My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.10 On To The First Store!

Welcome to the next chapter! we're finally through the trilogy, but you don't want to miss the after credit scenes! I Promise it'll have you buying more popcorn. So put your 3-D glasses on as we begin a new  chapter.


“Oly! It’s time to hit the road!” my mother said after our short meeting with my doctor. The doctor explained an array of chemicals, products and types of clothing to watch out for and what was safe.

Apparently certain clothing materials would limit a monster’s natural mana absorption and could block their internal mana too. To which my mother pulled her away to ask something, after hearing her the doctor nodded and my mother flashed a giddy smile.

“Here, I got you something to wear, don’t want you walking in the nude while shopping.” She said, her excitement meter at full gauge. She handed me a bag before telling me to use the restroom.

Blinking as she closed the door behind me, I looked at my companion in the mirror. She was just as confused as I was. Going through the bag I found a short pair of light blue jeans ending an inch or two past the knees with a large hole with a strap and buttons on the back. Which meant the pants wrapped above my bellybutton. The white shirt was somewhat baggy with two long holes in the back, for my wings I assumed. No shoes though, looking at my clawed dino feet, I could tell there wasn't anything to fit me that I'd rip through. I was about to put the bag away when something white with orange stripes fell on the floor. Um… that isn’t what I think it is, right?

Picking it up with my claws, I saw that it was. One of man’s greatest goals to see and a woman’s treasure. Panties. I forgot about woman’s underwear being different and looking at it, I could tell it was a tight fit. If I still had my staff… it wasn’t a thong luckily otherwise I’d barf my heart out. The band was elastic, like super stretchy. I could put my tail into the hole in the back with no problem and it sat above the tail too.

“I hope you like what I got you! Though I couldn’t get you a bra sadly, so we’ll get you measured today.” My mom called behind the door. Making my face burn hot like a heat lamp.

I guess I’ll have to deal with them after all. Looking down at my chest, I gulp, remembering last night and how I felt sick. I’m j-just changing, not m-messing around with myself. This has nothing to do with my personality or how I view myself, nothing at all. Slowly I removed the gown, afraid I might explode from the exposure. Nope nothing killed me, no way to escape my situation. With the gown off, I could see yellow mounds that had a nice round shape. Looking between them I could just barely see a slim tummy. Taking a look at the girl in the mirror I could see a shapely figure. There was more of the crystal scales going along her sides and hugging her ribs. Before I could look anywhere else I threw on the shirt, bending my wings into the holes with little difficulty. Quickly pulling up the panties, positioning my tail down into the hole. Feeling the soft material covering my privates was kinda cozy, I might get use-um the pants were a little harder to put on, I had to struggle with them once they reached my hips. I had to squeeze my cheeks in before I could fully pull them on and it was agony. Yes the material was soft but it conformed to my shape and it felt like wearing a second tight skin.

Looking at my reflection, I could see how the jeans happily hugged my butt, did it look bigger! I felt like I just painted my lower half. Even my crotch was hugged by the pants. “Mom… these pants are a little tight.” I said embarrassed.

“Let me see!” she pleaded me. Sighing I opened the door, revealing myself to her. She quickly circled me, her face as serious as a brain surgeon. “You look perfect!” she said finishing her examination.

“B-but my butt looks big!” I exclaim with a worried face.

“Oly it’s the style. Plus it shows off your natural beauty! You can’t go hiding that away.” She was only seeing the positives of this look, it surprised me how she wasn’t concerned with my modesty. Was this one of those differences in this world? Considering how succubi are a thing, I could only assume they might be the reason, maybe. “we had a deal Oliver, are you breaking it with me?” she asked looking super hurt like I ate her puppy.

“um.. no? I started as a guy though, so it’s a little weird…” I said, looking away and at my reflection again. Would working out make this butt smaller?

“oh! I’m sorry, I got carried away with dressing you up. I just wanted to celebrate your convergence in a fun and explorative way…” she said realizing she might be pushing me past boundaries.

“I’m willing to try… I guess I look ok in this?” I said turning to see her reflection, she wasn’t half bad.

“if it becomes too much for you then let me know.” Her eyes filled with concern. “Alright let’s get you some pretty clothes.” Grabbing my hand and taking me out into the world.



The drive to the shopping district was pretty relaxing. The car was a few sizes larger than it was before, apparently, mom said she had it retrofitted by the magicians at MIA and even installed a seat that let my tail slide into a hole. It fit perfectly and at the right angle too, plus with the chill rock music mom played, I felt special, I couldn’t help but smile all the way there. We even sang when a 90’s pop song came on, it was so horrible we could probably be called squawking birds, it was so awesome.

Driving into the shopping district, there was a sign that read, “Vita Nueva”, there was the tall skyscrapers, they were white, black, cream gray or a light blue. Some had huge TV screens, others had art of snakes, fish and bats. Then there were ones with connecting bridges, one starting from a huge curved building  into a taller skyscraper with a huge red dish on top of it with a bunch of smaller dishes of blue, green and yellow. The parking facility we pulled into could’ve been confused for a mega mall on its own as we pulled in through the blue barrier (?). when we passed under it, it felt like the car was pulled in, the inside changing into a portion of the building with free parking spaces. Were we warped into an open area? We had to because there’s no way we could’ve found available parking space at the front.

“Ok Oly. Here’s the game plan. First we make a stop to Aragon’s Exposure to get you measured and some cute undies, maybe something a little daring.” She winked, making me blush a little. “Then we hit The Rose Armory for something for everyday and a few nicer clothes. Then we visit Dreams for some really beautiful clothes and accessories. Finally finishing with a hearty meal! Maybe get some ice cream somewhere in between or something to drink?” she finished, though it sounded like she wanted to cram everything a mother and her d-dau-female child did together into one day.

I was tempted to say we could come back in the future but I wasn’t sure how I’d handle today, plus she might explode if I did offer. She might regardless if I ever do ask in the future. “Well sounds like a lot to go through, so why don’t we start?” I asked hoping to see my reflective companion in something nice, it was for her, not me!

She stopped and looked at me. “There are so many more places I want to go to but we’ll do my big three for now.” She was dead serious about it. Looks like I don’t have to say anything about coming back…



After walking out into the huge sidewalk I was immediately stared by human and monster alike. Some of them seemed like their eyes would pop out while others whispered or said “dragon”, none of them fully stopping their walk, too nervous to be too close as we kept moving. “Think the Demon counsel are planning something?”, “Never seen an orange one.”, “Don’t stare, you’ll turn into ashes.” The comments continued.

“Just ignore them and pretend they’re amazed at your presence.” Whispered my mother as she walked proudly like the world was just a joke. See looked really cool as she walked through the people, like a warrior or giant splitting the ocean. Feeling emboldened, I straightened my back and puffed my chest out as I followed after her.


 Walking through a few rows of buildings we found ourselves in front of a cream pink building. It’s large windows showing shelves of underwear, bikinis and even lingerie mannequins near the front. Their poses were very provocative, one sat with their legs spread, a hand on its face and another hand with its finger pulling on the edge of the pantie threating to expose its privates. Another leaned into the a different mannequin, pressing its breast into the other’s arm and gripping its rear.

“there it is!” my mother grabbed my arm and pointed at the very bold store. “I can’t wait to get you something cute…. Maybe sexy too.” She said, whispering the last part to herself. I was too surprised by the straps and holes the lingerie had to hear her whisper.

Walking in, a gentle bell greeted us with a ring, the walls were a similar pink while the floor was black glossy wood. There were even torsos sporting different bra and pantie designs, one even had laces were the belly was and lots of frills and bows. My mother disappearing into a nearby doorway while I gawked at the mesh bra and pantie combo. Everything was more or less out in the open, I knew some people were open about sex and all things related to it but seeing this really put me into a top spin. Is it theming, like matching up with its name Aragon’s Exposure?

“My, my, my! We have a quite the beauty here don’t we.” Said a sweet sultry voice that mother’s warned their sons of. Turning around I saw a woman as tall as I was with a single horn poking to the side of her head at a crooked angle. She wore a pink button down that looked like it needed space as her large chest demanded their freedom, almost pulling the buttons off. Paired with a silky skirt that kinda hugged her groin giving the distinct shape of a woman’s privates. It also hugged her thighs, just stopping above her knees.

“uh…………………….” I said, my mind gone blank at the sight of her formal outfit.

“Oh, I know! My clothes are too restrictive! I wish I could wear something more breezy but then I can't let people get lost in my chest.” She said while putting her arms below her chest, making them look bigger. The buttons and shirt straining to keep itself closed. “so you’re here to get yourself measured right. So follow me please.” She said with a smirk.

My mother nudged me to follow her, which woke me from my stupor. Rushing after her, we ended up in a changing room for people of my height. The store clerk stood behind me which made me stare straight at the mirror on the wall, seeing my female companion looking back nervous.

“Now if you remove your clothes so we may begin.” The clerk said coolly.

Swallowing, I removed my shirt only to be flashed my companion’s yellow chest. Everything was in full view sitting before me. Her large breasts rested smugly on her ribs, her melons were too much for me making me instantly blush, even her light orange nipples were starting to pop out. Making my eyes start to slowly zoom in.

That’s when a roll of cold tape stretched across my chest but that wasn’t the end of the cold as it went through my wings like a ghost making my spine and wings twitch and shiver. This made me shout at the cold, I really hated it! After a few moments she removed it, giving me another shiver as the tape pulled out of my wings. I stared blankly forward, I didn’t feel curious right now, just really cold. And I’m cold again as the tape wrapped around my ribs, again going through my wings making my shoulder squeeze into my neck. So cold! Go away please!

“40 DD, not bad. A few more inches and we could be sisters.” The clerk giggled. “Let me get these last measurements and we’ll fish you out a few ‘undergarments’.” She teased happily.

“um… could I ask how big that would be if I was like before?” I asked a little curious because the size seemed normal.

“Ooooh, I’d say that puts human you at DDD maybe G? once you pass a certain height you walk into a new weight class. So they say.” She giggled again as the cold tape made me yelp again.



After measuring my hips and my waist the clerk left but not before telling me to strip for the coming clothes. Reluctantly I did so. There in the mirror was her nude form, a flat stomach, large breasts and…. Huh that’s how it looks like from that angle. Her two small bumps hugged each other. Curious I widened my stance to see what would happen, it looked less squished between my thighs?

“her you go, a small number of our merchandise me and your mother picked out. She’s got some good choices too.” The clerk said with excitement.

There was a mountain of bras and panties that were of different colors, styles, materials and did that one have a strap? The bras all clamped around my ribs which didn’t hurt, I did feel like an action figure though. Some even had laces that hung around my neck like a bikini, was it for style?

Trying one pair on, it was a deep blue one, it was simple underwear- bra combo but I liked it. It went with my skin color, though it also pushed my chest up a little. It kinda felt like someone was holding these weights….um t-the fabric was really smooth and even padded it was almost like wearing a shirt. Another one was a light almost pale purple with the top of the bra being a little see-through and some frills. There was a black one that even had straps that went over m-her bust, it looked a little mature and sexy at the same time. This looked like pink cotton, that one was red and blue and didn’t cover the breasts at all… um a green one looked like fishnet…er the one I was wearing had white straps that connected to the panties, it looked cool like a heroin from an anime I saw a long time ago… maybe I could buy a costume too?

After going through what seemed like a few hundred underwear pairs I was forced to pick fifteen of them. so I picked a few that went with my skin colors, one was almost the same yellow as my skin. I even grabbed a few with ribbons and frills, I wanted to experiment with cuteness after all, so what if they enhanced it. That wasn’t the reason why I was getting them, nope not at all.



Leaving the store with a large bag and wearing a nice color, we walked to our next destination. My mother didn’t say anything, she just smiled proudly, sneaking peaks at me. She even looked at her nails every now and then, that told me she really wanted to ask me something. She was holding back for my sake and I appreciated it that I wanted let her have something.

“I guess you’re curious, huh? T-then you can ask something, just one though.” I said trying to be comfortable with my stride.

She almost shot me with a question before stopping to think for a bit. “Do you like how it feels?” she asked calmly.

“it… feels nice.” I said deciding on a word that fit the sensation. “maybe a little snug like a warm sock?” I added not sure how to best describe it.

“that makes me happy to hear, I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable coming here but I want you to know that you’re special to me. I hope you can feel that way about yourself… maybe express it through an outfit?” she said, teasing me a little with a sly smile.

“I don’t know about special but… I could try out the outfit thing when I’m ready?" I said, unsure how this dress up day would go after the last place. I could try picking something comfortable and not too weird. Maybe something gender neutral?

“You’re the boss.” She said with a smug smile… she wasn’t planning something, was she? I know she wouldn’t force anything onto me but I wonder….


hey everyone!  I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Now that we're out of the hospital we finally get to one of the shops. It also gives us a small glimpse at how people react to Oliver's dragon body. I guess he's big news? besides that we get more of Oly's mom planning her giddy machinations to get that mother, daughter experience.

As always, Thank you for reading and commenting! figuring out where everything goes and how to build the world is super fun! Beyond that, I hope your jackets are warm and your clothes show off your awesomeness! be safe out there.

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