My tablet civilization game is insanely realistic

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: MistWood

Van slowly walk away from the dead bodies, while looking on his left side notice Jack giving him the signal all clear and not a vampires on sight.

Van heads further to another location.


[Joseph household]

The old, spooky dark room in a rusty wooden house, dark surroundings with dim lighting, tattered windows sheets fluttering slightly, a small beam of moonlight filtering through the sheets.

Joseph parents are pressed against the wall, peeking outside from behind the widow. Their bodies are hunched, hands gripping the windows frame, faces filled with fear as they glance outside. Joseph parents are positioned side by side, next to the windows, close to the walls.

Joseph father wears a worn out shirt, sleeve rolled up, gripping the windows frame tightly.

"I don't see anything?" he whisper.

While the mother wears a plain dress, her hands clutching to her husband's arm, both with tense posture and fearful expression.

The mother said, "Jonathan. I'm scared" Her voice was low and shaking.

Jonathan hold his wife to make sure, she is safe with him. "Don't worry Elizabeth. I won't let anything happen to you and our son Joseph.

A slight hinged sound from the door, the parents saw their son being frightened.

"Papa. I'm scared..." his voice was frightened.

Elizabeth grabbed her son gently and lifted him up, "Sweety. Why are you not hiding downstairs?" her voice was low.

Joseph was scared of being alone, "I don't want to be alone." he held her tightly.

Elizabeth felt her son's tight grip, she holds him gently and says, "I'll stay with you then."

She looks at her husband.

Jonathan nods.

She smiles at her husband while walking away with her son. Jonathan then heard a sudden sound coming outside his windows.

Jonathan slightly peeked and saw a man walking calmly outside.

"Who's that?" he noticed van walking.

He look around to see if any demons around, when he sees none. He immediately opened his windows and warned him, "Hey!"

Van turn his head and saw a man calling out to him from the second floor.

"Quick! Get out of here and hide." Jonathan warn him who would still check if any vampires nearby.

Van smiled, "Sorry. I don't think it's safe for you to yell"

Jonathan didn't have time to argue with him, "Come in quickly!"

Van gladly went towards his house.

Jonathan quickly told him to get in. He slowly closed the door and locked it. "Hurry. Go downstairs to the basement."

Jonathan lead him to his basement, while can follow him down. Jonathan removed his rug and revealed a hidden door below his wooden floor.

"It seems like you are fully prepared." Van was impressed.

Jonathan opened the door, showing the stairs further down in the dark. They both went together and Jonathan opened the door slightly, and peeked in the room.

The dark, rusty wooden basement, old and creepy atmosphere, filled with webs and crawling roaches on the floor. The crack wooden walls add to the sense of decay and neglect. The only light source is small, barely lit lantern casting eerie shadows.

He saw Elizabeth sitting on the broken wooden bed, holding her son in her lab. The expression of both on their face was fear and worry.

Jonathan said quietly, "I'm sorry but brought someone. I could not leave him alone outside."he apologized to his wife for bringing a stranger to their house.

The wife understands him, but she wasn't sure to trust him. He might be one of them, "Are you a demon?"

She was worried that he might be a demon disguised.

Van politely said, "No ma'am. I'm fully human in the flesh." he removed his hat and bowed his head respectfully.

Elizabeth is still on her guard. "How do we know that?" she has a hidden knife tucked away hidden in her dress.

Van can sense worry and scared in her eyes, "Then I'll leave politely." he said formally and nicely.

While Jonathan looked at his wife.

Elizabeth sighs, "Wait!... I'm sorry. It's just..." She didn't want anything to happen to them.

Van looked back. "It's alright. I know you don't fully trust me, and I'm not asking you to trust me. But, I'll make sure nothing happens to you and your family."

Elizabeth was trying to find any hint of lies, but seeing his eyes shows that he could really be telling the truth. But, she still doesn't trust him yet.

"I'll take your word for it." She said with worry.

Van can sense that she is still on her guard, but before he could say another word.


A loud glass shattered from upstairs.

"Rrghhgh" the vampire slowly walks in.

Van can hear the footsteps up top of them. He quickly pulled his pistol and waited for the right time.

"Grabbed your wife and hold her tight."

Van told Jonathan and he instantly did what he said, while said and looked up at crack in between the woods. While he pointed his gun up.

The vampires were searching around the room, they walk slightly forward making a small sound. Van focused on the sight of the crack and heard a slight move, and when a small light was covered.

He immediately started shooting.


"Ahrrrr..." the vampires felt the pain being shot.

Another vampire acted quickly, he jump and body slammed the vampire that got shot. Breaking the floor beneath their feet.

They crashed below the floor.

Van noticed it and evaded it on time.


He look closer and noticed a slight dusty smoke revealing an old vampire revolting face, with yellow teeth and sinister grid, black and green veins prominent against his pure white skin.

His eyes reflect deep Bloodlust.

The vampire wears a tattered, once-elegant robe. His posture exudes a menacing blend of hunger and malevolence.


Van slowly got up and pointed his gun and aimed at his head. "You seem different from others"

"Human... You reek of blood." the vampires can smell blood all over him, it wasn't from his allies, he knows it was a vampire's blood but not from theirs.

"Who... Are you?" the vampire never saw him before.

Van casually walks towards him and says, "Vandella, but you can call me by my nickname."

The vampire had a confused expression while waiting to hear what he was going to say.

"Vampire hunter"


He shoots his pistol aiming steady.

The vampire stood there fearless. while dodging the bullets by tilting just his head from right and then left.

Van was surprisely didn't expect that, "Yep. You are different then the last vampires I kill. Who might you be?"

The vampire said, "Franklin. The fifth heir to vampire nobles." his voice was full of confidence and nobility.

"Oh. So you're pure blood." he was slightly nervous.

Franklin smiled and nodded.


Franklin disappeared in the blink of an eye. He got close to Van in an instant, his fist clenched tightly and swings right in his face.

Van did not see that coming.



Van flew back and hit the wall hard.


Van cough blood, "Augh!"

The three families were helpless, they were too scared to move. Joseph was too scared to look, while Elizabeth was frozen in frightened and Jonathan was also too scared to move.

Franklin glanced at the family, he was staring only at Elizabeth. He loves to enjoy frightening women, he noticed her big chest was revealing.

"Hmm... I got a nice one" he slowly walked away from Van and headed towards the family.

Jonathan was scared, "STAY AWAY! YOU MONSTER!" his voice was filled with fear and worry.

Franklin got close and grabbed Elizabeth neck and slowly lifted her up. Elizabeth cried and fears that the monster was going to do something to her.

"LET GO OF HER!" Jonathan yelled while trying to stop him, but Franklin easily slapped him with ease.

Jonathan flew back at the wall.


The walls crack and collapse.

While Jonathan coughs blood, "Augh!"

Elizabeth saw her husband try to save her, she cried helplessly, "Please... Someone... Help—"

Franklin grips her neck tightly while enjoying her body. He glanced at her dress and instantly ripped it off.


"Aaaah!" She screams helplessly.

Her body was exposed, while her bra and her panties were still there. Franklin pin her down on the wooden broken bed, while enjoying her fear and frightened expression. He slowly unbuckled his belt and removed his pants, "I'll make you scream with joy" his expression was filled with dark and sinister.

She was horrfied.

"Please!... Noooo!" She begged for her life while being defiled by the monster. She cries while seeing her son scared and a helpless expression.

Joseph stood there while froze in fear, his mother was going to be rape right in front of him, his body was shaking in fear.

"Hahaha... You are about to enjoy my C—" Franklin was about to say something, but a bullet went through his head leaving a small hole on his forehead.

Van stood there, "You seem to be enjoying yourself." he coldly stares at him.

Franklin slowly turns his head, his expression was not happy. "You little Shit! I'm going to KILL YOU! —"



Van kept shooting, while Franklin evaded quickly as well. The vampire was jumping all over the place, and van couldn't keep up.


Franklin was dodging the bullets effortlessly, "Hahaa..." he was smiling while evading it.

Van noticed he ran out of bullets, he grabbed his bouch and grabbed his bullets.

Franklin noticed that he was reaching his bouch. "Oh, you think I'll let you"

He instantly dash forward and flew towards Van.

However, Van smirks while throwing a glass of water in the air.

Franklin had a confusing expression, confusing when he got close to the glass bottle.

Van threw one bullet up, and opened his pistol revolver, and he quickly slid his hand forward. The bullet slide right in the hole and then van quickly snapped his gun back, and pointed right at the bottle in mid air.



He shot the glass bottle, and sprayed the water all over the vampire's face.

The water splash all over his face, Franklin felt a burning sensation going through his skin in slow motion in mid air.

"Aaaah!" frankly flew past van and hit the wall. He was blinded by something, that burned his face.


The family noticed it.

Van walk closer towards Franklin, "You may rest in peace. You ugly son of ah Bitch!"

Franklin was mad, he glares at the van while his face was still burning, "What did you do to me!?"

Van points his gun at his face, "It's called holy water."

Franklin's mad expression, "Your bullets don't work on me"

"This ain't a regular bullet jack-ass." van said with seriousness.

He pulled the trigger.


Van walks away from the dead body.

The family were glad that they were safe. Jonathan looks at van, "Thank you... Thank you."

Jonathan grabbed his wife gently while crying.

Elizabeth looks at van back when he's about to leave. Van stop and looks back at her, giving her that smiled. He then continued to walk outside.

"Awooo" the wolf howl.


Different shadow figures were heading straight to the village.

"Rghhrrr...." vampires rush towards the village.

While another vampire already came before the others. He was sent there to see and observe the situation and not revealed himself.

A noble vampire was on top of the church, looking down on the village. A fat ugly vampire standing ominously on top of the highest rooftop on top of the cross, facing down towards the villagers. His rusty old-fashioned noble clothes flutter in the wind. His positioned at the top of the highest point of the church, on the cross, looking down menacingly at the villagers, he noticed something wasn't right.

"Why do I feel frightened?" the old fat vampire noble felt fear.

The noble fat vampire was Joe. He was the fallen noble, he wasn't a pure blood like true vampires.

He sense some ominous atmosphere coming towards them, but he doesn't see it. Then a sudden light shines in the sky.

The fat noble vampire felt a chilling sensation going through his veins, his eyes were wide, and he slowly turn and look up at the sky. He was shocked by the unknown phenomenon happening before his eyes.


[The church place]

The pastor standing ominously in the center of the aisle, his figure illuminated by the light from the strain-glass windows. His shadow stretches long behind him.

"It is time" he slowly tilted his head up, while closing his eyes. His hand open wide and expresses his beliefs.

The sinister dark expression on the pastor face, the contrasting light from the strain-glass highlighting his feature, and the overwhelming darkness surrounding him.

"I have completely the task that I have been given. Grant me the strength all mighty one" his tone was filled with dark and joy.

The pastor made a promise to his God.


The sky is dark with stars scattered across, but a sudden a cracked reveal a bright blue light.

The clouds started to get storming, heavy rain poured down, heavy wind blowing across the forest.

"THUNDER!" a loud roared.

The sky turns pure bright, the sky suddenly cracked, a small hole shines bright blue. The cracked slowly spread wide. The sky shattering like glass, with shards falling towards the village.

The piece of the sky started to collapse, and tumble below the village.

Some grasping lanterns or each other, expressing ranging from shock to fear, eyes wide and mouth agape.

Van looks at the sky with a shocking expression. "What in the gawd name is going on here!?"

Van wasn't sure if he saw it right.

The sky pieces was falling below them.

Van stood there and amazed by the view of the sky. He try to focus on the task in front of him. He quickly run at the vampires that are coming at him.

He quickly ran towards them and cuts them into pieces.


The sound of him cutting him foes into pieces. He kept going while looking back, and dodged some random vampire attacks, he back flips and throw his knife right at his forehead. Killing it, while running towards the others.


He was able to kill the last one.

"Phew... I didn't expect to see more of this fuckers." he breathe very hard.

He looks around to see if he can spot another vampires, he knows that he can't do this all day and search every house just to find a vampire. "How can I solve this?"

Then a sudden blue screen popped right in front of him.


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