My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 28 - You’re Still Inexperienced

Chapter 28: You’re Still Inexperienced

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Do you know Ye Xiong?” Du Yuehua asked curiously.

“Not only do I know him, but I understand him through and through.” Luo Weiwei gritted his teeth.

She recalled their first encounter. It was when he drove over someone’s sedan rooftop with a motorcycle. They then encountered an assassin while they were on the way back to the police station and she had been taken advantage of by this very man. There were also incidents in the police station. Luo Weiwei was always incredibly furious whenever she encountered this man.

However, she had to admit that this man was certainly no ordinary man. He was not a man to be messed with, be it his movements, background, or even his personality.

“Could it possibly be that you two have a past?” Du Yuehua asked skeptically.

“Bleh. Who would be willing to have a past with that pervert.” Luo Weiwei tsked. “Don’t you worry. This guy is incredibly cunning. He won’t be taken advantage of. Instead, it’s the other way round.”

Luo Weiwei felt angry and shame simultaneously as she recalled her being taken advantage of by him while he acted obliviously.

Du Yuehua was shocked but she kept it hidden. It was not the time for her to ponder on that at the moment as she rushed to the upper floors. Just as she reached the third floor, she saw that two parties were at a standstill.

On one side, there was only one person while there were dozens of people on the other side.

Ye Xiong was no less intimidating even though he alone was facing dozens of them.

“He Haodong, I’ll make you pay if you refuse to hand over my friend that you’ve abducted.”

His voice was packed with power and intimidation.

Du Yuehua rushed to Ye Xiong’s side and asked anxiously, “Ye Xiong, are you okay?”

Ye Xiong shook his head and smiled when he saw Luo Weiwei behind her. “It seems that Officer Luo is here as well. Long time no see Officer Luo. I see you’ve grown big… more beautiful.”

Ye Xiong did not understand why, but he would lay his eyes on Luo Weiwei’s chest whenever he met her. He then recalled the day he sat behind her motorcycle.

It was truly a view that was impossible to forget!

“Get lost!”

Luo Weiwei was angry the instant she saw this pervert. If it was not for a serious incident to settle, she would certainly have dealt with him regarding that incident.

He Haodong walked forward and scoffed when he saw Luo Weiwei. “Officer Luo, Ye Xiong has raided our Fuhua Hotel and harmed dozens of my guards. Is the police going to ignore this?”

“Ye Xiong, why did you hit them?” Luo Weiwei questioned.

“He’s abducted my friend. It’s only natural that I’ve come here to save him,” Ye Xiong replied.

Ye Xiong explained what had happened while exaggerating the entire story to the point where he and Klein were sworn comrades that had known each other for decades. He claimed that Klein had been abducted and had been treated inhumanely. No one knew if he was dead or alive.

“You claimed I’ve abducted your friend. Do you have any proof for that?” He Haodong scoffed.

“My proof is that my friend is in your hotel right now.”

“I’ll give you the chance to search now. I won’t forgive you if you don’t find him,” He Haodong said rudely.

He had already sent his men to move Klein to another location. If he was right, Klein would already be in the car at that point. Hence, Ye Xiong would never find him even if he had flipped the entire hotel upside down.

“How dare you to pull such a move right in front of me. You’re still too inexperienced for this!”

The edge of Ye Xiong’s lips curled up as he smiled coldly. He then walked to the window out of the blue and jumped from the third floor.

The crowd screamed as they did not expect Ye Xiong to jump off the building.

Luo Weiwei sprinted to the side of the window to see Ye Xiong sliding down swiftly as he held onto a water pipe before landing firmly on the ground. He then started attacking left and right, tackling two people who were carrying luggage as they were about to leave. He then stepped on the luggage with one leg.

“Let’s go down and check it out.”

Luo Weiwei led the way as everyone else followed along. As they reached downstairs, they saw Ye Xiong sitting on the luggage with his legs crossed. That look of his looked extremely cool.

He Haodong’s expression dimmed as he stared intently at the luggage underneath Ye Xiong’s butt. He had a rather concerned look.

“I’ll let you guys do the guessing. What am I sitting on right now?” Ye Xiong asked as he smiled.

“Could it be Mr. Klein?” Du Yuehua asked shockingly.

“You’re truly the lady boss of our Feiyang International Hotel. You’re incredibly sharp, smart, beautiful, generous, has above average intelligence, talented, graceful…”

“Stop bootlicking and open the luggage.”

Du Yuehua’s face turned red. Would he not feel ashamed for bootlicking her right in front of so many people?

She was still in the dark that Ye Xiong had already made a huge advertisement for her before she even arrived. Everyone was very interested to see the boss of Feiyang International Hotel, the beautiful widow who was left with billions of assets to her. She truly lived up to everyone’s expectations now that the crowd had seen her.

“Ye Xiong, open the luggage now,” Luo Weiwei spoke hastily.

Ye Xiong stood up as he zipped open the luggage. A man with a swollen face appeared. Who else could it be other than Klein?

Ye Xiong pressed Klein’s head a few times with his finger as the latter woke up. Klein screamed immediately as he woke up from his slumber and spoke in English, “I was wrong. I promise I won’t sign any agreement with Feiyang International Hotel. I’ve decided to sign the agreement with Fuhua Hotel instead.”

Ye Xiong immediately replied in English, “Please tell me Mr. Klein, how did you get abducted to Fuhua Hotel?”

Klein looked at the thugs around him as he stopped talking.

Ye Xiong smiled coldly and kept chatting with Klein without rest. Nobody around him could understand what they were talking about except for Du Yuehua and He Haodong.

Ye Xiong sprang into action out of the blue. He was like a fierce tiger as he pounced into the crowd and grabbed hold of the two thugs that were about to run away. He gave them a few slaps each before throwing them onto the ground and told Luo Weiwei, “Officer Luo, these two are the culprits that abducted Mr. Klein. It’s best for you to bring them back and interrogate them.”

Luo Weiwei was shocked. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would hear Ye Xiong conversing fluently in English. He was way better than professional translators.

Why would he want to work as a site worker if he had such a skill?

Du Yuehua looked beautiful even when she was stunned. Ye Xiong’s command of English was better than hers. She found it hard to believe that this rogue not only knew how to cook but could also converse in English. He had no idea just who this guy really was.

“Men, bring these two back to the police station and interrogate them properly.” Luo Weiwei ordered on the spot.

The lot returned to the police station half an hour later. As Luo Weiwei interrogated everyone, the two thugs had told the truth regarding Klein’s abduction. However, they insisted that it was their own doing and no one had ordered them.

They had rather be jailed than to betray He Haodong. Their outcome for doing the latter would be much worse than being jailed.

He Haodong encountered Ye Xiong at the entrance as the former left the police station.

“It’s unfortunate that you’ll never have the opportunity to pull me down.” He Haodong adjusted his shirt and smiled cunningly.

“If I’m able to destroy your marriage, beat your underlings to a pulp, and snatch away the hotel you wanted, you can be sure that I also have the capability to oppress you to the point you can’t raise your head up.” Ye Xiong stared at him as a hint of coldness oozed out from his gaze. “I’m warning you. It’s best to not pull any tricks on me or you’ll face a worse outcome than them.”

As Ye Xiong finished warning him, he left with Du Yuehua and left the gloomy He Haodong alone.

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