My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Intermission 2 (Coraline)

The demon queen’s castle bustled with activity as Coraline weaved her way through the crowded halls. Though she didn’t tower over the other demons and fiends that scurried about every person that noticed the golden bars stitched into her dark uniform stepped aside with a fearful bow. The bars marked her as one of the demon queen’s lieutenants, one rank down from the all powerful generals that lead the masses. Unlike the others that shared her same rank Coraline had the distinct privilege of answering directly to the queen herself rather than one of the generals. This unique position gave Coraline a lot of jealousy, respect, and fear from all of the queen’s underlings. Normally Coraline would have slowed her pace to enjoy the looks on the faces that cowered around her, but duty came before pleasure. Coraline paused before a large portrait of the demon queen herself.


Though, it is my pleasure to serve. Coraline thought internally as a surge of pride and devotion surged through her.


The queen’s portrait was as stunning as ever. The blood of her many enemies pooling in a river of blood at her feet while her silky white hair lay perfectly clean across her delicate shoulders. Her crimson eyes held no mercy for those before her. Though demons and fiends typically had skin the color of brimstone and fire, Coraline’s queen had soft pale skin that matched her snow-like hair. Coraline couldn’t help but glance at a nearby window to see her own reflection.


Coraline’s own hair was a deep maroon color and didn’t reach past her neckline. Her red skin couldn’t hold a candle to the queen’s beauty despite what numerous suitors had tried to tell her. Small grooved horns poked out of her forehead and curled back slightly over her meticulously brushed hair. Though her dark military uniform hugged her form in a flattering way, Coraline couldn’t help but feel inadequate when comparing herself to the queen’s image in front of her. Coraline sighed and continued her brisk pace towards her destination.


One shouldn’t compare oneself to perfection. Coraline chided herself and removed the tiny spark of jealousy from within her infernal heart.


Coraline held nothing but respect and devotion for their most high queen. All concerns about personal appearances disappeared immediately when the large doors to the throne room came into view. The towering demon bodyguards on either side of the doorway snapped to attention as she approached. The large doors swung heavily inwards and Coraline stepped into the throne room. Voices echoed off of the dark stone around her as Coraline walked towards the center of the large chamber.


“-be ready within a week.” One of the generals pointed to a map spread out across a large table that had been placed in front of the throne.


General Gelgen. Coraline identified the large balor as he spoke.


“With all do respect your majesty, these kind of things take-”


“Centuries!” The queen thundered and sprang up from her throne.


Coraline halted a few feet away from the general and waited patiently to be addressed.


“We’ve had centuries of preparation and you want to tell me you need more time?” Though the general stood at least ten feet taller than the queen he still cowered before her fury.


“The number you are requesting requires immense logistics-” The general tried to reason but was interrupted once more.


“Coraline.” The queen snapped. “Take his hand.”


Coraline took a step forward and brought her hand around in one lighting fast motion. Right before impact a purple black energy blade appeared in her grip and cleaved through the general’s hand spread out on the map. To the general’s credit, he barely flinched as his right hand separated from the rest of his arm.


“Forgive me, my queen.” General Gelgen bowed his head low and allowed his wound to bleed freely on the table.


The queen scoffed and thrust her head towards the door. “Get out of my sight Gelgen. I want those troops on the move today.”


The general bowed again, retrieved his hand from the table and left the room with a trail of blood behind him.


“You sent for me, my queen.” Coraline bowed her head respectfully towards her ruler.


“Thank you for coming on such short notice.” The queen sighed heavily and lowered herself back onto the throne. “I’m glad someone understands the need for rapid responses.”


Coraline felt a warm sense of satisfaction fill her chest. “Of course.”


The queen fixated on Coraline with a piercing stare. “I assume you’ve heard about our preparations?”


Coraline nodded and grinned eagerly. “It’s finally time to extend your rule over the pathetic human nations.”


“Yes, yes, of course.” The queen waved away Coraline’s statement like it didn’t matter. “Gelgen is in charge of the troops marching towards the border, however, I have a much more important task that I need someone competent to handle for me.”


Coraline straightened her posture and placed a fist over her chest. “Whatever you will shall be done, my queen.”


The queen continued to observe Coraline for several grueling seconds. She felt like an insect beneath the boot of a giant that had yet to decide to step down.


“I have other warriors who are more cunning and capable than you, Coraline.” The queen finally stated.


Coraline winced, but didn’t deny what the queen said was true.


“Yet I’m giving you this task because your loyalty to me is second to none.” The queen continued. “There exists a man within the human nation that you must find.”


“An assassination target?” Coraline surmised.


The room shook and a plume of smoke appeared next to where Coraline stood. She glanced down to find the floor around her had been melted through an intense magical attack that happened faster than she could perceive. It was then that Coraline could feel the overwhelming killing aura flooding out from the queen.


“If you hurt this man in any way I will destroy every molecule in your body! You will burn ten thousand times over while feeling every moment of excruciating horror!” The queen shook the entire castle with her wrath.


Coraline threw herself on the floor. “Forgive me my queen!”


The killing aura faded quickly, but Coraline shook  uncontrollably with her face still pressed against the hot floor.


“I… might have overreacted. I apologize.” The queen cleared her throat and Coraline risked a glance up.


“This man… his name is Devin.”

Much to Coraline’s surprise the queen actually blushed when she said the man’s name. The ruthless demon queen from a moment ago had been replaced by a young woman describing a young man she fancied.


“He’s tall, and strong, and the most handsome person you’ll ever see.” The queen squealed and rolled around in her chair. “He has perfect sandy blond hair that you just want to run your teeth through. Emeralds were created after the color of his eyes. He’s so good at knowing the right thing to say, and-”


The queen began to drone on and on about the physical, mental, and emotional characteristics of this Devin guy. Coraline watched with a mixture of fascination and unidentifiable terror as the most powerful person Coraline had ever met acted in a way that shattered any and all preconceptions Coraline held about her.


“So what do you want me to do about… Devin, when I find him?” Coraline eventually had to break into the queen’s unending rant and bring the conversation back to the mission she was being given.


“Do? What do you want to do with Devin?” The queen’s fire returned to her eyes in an instant. “Why are you so curious about Devin?!”


“M-my mission, my queen, the one you’re sending me on.” Coraline stammered.


“Oh right.” The queen laughed. “Well obviously I want you to bring him back to me.”


Coraline felt her eyebrow raise on her face without meaning to.


“This… person seems very important to you, my queen.” Coraline stated carefully.


She had heard rumors from her higher ups that there was something the queen valued above all else, Coraline just never imagined it would be a human male.


“He’s everything.” The queen’s eyes flashed dangerously.


“If that’s the case,” Coraline swallowed before continuing, “then perhaps you would be the person best suited to go find him?”


“Well… Yes…”


Coraline watched something unexpected flash over her queen’s face. Uncertainty. Fear.


“I’m just… well… I’m not ready to see him quite yet… So… You’ll be the one to find him and bring him here.” The queen fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat. “That will give me plenty of time… yes, I’ll be ready then…”


Coraline nodded slowly. The air was thick and uneasy. She decided just to accept the mission and not press the queen any further into this strange new side of her that Coraline was seeing for the first time.


“Your description of this man was quite… detailed, but do you by chance have a portrait of him that I might better identify him once I see him?” Coraline asked.


The queen paused. “I suppose…”


She stood, her dark gown billowing as she swung around the throne and strode towards the back of the room.


“Come here.” The queen gestured for Coraline to follow. “But speak to no one about the contents of this room.”


“Your secrets are my own, my queen, I would never betray…” Coraline’s pledge trailed off once the door the queen led her to opened up.


Inside was a simple bedroom that had a bed, a dresser, and a small table with a matching chair. That wasn’t the concerning part. What caused Coraline’s heart to skip a few beats were the papers that covered every possible surface. Wall to wall, floor to ceiling, hand drawn portraits of the same human man. Each drawing was painstakingly detailed and covered every single angle possible. It looked as if you could put all of them together and create a perfect replica of the person etched into them.


“Does this help?” The queen asked with her arm across the doorway.


The queen’s message to Coraline was clear, she could look, but she was forbidden from entering or touching anything within the room.


“Yes my queen.” Coraline swallowed hard once more. “I think I can accomplish my task.”


The queen beamed brightly. “I knew I could count on you. You’ll leave at once.”


Thanks for reading! I appreciate your time and I hope you check back later for more.

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