My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Intermission 1 (Demon Queen/Detective Gains)

Deep in the heart of demon territory sat a black castle surrounded by infernal pits. The air was heavy with the smell of brimstone and blood as a lowly imp flapped its way through the smog filled air and through a designated window on the upper floor of the imposing structure. The demon queen herself watched the red skinned imp flap down towards her with bated breath. She sat forward on her dark skull throne, her fingers gripped tightly on the armrests.

“Well?” Her silky voice reverberated around the large empty throne room with open anticipation.


“I have news, my queen.” The imp announced in a breathless voice as he landed heavily a few feet in front of her.


The small creature’s chest heaved as it struggled to recover from the long journey it had just completed. The demon queen’s crimson eyes flashed dangerously.


“I can’t wait any longer!” She shouted at the messenger. “Just tell me!”


“Of course.” The imp flinched and pressed his head against the floor in the deepest bow he could manage. “The hero has arrived, my queen, just as you foretold.”


The demon queen felt her heart skip a beat and her breath catch in her throat.


He’s here… He’s actually here… A thousand years of carefully laid plans. A thousand years of horrible loneliness without his presence, his voice, his touch…


The demon queen fell back in her chair and pulled her knees up to her chest. So many thoughts and feelings spiraled around her as reality set in.


It’s been so long. Will he even remember me? Will he care? What if he hates me for what I’ve done? What if he hasn’t forgiven me for what I did? What if he thinks I’m hideous?


The queen frantically shot out of her throne and scrambled over to a large mirror that dominated the wall just right of her throne. She was still just over five feet tall, that aspect hadn’t changed from her last life to this one. Her hair was white now.


What if he hates white hair? The queen almost burned her long lucious hair in an instant but managed to restrain herself. Everyone here says I’m the most beautiful creature to have ever existed…


The queen’s body was perfectly preserved at the age of twenty despite being on this planet for over a thousand years. It had been part of the deal she had made to make this all happen. What use would it be to bring Devin here if she was an old hag by the time he arrived?

The demon queen adjusted her red low cut floor length dress and tried to hide the frantic panic that was slowly creeping onto her face. Despite all of her preparations, all of her plotting and scheming over a millenia, she was as scared as a young girl being asked out for the first time.


It’s okay. It’ll be okay. The queen assured herself as she continued to fiddle with her appearance in the mirror. I love him. I love him more than anyone could possible love someone. He’ll see that. He has to see that.


Slight movement in the background of the mirror drew her crimson eyes away from herself and back to the imp that remained in a painful bowed stance behind her.


I forgot he was here. The queen admitted internally as she turned back towards her subject.


“Summon my generals.” She barked at the imp. “There are plans that need executing.”




Detective Jeremy Gains had been in the force a long time. He had seen many crime scenes in his day but this one was certainly unique.


“Okay Paul.” The detective addressed his partner with a tired sigh as he ducked underneath the police tap and into the mechanic repair bay. “You want to tell me why we’re here so early in the morning?”


“Janitor called it in after he spoke to a pair of suspicious people.” Paul responded as the pair approached the end of the bay. “A male and a female described to be in their early twenties.”


Jeremy cursed under his breath when he saw what was left of the city bus.


“They some sort of anti-bus fanatics or what?” Jeremy asked his partner as he inspected the dented remains of the bus engine strewn across the floor.


“Unclear at this time. Though, interesting enough, this bus was involved in an accident just last night. Squashed some salaryman when it tipped over at a stop.” Paul paused as he flipped through some papers he was carrying. “Strange. No blood or body at the scene.”


“You think there’s a conne-”


*Idle truck noises*


Jeremy’s question was cut short as a truck pulled up alongside the bay doors. At first the detective assumed it would be a tow truck bringing in another repair job but to his surprise it was an unmarked white truck that you’d see people move boxes in. Paul stepped up to the bay window and peered out at the idling truck.


“Strange. There’s no one driving it.” Paul noted.


Before Jeremy could respond the truck rumbled loudly and drove away from the repair bay. Jeremy and his partner exchanged curious glances.


“Gotta be one of those self driving cars coming out.” Jeremy shrugged. “Let’s get back to it.”


*Translation for the idle truck noises, "Look how they massacred my boy."

As always thanks for reading. Intermissions will be sporadic throughout the story for character perspectives that fall outside of the regular ones.

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