My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.8 Part 2: Ideas for the future

Welcome to the next part! Today we get quite the sandwich prepared for you as the meat and fresh veggies makes it a big mouth full. Served with our most savory sauce and the flag of our country! The seat is set to maximum comfort as you enjoy.


A while after the Doctor left I felt a… um… “mom?” I called.

“yes oly? Is something wrong?” she asked, jumping up to her feet, ready to fight the night itself.

“I um…I-I n-need to, use th…” I said nervously

“need to use something?” she tilted her head confused. Leading me to lift my hand pointing to the restroom. “Oh! Alright I’ll call a nurse!” she grabbed the little controller, pressing the call button.

A voice rang from the speaker of the controller. “Is there something you need miss?” said a friendly voice. To which my mother said what I needed to do. Much to my embarrassment.

 After a few moments a tall nurse came in who had large curled horns and thick curled black hairstyle. Her legs where that of a lengthy hooved goat’s and her arms a little longer than what would be proportional to her height. Her thin build made me worried that I’ll crush her if I fell on top of her. But as she helped me up, I felt her pull and hold me up easily. Was she this world’s version of superhuman, uh super-goat?

“it’s ok hun, I won’t let ya fall. New legs can be crazy to get your head wrapped around right?” She said trying to build common ground.

“A little..” I quietly said uncomfortable with how my hips swayed and how I had to lift my legs. My mother kept some distance but followed us to the restroom.

“It can be a quite crazy, but don’t worry, you’ll notice some fun things that your legs can do now.” She said with a relaxed smile. “ok, so since this is your first time doing this, would you like both of us to stay with you in there or only me to help you?” she asked while looking at me.

I was embarrassed to ask for my mother to follow any further, not really considering why this would be hard for me. “No, I’m fine with just you.” I said nodding at my mother who gave a thumbs up.

Being lead into the restroom I saw a thick white reflective sink sitting on top of a shiny wood that came up to my stomach. The shiny wood sparkled like an open geode and had a glossy finish making it shimmer like metal. There was a mirror too, against the wall above the sink. The toilet was long and didn’t have that big reservoir attached to the back at least one I didn’t notice. The toilet stretched to the wall, leaving ample room for my tail to rest above the flat surface. Within reaching distance of the toilet was another call controller attached to a handrail. There were several hand railing, one near the sink to get up one near the toilet and a few leading to the door along the wall.

“Now hun, when using the toilet as a woman, it’s a rule to wipe when you pee. Otherwise you’ll risk all sorts of infection and believe me, it’s not fun to have.” She said warmly while I pulled down my shorts. She then helped me sit down. “you can rest your tail on top of here, just be mindful to not swing it around, might hit something.” She said pointing to the back of the long toilet.

Oh! I had a girl’s body now… after sitting down I looked down where my groin was, covered by the gown, I tried to flex my muscles trying to feel that familiar bob of a penis. There was no movement at all, what I felt instead was a slight tightening inside me, the only familiar feeling was the push that came with peeing. It sorta felt like I was leaking though, pushing it made the liquid squirt out like a hose when you put a finger in it. But something felt… a little stronger? Maybe like when your lover kisses your neck and your nerves feel warm and tingly? The sensation of it pouring out really made me feel… good? More than relived at the very least. My wings trembled, almost opening up, making me change focus. But without realizing it the weird feeling was gone and I was there just sitting on a toilet.

Right, I gotta wipe. Grabbing some toilet paper I looked down at my groin again. I knew what a vagina looked like but when you’re used to having different plumbing, it made it hard to want to look. I felt like I’d see some horrid mutilation of my dick trying to become a… different part. Lowering my brows, I grabbed the edge of my gown and moved it out of the way, exposing my groin. It didn’t look weird, flat just before reaching the privates on any person, no hair though. I guess having this mixture of  scales and thicker skin made for a smooth surface but it was the same sunny yellow color as my inner thighs. Below that I saw two little bumps where my penis should’ve been, nothing different from any of the women I was with in my past life. Ok so no blood, no pieces of my former manhood hanging from left over skin, not even a scar. Taking a breath I wiped trying not to think too much about it. It was just a normal set of privates, that didn’t come with mandibles or sharp teeth.

Afterwards the nurse helped me up and out of the restroom but not before catching a glimpse of my reflection. I saw a yellow face with big purple eyes, dark orange hair and a pair of perky lips. Seeing my face, I looked away, she was cute… I was cute. Me? Cute! From just a glance, the girl that I was, the face I saw… my tail coiled at the thought, my face felt really hot. It… felt good?

“Ain’tcha a cutie? Don’t ya think miss?” asked the nurse to my mother as we left the restroom.

My mother seeing my face, smiled. “yes! My little Oly came out so cute! I can’t wait to do some dress up with them!”  she said giddy with excitement. She looked at me, I could tell she was envisioning me in several get ups as her smile grew.

 I just looked away, being called cute was more than enough for me as I tried to hide a nervous smile. I could be more than I am now? How? Um… for uh- research! that’s all, I’m a guy after all. Who wouldn’t be a little curious of the other side right? All those fancy clothes and different styles, a nice hat or a scarf… maybe something shin- I uh I don’t need to look any more cute than I already am. That would be crazy!



That night I looked at my hospital bed before lifting a wing into view and then looking at my tail. It cheerfully waved at me. “Um…. How do I… sleep?” I muttered to myself. Staring at the bed, I decided to lay on my belly. Turning over, the weight on my chest pulled downward as I positioned my body. It didn’t feel too good doing this as my shoulders pinched a little but I was too tired to change as I laid down. The… extra mass on my chest didn’t flatten out, instead bunching up like squeezing balloons.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” the pressure my body put on these new parts hurt way too much like ice cold needles stabbing into my very ribs. Defeated, I shifted to my side, feeling that my blanket was pretty warm, until it twitched. realizing that I was on top of my wing as it pulled itself over my shoulder hugging me. It was very warm, like a warm blanket in a cold morning and I wanted more.

Looking at my other wing, it sat folded in place on my back not moving. Stupid wing! Stop being so useless and cover me up! The wing drooped a little under my mental assault. Staring at it, I tried to feel for the muscles that moved it, feeling the shoulder move along with the elbow, the fingers stretched, expanding the membrane between each finger. Yes! I did it! You’re no longer useless wing! Doing a little fist bump in celebration. Not paying attention the wing flopped down, only covering my hips and legs. Nooo! I wanted more coverage not partial! In frustration I grabbed the wing pulling it over my shoulder and forcing my eyes shut. I’ll figure this out later.


Blinking my eyes I saw my reflection I nodded to myself. I was in white clothes, smiling at how fancy and professional this white skirt was. It went just below my chest and folded over itself, looking somewhat like a corset with four buttons. While the shirt cover my chest, my shoulders and arms portion of it were made of a see through mesh. It had a ribbon tied around my wrists into a bow. I looked super fancy, my buttons were gold after all. Looking around, there was no one in sight. Grinning to myself, I did a twirl, watching the skirt move with my movements, its folds swaying and bumping into each other. Bliss was all I could say.



The next day I was taken to a different room via wheelchair. Which was built like an egg shape, it made it easy to curl my tail into it with enough space to fold my wings in. the nurse who took me was a tall and built demon(?), he was close to my own height only off by a few inches. He gave me a smile as he took me to my destination. It was weird being smiled at in this new body. It felt like everyone was seeing a costume I was wearing and I was only just beneath a layer of fabric. ‘keep your chin up’, remembering my mother’s words, I tried not to pass a judgment too soon but honestly it’s really hard not to.

The room I was taken to was interesting as it had a walkway with hand bars on both sides, different types of exercise equipment, a bicycle, stairs and even a trampoline. There where yoga balls in the back and colored mats near a wall, even a few beds for stretching. It seemed that I had this whole room to myself besides that lady who was walking over to me.

She was taller than me by at least a foot. She was some type of glossy black beetle as her body was segmented around her joints and torso. She had a pair of arms that were as large as car tires, they looked super powerful and capable of lifting a truck, maybe more. Her second pair of arms were more feminine looking as these arms were thinner, even the fingers were thin, made more specialized for holding things.

This made me look at my own arms’ shape. My shoulder was somewhat defined, even my arm muscles showed up. Sadly my arms didn’t look like a buff dude, I looked more like a female athlete, maybe a runner? But I feel way stronger than I was two days ago, my arms just felt denser.

“hey there Oliver.” Waved the beetle woman. “I’m chase and you’re here to learn how to handle your body so you’re not tripping yourself or others on accident.” She said with a wink.

Wait Chase was generally a male name but this beetle was definitely a woman judging how her legs, second pair of arms, even her face and voice was more feminine. Making a face in my confusion, Chase chuckled to her(?) self.

“if you’re wondering about my name, then yes. I was a guy before my convergence and chose to keep my old name.” they smiled at a thought. “I just ended up in a feminine body, I’ve grown attached to it though.” They said looking at their thinner arm.

“so you don’t hate it? Your body I mean.” I asked.

“not me but I do wish I was a guy again. Oh! And could you just act like I’m still a guy?” He asked.

“alright Chase.” I happily said. The fact he chose to remain a guy relaxed me a lot. It meant I had more to consider than I thought.



After our talk he took me over to the walkway with bars, setting up the wheelchair near the bars.

“ok so right now we’re going to start with your balance. Now there’s two things to consider, your wings and tail. Both can help you with your balance depending how you position them. but in most cases you’ll relay on your tail as all the muscle in it helps you out more.” He said as I grabbed the bar with both hands.

“now you want to have at least two thirds of your tail behind you to keep balance as you stand up, you can even push yourself up with the remaning third if you want.” He said showing me with an action figure he grabbed from a shelf. Bending the tail after a certain point.

Standing up I leaned forward on the bar as my wings nearly cost me my balance since they opened up. Almost falling made me shoot out my tail, holding it out stiffly like a big closed umbrella or staff. Chase grabbed my waist after I stayed like that wobbling.

“it’s ok. You’re not going to fall on my watch.” He said calmly.

Closing my wings again, I watched as Chase adjusted the figure’s tail into an s shape with his smaller hands. Nodding I slowly posed my tail the same way.

After practicing several tail positions while maintaining my balance, I noticed my body’s internal balancing and how natural it felt to me. Chase said typically it doesn’t take a converged individual to pick up on their body’s balance too long to figure out.

“it becomes like second nature after some practice and long as you practice it once a day for a couple weeks, your movements will feel more natural to you. Even becoming a part of how you express yourself, just like how humans use their faces and body gestures.” He said while showing a different tail position.

Maybe I can practice it along with my morning stretches? But it threw me off balance when Chase said humans. Did he really not consider himself human anymore? I don’t know how to feel about that. A rejection of something I was born as and grew up as? I was having enough trouble with just having a… female body and now I have to worry about being separate from humans? Separate from my humanity? Standing back up I shook my body, focusing on my balance instead.

“now remember that a thicker tail like yours can be considered as strong as your legs if not stronger. And due to this, you want to avoid suddenly swinging it around because it can be classified as a weapon. “ he told me as he swung the figure’s tail. Seeing how far the tail moved made me wonder how far my range of motion was for my own tail. Maybe I could pick up my shoes or a can in front of me?

Soooooo I gave it a shot. Moving my tail, I turned it as close to my right as possible, the base of my tail didn’t move much but the further down you went. You could say It became very flexible, flexible enough that it wrapped around the bar and could wave at me with the tip.

“Wow! Your tail control is already this great! It usually takes people a few days to a week to do that without even looking.” Chase was surprised that he clapped. “I was told you might be a natural by Dr. LeeAx  but this is pretty good! At this point it might be best to try walking now.” He finished



Setting me in between the bars, Chase told me to hold on to them and to lift from the middle close to my knee and to pull back my foot as I moved forward.

“the wide spread of your toes gives you some grip and helps with balance as you walk. And you may have noticed your claws aren’t as sharp down there like on your hands. That’s mainly for traction while you run, giving extra grip with the ground.” He explained before looking at my claws. “You might want to be careful of concrete though, Dragon claws cut through it like butter.” He warned.

Was I really that crazy of an existence? I wondered as I took my first few steps just as my hips swayed again. Dam it! I was almost knocked off balance! My tail immediately moved opposite my direction, pulling me back on balance.

“take it slow, the hip sway is often the wall most people hit before mastering their walk. The best thing to do is to keep putting one foot in front of the other, this will keep the sway smaller.” He explained.

Watching my legs bend in two places was kinda cool in a nostalgic way. Thinking back to my childhood and how I’d pretend to be dinosaur or a monster after watching movies. Thinking about that I just walked forward, I was the god, the king of all giant monsters!

“you’re pretty surprising. You walked the whole thing without issue, other than the one earlier. I’d say a few more times and you’ll be walking like you were born like this!” he cheered.

It continued like that for a while longer before I finally mastered walking. Which filled me with pride as I walked all the way back to my room. That sway failed to defeat me! I’m the boss here not you, you stupid hips! Tremble beneath the skill of my balance!

“Oh my gosh! Look at you! Walking on your own! I knew you’d figure it out fast.” My mother said as she saw me walk in. she was all smiles as she jumped out of her seat.

Hearing her praise made me puff out my chest and raise my chin as I walked over like I owned the place. My tail moved perfectly with my hips, that I decided to move it like a snake, waving up and down before coiling it into circles. Coming to a stop, I widened my stance before trying to spread my wings….. they popped out way faster than I was ready for…..I fell over ok!

“pfft, Oly you know how to cheer me up.” She laughed as she patted my head.

“well, I’m glad I could help but what do you mean?” as I asked her face became distant

“your brother Cole… he didn’t want to be at home with all the… he took off, said he’d be at a friend’s house.” She wasn’t happy about it.

From what I could remember of my Cole, he was always sensitive. Maybe with everything happening he needed to cool his head? “ I’m sure when everything calms down, he’ll come back. Probably needs a breather.” I said nodding my head.

“I hope so.” She looked at me still a little worried. “on some brighter news the doctors said you’ll be released tomorrow, sooooo…” she poked her fingers together with a big smile.

“Mooomm? What’s happening tomorrow?” I demanded giving a serious face.

“weeelll you seeeee, you need new clothes since you’re taller and all, so I planned to make it a day on the town together!” she giggled with glee while shaking her open hands in a ‘surprise’ manner. “we have to maximize your beauty and cuteness, I have so many plans, colors to mix with your own! I even heard that Dreams has released a new line of clothing!” she was super excited before looking side to side and whispered.  “I heard it magically works for any body type and doesn’t restrict you at all.” She said laying down the deets

“My…. Um, I see. But I don’t really think that you shoul-“ I started, before she gave me the saddest face she could, she looked like I was about to hurt Santa Claus. “…I guess I need some new clothes. Just nothing puffy…. And at least one thing has to be shiny or glimmer like a jewel.” I said setting a boundary and something I wanted- wait why shiny though? I wasn’t one for fanc-

“you got a deal oly!” she said shaking my hand enthusiastically. If she really wanted this then why not? I haven’t spent too much time with her, especially since I was too busy with work in my old life. I have to make sure she knows how I feel.

“hey, mom. I love you.” I said with deep eyes. “so thank you for everything.” I added

She didn’t say anything, just her same familiar smile as she hugged me. She tightened her hug…. Can’t breathe…



Pi everyone! today I release the second part with a little extra length! you may thank me if you want, it's fine if you don't, I'm not some god. anyway this chapter gives us some of Oliver's experiences in this new body and um I had to do some research to do it, all educational I'll tell you. we might even get a little shopping chapter with mom later! I guess I'll need to research different styles for it don't I? Outside that we also get some explanations on how Oliver's body works with balance and tail.

As always, thank you for reading, it's super fun to write this story and ideas keep popping up, I'm excited. So I hope your health is great or improves soon so you can keeping moving forward into a better tomorrow.

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