My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 28 Muddled (Devin/Kaitlyn)

The thick column of smoke in the distance grew larger the closer Devin rode to Fort Steel. Whatever attack commander Larze sensed coming had clearly arrived and it didn’t look good from a distance. Despite the gravity of the situation, Devin found himself continually distracted by his own memories. Images, feelings, and smells kept dragging themselves to the foreground as he rode towards danger. Things felt… off as he remembered them. 


Small details that he felt were different were corrected by his own recollection of the past. It felt like his mind was reorganizing itself and he couldn’t figure out why it was happening. Devin was so caught up in his own head that he nearly missed the large caravan of people flooding the road towards him. The initial adrenaline spike that flooded his system quickly dissipated once he realized the figures he was seeing on the road were the refugees from Brynville. A few burly men wielding long pitchforks visibly sunk in relief once they recognized Devin as a friendly face.


“I take it your return signals the road is clear?” One of the men wiped a line of sweat from his forehead as he called out. “That’s what the commander told us anyway.”


Devin nodded as he rode up and positioned himself to the side of the road as the long line of people began to pass him.


“There was a creature hunting on the road, but my party managed to kill it.” Devin answered as he inspected the tired but hopeful faces of the refugees. “What happened at the fort?”


The man with the pitchfork grimaced. “Demons. A whole army of them. We barely managed to get everyone out before the siege began. The commander saved all of our lives with his quick action.”


Devin glanced towards the distant smoke and sighed internally. If he were stronger he could go and help turn the tides of that battle, but considering his limited experience, still awakening powers with Eros, and lack of party members he would be best served escorting the refugees to the capital and hopefully reuniting with a healed Cecilia and stable Kaitlyn.


“I’ll take up a rear guard position and make sure nothing dangerous follows us.” Devin told the man with the pitchfork.


The man nodded and jogged back towards the front of the column while Devin spurred his horse the other way. Many of the refugees seemed to know who he was as they called out courteous greetings or offered him a few of their supplies as he passed. Devin politely declined and positioned himself a stone throw’s distance behind the last few families pulling up the rear. 


As expected, traveling with so many elderly and children was a slow process. Though he remained diligent in surveying the area behind the column of refugees, Devin was mostly alone with his thoughts. That is, until an injured woman began to lag behind the last group. It was difficult to tell, since her skin was all bandaged up and a hood covered most of her head, but she couldn’t have been much older than Devin was himself. She walked with a limp that seemed to grow worse the longer she moved. Devin frowned and pulled up alongside her.


“Excuse me, can I offer you a ride? I have a horse here that my companion normally uses, but seeing as she isn’t here you’re welcome to use him.” Devin cursed himself for not offering his spare horse to someone earlier.


Honestly I could probably offer my own horse to someone… Devin briefly considered walking on his own, but decided it would be best if he were mounted so he could respond to a threat as fast as possible.


“That’s awfully kind of you.” The woman coughed as she gingerly lifted herself up onto Cecilia’s horse. “You must be the summoned hero everyone is buzzing about.”


Devin nodded. “I suppose I am.”


Once the woman was comfortably situated on the horse he began a slow trot to keep pace with the caravan.


“You’re quite handsome.” The woman lifted a bandaged hand to her obscured face and giggled.


Devin nodded politely. “I appreciate your words, though I do want to make it perfectly clear that I have a girlfriend.”


Girlfriend… Why did that feel weird to say? Devin’s brow furrowed.


“I mean wife. I’m married.” He corrected himself.


“Oh please don’t misunderstand.” The woman waved a hand in front of herself. “I wasn’t making a pass at you. I would never be so bold. Besides, you’re already claimed. I was mostly just stating that you look just like your pictures…”


Perhaps if Devin had not been distracted by his own confusion he would have paid more attention to the injured woman’s words, but he didn’t. Nor did he notice a bandage on her face fall loose briefly exposing a patch of red skin underneath.




Kaitlyn’s horse drew ragged, painful breaths as they made the last sprint up the hill to the royal castle. The poor thing had never been pushed so hard in its life, but Kaitlyn was in no mental state to care.


Almost there, almost there, almost there. 


One hand gripped the reigns with white knuckles while her other hand held the limp princess tight against her. The ferocious anger that filled Kaitlyn’s face, curses, and speed was simply a mask to cover the bottomless emotion simmering just underneath.




Cecilia’s breathing was so shallow. Her skin so pale and cold to the touch. It scared Kaitlyn more than anything ever had in her life.


She’ll be okay. She has to be okay. Kaitlyn bit back a cry of anguish as they rounded the final corner and arrived at the magical academy.


“Get me the head mage!” Kaitlyn screamed out at the rush of approaching figures.


“The head mage is indisposed at the moment… Is that-” A guard’s jaw fell open as he recognized the frail form of the crown princess.


“Out of the way!” An authoritative voice carved a path through the gathering crowd behind Kaitlyn.


The high priest forced his way through and immediately began to lift Cecilia off of the saddle. While normally Kaitlyn would have been angered to see Kingston’s face, there was nothing but relief in her heart as the capable priest inspected the wounded princess.


“Clear space inside and someone inform the king!” Kingston shouted as he carried the limp princess towards the academy.


Kaitlyn followed behind, suddenly unsure of how to help but determined to beside Cecilia every step of the way.


“It’s poison. What kind?” Kingston barked at her as the guards in front of them threw open the doors and directed them into a vacated room.


“Chasme.” Kaitlyn responded quickly.


The high priest cursed as he set Cecilia down on a table inside. The guards pushed out the other onlookers and shut the door behind them.


“How long ago?” Kingston’s hands glowed as he held them inches away from Cecilia’s pale face.


“I-I don’t know…” Kaitlyn felt her limbs begin to shake as a sense of weakness overcame her body. “A couple of hours at least.”


Kingston glanced up at her face. He gestured towards one of the chairs along the wall of the room.


“Sit down before you faint.”


“N-no I-” Kaitlyn felt the air leave her lungs as Kingston’s foot kicked her.


She stumbled sideways and crashed down into a chair. Kaitlyn wanted to jump up, protest the rough treatment, but she found no strength left to do so.


“You’re exhausted kid.” Kingston kept his attention on Cecilia as he spoke. “To fight a chasme and ride as fast as possible straight back to the capital without rest would be draining on the toughest of warriors. Stay in that chair. I only have the ability to focus on one of you at a time so if you pass out of the floor I’m going to have to leave you there.”


Kaitlyn repositioned herself in the chair and remained silent as Kingston worked. As a high priest he had access to many divine healing spells. More than even the head mage.


It was stupid not to bring her to Kingston to begin with… Kaitlyn pulled her knees up to her chest and felt stinging tears fill her eyes. My petty grudge might have gotten Cecilia killed if Kingston hadn't been nearby when we arrived…


Not that they were out of the woods by any means. Demons notoriously had magic, weapons, poisons, and diseases that were far more complex and hard for even the highest level magic uses to cure or heal. Kingston worked in silence, his normally quick to smile personality painstakingly serious as he worked his magic along a fine line to save the princess’ life. It didn’t take long for Kaitlyn’s exhaustion to overcome her and put her to sleep in her uncomfortable chair.


Kaitlyn woke up to a dark room. The sun had long since set and the candles along the walls had been lit. Kaitlyn felt her heart plummet into the void when she noticed Cecilia was nowhere to be seen. Kingston sat next to the door with his head back against the wall. Gentle snores let Kaitlyn know that the old man was not dead, simply sleeping.


“Kingston!” Kaitlyn shouted at the high priest as she leapt out of her chair. “Where’s-”


“She’s alive.” The old man groaned and rubbed his neck. “Once she was stable enough to move the king insisted on taking her back into the castle.”


Kaitlyn felt fresh tears fall down her cheeks as warmth returned to her cold limbs.


“She’s alive. Ha. Haha!” 


Elation, exhaustion, and relief all flooded her emotions at the same time. The only release that Kaitlyn could provide these overwhelming feelings was a crazed laughter as she sank to her knees. Kingston studied her curiously.


“The king wanted to wake you immediately but I convinced him to give you a few hours of rest.” The high priest stretched out painfully and stood. “Now that you’re awake I feel you’ll have to go make a report immediately.”


Kaitlyn nodded and rubbed the moisture from her face.


“Lead the way.”


Regularly scheduled release. Thanks for reading and please shout out any mistakes or errors that you might have seen. Much love.

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