Chapter 32: There’s Always a Forest
The journey to find the kids wouldn't take them too far. The Well had appeared within the region. Though perhaps because of the weight in Note's heart it felt like he'd been travelling down the path for a long time.
Ravan who couldn't stand the silence while travelling had become extra chatty. Though he'd always loved to run his mouth. It would always be about insignificant things. This time was different. As if reading Note's unease, he chose a topic he'd know would draw the nosy nerd's attention. Ravan told them his own story.
He meandered his way into the topic. Telling a tale of a little prince in a glided castle, whose heart was rotten. All the gold and finery in the world could not settle the prince's heart. Through the tale Ravan explained why he had decided to leave home. Note slowly turned his eyes on him as he spoke. The distant look fading out as he focused solely on the story. Xian's usual frown also softened, his eyes sparking with curiosity as he failed to pretend, he wasn't listening.
"So, you see. I've always had to do things my own way. Even as a kid. My family had their neat and tidy plan for me. And… Even if it was a good life. It wouldn't have ever felt like mine."
Xian quirked his head showing he really couldn't understand.
Note gave a knowing look, "Having the privilege to be born with people planning for you… It's a gift and a burden at the best of times. You couldn't spin it in your favour?"
Ravan smirked ruefully, "I was an impatient brat then. If I'd had you. I'm sure we could have plotted our way into something worth sticking around for."
Note resisted questioning the fact Ravan was very much still a brat at the best of times.
Xian was still confused, "Is family not worth sticking around for?"
Ravan shrugged, "Some of them are. But that was also a reason to leave. Who I am… Who I was. I've always brought trouble. I didn't want to bring anyone down."
Xian seemed surprised and his brow furrowed further as he tried to understand. Note rested a hand on Ravan's shoulder.
"I get it. Not fitting the picture, they paint. Growing into someone they didn't plan for. It makes them unhappy and you miserable. Even when it's out of love. It hurts."
Ravan gripped his hand, "Living out in the world wandering about. Living in the dark felt more my speed. And well… I am good at it."
Ravan winked. Xian rolled his eyes. Note held on tighter, sensing the unspoken meaning. The youth Ravan had been, hadn't thought himself worthy of his family. So, he cast himself out before they could. Note knew the feeling all too well.
With Note drawn back to the present some tension eased. Deciding finally to share a bit of his concerns, he steered the conversation onto a new topic.
"This was meant to happen. It's different but still at its root, it's the same."
Xian turned to him, "The text you read about us? Do you know how to solve it?"
Note gave a brief summary of what he recalled about the demon of the Well's nature. That there was a path to saving the kids. He left out the solution, pretending he couldn't quite recall. The two men's faces didn't become hopeful though. If anything, they became graver.
Ravan crossed his arms, "It's good to know the kids should be safe. Not a one of them would sell out the other. But… I know myself. I shouldn't get close to this thing. I'm too much of a risk."
Xian seemed resigned as he spoke, "I'm… Afraid I wouldn't trust myself either."
The two looked to Note as if realising again. If anyone was going to interact with the demon it would have to be Note. And he would have to go alone. Not just because of his celestial blood but because of the priorities in his heart. Greed would lose to saving the kids every time. He watched the storm clouds settle over their faces. Note half expected them to turn around or argue with him. Neither did. Letting their feet carry them forward silently.
Soon they reached the last town before the location the kids had vanished. It was nearly supper time, so they stopped at the local inn to rest for the night. Note had expected the innkeeper would give them three beds. It was common for the three to be given separate beds if not rooms. Much to Note's two clingy team mate's displeasure.
Most inn's had rooms with three to four single beds in a room. So, they could still share a room. This was clearly not enough though. No matter what a pattern always played out. First Note would wake to a little burglar creeping under his cover's. Then eventually the big one would notice and get jealous and either squeeze his way in or pick up Note and bring him to his bed. With Ravan following to creep in again.
So, instead of this moonlight drama playing out. Note directly decided to make what could possibly be his last night as peaceful as possible. Asking for a room with one big bed. The lady innkeeper's eyes bugled out a bit at the request. Internally thinking this pretty frail looking scholar was hiding quite the lascivious side. Her eye's shifting to the two handsome men at his side.
Note completely ignorant to her thoughts took the key and headed up to the room. He also failed to notice the shine and blush on his partner's faces. Who had also misinterpreted his actions.
Needless to say, the peaceful night's rest was still disturbed. Though enjoyably so.
On the last trek into the woods around the Well's location. They didn't bother riding beast's or using a cart. Note was worried for the kids but even his legs wouldn't move as quickly as he urged them. The direction stone led them further into the treeline off the path. The green of the forest grew darker, the leaves became dense blocking out all but the rare fleck of light. The stone flashed before fading. They'd reached the last traceable point. A fog blanketed the ground.
Xian turned sharply looking around, "No point trying to get a higher view point here."
Ravan rested his hand on his blade, "This fog seems out of place here. The air isn't cool enough."
Note felt an odd twinge in his chest, "Then it must be magical."
The two nodded in agreement. Pressing their backs together the three watched as the fog seemed to creep in thicker. Rising like a tide until it surrounded them. Note could feel his team mates pressed against him, their warmth comforting. Then a sudden compulsion tugged at Note's chest. As if a string had been tied and was now being pulled. His mind was fuzzy with the strong desire to move into the fog.
"Do you feel that?"
Xian didn't speak but reached out to make sure Ravan and Note were still both beside him.
Ravan hissed, "Of course we do. The question is… Is it pulling us all in the same direction."
"The feeling is coming from behind me." Xian offered.
Ravan turned glancing to his right, "It's that way for me too."
Note was the only one facing the direction they were being drawn, "We follow it then."
Ravan used the green glow of his dagger to cut through the fog's oppressive grey hue. Xian like an anchor was keeping his grip on the both of them as they slowly moved forward. His eye's changed in attempt to borrow a beast's keener vision. Finding a willing creature that had been hidden in the fog. The feathered rodent whose eye's he borrowed, flickered through the trees ahead of them.
Suddenly Xian spoke, "Stop. There's a structure up ahead. There are bodies lying beside it."
Note tried to rush forward, but Xian hadn't lessened his grip. Ravan instead sent his dagger forward. The green hovered over a point in the distance. Barley visible. As they approached the fog lessened again. As if they'd walked through a curtain. The light cut through the old growth here. An idyllic clearing with a crumbled old well at its center. The stone cracked and overgrown with ivy. Around the well three figures lay.
Note was finally released as Xian returned to his own senses, the feathered beast unwilling to breech the clearing. Xian looked towards it and shared a few 'words' with it. Note inched closer recognizing the three kids now. They looked to be only asleep. The rise and fall of their breath brought a wave of relief. Xian finished his questioning and turned back.
"They say not to touch the stone. If we do, we'll fall asleep too."
Ravan pulled out a few tricks, trying to dispel the magic that was affecting the kids. Note was sure a few of the magical tools had been 'borrowed' from Liaud's collection. Xian didn't complain, seeming satisfied with his own guardian being robbed for the cause. Yet nothing worked to stir them. Ravan sighed looking to Note, a question in his eyes.
Note answered, "The Well is a curse. It's old and corroded. Regular methods only work for regular magic."
Ravan stood back up making sure to keep a distance from the Well.
"So, what now."
Though he asked, Ravan gave Note a knowing look. Fully aware of what was going to happen next. His green eyes seemed to flood with unspoken sentiments for a moment, nearly as deep as the forest around them. Note feared being swallowed by those eyes more then he'd been afraid of the forest. As Note lowered his eyes Ravan dove into him, crushing him in a sudden embrace. As Rava's arms encircled him. A large hand cupped the back of his head. Xian kissed his brow, lingering there as he spoke.
"Come back."
As always Xian had kept it short. Not imploring him to come back safe. Sentimentally saying come back to us. Or asking him to come back quickly. Just those two words summarized it all. A demand more then a request. A promise left un-uttered so it couldn't be broken.
All of a sudden, the Well sent out it's compulsion again. The draw was even stronger. Note nearly was knocked over by it. Xian shut his eye's tight, his face scrunched up as he gripped his chest as he focused. Sweat collected at his brow, as he tried to resist the compulsion. Ravan recalled the dagger, dragging the blade against his palm. He winced but kept the blade tightly gripped; blood began to slowly drip down the hilt. Note looked at his partner's as they struggled under the weight of the Well's call.
Note called his magic to him sending out a barrier. Pushing Xian and Ravan back a safe distance. The discomfort on their faces eased a bit, but they were still too absorbed in fighting the demon's will. Note was confident the barrier would keep them at bay even if they succumbed. Turning to the Well with a scowl.
He carefully moved to the far side of the Well, so he wouldn't hurt the kids when he fell under its spell. Kneeling beside the stone wall, Note couldn't help but glance towards Lise. Her round face was peaceful, the ivy caught in her hair almost comical.
Note's face softened as he took a moment to look at the faces of his precious friends one more time. Then he reached his hand out and gripped the stone.
When Note opened his eyes, he was again surrounded by fog. There was the faint sound of water trickling. Below his feet seemed to be a pool, its surface reflected blue skies that weren't overhead. His shadow the only thing cutting through the false reflection. Showing the submerged bones and glimmering coins that lay beneath the water's surface.
"You've come." A voice echoed across the water's surface.
"You called." He replied.
Somewhere in the dream of the Well demon. Anora was swinging her swords through the fog. Anytime a voice tried to speak she simply charged towards where she thought it had come from. When it went quiet for a time, she would call out for Lise and Yuka. Never relenting, in her search for the enemy or her friends.
Somewhere in the dream of the Well. Yuka sat crossed legged. The water below him frozen over. He ignored the voice, chanting an old meditation. His voice guttural and deep as he called on his ancestors for protection from the insidious voices expensive temptation's.
Somewhere in the dream. Lise was unrelenting in her arguing. The conversation going in circles. Getting nowhere. She refused offer after offer. The voice trying again and again. Promising her family back. Promising her strength. Promising revenge, justice. Promising a home to return to. Lise rebuked every claim. She still had family. She was strong. She could solve things on her terms. She had a new home, that was enough.