Mythic Cultivation: My Tongtian can’t be this Cute

Chapter 50: Human Creed

The woman standing at the front didn’t possess any outstanding features. She was neither beautiful nor ugly. If one saw her amongst a crowd of people, the watcher would soon forget her. What wasn’t forgettable was the sharp aura radiating off her. Those with a weak will that stared at her too long would feel an eviscerating sensation.

If no one noticed her, they would not feel it, but once you paid attention to her, it was almost impossible to ignore her.

“Since you want to become my enemy, then die!” Chiyou roared. The swordswoman’s sharp aura had no effect on him. No, that wasn’t right. To be more accurate, her aura had the opposite effect. It made him more ferocious. He leapt into the air with his saber poised, ready to cut her in half.

The swordswoman didn’t even blink in response to Chiyou’s attack. Instead, she slashed down the moment Chiyou neared and swung his saber. Compared to his heavy slash, hers appeared light and ethereal, with no power behind, but against all expectations, Chiyou was the one sent crashing into the ground.

“Remember to not target the ordinary mortals, lest you become contaminated by Karmic Sin. Now go, it’s time for the world to know the name of the Mount Shu Sword Sect,” the swordswoman said.

The twelve swordsman behind her saluted and said, “““Yes, Sect Master.”””

With the addition of the sword immortals from the Mount Shu Sword Sect, the tides shifted once more. Now, it was Chiyou and his nine generals on the defensive. Xuanyi’s eyes lit up. She ordered the Profound and Sky Warriors freed from fighting the generals to harass and destroy the morale of the Jiuli Tribe’s army.

Now, the Jiuli Tribe finally felt how Xuanyuan’s army felt. Unlike Xuanyuan’s army under Xuanyi commands, the effect of the powerful Profound and Warriors was much more prominent. It interrupted their cohesion, creating gaps and weakness that Xuanyi capitalized on.

Xuanyuan’s army seized the advantage. Normally, it would have been a hard battle with the Jiuli Tribe’s courage and ferocity, but not all their soldiers were of the tribe. They had incorporated many slaves into their army.

Although some were promoted, most of them remained enslaved. It was fine as long as the Jiuli Tribe held the advantage, but when the situation reversed, they quickly lost their morale. Regardless of what Chiyou threatened if they dared to retreat, they still chose to turn tail and run. Continuing to charge forward would lead to death, so why not seek a chance at life?

Chiyou, who was fighting the swordswoman, roared when he saw their defection, wrath filling every decibel. Alas, no matter how angry he became, she still suppressed him at every turn. It was no surprise; she possessed the cultivation base of a Golden Immortal, while he only had the fighting power of a Profound Warrior. Still, it was a wonder he was lasting so long.

He gritted his teeth. The pure members of the Jiuli Tribe were still willing to fight, but the escaping slave army caused a domino effect. Once one person escaped, more would follow. If this continued, the Jiuli Tribe would be defeated.

Now, Chiyou faced the same decision Xuanyuan faced moments ago. After a moment of hesitation, he roared, “I’ll remember this humiliation. I’ll pay it back ten times! No, a hundred times!”

“Retreat!” he bellowed. This was the first time he had ever retreated, a mark of shame of his glorious record of conquest.

He also turned around and ran. As he fled, the surrounding air twisted from the immense heat he emitted, creating an illusion of a god wrapped in flames.

“Don’t even think about it!” the swordswoman yelled as she gave chase.

Chiyou and the swordswoman continued to fight, but despite her best efforts, Chiyou still escaped. His army was far unluckier. Retreat was always more dangerous than a forward charge. Chiyou’s undisciplined army was like a mob. A large percentage of their casualties resulted from their soldiers trampling their own men.

After chasing them a certain distance, Xuanyuan called his army to a stop. The battle had gone on for hours. Even if they wanted to give chase, his men might collapse and die from excessive exertion, literally working themselves to death.

Xuanyuan ordered his men to recuperate. While they counted the casualties and healed the wounded, Xuanyuan met the thirteen swordsmen with Xuanyi.

“I, Gongsun Xuanyuan, thank you all for your aid. Had it not been for your appearance, the battle with the Jiuli Tribe would not have ended so favourably,” Xuanyuan said as he cupped his fist in thanks. “I swear that I will do my best to fulfill any requests you have, as long as it is not detrimental to humanity.”

“Lord Xuanyuan is polite,” the leading swordswoman said as she returned Xuanyuan’s gesture. “I am also a member of humanity. It’s just that years ago, I had a great encounter, allowing me to embark on the path of immortality. However, I have not forgotten my roots.”

Hearing her words, Xuanyuan felt an inexplicable friendliness toward her. It only deepened when she continued. “Originally, as someone detached from mortals, I should not interfere with this matter, but I can’t stand Chiyou’s way. Although he is human, he intermingles with the barbarians and incorporates them into his tribe. If he becomes the next ruler of humanity, he will cause calamity.”

“If Lord Xuanyuan doesn’t mind, will you allow us to choose some outstanding children to join my Mount Shu Sword Sect? Of course, we swear to aid you against Chiyou and his nine generals.”

Xuanyuan was about to agree. In his eyes, allowing her to choose a few people was not worth mentioning compared to winning the war. It was not like she could take away all the talented humans to join her sect, could she?

“Excuse me, did you say Mount Shu Sword Sect? Are you Li Yingqiong, the first sword immortal and second disciple of the Heavenly Venerable of the Virtuous Way?” Xuanyi asked.

“You know me?” Li Yingqiong asked in surprise.

Although the worship of the Three Purities never stopped, Li Yingqiong had never become an object of worship. At most, the warlords from back then had tried to win her over in order to gain more legitimacy and power to their claim as ruler of humanity. Of course, she rejected them. She spent most of her years building up her Mount Shu Sword Sect and passing down her Sword Path. Over the years, humanity had long forgotten about her.

“I can’t really be considered a true disciple like Senior Brother Xuandu, only a nominal disciple,” Li Yingqiong said peacefully. “If I may inquire, my name should have long been forgotten. How do you know me?”

“It was only by chance,” Xuanyi said. “When I was training under my master in the mountains, she sometimes talked about some stuff. I only learned about Senior by chance. And I’m very interested because I like to use the sword.”

“What a coincidence.” Li Yingqiong smiled. “I wonder who your master is?”

Xuanyuan turned toward his sister. He had also asked who she apprenticed under, but Xuanyi would always dodge the question.

An embarrassed expression appeared on Xuanyi’s face. “It should be considered under the Supreme Purity Lineage, right?”

“Should be considered?” Li Yingqiong repeated.

“I actually don’t know. My master never told me her name, but I cultivate the Supreme Purity Scripture, so I should be considered under the lineage of the Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, right?” Xuanyi asked.

“What, her?” Li Yingqiong asked, spotting a thread. “As far as I know, the Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable only has two disciples: Martial Ancestor Wutian and Water Luminary Shuixing.”

“Maybe my master is like you, a nominal disciple?”

Li Yingqiong shook her head. “Perhaps.”

Xuanyuan coughed, interrupting the two’s conversation. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but please allow me to be direct. Are you here under the orders of the Heavenly Venerable of the Virtuous Way?”

“Master has not given me any orders concerning this matter.”

Despite Li Yingqiong’s assurance, Xuanyuan still couldn’t help but feel suspicious. “Once again, I have to thank you for your aid. Although it is an alliance, we still have to talk about the specifics. Please follow me.”

Li Yingqiong could feel that almost all of Xuanyuan’s goodwill had disappeared, confusing her. Since most of humanity still worshiped the Three Purities, why was Xuanyuan so on guard against her after learning that her master was the Heavenly Venerable of the Virtuous Way?

She didn’t ponder it any longer. No matter what, it didn’t change her aim. Li Yingqiong had not lied. Although Laozi had not ordered to help Xuanyuan, he still dropped some hints that helping the next ruler of humanity ascend to his position would bring immense benefits.

Xuanyuan summoned his generals and started the post-battle war council. There, they finally learned what losses they sustained from the first battle. Nearly twenty percent of their soldiers died and even more were injured to the point of needing recuperation before being fit for battle.

Upon learning this, the generals couldn’t help but glance at Li Yingqiong and the twelve swordsmen behind her. As long as they took action, it would minimize the casualties to the maximum extent.

Li Yingqiong saw their intent in a single glance. She shook her head. “As an immortal, I should not interfere too much. The most I can do is fight against those who have transcended the mortal limits.”

Xuanyuan’s generals sighed. Still, it was already a great help that the thirteen sword immortal could fight Chiyou and his nine generals. At this time, Xuanyuan asked, “Is it because it would incur Karmic Sin?”

She stared at Xuanyuan, surprised that he would have such knowledge. She only knew of this information recently. Still, Li Yingqiong answered truthfully. “Yes. The Way of Heaven does not want those who have transcended mortal limits to slaughter mortals needlessly. I heard from Master that only those who have reached his realm can be untouched by karma.”

“In that case, I will ask you to handle Chiyou and his nine generals,” Xuanyuan said.

“His nine generals are fine, but I can’t handle Chiyou,” Li Yingqiong said. “I tried many times to kill him during our brief bout, but he would always escape by the slimmest of margins. If my guess is correct, only the true ruler of humanity can kill him.”

Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan did not show much surprise. “I see. Thank you for your information.”

The meeting continued. Since the sword immortals would not join the rank-and-file soldiers or command a squad, they did not participate much. In their own words, Xuanyuan only needed to direct them at the target. In contrast, Xuanyi took on a more central role.

She fully demonstrated her capabilities from the battle, despite not fighting anyone. It was thanks to her commands and tactics that prevented the army from collapsing. It would not be an overstatement to say that without her, Chiyou would have defeated Xuanyuan’s army.

Because of this, Xuanyuan appointed her as the Grand Marshal, the leader of all the military forces under Xuanyuan’s control. None of the generals objected. Although they had some leadership capabilities, most of them became generals because of their cultivation.

After the meeting ended, Xuanyi found time to speak to Xuanyuan alone. “Why are you so against Sword Immortal Li?”

Xuanyuan didn’t answer. Instead, he asked a question of his own. “Xuanyi, do you know about karma?”

“I heard my Master talk about it a few times. It’s an ethereal energy and belief with many wonderful uses.”

“You aren’t wrong. You know that I discovered the Martial Ancestor’s Eight Source Ascension by chance. In it, it also explains the matter concerning karma,” Xuanyuan said. He closed his eyes, as if reminiscing about the first time he had learned the knowledge.

“Karma can be roughly divided into two: Karmic Merit and Karmic Sin. Karmic Merit is gained when someone does a deed that results in more life, and Karmic Sin is incurred when someone commits a wrong, such as killing. Most actions will not result in gaining Karmic Merit or Sin; it needs to reach a certain threshold.”

Xuanyi nodded. She didn’t know the exact information, but it lined up with what she knew.

“But do you know the source of the Karmic Merit or Sin?” Xuanyi shook her head.

Xuanyuan looked down and plucked a blade of grass. “It’s because everything possesses Karmic Luck, even a tiny blade of grass. Since I have plucked and prevented it from growing, I have harmed it. It’s too insignificant to cause me to incur Karmic Sin, but what if I plucked every blade of grass in the world?”

“I will incur a massive amount of Karmic Sin because I would have killed all the grass in the world.” Xuanyuan bent down and placed it on the ground, covering it with his palm. When he removed it, the grass had become vibrant, losing all signs of decay. “In contrast, if the grass in all the world were dying, and I saved them, I would earn a large amount of Karmic Merit.”

Xuanyi looked at her brother, not knowing what he wanted to convey.

“When  someone gains Karmic Merit or Sin, they have taken some of the Karmic Luck originally possessed by someone or something else. If it’s Karmic Sin, all the calamities or dangers would transfer to them. If it’s merit, then the opportunities and fortune would be given to that person. Of course, it’s impossible for all the Karmic Luck to be turned into merit or sin. Everything will retain a minimum amount of Karmic Luck.” Xuanyuan stopped and turned toward Xuanyi.

“What do you think will happen if someone helps humanity and gets a large amount of Karmic Merit from them?” He didn’t wait for Xuanyi to answer. “It means the fortune originally possessed by humanity will be taken by others. As the future ruler of humanity, how can I allow outsiders to take advantage of humanity just because of internal strife?”

Xuanyi finally understood why her brother was against asking outsiders for help. Then, she frowned. “What about me? Since I have apprenticed under Master and you appointed me as the Grand Marshal, will it affect humanity’s luck?”

“There’s no need to worry about that,” Xuanyuan said. “The reason why I appointed you as the Grand Marshal is because of your commanding abilities, not the cultivation you learned from your master. Still, your master might gain a portion of your Karmic Merit. I wished you would have stayed until I discovered the Eight Source Ascension. With your talent, you might already be in the same realm I’m in now. There would have been no need for you to apprentice yourself to an immortal.”

“Master treats me very well, and not because of humanity’s Karmic Luck. She didn’t even know my identity at the time. It’s I who wanted to apprentice under her.”

Xuanyuan tapped her nose. “Silly girl. How do you know that your master didn’t already know?”

Xuanyi opened her mouth, wanting to argue, but Xuanyuan cut her off. “Alright, it’s late. I know you’ve been forcing yourself to keep going. Go take a rest.”

She sighed. “You, too, Brother.”

Days later, another group of humans arrived from the east. They weren’t soldiers, but craftsmen. Xuanyuan had already ordered the craftsmen to start their way at the same time as the army left, but because they were noncombatants burdened by materials, they took longer to arrive.

The craftsmen immediately went to work setting up fortresses and other defensive structures. Originally, Xuanyuan wanted to build it farther out, but he knew it was currently impossible to expel Chiyou. Since both sides were licking their wounds, now was the best time to set up these defenses.

Once the next battle occurred, Xuanyuan believed that he would have an even greater advantage. Even if it caused more casualties, he would reduce their reliance on Li Yingqiong and her sword immortals to the bare minimum.

Weeks later, while Xuanyuan conducted his war council, the atmosphere changed and a beautiful melody filled the air. Anyone mortal who heard it would have their spirits lifted and fatigue relieved. However, for powerful people like Xuanyuan, it only made him a bit more energetic.

Xuanyuan and Xuanyi shared a look before leaving the tent. When they looked up, they saw over a thousand humanoids standing atop white clouds. Their pristine armor released shimmering light, like the most beautiful jewel in the world untouched by mortal dust. Standing at the very forefront of these soldiers was a beautiful woman clad in the same silver armor.

The only reason Xuanyuan could tell she was a beautiful woman was because she did not wear a helmet, which made the two wings sprouting out of her head all the more noticeable.

Xuanyuan’s brows furrowed. Just what did these people want? Did they want to join his forces? Every once in a while, a few loose immortals would come to join his army, but Xuanyuan refused them all. Ignoring the fact that they likely wanted to take advantage of humanity, he looked down on their strength. All of them who came on their own were only Earth or Sky Immortals, not even a single Profound Immortal.

But this time was different. Xuanyuan sensed that all the thousand silver-clad soldiers were at least in the Sky Immortal Realm, if not in the Profound Immortal Realm. More importantly, the woman exuded an aura similar to Li Yingqiong, a Golden Immortal.

At the very least, they did not seem like enemies.

By now, all the soldiers, craftsmen, and other people stopped to stare at this group. Then, under everyone's gaze, the cloud lowered. As they grew closer, it became clear that these people weren’t human. It was already obvious that the woman wasn’t human thanks to her special features, but the silver-clad soldiers stood out as inhuman because of their size.

Each one stood around twenty meters tall. In comparison, humans were only the size of their fingers.

Thankfully, they magically shrank once they landed, only stopping when they were around an average human’s height.

The woman stepped forward and cupped her hands to Xuanyuan. “Lord Xuanyuan, I am Xuannu, the Maiden of Nine Heavens. Under the orders of Her Eminence, the Jade Emperor, I have come to present this Nine Heavens War Code to you.”

Xuanyuan stared at the book that Xuannu presented to him. He felt a holy aura wafting off of it, and his instincts told him that taking it would undoubtedly raise humanity’s strength and help him defeat Chiyou. However, he still did not reach out to grab it.

Xuannu blinked, not understanding why Xuanyuan did not take the book. She thought that he might not know what it contained, so she explained its purpose. “Inside are battle formations that can multiply the users’ power. With it, ten soldiers can defeat twenty or thirty soldiers, a hundred soldiers can defeat five hundred, and a thousand soldiers can defeat ten thousand.”

Once he heard about this, Xuanyuan felt as if ten thousand horses were galloping across his heart. With it, the biggest problem between his and Chiyou’s army would be solved. Now, he would only have to worry about Chiyou and his nine generals. Just as the temptation arose in his heart, he forced it down with his iron will.

“Please thank the Jade Emperor for me, but I cannot accept this.”

Xuannu pursed her brows. “Why not?”

“Because it is not created from human hands. Self-reliance is the spirit of humanity, we do not need help from others.”

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