My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 4 For The Greater Good (Cecilia)

I'm feeling it. Let's go. Another bonus chapter this week.


“What’s been going on with you today?” Cecilia hissed at the red haired girl next to her once they were out of earshot of Devin’s door.

Kaitlyn didn’t look her way. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Cecilia waited to respond until after they passed a few servants walking the opposite direction in the candle lit stone hallway.


“Don’t give me that.” Cecilia scoffed as the servants turned the far corner behind them. “You’ve been glaring at the hero all day. We’re supposed to be making a good impression on him. For the good of the kingdom. You know this.”


Kaitlyn gripped the pommel of her sword tightly as they continued walking. “I don’t like the idea of you being around him.”




“There you are.” A stern voice down the hallway cut Cecilia’s conversation short.


She looked up to see her father and his bodyguards striding towards the young women. The trio stopped in front of them and the king’s bodyguards dipped their heads respectfully to Kaitlyn as they did so. Kaitlyn nodded back.


“Guards if you could please leave us for a moment. I need to speak to my daughter alone.” The king instructed.


The pair behind the king bowed, turned around, and left at once. Kaitlyn remained in place beside Cecilia. The king frowned.


“That includes you Kaitlyn.” The king said firmly.


Kaitlyn shot the princess a pained look but bowed.


“Aye sire.” The red haired bodyguard strode respectfully past the king and down the hall behind him.


“How is our honored guest?” The king asked in a much quieter tone as he watched Kaitlyn depart.


“The hero is resting currently.” Cecilia ensured she maintained good posture as she reported to her father. “The head physician says he’s in good health, but would probably benefit from a sturdier diet to prepare him for the adventure ahead of him.”


The king nodded. “And how has he taken the transition to our world so far?”


“Remarkably well.” Cecilia admitted. “He seems to have a foundational knowledge of how our world functions and the social dynamics at play. The only thing that unsettled him were the politicians and nobles he met today.”


The king chuckled. “On that we can agree.”


A tense silence fell between the pair as the king stroked his bearded chin. Cecilia could tell her father was struggling to talk about something specific but she waited for him to put his thoughts together in case she guessed wrong at what it was.


“Is he…” The king made a vague gesture. “Still convinced he’ll see his wife again?”


Cecilia tilted her head slightly. “Um… yes. I haven’t pressed much on that subject but he still appears confident that she will find him.”


The king sighed and placed a heavy hand on the princess’ shoulder.


“Daughter I…” He struggled to formulate his thoughts. “A man feels the most lonely at night. Though I can admire his devotion to the one that he loves… Our duty requires us to put the fate of our kingdom ahead of everything.”


Cecilia frowned. “What are you asking from me, my king?”


King Victerian looked at Cecilia with a conflicted stare. “Men are weak creatures, Cecilia. We talk big and act big, but at night we are reduced to small boys who need someone to hold us. We need the hero to be tied to this kingdom. You’ve already seen how many nobles are eyeing him in order to get ahead. Think of what other nations, demi-humans, or even the elves would do to secure the loyalty of the prophesied hero.”


“I think he made himself pretty clear in the throne room.” Cecilia pointed out. “Besides I… I would have been willing to stay with him for the night if he had asked but he requested to be alone to get rest.”


“Be that as it may… I ask that you try again.” The king stated simply before turning away and walking back the way he came.

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