogant? "And I am different from my other classmates."
His lip curled slightly as he recognized some of his own youthful overconfidence in the boy's speech—he too had once claimed to be 'different' than the rest. But dark thoughts filled the back of his mind, as he recalled the consequences of being different. It was because he was different that Orochimaru had sought him out; being different had cost him so much.
"I advise you to be cautious then, Hyuuga Ikane," he replied seriously, having already devised a plan in the corner of his mind. He tensed ever so slightly in preparation to spring, "Those who are different are often targeted because of their skill—and when that happens, you will be in trouble."
With that final statement he launched himself forward towards the boy, running directly towards where the child stood. A gasp came from the boy as his attack had the desired effect of surprise. There was a rustle of cloth—hand signs, slow hand signs.
"Byakuugan!" the young Hyuuga cried, but Sasuke did not stop.
There was more rustling—the boy was trying to attack back, or defend himself; it sounded like a forward strike. His training with Sakura told him that by the movement of the cloth, and the foot movements he could hear, the forward strike was the most convenient attack. He reached out and grabbed with his right hand while his left hand when to his kunai pouch. Successfully seizing the boy's wrist, he took a short step forward, twisting the small arm around so that it was behind the back. While he was twisting the arm, he brought the kunai around and held it at the throat, just below the chin.
The boy seemed shocked, as he didn't move at all, but froze in place. There was a gust of wind that blew through the clearing as no one spoke. The boy's arm muscles tensed slightly in his grasp—Sasuke pressed the kunai against the tiny neck; the boy was thinking of escape. Of course he wouldn't kill the boy, but he was foolish to think he could still win at this point.
"This fight is over," he stated bluntly, and after a moment, Sakura gave out a call that was in agreement with the words he had just uttered.
Dropping the boy's arm, he put the kunai back in his pouch, motioning for Sakura to come over and take his arm. The fight had been way too easy—it insulted him that she thought he couldn't defeat a mere student.
"Thank you, Ikane," Sakura said in a pleasant tone to the boy who was now standing quietly nearby.
"How could he beat me?!" he whined loudly at Sakura—putting Naruto's own whining skills to shame, "He's blind!"
He cast a glare in the brat's direction, becoming extremely irritated. "You have a loud mouth, you are slow, and overconfident."
The boy promptly shut his mouth and he heard Naruto give a shout of protest. "Sasuke, that was way too harsh," his best friend shouted at him, but he merely shrugged.
"That was a little out of line, Sasuke," Sakura told him reproachfully; he supposed it was, but that didn't make it any less true, "He's still growing, you know."
"He won't grow if he hasn't learned anything from this experience," he replied, evenly, ignoring both of their statements, "If he learns, then maybe one day he can begin to hope to be Hokage."
There was a quietness that followed his words and he knew that Sakura and Naruto were probably both unhappy with him for criticizing the boy so callously. He gave a light shrug; he didn't care, he just wanted to get on to the next fight.
"When is the genin to arrive?" he asked Sakura, choosing not to pay attention to his teammates' behaviour.
"First thing after lunch," Sakura replied with a sigh, before turning her head and speaking in Naruto's direction, "Naruto, can you take Ikane back to the Academy and tell Iruka-sensei thank you?"
"Sure thing, Sakura-chan," Naruto replied cheerfully, but Sasuke new that the blonde-haired boy would probably give him a talking to the next chance available, "Oi, Sakura-chan, Sasuke! It's almost lunch now, you should stop for now, you know? Come to Ichiraku's with me!"
"How does that sound Sasuke?" Sakura asked him pleasantly. While Naruto would probably take the opportunity to berate him on crushing the young Hyuuga's dream or something like that. However there was nothing else to be done; the genin would show up after lunch, and seeing as it was lunch right now, Sakura would probably make him stop for lunch anyways.
"Sure," he replied and Sakura gave a small pause, as if she was surprised at his consent. He just shrugged lightly, letting her lead him towards Naruto, the quieted Hyuuga following dolefully behind them.
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