My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 139

We didnt need to walk all that much further when we heard a wrathful roar that shook the air, not only that, but a series of thundering explosions also seemed to be aimed at us and even in the relative darkness we were able to see the trail of dust trailing towards us.

"Here comes that big bastard. Berserker you help me out on the front line." Cu ordered obviously not trusting the frankly untrained in any sort of Chaldean master, but he seemed to have some trust for me as he didnt bother giving me or Nero any orders.

Finally, the myth, the legend Hercules broke through the tree's blocking our vison of him but the moment he came within view a series of explosion fiercely collided with him as Cu's primordial runes shot blue fireballs and Nero summoned two golden cannons to shoot a large laser into Hercules.

"Roar!!!" Hercules was undaunted by the hastily shot fireball by Cu and Nero's laser's shot by her two golden cannons although tore small chunks of him as it hit the corners of his body, they were unable to directly pierce into the giant man's chest.

Hercules dead sprinted at us wildly waving his large stone sword that was more than five meters long and Berserker Tamamo met his charge by dashing forward and rather than suicidally attempting stonewall Hercules's charge she slid across the ground to dodge his swipe with his sword and used her claws to rake bloody gashes on the back of the mad servant.

Hercules rolled across the ground from being basically hamstrung for a moment and the loss of motion allowed to fully take in the monstrous man.

I knew the corruption from the tainted grail would change him but I didnt think it would be this bad. The once ash colored giant of a man was near completely black and had large red streaks going through his body and his eyes glowed a truly mad crimson demoting his complete insanity even as he roared again and shook the air with the strength of his voice.

But thankfully he wasn't capable of using sound as a weapon like Alfia could.

Nero was continuing to use her twin golden cannons to shoot large lasers at Hercules and small golden flying laser pointers shot out of her cannons and they were able to hover in the air and shoot a constant high intensity beam of magic onto Hercules and I could feel through our Master/Servant connect that Nero was spending her mana excessively.

I wasn't like Olga and Fujimaru who were just awkwardly standing behind Mash and her shield, I space skipped behind Hercules and used his large body to block the attacks of my allies and just as he smacked Tamamo aside like a tennis ball being smashed by a racket, my sword slid through his spine like a molten knife through butter as my space cutting sword cut through his bones and up into his neck and taking off his head as I performed one of the Sun Breathing techniques and my black flames were further enhanced with them having a sort of 'Sun' attribute to them.

'Sun attribute acts a bit like divinity, I guess.' I thought remembering about how Hercules, Noble Phantasm, God Hand, worked as it gave him eleven extra lives with each life taken making him much more resistant to what killed him previously as well as blows beneath a certain strength level.

But you could kinda cheese his Noble Phantasm by using a number of different methods as I killed him with technically four methods, being the flames, a sword, the loss of his head, and spatial magic. So, the resistance he built to the methods were spread out in comparison to the likes of Saber Alter literally punching him so hard in the jaw that it snapped his neck like a twig.

I dashed backwards as Hercules's head almost instantly regrew and he launched a vicious backhand at me missing by scant inches and the wind from his blow blew my hair back as Tamamo cried out as she took the perfect opening when Hercules focused on me to slash at his neck and although it wasn't a lethal wound it allowed both casters to focus on the wound as I backstepped away from Hercules as he seemed to consider me the bigger threat.

A loud thump echoed as Hercules's form collapsed onto the ground as the Castors focused on the gaping neck wound and his head was once again taken off by the combined might of the lasers of Nero and an especially large bombardment of fireballs from Cu.

I flew up into the air at high speeds and then shot myself down as fast as I could and in that motion, I took out a massive five-meter square block of iron that I had saved from merging all the metals in Moria and the block of iron was shot down with my current momentum and violently smashed into the crouched form of Hercules as I peeled off and skidded across the ground.

"Fuck your immortality nonsense..." I spat knowing that a hundred mile an hour solid block of iron colliding with him would take at least one life and more importantly give our druid, some time to setup some stronger runes or even his noble phantasm should we need it.

"Cu your up!" I called out but he was already ahead of me as I saw thick vines that made me have flash backs to the Violas in Danmachi tunnel beneath my iron block and grimaced as I heard the muffled roar of Hercules as the roots stabbed into his body.

Seeing the massive iron block starting to fucking tilt as Hercules screamed his rage to the world I wordless smash another four blocks of metals around the first one and then put the fused high quality stone I saved from both Moria and the time when me and the Familia went out on that stupid camping trip and stumbled into a damn descendant of the One-Eyed Black Dragon which further crushed Hercules.

"This kinda feels like cheating..." Fujimaru muttered to Olga and Mash who were just awkwardly standing there as me and Tamamo didnt give Hercules any time to go after the Caster's harassing him, let alone the three girls standing off to the side not contributing anything.

Cu then used a series of Runes he had been working on by scraping them onto the ground with his feet and the ground around my metal blocks became lava and had lightning coursing through it and although it clearly exhausted him, a couple minutes later he said that Hercules died and already faded away.

I nodded hearing how he faded away and then collected my metal and the stones ignoring Fujimaru and Olga's deadpan stares of my method of combat.

"Alright, guys let's loot the Einsbern Castle and I will reward anyone who can bring me the notes or a guide on the creation of Homunculus. Other than that, its first come, first serve." I said after I got my breath back as it was frankly a little out of order after my first real fight using the Sun Breathing style.

I wasn't sure if they had such knowledge here, but I wanted the Einsbern method of making Homunculi as the Chaldean way, obviously had its problems seeing how Mash was the only survivor up until this point.

"Alright!" Fujimaru said excitedly, she knew her limits and if she came across it, she knew she would get more out of whatever I gave with her lack of talent with mage craft.

However, Olga knew the value of the Einsbern families Homunculi and Wishcraft, a magecraft where you basically throw so much mana at something that reality basically buckles under the weight of the mana and gives you your desire. But in reality, it was highly inefficient as for example if you were to use a simple like magecraft to summon a finger of flame to light a candle and then did the same with wishcraft, the wishcraft would cost more than five times as much.

But although it had its ups and downs, it could do still do some crazy stuff like rewrite reality through the use of a holy grail and it's infinite mana as that was the whole goal of a Holy Grail War which is to use the mana accumulated and the energy from servants souls to grant a wish to the winner.

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