My Wife is Obviously a Queen But She is Too Virtuous

Chapter 1024 - Xiaolin, congratulations

Hearing his wife’s question, Fang Xiaole looked down at the two children who were still struggling.

In fact, he had already thought out various plans for the child’s name, whether it was two boys, two girls, or a baby boy.

He hugged Dabao and said softly: “Wife, our daughter is named Fang Aiyao, OK?”

“Huh~~ This name is too direct, not poetic at all, and it has the same name as the company, oops!”

Fangfang curled her lips, and Xiao Le was suspicious of Xiaole’s naming ability, but Mo Yan patted the back of the head as soon as she was halfway through.

“Just you talk a lot.”

Mo Yan glared at her, Fangfang stuck out his tongue and stopped speaking.

I don’t believe that Sister Yao would agree to such a name!

“Okay, that’s a nice name, husband, what about this naughty little guy!”

Lin Yao smiled with approval, and then looked down at the naughty Erbao. This little guy was squeezing her hands while sucking, and he wouldn’t be a worry-free child after seeing it.

“Guess what name I named?”

Fang Xiaole didn’t say anything this time, but looked at Lin Yao with a smile.


Lin Yao tilted her head for a moment, and said softly:

“Fang Mulin?”

Fang Xiaole raised his hand and touched her head: “Sure enough, you are still a wife, you know me!”


Lin Yao squinted his head and rubbed his palm.

She likes both names very much, because they have the same meaning-Fang Xiaole loves Lin Yao.

“Cut, I’m an old husband and wife, are you tired of it?”

Fangfang looked sour next to him, thinking that she and the little milk dog have lived together for a long time, and now she doesn’t even close the toilet. Instead, she doesn’t have the original passion. At this time, let’s take a look at Sister Yao and Fang Xiaole. Why are they still the same? So you and me?

No, I have to cut holes in the remaining Durex when I go back, and I want to have a baby too!

At this time, there were rapid footsteps and conversations between two men outside the ward.

“Lao Lin, hurry up! I can’t wait to see my grandchildren!”

“Already the fastest!”

Fang Guoqing and Lin Duanzheng arrived at Jiangrong Airport at about the same time. Yancheng was closer to Jiang Rong. Lin Duanzheng landed first, and the two of them discussed simply waiting to go to the hospital together.

But I didn’t expect that there would be a traffic jam on the road. The two old men had to get out of the car and walk all the way, so it was delayed for so long.

When I got to the hospital and asked, I knew that Lin Yao had given birth and was still a pair of twins.

The two were ecstatic, and hurriedly followed the nurse to Lin Yao’s ward.

Fang Guoqing’s face was red, and he walked in the forefront with vigorous steps. When he twisted the door handle of the ward, he found that it could not be opened, so he quickly knocked on the door:

“Fang Xiaole, Xiaolin, are you in there? Song Yan!”

Professor Lin also put down the shelf and eagerly knocked on the door: “Daughter, I’m here, open the door!”

Song Yan’s voice came from inside: “You two wait, Lin Yao is breastfeeding the baby!”


The two stopped in disarray, stood at the door, glanced at each other, and Fang Guoqing pointed to Lin Duanzheng in amazement:

“Oh, Lao Lin, you actually laughed?”

When did the serious Professor Lin laugh?


Lin Duanzheng raised his hand to cover his face, and said, “I didn’t smile.”

“Well, I didn’t laugh.”

Fang Guoqing nodded: “Cry.”

“Impossible, don’t talk nonsense, I don’t have one!”

Lin Duanzheng touched his face in disbelief, it turned out to be really wet.

He was stunned for a moment.

After a while, a sigh sounded: “I think of Lin Yao’s grandma. When Hai Yao gave birth to Lin Yao, her grandma was still there, holding Lin Yao, crying and laughing…”

Fang Guoqing also sighed: “Xiao Le’s grandpa and grandma also went early. If the two old people were still there, how happy to see this scene!”

There was a momentary silence at the door of the ward.

People often think of their loved ones when they are happiest.

It would be great if they were still there.


“Old Lin, so we have to live in the present and cherish the present!”


When the door of the ward opened, Song Yan and Hai Yao came out, they were shocked:

“What are you two big men doing together?”



In the afternoon, after those friends in the circle had lunch, they still wanted to come and see Lin Yao and the two children.

But there are too many people to come in together.

Mo Yan arranged for Ai Yao’s staff to help coordinate the arrangements and let these people enter the ward in batches.

Moreover, it can only be queued until seven o’clock in the evening. Lin Yao is also very tired today and needs to rest early.

With such a row on the timetable, some people are actually going to the next day.

No way, everyone was too enthusiastic, and no one wanted to leave without seeing Sister Lin and the child. Mo Yan arranged for those who could only enter the ward to visit the next day to stay in the hotel tonight.

The first batch of people who entered the ward were naturally Lin Yao’s best friends and Fang Xiaole’s friends.

Xu Fei also brought Xiao Nianyao, who had just turned one and a half years old. The little girl would actually leave. Xu Fei led her into the ward. When she saw the crib, the little girl went over and grabbed the edge of the bed with both hands. Climbing in, everyone laughed.

Wang Manling and Zhao Yue cared about Lin Yao’s body and bought a lot of supplements for mothers to eat.

Tang Wan seemed to care about the details of giving birth and kept asking Lin Yao about the process of giving birth.

A group of women surrounded Fang Aiyao and Fang Mulin, teasing the children while complaining that the names of the two little guys were too crooked.

After chatting for a while, the two children cried and it was time to breastfeed.

Fang Xiaole accompanied Hong Sanshi, Zhang Bo, and Lei Tao out to wait, while Tang Wan and others stayed with interest to see how Lin Yao feeds.

Tang Wan was shocked when Lin Yao opened the breastfeeding suit and a huge granary appeared. She looked down at her future granary and couldn’t help but compare it with Lin Yao.

“My God, Xiao Yaoyao, I should call you Dayaoyao from now on!”

Zheng Qian looked straight and muttered: “Why, why are yours so big? Why can’t you give me a little bit!”

When Lin Yao finished milking the child, several men came in and found Zheng Qian alone in the corner sobbing.

“What’s up with her?”

Fang Xiaole asked strangely.

“It’s just a strike at the airport, don’t Tang Wan waved her hand disdainfully.

In the evening, relatives from the Song and Fang families also arrived.

However, the exhausted Lin Yao was already asleep at this time, and everyone did not disturb her. First went to Lanheng Garden, Longfeng Garden and the hotel to stay, and planned to come back the next day.

At this time, Jiangrong Airport.

“Mom, we haven’t seen the badass sister and her child yet, why did we leave?”

Xiaoxuan asked her mother unhappy.

Zhang Xin sat on a chair in the waiting hall and said calmly:

“Just know that she is safe. At this time, people outside of my circle don’t have to join in the fun. When it’s quiet, we will go again.”

She looked sideways in the direction of Jiang Rong Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, with a smile on her face.

Xiao Lin, congratulations.

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