My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 602: Determining the Candidate

“Emperor Ming must have been driven mad by this bet long ago. If you can’t think of a solution, why did you come here?” Father Qin raised an eyebrow in question.

“I came to the Qin residence for this matter, of course,” the Heavenly Tower National Teacher replied lightly.

As soon as these words were spoken, Qin Feng and the others’ expressions changed, and they all looked at Father Qin at the same time.

The onlookers see more clearly than the participants; they had almost forgotten, who else would be more suitable for a second-tier competition than Northern Ghost Head?

Of course, Father Qin realised this as well, and his face stiffened.

He had long since disappeared from everyone’s sight, creating the illusion of being dead just to secretly protect his family.

But if he reappeared in such a big competition, wouldn’t it let everyone know that Northern Ghost Head was never dead?

However, it is not very realistic to refuse. After all, the battle against the Asura Clan is for the safety of the human race.

Unless we can invite the Southern Nan Tianlong from the southern region, there is really no one more suitable than him for the second stage battle.

Feeling the gaze of the crowd, Father Qin sighed, “I can intervene if necessary, but the bet you made is three battles and three victories. Even if I win the second stage battle, if we lose the other two, the result will be the same.”

“As for choosing the participants for the third stage battle, do you have any candidates in mind? Should we have someone from the prison department intervene, or should we go to the southern region and find those three divine generals?”

“Or should we go to Sword Emperor City and find the Sword Emperor Bai Yan?”

Although the territory of the Great Qian was vast and there were countless hermits and experts, in Qin Jian’an’s eyes, the potential candidates were limited to just a few.

Qin Feng and the others also looked at the Heavenly Tower National Teacher, waiting for his answer, but they saw the white-haired old man nod his head in Liu Jianli’s direction, his gaze never leaving her.

Father Qin was surprised, “Do you want Jianli to participate in the third stage battle?”

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher nodded slightly.

This decision obviously surprised everyone present, and everyone had a shocked expression on their faces.

Their reaction was not because Liu Jianli lacked strength. She was the only one in history to reach the rank of third-tier sword god at the age of twenty.

The main problem was that she was too young!

Despite her extraordinary talent, her actual combat experience was still too limited, far less than those well-known third stage experts.

Considering the importance of this battle, Father Qin said solemnly, “Have you thought this through carefully?”

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher extended his right hand in the illusion, and a stream of Clear Qi immediately swept into the air, vividly depicting the scene of the Eastern Region’s battle against the four asura warlords and the Demon Slaying Department in the void.

This was the Immortal Technique – Mirror Flower, Water Moon.

Qin Feng and others looked at the almost one-sided battle in the picture, and their expressions darkened.

The strength of the Asura Clan was far beyond their expectations.

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher spoke lightly, “The Asura Clan has four great war kings: the Strength King, Tianji Luo, the Evil King, Bimala, the Mad King, Saito Yinluo, and the Slaying King, Ziyu Luo.”

“The Strength King and the Evil King are both experts in the Eight Calamity Cycle. Among them, the Strength King is the strongest. He defeated the Eastern Domain Commander Qiu Wuhen. Therefore, it will definitely be the Strength King who will make a move in the second stage battle.”

“As for the Mad King and the Slaying King, they are both at the peak of the Seven Calamities Cycle. One has a strong physical body and amazing defence, while the other’s attacks are lightning fast and dominant.”

“Either of them could be your opponent in a third stage battle.”

“Liu Jianli’s swordsmanship has reached the realm of the Sword God, both in attack and defence. It seems to be more than enough for this battle.”

“Of course, the most important thing is, young lady, you should have already touched the threshold of the second tier, shouldn’t you?”

As these words were spoken, everyone turned to look at the figure in white.

She nodded slightly, her two fingers lightly touching before slashing towards the sky.

The space seemed like a blank sheet of paper, and a thread of sword energy like scissors caused a momentary sensation of rupture in the space!

Father Qin raised an eyebrow.

If the key to the Third Realm is for the human race to establish its own domain, where it can exercise its own characteristics and maximise its strength.

The essence of Second Realm lies in being able to wield this domain to the point of mastery, to be able to seamlessly integrate it into one’s body or attacks.

The sword qi Liu Jianli has just demonstrated clearly integrates the essence and domain into the sword technique.

This sword may seem ordinary, but its power was definitely not to be underestimated.

“Under my previous guidance, she was able to reach this level, which is pretty good, but a little worse than what I was back then.” Father Qin coughed dryly.

Qin Feng’s face froze, these words sounded familiar. Oh, I also said similar words when I was teaching the two ladies the Immortal Technique.

Threshold of the second rank… Cang Feilan looked at Sister Jianli, pursed her lips, and thought only of working hard to cultivate and keep up with her.

She has never forgotten her wish to turn their role and become the main wife and let the other party call her Sister Feilan!

Father Qin nodded in agreement. “With Jianli’s strength, in a battle against the third rank, the odds of winning or losing are at least fifty-fifty.”

“And what about the participants in the fourth rank battle? You should be aware that this battle is the most difficult.”

Qin Feng and the others didn’t understand, they only heard Father Qin explain, “The Asura Clan has its own unique cultivation method. After the fourth rank, they can cultivate the innate divine ability, Asura Spirit God.”

“When the human race reaches the third rank, they can counter with their domain, but at the fourth rank, they lack the means to counter the enemy.”

“The only solution I can think of is to find a powerful Hundred Ghosts Daoist, to engage them with Yin Spirits, and look for weaknesses.”

“The Hundred Ghosts Daoist may be an option, but I have a better candidate,” said the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower.

Qin Feng was still waiting for the story to continue when he noticed the old man staring at him intently. A feeling of unease suddenly arose in his heart, and he discreetly took a few steps to the side without leaving a trace.

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Tower National Teacher’s gaze followed.

“Um…” Qin Feng’s expression instantly froze.

Others caught on as well, as Father Qin showed a strange expression and asked directly, “Are you planning to have Feng’er participate in the fourth stage competition?”


Upon receiving this affirmative answer, strange expressions appeared on their faces.

Especially Qin Feng, who found the internal drama far more exciting than his external expression.

He dryly remarked, “For such an important battle that affects the safety of the human race, Teacher, you can’t possibly let our Qin family be fully represented, can you?”

Of course, he had another sentence in mind – even if you want to fleece the sheep, you can’t just grab one sheep to fleece, can you?

The outcome of this battle has immense implications; winning would obviously make you a hero of the Great Qian, while losing would undoubtedly make you a culprit of the Great Qian.

You can imagine the pressure that comes with that.

This was also the point that worried Qin Feng the most.

Suddenly, he thought of something and said, “Could it be, Teacher, that you’ve made this arrangement because you’ve already foreseen the outcome?”

The others also understood when they heard this.

After all, Heavenly Tower’s National Teacher is known for his inexhaustible strategies!

However, to everyone’s surprise, Heavenly Tower’s National Teacher shook his head and said bluntly, “Not everything in this world can be predicted. The implications of this battle are too great. Even if we try to peer into the heavenly secrets by force, it will be in vain.”

“Besides, if the human race had always believed in fate, it might have been destroyed on the day the gods and demons descended thousands of years ago.”

“The reason the human race has survived to this day is simply because of these words – ‘Man can make things happen’!”

“Man can make things happen…” Qin Feng repeated silently in his mind, his gaze becoming more determined.

“Teacher, I understand.”

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