My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 13 Combat (Devin)

Goblins. The classic early game enemy in most TTRPGs and fantasy games. They were short, green, and snarling as they darted towards the group. The screams and incoherent speech sent chills down Devin’s spine as they rushed towards him with wild eyes. They wielded an impressive array of rusty swords, spears, and axes. The mixed and matched patchy clothing combined with the chipped and worn weaponry told Devin that the creatures didn’t create anything themselves, rather took things from people they killed.


“Fulgur!” Cecilia’s voice had a reverb effect as she lifted a hand towards the closest clump of skittering goblins.


Blue lightning shot out from the palm of her hand and pierced through the center of the approaching hoard. A dozen goblins dropped dead on the street.


“Very impressive…” Kaitlyn breathed out heavily.


Devin glanced at the red haired bodyguard and swallowed nervously. Kaitlyn’s face was flush as she lifted an armored hand up to her cheek and observed the charred corpses of the goblins with glee.


“I really enjoyed that princess…” Kaitlyn’s hazel eyes burned with passion. “We should have adventured together sooner…”


“Disturbing revelation. Stop being so turned on and run like you just told us to!” Devin shouted as he pulled Kaitlyn away from the approaching hoard.


Cecilia shot one more destructive bolt of lightning behind them before sprinting after Devin. A group of archers stopped short and drew their bowstrings taut as they eyed the princess’ back. Devin locked in on the group, pushed Kaitlyn ahead, and brought his shield arm around to face them.


Focusing his energy on the archers Devin breathed out and uttered his skill activation. “Operam.”


The gift from Eros activated and Devin felt a portion of his energy sap away as payment. ‘Center of Attention’ did just what its name implied. The archers turned the tips of their arrows from the princess’ fleeing form to aim at Devin instead. He ducked behind his buckler and felt the impact of the half dozen arrows bounce off the tough metal center.


Devin grinned and lowered his shield only to find a goblin armed with a broken scimitar leaping directly at him. The snarling monster was cut short as a blurred blade struck him down from the side.


“I apologize for my behavior.” Kaitlyn said stoically as she slashed the next pair of goblins rushing Devin. “Thank you for protecting the princess. I will not be distracted like that again.”


“Accendo!” A bolt of fire hit the face of one of the archers in the distance.


Cecilia ducked behind Devin and continued to fire magical bolts of energy at the ranged opponents.

“Are we running or fighting?” She shouted as Devin deflected an oncoming blade with his shield.


“Running.” Kaitlyn grunted as she parried multiple attacks at once.


The bodyguard leapt backwards and reached behind her back to remove a large flask from her belt.


“Princess, hit this with fire!” Kaitlyn instructed as she lobbed the container towards the front center of the hoard.


The group fell back and Cecilia aimed a precise bolt of fire directly onto the tumbling flask. The container shattered on collision with the princess’ attack and a secondary much larger explosion sent burning oil across the goblin filled street. Screams and confusion filled their disorderly ranks as the hot oil burned the nearest goblins.


“That will burn out quickly.” Kaitlyn grabbed the princess’ hand and pulled her towards the town gate.


Devin continued to watch the goblin hoard over his shoulder, shield ready in case another ranged attack came after them as they ran.


“Your magic is so incredible Cecilia.” Kaitlyn gushed and grinned feverishly. “I know I watch you practice all the time, but to see it in action… Wow! You’re so amazing!”


“Thanks.” The princess blushed and focused on the ground as they reached the gate. “I think your skill with the blade was pretty impressive too.”


Kaitlyn stopped short. “You do? Do you want to see more?! I can show you more?!”


She turned back towards the hoard in the distance and twirled her blade in her right hand. “There’s still a lot of goblins back there. We can show each other how skilled we are.”


Drool was actively leaking from Kaitlyn’s mouth as she eyed the goblins with a feverish frenzy.


“No. No! Stop that.” Devin placed his hands on Kaitlyn’s shoulders and tried to push her through the gate.


The bodyguard didn’t seem to notice he was there. The screams and skittering from the goblins once again drew closer.


“Look, the fire is already out and they’re coming this way again. If we don’t leave now we’ll never make it. There’s far too many of them for us to deal with.” Devin huffed as Kaitlyn stepped forward and pushed him back despite his best efforts. “Princess, tell Kaitlyn you want to leave.”


“Kaitlyn.” Cecilia’s words snapped Kaitlyn out of her frenzy. “We need to get out of here.”


The bodyguard blinked hard and turned back towards the gate. “Right. You’re right. Of course.”


The trio ducked through the gate and sprinted to their horses. Devin cursed as he struggled to get his reins loose from where he tied them off. The horses shifted nervously in place as the first goblin tumbled through the gate and the rest piled up behind it.


“Let’s go! Let’s go!” Devin shouted as he swung himself over his saddle and nearly fell off the opposite side.


Kaitlyn finished helping Cecilia up onto her mount before leaping up onto her own. The tree directly next to Devin shuddered as a barbed arrow shattered against the thick trunk. Devin ducked and spurred his horse onto the road. Spears and arrows reigned down around the trio as they sprinted away from the destroyed town gate.


“Turn north!” Kaitlyn shifted her horse in that direction. “The trees will provide us cover and we’ll head directly for the fort!”


Devin turned his horse after Kaitlyn and winced as a low hanging branch snapped against his cheek. Arrows continued to fly towards the party but fortunately most fell short or were caught by the branches and trunks around them. Devin glanced back and noticed something odd about the pursuing goblin hoard. None of the screaming bloodthirsty monsters would enter any shadows cast by the overhead foliage. The goblins went painstaking lengths to remain in direct sunlight as they attempted to follow the party into the surrounding woods. Even if they didn’t handicap themselves by trying to stay out of the shadows, the goblins were no match for horses. It wasn’t long before the hoard was completely out of sight behind them as the party journeyed north.


Devin’s heart finally resumed its normal rhythm as the adrenaline of battle slowly worked its way out of his system. His clear thoughts were now free to ponder the day’s events and the questions that came with it. The most pressing of all dominated his mind.


What were the goblins so afraid of?


As always thank you for your time and attention. Your positive comments and likes keep me inspired and driven to write. I hope you enjoy and come back for more soon.

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