My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 22 The Drone (Cecilia)

The princess never knew an empty road could be so frightening. The road back towards the capital looked exactly how it had a few days ago when their party first arrived at the borderlands yet now that they knew of the danger lurking and waiting out of sight Cecilia couldn’t shake the chills running down her spine. Nor could she refrain from constantly checking over her shoulder. Each time she found nothing behind them, yet the absence of a monster only served to fuel her paranoia as they rode down the dusty road.


“Easy now.” Kaitlyn pulled back from her position in front of the trio and placed a comforting hand on Cecilia’s arm. “We know something is out there so as long as we stay vigilant we won’t be taken by surprise. We’re mounted so if whatever we’re dealing with is beyond our capability to handle we can easily out run it. Just stay in the middle and watch our flanks. Don’t worry about what’s behind us or in front of us. Devin and I have that covered.”


Kaitlyn directed the last sentence to their rear where Devin and his horse stood studying the road behind them.


“Sorry.” Cecilia blushed and placed her own hand atop of Kaitlyn’s. “I just can’t shake the feeling we’re being watched.”


“That’s because we are.” Devin said without turning.


Kaitlyn pulled her hand away and pulled on her reins to turn her horse around.


“Where?” She asked quietly while stepping her horse slightly off the road.


Cecilia was reminded of advice Kaitlyn had shared a few nights ago.


In combat you always want to stay with your team, but not close enough where one large spell can take all of you out at once.


Taking this into account, the princess directed her own horse to the opposite side of the road while staying behind Devin’s position. Out of the corner of her eye Cecilia thought she saw a flash of pride sweep over Kaitlyn’s face, but there wasn’t time to dwell on unnecessary details.


“Tallest tree on the left side.” Devin called out calmly. “About three quarters of the way up.”


Cecilia’s eyes found the tree and scanned the upper branches. Sure enough there was a small dark figure tucked in the shade under one of the branches.


“Seems rather small…” Cecilia flexed her hands and prepped a long range precision spell just in case.

“How long has it been watching us?” Kaitlyn asked Devin as she gripped her sheathed sword at her waist.


Devin shook his head. “I only noticed it when we passed under the tree, but it never made any move.”


The shape shifted and fell from the branch. Long wings flashed outwards as it dropped down straight for Devin. Cecilia snapped her arms up and cast her prepared spell as quickly as she could manage. Her aim was precise. The bolt of energy struck the dark bird directly in its chest before it could reach its target. It fell heavily and tumbled across the dirt before coming to a stop a few paces away from the hero.


“It’s that same raven!” Kaitlyn leaned forward in her saddle to better inspect the fallen attacker.


Cecilia nodded. She could feel the magical energy that sustained the summoned creature begin to vanish. Its body was already turning translucent as the magic that held it together dissipated. Devin swung his leg off of his saddle.


“What are you doing?” Kaitlyn hissed as Devin approached the fading bird.


“It was carrying something.” Devin pointed to another object that had fallen further back along the bird’s flight path.


Cecilia leaned her head forward but couldn’t make out what the small object on the dirt road was. Kaitlyn spurred her horse gently forward to flank Devin and provide support as needed. Cecilia nudged her own horse to do the same. Devin stooped down and gently lifted the object off of the ground.


It was a flower. Not just any flower. It was an exquisite white rose. Cecilia expected the flower to be bent, wilted, or damaged from being plucked and carried by a bird, but the flower was in perfect condition. It held itself proudly, as if it were still connected to the ground by firm roots in good soil.


“Why do you think…” Cecilia’s question trailed off when she noticed the stunned look on Devin’s face.


“What is it Devin?” Kaitlyn asked, equally concerned.


“It can’t be…” He spun the stem slowly between his fingertips as he gingerly touched the pure white petals.


“Devin.” Cecilia called his name softly.


Devin’s eyes snapped up to hers. Cecilia nodded to the flower in his hands.


“What does it mean?” She asked him while holding his frightened gaze.


Devin swallowed hard. “I once gave a girl this exact flower. I don’t mean a flower like this, I mean I once gave a girl this flower.”


He held up the rose to emphasize his words.


“It’s not possible for it to be here.” Devin looked at the spot on the road where the dead familiar had faded from existence.


“How do you know it’s the same flower?” Cecilia asked sharply. “Is there some defining feature that I’m not noticing?”


Devin shook his head. “I know it looks like every other white rose, but… I can tell. This is the one.”


Cecilia urged her horse closer and reached a hand out. “Do you mind if I have a look?”


Devin reflexively pulled his hands back. Shielding the rose from Cecilia’s outstretched arm.


“What for?” Devin narrowed his eyes.


Cecilia frowned. “I don’t think that’s an ordinary flower Devin. It’s obviously being preserved by some form of magic. I’m worried that it might have other magic cast on it as well. Magic that isn’t as innocent as preserving a lovely rose.”


“What are you trying to say I’ve been possessed or something? Or that the flower is cursed?” Devin scoffed.


“I think you should give it to the magic user until we know it’s safe.” Kaitlyn spoke in a low threatening tone as she closed the distance between herself and Devin.


“Don’t you get it?” Devin pressed the flower against his chest. “It’s a sign for me, it’s meant for me. It doesn’t mean anything to you people.”


“A sign from who Devin?” Cecilia asked patiently.


Devin gazed down at the flower. “Like I said, it’s impossible…. But around six years ago-”


“Quiet!” Kaitlyn hissed and reared her horse around to face the treeline along her side of the road.


Cecilia frowned, upset that Devin had been interrupted when a faint noise found its way to her ears in the awkward silence. It was a low hum, barely audible through the rustling leaves around them. Cecilia focused on the sound and quickly realized that it was growing louder the longer she listened to it. Something was getting closer.


“What is it?” Devin asked as he tucked the white rose gently into one of his pockets.


Cecilia eyed it cautiously.


Kaitlyn unsheathed her sword. “I don’t know, but it’s coming this way.”


The hum was clearly audible now. It was a continuous wave of noise that only grew in volume as whatever person or creature it came from closed the distance between itself and the party. The horses began to shift in place, clearly disturbed by the sound. A flash of recognition hit Kaitlyn as she physically recoiled from the revelation.


“It’s a chasme!” Kaitlyn wheeled around and shouted. “We need to run!”


Before Devin could remount or Cecilia clarify which direction they should run in a blindingly quick creature burst out of the treetops. It was an insect. A massive insect that was easily the same size as one of their horses. It had four hind legs, two pincer-like arms in the front, two large solid blue eyes, and a long needle-like nose that dripped actively with a sickly green liquid. Its four wings were a blur on its back as it beat them in such a way as to create the humming sound Cecilia had heard before.


“Cover your ears!” Kaitlyn shouted as she clamped her hands down on either side of her head.


The hum turned into an overwhelming drone as a wave of debilitating noise thundered down on the party. Cecilia clapped her hands over her ears but it did little to stem the tide of sound that reverberated through her skull. Cecilia felt her horse rear up and toss her back into the road. Her head struck the ground hard and it was all she could do to not pass out from the ringing impact. Her vision grew tunneled as Cecilia watched their three mounts collapse and pass out from the continuous and relentless droning coming down from the massive demon insect that hovered above them.


Devin and Kaitlyn writhed on the ground, powerless to do anything to stop the noise that threatened to knocked them all out as it had already done to their horses. Cecilia was the only one that could do something, anything to save them. She forced a hand away from her ear, wincing as the noise washed unimpeded directly into her eardrum. Her vision faded rapidly as her consciousness threatened to slip away at any moment. Gathering any and all strength she had left, Cecilia lifted her hand and cast the only spell that she could think of in that moment.


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