My Sudden Monster Convergence

ch.3: Life’s Little bumps

Welcome once again to a new chapter! Thanks again for checking it out as we discover more of this convergence. now I hope you aren't too full as I don't want anyone to have rush off the restroom. then again if that's where you like to read then I won't judge. anyways, I hope you enjoy this new chapter.


“Aaaahahaaaa! Aaahaaahhaaaa!”

Ripping my comforter off I jolted awake, shouting and screaming at what I perceived as my imminent death, my limbs wildly jerking. The sight of my room stopped my wailing but I wasn’t truly calm as I began rapidly sucking in air, the sound of my breathing contested with the thumping of my heart.


Fly! Why didn’t I fly! I was sure I could but nothing happened. What did I do wrong?! My thought process doubted my inability to save myself, I just knew I could do something about it. Wait? How could I fly? How would that be even possible? What’s wrong with me? Realization hit me like a ton of bricks as I finally questioned why would I even think of flying? With tears in my eyes I slowly hugged myself, I needed to reaffirm my safety less I fall into the world and just stop living. I wasn’t dead. I’m alive. It’s ok. Nobody Knows. I kept telling myself, breathing in and out. 


I'm me! No some ugly monster. I'm a human and-and-and-

That’s when the a thumping sound reached my room, my door swinging opening as my mother rushed in with a long metal staff, here face one of worry.

“Are you alright! Are you ok-“ she said in fear as her head moved on a swivel as she scanned my room. Only stopping to rush over to me after seeing my wet eyes. “oh! Honey, it’s ok, momma’s here to keep you safe. I won’t let the nightmares hold you down.” She said as she tightly hugged and rubbed my back.

Just when my tears stopped, the rapid entrance of my mother and her quick response to my pain only made the floodgates open again. The warmth of her body, the pressure of her embrace and the smell of strawberries warmed my heart as I sobbed into her shoulder.

As the tears stopped, I hugged my mother back, happy. I didn’t want to let go, I needed to stay here before something happens and it all changes.

“Honey butter, what happened?” she softly asked, using a pet name.

“I-I uh….” Seeing her concerned eyes, I saw fear, it made me hesitate. Could she tell I was someone else? “I… had a scary nightmare.” I mumbled.

“What happened?” she asked tilting her head. She's just like my original mother...

“I don’t remember…” I said lowering my gaze. I couldn’t give her more things to worry about, I had to be strong for her. Especially after that tornado finally left our lives.

“Okay.” Frowning for a second before continuing. “But if you need help dream walking or the meaning of life, I’m there.” She gave a wink and thumbs up.

“How would you know the meaning of life? Got some 5th dimension eldritch knowledge I should worry about?” I joked, smiling at her last comment.

“You never know, I might have a Tome or two around here.” She whispered, eyes looking side to side with a cheeky smile. “I got that good shit.” She said leaving me flabbergasted at her swearing.

“Mom!” I shout as she made her retreat.



Getting up for school… weird… Anyway, I began to stretch my legs and my arms, trying to get a feel of my muscles. I loved how my arms looked as I posed in my mirror flexing my upper body muscles. I wasn’t a huge muscular guy, I just liked feeling strong. Only to feel the skin on my back stretch more like a rubber band, almost like pulling thick taffy. Turning my back to the mirror I found my skin looking a little bumpy and to me it seemed like I had extra skin. Grimacing, I touched my back, pulling, squeezing and poking it. It definitely felt thicker and didn’t allow for deep poking but still spongey, kinda like a thick hoodie maybe? Not believing this I kept poking my back thinking maybe it would actually be some large cyst making my back like this.

Thump- thump- thump!

I pulled my hand after my heart started beating fast again. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to collect myself before I looked at my reflection’s eyes. Same blue eyes, looking at my body, same old (young) guy. Staring at myself, finding every attractive thing, every flaw I had, I was alright… I am fine.   Turning away, I prepared for my day at school.



Eating breakfast early this time felt pretty good, I hardly ever got a chance for a home cooked meal, I was always rushing off to work. Eating fast food and surviving off hash browns and orange juice for energy. But nothing beat the joys of thick juicy bacon, that perfect amount of crunchiness and chewiness. Or my eggs, over easy was the best as I bit into it, salty with a little pepper and the thick flavor of the yolk. With tears in my eyes I focused on the goddess who cooked this meal. Thank you.

Without noticing a chair was filled in by another figure.

“Up early this time, I see.” came an irritated voice.

Looking to see who said that, I felt a knot twist in my stomach as my brother ignored my look in favor of eating. I wasn’t sure what to do with his sudden appearance, it’s been years since I last saw him. I wanted to cry and hug him, asking where he’s been but I couldn’t. one, because that was a different Cole from a different world. Two, he wasn’t the same ever since the storm happened which only left a couple years ago. He wouldn’t appreciate pestering of any kind but-

“it’s good to see you though.” I said earnestly.

“sure….” Cole said in an icy tone. Finishing only half of his food before leaving.

My eyes watched him leave as my heart felt like it was squeezing to death.

“Give him time Oliver. I’m sure he’ll come around.” My mother said trying to be cheerful.

“yeah… I hope so.” I said smiling. I knew original Cole never did come back.



Walking into the main entrance of the school, I looked around wondering what I’ll see today. The main entrance was pretty big almost like an auditorium. in the far corner a black counter with a sliding glass window on the wall. behind it showing a several tables, filled bookshelves and few people working on paper work. There was a huge lady manning the black counter her ash black wolf ears slowly twisting to face every sound. She was busy cleaning her counter, smugly smiling after it started to sparkle. Putting a pair of glasses that gave her a CEO look as she began going through some papers. The a wall to my right had a small alcove, here tables and seats of various sizes and types stood.

There several students sat, the ones with horns came in purples to pink only one being a normal Caucasian skin tone. A couple where practicing a weird face, sticking their tongue out, mouth in an O shape and slowly rolling back their eyes, cooing “mmmhm” and “ahh-mmm”. A lamia blushed shyly before winking at one while a cat guy sank into his seat trying to hide in his baggy shirt. Behind them were a few tinted windows circling the alcove with another door going outside. The main entrance room led to four wide hallways with sturdy glass cabinets alcoves for display.

Walking toward class I watched out for any slimes orbs(?) as I eyed those small doorways that looked big enough for a pair of tall corgis to walk through. The last thing I wanted was to slip on one like a banana, the thought of students laughing at me made me uncomfortable. I wasn’t going to be someone’s dancing monkey dam it!

“Excuse me! Coming through!” came a fearful voice.

I tried to side step closer to the wall but that was the mistake as I bumped into something hard.

“oh nooooo!” came the same voice as  the sound of something heavy hit the floor.

Quickly turning around I found a pile of large boxes with parts of machinery spilling out onto the floor, some even had little glass beads attached. It even seemed to lightly glow? That doesn’t seem too possible though as the lights above were flickering. Looking around I found a very short pale green lady (?) no bigger than a 3ft. terrier but I felt uncomfortable looking at her. She looked like someone took a 6ft. lengthy woman and shrunk her, the only difference being she had large oval eyes and thin pointed ears. She wore a short sleeve jacket with white t-shirt and 2 tool belts one around her waist and the other slung over her shoulder like a concealed gun holster and thick looking jeans. She eyes looked ready to explode as she cried over the dearly departed boxes.

“huuuumaan! Looked what you did- why did you move closer to the wall! I-“ she was in full rip your nuts off mood as she exposed her shark like teeth to me, blood vessels exposed and her eyes blood shot. Only stopping when she noticed I was already picking up.

“wait! You should-n’t, s-stop….?” She sputtered as was putting the last of the parts with beads away. Only stopping to give her a confused look. The girl staring at my hands and my eyes, as if looking for something.

“you want help taking these somewhere?” I ask, looking at these large boxes.

“Uhmm…” she frowned for a second. “yeah! I could use a hand transporting my goods.” Nodding, she grabbed another box.

After collecting her things we walked in silence. She kept her large oval eyes on me, looking up and down watching my movements and I think I saw her eyes glow or sparkle occasionally. Her ears would perk upwards, then she’d mumble something only to hear a, “Maybe not” after she couldn’t figure something out.    

“soo what do these parts do? Is it some huge super weapon?” I ask jokingly. Not wanting this walk to keep being this awkward.

“a greem with a huge gun…. Now that’s something to add to the to-do list! Buuuutt no… This is mostly test materials, that one is spare components and the one you cleaned up.” She paused, holding her chin, it felt like she was peering at my soul, before shaking her head. “ Just some broken mana compacts. Was sorta hoping they’d lead me somewhere important. But since these are broken, I’ll have to either start the compression process all over again or find some alternative. Maybe Carl will work as an replacement. That goop is brimming with loads of mana already.” She seemed sad at the broken parts.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to break your-“ realizing I did more than help knock over her things, I tried to apologize.

“Here we are! Sorry you couldn’t see my grande studio but there’s a new idea I want to work on.” She rushed over to a small door that made me look like an elephant by comparison to it. “Got a huge blaster to work on!” she said excitedly, before leaning in close. “I got a blob problem  that this new project might help with!” she beamed before taking the remaining boxes and disappearing behind the small door. “Hey Marma….. analyze these! Ne-“ I could hear her shouting, sounding really angry? Excited?

 “I’m Oliver….” I mumbled at the door.

Shrugging I made my way to class, a part of me wanted to see her again, the snake girl was very pretty. It was weird to find someone that wasn’t human to be attractive but that tongue still sent shivers down my spine. Speaking of which I wonder if I bugged her, I mean after all she was human before, so my staring might’ve put her off. Maybe I should just see her change as a disabil- but then what would that mean for future me? I mean she has a tail instead of legs, what will I have? Something added- removed or my perception forever changed? The thought left a bitter taste in my mouth, so I tightened my grip on my backpack straps as I made my way to class.



“Hey. Mind if I sit here?” came a soft voice. Turning to the voice, I saw Belle giving his biggest kitten eyes possible.

“um.. yeah.” I agreed, totally not looking away to hide a blush.

“soooo, excited for class? Maybe something weird will happen?” Belle said cutely as he sat down before stretching his arms across the desk.

“I-I guess? Not sure to expect with Mr. Minnow. I defiantly don’t want to see what he has for lunch.” I said nervously.

“hehee, yeah! I wouldn’t want to find out he’s also eating cats.” He joked before drooping his cat ears. ”Otherwise I could be on the menu!” he said shivering while hugging himself.

“the thought of puppies and kittens on a menu might give me nightmares. Hopefully Mr. Minnow was just joking around like how some teachers use motivation?”  I quickly said, trying to brush over what he said even though minotaurs supposedly ate meat.

“I guess you have a point. Then I’ll be the best student possible to save all the pups and cats from his jaws!” Belle said as he puffed out his chest as if accepting a grand honor, flashing a proud smile.

“ha, I’ll do my part.” I smiled, getting caught up in his enthusiasm.

“Hello class! Get in your seats before I get bored and show you how to butcher a Baby Deer!” came Mr. Minnow’s welcoming. “I could really go for a light meal, breakfast wasn’t enough!” he chuckled. Was he drooling!?

“today we’ll be going over why you’re here! Why in this class specially!” Mr. Minnow said slowly before turning to the blackboard. The sound of the board and even the wall behind it creaking beneath the strength of Mr. Minnow’s writing. Stepping away the words, “convergence due to the Preater Gene” written across the board. “Beyond what your ancestors or family members may have done, you have this little gene to thank for your convergence! Because of it becoming active means you and any future generations will have an convergence!” he said flatly before giving a stern face. “any children you have will inherit this gene if they aren’t born as a monster!” He warned, glaring at everyone, his eyes seem to say not to do anything stupid. "That also means, if one of your parents is a monster then you'll converge into their race! But if no one in your family is a monster then it becomes far more difficult to figure out what you'll become." He said with a more relaxed tone.

 “So how does this gene become active?!” he asked the class, his eyes scanning the whole room.

“Ooh Ooh” a student raised her hand excitedly. Mr. Minnow continued to look at everyone else, purposely ignoring her. But everyone looked at her, waiting, expectantly. Mr. Minnow looked over at her to answer.

“The Preater gene that means beyond past.” She emphasized. “This gene finds its origins from our monster ancestry because of the very same thing that can activate the gene!” she paused for some reason, probably expecting an, “Oh!”, she frowned when she didn’t get one. “Because of magic! It acts as the go between for seemingly different species! Geez keep up with me!” she spoke in slight anger. “Although the reasons as to why are still unknown. Other than magic allowing for fertilization and pregnancy, weaving the two different set of genes together. Unless we have some connection to the origina-“

“As you heard- Magic activates the gene which will begin a metamorphosis, a convergence into a monster!” Mr. Minnow cut her off in a rush, clearly annoyed with the winded explanation. “Just because you have the gene doesn’t always mean you converge! That’s why your doctors do an examination at ages 5, 10, 15 and 17! Once it’s discovered that magic has activated the gene, you get to join a class like this one!” He seemed to beam at the mention of this class, his face showing a menacing smile as he puffed up his chest before snorting. “Now for today and next four days each of you will be meeting with a counselor that will help you, so familiarize yourself with them! You can tell them anything you want! All the hard and awkward secrets we have can be laid bare!” He looked at his hand as his serious face darkened, a tear dropping. “I don’t know what you’ll say but please try to remember the counselors are signed to a special pact that protects your privacy! I myself have spoken to them for aid!” Turning his back, his back muscles tightened before relaxing.

He gave a thumbs up. “I’m giving you my trust that you’ll try to be honest with your counselors.“ His voice was very firm as if he was certain our futures would be bright.


this chapter took me a short while to figure out where everything should go as like anyone else, I have the materials to craft a story, I just need to sew it into place. anyways, here we're introduced to the reason people can turn into monsters. Bum Bum Bum! is this just a more intimate version of lycanthropy? maybe, maybe not. we also get more of Oliver's family dynamic? situation? we learn of his brother who in his original world left the family and how it hurt to see him go. I'd hate for my own brother to disappear as he's important to me, so it kinda hurt to write that. on to brighter news, Belle's trying his best to make a new friend in our MC and it's kinda fun trying to figure out how he and Oliver respond to each other in the dance that we all do to get break the ice.


Thanks again for reading this chapter I hope everyone enjoyed it and I also hope your coming week goes surprising well.

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