My Wife's Name is Luna at Hogwarts

Chapter 241 Game 2


Soon the lanterns were extinguished, and the warriors and their partners stood up.The Weird Sisters played a slow and melancholy tune.Rhine walked into the brightly lit dance floor with Luna and Hermione. He could clearly feel that everyone was secretly making fun of him, but he didn't care. He put his hands on their waists and they hugged their necks tightly. , anyway, he didn’t know how to dance, so he just walked around in circles to the music. They quickly immersed themselves in the atmosphere, and it was not as bad as they originally thought. As they slowly walked around in circles, many people soon entered. After leaving the dance floor, the warrior is no longer the center of everyone's attention.

Neville and Ginny were dancing nearby. Ginny could be seen frowning and ducking frequently because Neville stepped on her foot. Dumbledore was waltzing with Madam Maxime.Mad-Eye Moody was dancing a two-step with Professor Sinistra very awkwardly, and Professor Sinistra nervously avoided his hooked leg.

During the rest of the ball, Rhine did not dance with both of them at the same time, but took turns. Until midnight, the Weird Sisters stopped playing, and everyone gave them warm applause for the last time, and then began to walk towards the foyer. go.

"I really hope this ball can be extended a little longer, this is the last peace of Hogwarts."

"Rhine, what did you say?" Luna looked over curiously. Rhine laughed and said, "Ah, I said I suddenly figured out the riddle of the golden egg."

"Oh! What is it! Rhine, you have already thought of it?" Harry heard it not far away and ran over excitedly.

Rhine waved slightly to him, and Harry put his ear close to it, only to hear Rhine whisper, "You will understand if you take him to take a bath. I guess it has something to do with water."


Time passed by in a hurry, and the day before the second game quickly passed. The seats on the grass that surrounded the fire dragon paddock last November were now lined up on the other side of the lake. They were already full, and those below Reflections in the lake.

The referees sat at another table by the water covered with a golden tablecloth. Rhine, Fleur and Krum stood at the referee's table, watching Harry running towards them at full speed.

"I, I'm here..." Harry said out of breath, his feet slipped in the mud and he stopped, accidentally staining Fleur's robe.

"Where have you been?" A domineering voice said dissatisfiedly, "The game is about to start!" Percy sat at the referee's table and yelled.

Rhine interrupted him with a smile, "Why are you so strict, Percy!"

Percy snorted, but didn't say anything.

When Ludo saw Harry, a stone fell from his heart, "Let him take a breath!"

Dumbledore smiled at Harry. By the time Harry could catch his breath, Ludo had already arrived among the warriors and ordered them to line up on the shore, with ten feet between each person. Then he turned back to the referee's table. beside.

He pointed his wand at his throat, just like he did at the World Cup, and said, "Sound loud!" Then his voice was like thunder, passing over the dark black lake and reaching the stands.

"Listen, everyone, our warriors are already in place. We have hidden their most beloved people under the Black Lake. As soon as I blow the whistle, the second project will begin. They have a full hour to take back what they were trapped in. Of course, there were two people who were snatched away, Mr. Rhine. We were also surprised when we detected this result. Although he had a harder time than others, he asked for it and no one could do anything about it, haha , I count to three.”

A shrill whistle echoed in the cold, still air.The stands erupted in cheers and applause.Harry took off his shoes and socks three times, took out a handful of gillyweed from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and walked into the lake.

Krum cast a spell on himself with his wand, and then he grew a shark's head and jumped into the water.

Fleur put on her swimsuit and jumped in.

Klein only smiled slightly and walked into the black lake. Yes, he walked into it. Under the epic realm, no evil can arise, and all laws are invulnerable. All water is within five meters of him. The invasion, seen from a distance, looks like a big bubble with a radius of five meters.

Klein walked forward slowly. The lake became deeper and deeper, falling further and further. His feet stepped on the sand and smooth and sticky stones. He searched for a strange, dark and hazy scenery. There was silence in my ears.

He could only see the scene within a ten-foot radius, so every few steps he took in the water, a new scene suddenly emerged from the darkness in front of him. This novel experience made him give up and directly end it with powerful magic. The idea of ​​​​competition, after all, maybe it’s not bad to play games occasionally?After all, he wanted to help Harry win and get the Portkey trophy. Winning or losing didn't matter in the first place.

He leisurely admired the jungle composed of tangled black water plants, and the wide and flat sand scattered with shiny pebbles.He walked deeper and deeper, heading towards the center of the lake.His eyes penetrated the gray and strange lake water, looking at the black shadow in the distance. The lake water there was dark and hazy.

The little fish swam past him nimbly, like silver darts.Twice, he seemed to see a big thing moving in front of him, but when he got closer, he found that it was just a big black log or a dense and tangled aquatic plant.

Not seeing other warriors or the giant squid he wanted to see most, he continued to walk forward. In front of him was a piece of green water grass, two feet deep, like a very dense lawn.

Just then, something appeared from the side. They were water monsters with horns on their heads. They leaned out from the water plants and poked Rhine hard with their long nails, but they couldn't score the ball in the field at all.

He screamed twice with his sharp fangs exposed in his mouth, and soon two more water monsters emerged from the water plants, poking at the field ball desperately.

After admiring it for a while, Klein lost interest. He took out his wand and said, "Evaporate!" Then a boiling water column shot at them, and their green skin suddenly turned red where it was hit by the water column. , and then turned into water vapor in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

But this seemed to arouse public anger. Countless water monsters rushed out and pounced on Rhine. Although none of them could break the domain ball, they were very annoying. Rhine sighed, "Frost Nova!"

In an instant, everything around Rhine was frozen into ice, and all the water monsters turned into ice sculptures. Rhine's sphere continued to move forward, and there seemed to be no difference between walking in the ice and walking in water.

He turned 360 degrees in the water. He must be at the bottom of a very deep lake, but there was nothing moving around except water plants. There was still no clue about Luna and Hermione. Klein shook his head and flicked his wand. With a wave, "Summon? Perception Orb!"

Then a purple bead appeared in his hand, with a thin lavender line extending from it to guide the direction.

Klein walked along the guide for at least another 10 minutes. Now the bottom of the water was covered with large swaths of black mud. The lake water turned into dark eddies due to his stirring. After a long time, he finally heard the mermaid's heart-wrenching sound. Unforgettable singing.

After a while, he saw a large rock appearing in the turbid lake water in front of him. There were many mermaids painted on it. They were holding spears and chasing what looked like giant squids. Rhine walked from the rock. Swimming by, following the mermaid’s song.

Suddenly, many rough stone dwellings suddenly appeared all around, speckled with algae. Rhine saw some faces in those dark windows. These faces were completely different from the mermaids on the painting in the prefect's bathroom. The skin is iron gray, and the dark green hair is long and unkempt.Their eyes are yellow, their incomplete teeth are also yellow, and they wear pebbles strung with thick ropes around their necks.

As Rhine passed by, they smiled maliciously at him. One or two of them ran out of the cave to see more clearly, holding spears in their hands and slapping the lake water with their thick and powerful silver fish tails. But they knew they couldn't break the ball in the field and didn't pounce on it.

As Rhine walked, he looked around. Soon, there were more and more stone dwellings, some of which had gardens around them. He saw a small water monster tied in front of a door.Mermaids appeared from all directions, looking at him curiously, pointing at his webbed hands and gills, covering their mouths with their hands and whispering.

Until Rhine turned a corner, a very strange scene appeared in front of me. It seemed to be the square of a small mermaid village. There were some houses around it. A large group of mermaids floated in front of the houses. Some mermaids in the middle were singing and calling in unison. Warriors pass.Behind them stood a rough statue, a large mermaid carved from a huge stone. On the tail of the mermaid stone statue, five people were tightly tied.

Both Luna and Hermione were tied to it. The rope that tied the hostages to the statue was made of water grass. It was thick, slippery, and very strong. Many mermaids around them had spears in their hands and wanted to attack, but they all Blocked by Domain Ball.

With a single stroke of Rhine's wand, Hermione and Luna were untied. Then he looked at the mermaids and endless waters around him, remembering a long-lost spell, and recalling the feeling back then, Rhine whispered softly, "The water god is coming!"

Just like when Moses parted the Red Sea, all the water receded on both sides, leaving a direct path to the shore in the middle.Rhine used Holy Healing on Luna and Hermione, and the two woke up and looked at this scene, speechless in surprise.

Klein held their hands, and the three of them walked out of the Black Lake leisurely.

The stands were full of people, shouting and yelling. Everyone seemed to stand up. They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief and cheered like never before.

Klein returned to the referee's seat and stood with everyone. He raised his hand and waved, and the water surface fell back and became calm.

Dumbledore looked at him meaningfully, "Rhine, you are familiar with the epic field. What are its rules?"

Klein smiled and said, "You taught me everything!"

"You turned it into a field?" Dumbledore smiled in surprise, "Okay, Hermione is pleased."


After waiting for a while, Krum rescued a strange woman and came up. After a while, Fleur came up by herself. Finally, Harry came up with Ron and a little girl.

Klein looked at Harry funny, "Why did you rescue her?"

"Fleur didn't show up, I couldn't leave her behind," Harry replied breathlessly.

"Idiot! Professor Dumbledore is here, how could he not let one of us drown?"

Harry still wanted to argue, "But those mermaid songs say..."

"That's just to make you be serious and come back within the specified time!" Ludo explained.

Harry felt frustrated and annoyed, and said unhappily, "Okay, give her a hand, she probably doesn't know how to swim."

Rhine gently performed a levitation technique, and the little girl flew up.

"Gabriel! Gabrielle! Is she still alive? Is she injured?" Fleur rushed over and hugged the little girl.

Dumbledore and Ludo pulled Harry up, and Fleur hugged the little girl, crying and laughing at the same time, "It's water monsters... Those water monsters are attacking me... Oh, Gabrielle, I thought I thought..."

"You all come here." Madam Pomfrey said, ignoring anything else, and followed Rhine, Hermione, and Luna who were traveling for a while, anxiously grabbed Harry and pulled him to The others wrapped a blanket tightly around him and forced a burning potion into Harry's mouth.

Dumbledore was squatting by the water, talking closely with the particularly rough and fierce mermaid who looked like a leader.Dumbledore made that high-pitched, piercing sound that mermaids make on the water, and apparently, he also spoke merfolk.

Finally, he stood up straight, turned to the other referees, and said, "Let's have a meeting first and then make the score?"

So several referees gathered together.Madam Pomfrey treated the others in turn, and soon it was Fleur and her sister's turn.

Fleur had scars all over her face and arms, and her robe was torn, but she didn't seem to mind and didn't let Madam Pomfrey clean it up for her. She just said, "Go take care of Gabrielle." Well, I'm sorry for her."


At this moment, Ludora's magically amplified voice suddenly sounded in their ears, startling everyone and causing the audience in the stands to become silent. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally made a decision. Merkus, the female leader of the mermaids, told us everything that happened under the lake. We have decided to rate the warriors as follows based on a full score of fifty. :

Although Fleur showed excellent use of the Bubble Charm, she was attacked by a water monster when approaching the target and failed to rescue the hostages. We give her 25 points. "

There was applause from the stands.

"I should get zero points." Fleur shook her head and said hoarsely.

"Krum used Transfiguration, incomplete but still effective, and he was the second to return with the hostages. We give him forty points."


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