My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 616: These favours, Perhaps Can Be Only Paid By Offering Myself

 Without realizing it, a month has passed quickly.

The Human race and the Asura race have forged an alliance and officially become allies.

For the people of Imperial City, the exciting betting battle seemed like just yesterday, and many people were still talking about it in the streets.

Especially on the night when the Asura race left, the battle between Heaven Killing Asura and Divine Guardian became a topic of endless discussion among the people.

Looking at the eastern sky outside the Imperial City, even though it was daylight, it seemed as if a pitch-black chasm had opened in the sky, as if someone had sliced through the fabric of the sky with a small knife.

That was the aftermath of the clash between transcendent beings.

Forces that have reached such a level are akin to gods, and each blow contained unimaginable power.

But this world was too fragile to withstand such consequences.

Inside the Peaceful Academy, the sound of students reading aloud filled the air: “Heaven is strong, a gentleman strives for self-improvement; Earth is receptive, a gentleman carries with great virtue.”

Qin Feng silently withdrew his gaze and looked back at the academy, where the bustling scene of students studying greeted him.

As his reputation continued to rise, so did the reputation of the Peaceful Academy.

Especially after the battle with the Asura Clan, the world has witnessed the unimaginable strength of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage.

That heroic statement, “To the end of the sea, with the sky as my shore, in literary talent, I am at the top!”, has continued to stir the hot blood of students from poor backgrounds, igniting their passion and determination.

As a result, the Imperial City has seen an unprecedented increase in the number of people joining the Peaceful Academy.

Witnessing this blossoming scene, Yang Qian and Fei Xun have also used their social connections to attract many friends to join them in teaching and training at Peaceful Academy.

As the numbers grew, so did the scope.

It is no exaggeration to say that Peaceful Academy has become the second great literature academy in the Imperial City.

Seeing that it’s almost noon, Qin Feng puts down his books and said quietly, “Today’s lesson ends here. You should all clean up and go back for lunch.”

Upon hearing this, the students express their regret, “Master Qin, why don’t you continue teaching for a bit longer?”

“Yes, Master Qin, you haven’t finished explaining the ‘Encouragement To Learn’ from last time. Why don’t you finish it now?”

Qin Feng chuckled, “To do a good job, you have to sharpen your tools first. If you want to learn more, you can’t neglect your health.”

Seeing the expressions of regret and eagerness on the students’ faces, Qin Feng shook his head helplessly, “All right, for the first lesson this afternoon, I’ll borrow some time from the teachers to finish explaining ‘Encouragement To Learn’ to you all.”

“For now, go back quickly.”

With these words, cheers filled the room.

After all the students said goodbye to Qin Feng, they hurried back home.

Qin Feng was packing the books on the stage alone, and suddenly remembered something, “Come to think of it, the Imperial Examination will begin in just one month. I wonder how many people will soar to new heights and astonish everyone this time?”

Remembering the day the Peaceful Academy was founded and the diligent efforts of the students over the years, Qin Feng smiled faintly. Those who strive will eventually succeed. He believed that hard work would inevitably bear fruit; it was only a matter of time.

Just as he was thinking this, he heard a clear voice behind him, “Dean Qin is really loved by the students, which makes me jealous.” 

“But the dean is a bit too arrogant. The first class in the afternoon clearly belongs to me. You didn’t even discuss it with me and just decided to take up my time?”

“Uh.” Qin Feng’s expression froze, and he turned to look in the direction of the voice, only to see a young man dressed in white, as soft as jade.

‘Oops, why does it have to be her class?’

Looking at the person’s flat chest, wasn’t she Princess Anya?

Indeed, for some reason, after forming an alliance with the Asura Clan, Emperor Ming secretly issued an edict ordering Anya to come to the Peaceful Academy to teach!

The reason was simple: in order to reach a higher realm in the Literature Saint Dao Lineage, one had to make aspirations and follow the oath taken at the Heart Questioning Platform.

Therefore, imparting one’s knowledge, experience, and scholarly spirit was the most direct method.

But Qin Feng had never expected Anya to have the time for this.

After all, she was the actual manager of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, as well as being a princess. She should have been very busy every day.

At first he thought it was just a passing fancy on her part, but for almost a month in a row Anya never missed a class, even mingling with students from poor backgrounds.

He knew then that Anya was serious.

To prevent any further sarcastic remarks from her, Qin Feng forced a laugh as he considered his words: “I was just planning to visit you for lunch and bring up this matter. Since you’re here, it saves me the trouble.”

“Why save the trouble? I just came in a hurry, I haven’t had lunch yet. Your Moonlit Pavilion isn’t far from here. May I ask Dean Qin to treat me to a good meal?” Anya blinked and said smoothly.

Qin Feng’s mouth twitched, “Don’t you need to take care of your Gathering Treasure Pavilion? You can eat anytime, but business matters are more important.”

“It’s okay, my father has arranged for someone to take over my duties temporarily. Otherwise I wouldn’t have had the time to come to Peaceful Academy,” Anya waved her hand.

This person really doesn’t understand pleasantries. But who could replace her? Could it be Eunuch Li?

Curious in his mind, Qin Feng refrained from asking further and reluctantly agreed.

Business was still booming at the Moonlit Pavilion, with a long queue outside and a busy restaurant inside.

However, with Qin Feng and Anya’s status, they naturally didn’t have to wait outside and were soon escorted into a fine private room.

Amidst the bustle of the hall and the spring breeze outside, the aroma of food filled the air inside.

As a glass of wine went down, a faint blush crept across Anya’s face and her words began to flow slowly.

“When we first met in Jinyang City, I never imagined that you were Liu Jianli’s husband, let alone that you could achieve such success today, being favoured by the emperor and loved by the people.”

Qin Feng raised his wine glass slightly. Emperor Ming did indeed favour the Qin family.

After the duel with Asura, his father’s title was directly elevated to the rank of third-class general, on par with the Qin family’s ancestor.

Such a rapid promotion had not been seen since the Great Qian, and naturally there was considerable opposition within the court, but Emperor Ming suppressed it.

In retrospect, Qin Feng could roughly guess that Emperor Ming must have known his father’s true identity as the Northern Ghost Head…

The three of them had won the wager for the Great Qian, so it was only fair to receive such rewards.

Anya drank rather quickly, and the blush on her face became more pronounced, even spreading to her ears with a hint of pink.

Remembering the course of their acquaintance, a slight smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, her eyes filled with amusement.

Qin Feng joked, “You owe me so many favours and you haven’t repaid them all yet.”

It was meant as a joke, but unexpectedly, Anya paused for a moment, then replied with a smile that was neither approving nor disapproving, “Yes, indeed. It is not easy to repay so many favours, especially considering that you saved my life twice. If this were one of those cliché stories, perhaps the only way would be to sacrifice myself.”

At her words, Qin Feng, who was about to raise his glass, suddenly stopped.

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