My Terrified Yokai Academy School Life With Monster Girls!

Chapter 7: Idiot, Why Did You Come Back!? The Rosario Cross!

‘‘Oh, you’re still alive even after that? If nothing else you punk is quite resilient in taking a beating. Is your species the type that has strong vitality? Come to think about it, what type Monster are you anyway? The whole time you’ve stayed in your human disguise without transforming. Heh heh…

‘‘It doesn't matter anyway. I’m sure just like how weak and pathetic you are; whatever type of monster you might be. They must all be the same as you. Pathetic and weak, brainless, not knowing their place, just like you! Hah hah hah…!’’ 

Saizou, still in his disturbing and hideous true form, thudding forward with a measured pace, seemingly not in a hurry after venting some of his anger. While slowly making his way toward Tsukune's almost completely wrecked body, he laughed as he remarked when sensing that Tsukune was still somehow alive.  

This asshole! Leaving a Monster to not understand when he should give it a break when someone is already near death door! Besides, I’m...I’m not even a Monster. Your words are as offensive as literally nothing!   

In spite of his condition; being still conscious and partially still aware of his surroundings, Tsukune naturally heard what Saizou had said. And instead of becoming livid by it, he smirked inwardly at Saizou for believing his words would arouse any sort of anger from him. 

As a bonafide proud human — having his nonexistent Monster race being insulted as weak and pathetic wasn’t something he could care about since the insults were pointed at something that didn’t even exist.    

On that note, as these casual thoughts dance within Tsukune's mind; something struck him as odd though… 

I’m clearly dying yet instead of being afraid. Unlike before, my mind is really calm right now. Heh, I guess since I’m already certain to die even if that bastard doesn't come to finish me off — my ability to feel fear must have shut down. Yay fucking me!    

Tsukune inwardly shouted self-deprecatingly to himself at his lack of fear at the moment even when at death's door. After all… when peering his eyes down to glance at the condition of his body, it only took him a second to figure out he wouldn’t be seeing the world in the next hour — let alone the next day! 

Mo- Moka… 

Able to easily figure out his own condition, his thoughts suddenly stray to the so-called pink-haired vampire friend of his. When her devastated Beauty popped into his mind, Tsukune rapidly experienced a strong emotion of joy with a rather complex mix of disappointment hidden within it.

The joy came from knowing that she was likely safe now, and far away from here. But the disappointment stemmed from knowing that — unlike him, she didn’t choose to stay and save him… just as he had done. 

While the thought didn’t exactly make him regret sacrificing himself for her, and even more so when you add to the fact it would have made everything pointless if she had chosen to stay, as they both would have been screwed, making his sacrifice entirely be for nothing!   

But also as a human… he still felt somewhat Inexplicably disappointed despite knowing that. 

Thud, Thud, Thud! 

How fucking loud…! 

Tsukune swore when he was forcibly snapped out of his very short yet long musing, by the fast-moving, loud thudding sound echoing in his still-working ears. At that moment his hatred for Saizou instantly spiked to a millionfold!        

Couldn’t this dog bastard quiet down a bit? I’m not going anywhere, what’s the damn rush anyway! 

Thereafter, the instant Tsukune's heart spiked full of hatred for a certain ugly ass bastard for interrupting his musing; as he caught sight of the one who was truly making the loud thudding noise because of running fiercely to reach him. His eyes snap so wide open in astonishment, it hurts!    

Moka! Tsukune called out in his mind, shocked at the sight of the girl who should have been far away from here about now, entering his view.  

The girl was a young beauty with pale skin, long pink-haired, rosy lips, above modest size breasts, and beautiful green gem-like eyes that could easily captivate many with a single glance. The girl’s attire was composed of a turquoise green colored uniform and a short brown skirt all female students in Yokai Academy had to wear. And a Rosario Cross could also be seen dangling down from her neck. 

The stunning beauty was indeed Moka, there was no doubt about it! 

At this time, the instant Moka made her way to where Tsukune was lying down in horrific condition, she didn’t hesitate to plop herself down and prop his head up while an endless stream of tears spilled from her eye-socket in a never-ending waterfall. 

‘‘Tsukune, you’re b-badly hurt…!’’ Completely shocked by his horrific state, every question Moka was about to ask such as ‘Are you alright’, were immediately stuck in her throat at that moment. 

Badly hurt was underestimated of his current condition — as a human, it was amazing that he was still breathing and not dead with such a serious condition that would have immediately killed any normal person. 

So many complex waves of emotion flash in her eyes in that single instant as she stares down at his wrecked and blooded appearance, only to be drowned out in worrying sadness by the state her first friend — though Human — was in.                

Moka, what the heck are you doing back here!? With the initial astonishment at suddenly seeing her gone. Unable to speak because of his badly damaged condition, with a gaze which seemed to be able to burn a hole through her, Tsukune fiercely questioned her through the eye.  

And as if able to immediately understand what he was trying to convey with his eye, while still sobbing a river of tears, Moka uttered in a muffled voice. ‘‘I- I’m sorry, Tsukune! I did run like you ask, but… but… when I thought about you! I couldn’t leave you behind so I turned around and ran back! 

Moka… As he heard her genuine confession as to why she came back, Tsukune felt deeply touched but was also struck speechless by it. 

While he did feel a sense of disappointment when knowing that Moka had left without choosing to stay and save him like how he did for her. However, as a human, that was just his selfish personal feeling. Toward the end, he would still rather have her leaving him behind. After all, he also wanted his sacrifice to mean something. 

But now… seeing her back and basically making his sacrifice pointless. He didn’t even know what to say except for being utterly speechless at her foolish decision. 

You idiot! Do you even know what you’re doing coming back!? What were you thinking, you’re putting yourself right back in danger...! If Tsukune had the energy to talk without his throat feeling like it was completely clogged by something, he would scream those words at her. 

‘‘Sob… I know- I shouldn’t have come back but…the thought of you dead…! I just…sob...I just…’’ Reading his gaze that seemed to furiously berate her, Moka tearfully explained. 

Moka… You- Nevermind, that asshole is just right over there. Leave now, maybe you could still somehow make it! The tearful sight couldn’t help but soften his heart, but when thinking about the fact that Saizou was literally only a slight distance from them. He directly uses his eyes to ask her to leave. 

However, before Moka could even respond back to his message through their eye contact... 

A loud mocking resounding laugh could be heard from Saizou, who had long noticed Moka’s presence but didn’t choose to interrupt the touching moment between the two and had instead been enjoying the sight in amusement.   

‘‘Ahahah... I can’t believe you would come back despite being given the chance to escape by that damn punk over there. What a naïve stupid bitch! He must be regretting trying to save you now with how stupid you appear to be!’’ 

Saizou hideous appearance brimming with popped veins shot Tsukue a mocking scornful look as he continued to laugh in blunt amusement. 

After being taunted by Tsukune and unable to control himself due to extreme rage building up, when he finally released some of that pent anger and regained clarity — not seeing Moka — he had already given up on laying his hand on Moka for today. Believing that she must have run off far away by now. 

So when he first saw Moka come rushing back for that ant, he was also surprised by it. But being in his true form, with enhanced hearing he was able to listen clearly to the conversation going on between the two, though it was only Moka who was speaking. And when he heard her reason for coming back, he couldn’t stop himself from bursting out laughing. 

‘‘I’ve thought it’s a lost cause to get my hand on you this time, but it seems today I’m just that lucky for you to throw yourself into my hand. Even better since that annoying punk is still alive, raping you in front of him like I previously intended would be even more exhilarating!’’ 

As he spoke, Saizou began striding toward them in a slow relaxing casual manner, not concerned about Moka trying to escape again. 

Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! I fucking hate this…! Hearing the ugly bastard words, Tsukune swore endlessly in his mind as hopeless despair willing up in the depths of his heart. 

Already accepting death, he was able to remain calm, but this... The thought of what would happen to Moka instantly shattered that calmness. He was terrified, terrified of what Moka would be subjected to! But unable to do anything about it, it left him with a deep sense of anger and despair. 

‘‘I’m- I’m sorry, Tsukune…’s because of me that this happened to you, and it’s also because of me that you risk your life for nothing. I’m so sorry, Tsukune!’’ Moka sobbingly uttered, voice muffled by how much she was crying.

Idiot! Instead of apologizing, why are you still not leavin-... Tsukune couldn’t finish his pointless urging, as a certain Rosario Cross dangling down to Moka’s chest caught his attention at that instant. 

Gazing intently at the Rosario Cross, Tsukune remembered a certain word Moka had spoken to him about when she mentioned the thing. What did she say again…? Wait, I remember now, she said ‘This thing keeps my true nature and power as a vampire sealed, but if it ever comes off you’ll see the true me’. Her true nature, her true nature… Her true nature as a Vampire! 

Right, she said that Rosario sealed off her power as a Vampire. Because the situation was so dangerous and happened so suddenly, I completely forgot about this small detail she mentioned the other day.         

But why didn’t she take it off if it sealed her power? Tsukune ponders, while he couldn’t exactly tell how powerful Moka is without that Rosario on her, since the Vampire was told to be some badass powerful monster in all fictional stories he ever read. He felt her strength might not be that bad, and even if she was weak — anything was better than her current self. So he couldn’t understand why Moka didn’t take it off the whole time they were being attacked.          

Maybe she couldn’t take it off… Tsukune made an educated guess. Then I’ll take it off for her! But while making up his mind to take the Rosario Cross off for Moka, another thought struck him immediately after that. 

How can I…? 

With his body completely wrecked; he couldn’t even feel pain nor twitch, let alone move an entire hand to pull some Rosario off. However, the realization didn’t cause him to give up as another idea surfaced in his mind soon after.  

I could just have her use my hand to pull it off, couldn’t I?         


‘‘What, giving up on running away since it’s no use at this point? Eheheh, then that’s easier on me!’’ Coming ever closer, Saizou's hideous and annoying voice rang out in their ears.      


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