My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 30: The Family That Found You

Note was rudely dragged from his hunched position. His notebook pried from his hands. Candle blown out. Dragged to bed. Still muddling over things in his head. Note didn't notice any thing off at first. The rest of the travel back to the Division went smoothly. Note picked up on things being 'too smooth' only after a day.

 Those two troublemakers were behaving themselves too well. Note quietly began to observe his teammates. They bickered as usual. Trained as usual. Bothered him as usual. Yet…

 There was an ease to the air around them. The old tension and competition that had sparked anytime one of them got too heated was gone. Even after returning and delivering his finalized mission summary. Note barley registered the resigned sigh of Reign when he glanced over another scouting mission spectacularly failed. Simply accepted the command to go see Lace and get checked out after exerting so much magic.

 Note was too busy trying to decipher his companions. Missing Reign's worried scolding mixed in with pride and awe over what they'd done. With Note's sharp gaze fixed on them, Xian and Ravan were struggling to pay attention as well.

 Reign seeing no one was giving him their full attention. Gave up on the lecture he'd fired up after glancing at the mission summary. He'd give it a good read and discuss things with Liaud first. Hopefully these kids would be ready to listen by then. Their habit of reckless self endangerment was becoming more and more elevated every time they went out it seemed. Reign was amazed at their ability to come out unscathed; at least this time. He worried such luck wouldn't stick. There had been something he'd wanted their help on… Perhaps now was not the time. He'd ask a team already in the field instead.

 The trio headed home, Note was in no mood to go directly to Lace today. That damn love Witch would see through what was going on in an instant. He wanted to find things out on his own.

 Then the opportunity arose. Note walked by Ravan brining supplies to the kitchen. Xian had silently assisted in lugging the groceries. The two wordlessly organized everything, playful teasing occurring. Casual flirting over vegetables. Absolutely adorable. A powerful display of domestic intimacy. Note's eye's softened as he watched on. Feeling a sense of relief lift a weight off his chest.

He'd been a bit surprised at the sudden shift in the two. Now seeing them side by side smiling like that…

How wonderful. Note thought. At least now… If I someday end up being sent back to my world. They have each other. The thought surprised him. He hadn't thought about it in a long time. If he'd be forced back to his old life some day. Such a thing made a chill shoot through him. All he would lose. Rising like bile in his throat.

Wolf lumbered over to lean against him as they often did. One of the smaller creatures of Xian's menagerie climbed onto his shoulder. Purring up against his ear.

The chill receded, the acid in his throat was swallowed down. Note gave the little catlike-primate creature a few scritches. Wolf got a few hearty pats. Xian glanced and did a double take seeing Note standing there. Noticing the way the animals were treating him, a frown crept onto his face. Ravan sensing Xian's attention shift followed the point of his furrowed eyebrows to where Note stood.

Not knowing the animal's body language. Ravan simply saw Note standing there and felt he'd been caught unawares; his face heating up. Note enjoyed seeing Ravan get embarrassed. He ignored Xian's worried glances. Moving to lean at the kitchen entryway.

"I see you two are getting on quite well these days. Anything to share with the class?"

Xian was still squinting at him. Ravan lagged a moment, glancing to Xian and receiving no sign of help. He began gesturing with his hands. As if they'd started communication before he could wrap his head around how to explain. 

Note smiled at them, though he could tell his smile hadn't quite reached his features. The two were still on edge. Xian moved over touching Note's neck, trying to decipher what the animals had been worried about. The furry thing on Note's shoulder swatted playfully at his hand.

Ravan also moved closer his hands still gesturing wildly. Note found them both so cute. It's almost embarrassing, finding grown men so adorable. His hand came to rest on Ravan's head. Giving his thick locks a few strokes. The contact settled Ravan instantly, his hands falling to his side. Note's other hand grabbed onto Xian's hand. It was still outstretched towards him from battling the little creature. The little paws of the fluff ball happily stopped playing to rest atop theirs.

Ravan leaned into the hand on his hair, "How long did it take to notice?"

Note snorted, "Was it after our little chat under the stars? I could feel it since then."

Ravan groaned; Xian stifled a laugh. Pulling on Ravan's ear with his free hand. Ravan accepted the teasing, seeming pleased by the dual contact from his partners. Note felt a little more attention and he'd be purring soon.

Xian squeezed Note's hand, "Surprised?"

Note thought a moment before shaking his head, "You two make a good team. I ship it."

The two squinted at him confused by his words.

"Ship? Because we were on a boat when-"

Note waved off Ravan's attempt to understand. Placing his hand back to his head when he began pouting.

"Don't mind me. Anyway, spill all the juicy details."

Xian started to explain about the dagger but was soon cut off by Ravan giving him a look. The mischievous glint in his eye's slowed Xian's words to a halt. He'd explained about their revelation but hadn't gotten to how they proved it… Xian and Ravan smiled to each other. As Note looked on eagerly anticipating the rest of the story that had suddenly cut off.

"You said Rav made a bet with you? Xian? Why are you both looking at me like that. Are you gonna make me guess. I'm not good at such things. Just tell m-"

Note was then thoroughly cut off. Ravan diving in to give a practical example of what came next. Note barley had a moment to catch his breath before his head was turned towards Xian. Who happily then gave his side of the story.

The fluff ball on Note's shoulder flew off, finally having sensed the change of mood. It scurried out of the house and began gliding away to visit its big friend up the mountain. Thinking it would be rewarded with good snacks if it brought them the news. 


Note was on his way back from Lace's. He'd received a throughout checkup then bombarded Lace with questions about the god he'd met. Trying to bait for information without revealing his ignorance about such things. A lot of the common knowledge facts went unsaid and were difficult to discern. He'd have to go try and research on his own. Still the pure number of deities of this world were expansive. Fifteen major gods, some minor demigods. Note's love of mythology nerd brain was thoroughly curious.

Sadly, a trip to the library was not destined today. As a great shadow suddenly was cast over Note as his scaled son circled above him. Scratch was getting too big to land in the healer valley without damaging their fragile plants. He could only hover from above. Note glanced up weary that the day Scratch would just pluck him from the ground whenever he wanted, was getting dangerously close.

He pulled out a charm that Liaud had made for him. Going over to the nearest garden shed and knocking on the door with charm in hand. The door became etched in glowing runes and after a moment Note pushed his way through. Entering into the mountain cave that was Scratch's home. The sound of heavy wings landing made Note sigh.

So big and still acting so spoiled.

The little flying furball that had been playing with Note a few days ago. Was resting atop a rock at the entrance. Note wondered if Scratch had picked up Xian's habit of collecting animal companions.

Scratch came nearly careening into his cave, "Dama!!! I missed you!"

Note was nearly knocked off his feet as Scratch's head collided with his body.

Note gave a hard squeeze, "I missed you to. Why so impatient? Your Papa's were coming up to visit tomorrow."

Scratch let out a pitiful sound, "Why not today? You got back yesterday."

"There was a lot to do. Sorry to make you wait. I brought you a souvenir. I'll bring it over next time."

"It's alright Dama. I'm big now."

Note huffed out a laugh, "You're this big and still whining like this. Spoiled."

"Who was it that spoiled me, Dama?"

Note sputtered, "You didn't get this from me."

Scratch let out a happy chortle. Nuzzling in again, "Dama?"


"When is the wedding?"

Note blinked, "Whose? What wedding."

"Yours and my Papa's! Little Puff said you were all mating now."

Scratch looked over to the little beast sunbathing without a care. So, it wasn't a monkey or a cat, that little flying squirrel was a rat. As if sensing danger it's large eye's cracked open. Note's expression must have been something. Its hair fluffed out as it skittered off in a panic.

Scratch's rumbling laughter echoed through the cavern.

Note swatted at his gossiping son not having the heart to actually vent his embarrassment out on Scratch.

"Save this for when your Papa's come to see you tomorrow. This is more a new development between them. Leave me out of it."

"Dama, how can I do that. They're your mates. They love you the most. Without you would they have been able to be together? You're woven together. Three parts of a whole."

Note felt Scratch was quoting someone. This big kid didn't understand such things so well before.

Note squinted accusingly, "Who have you been gossiping with now?"

Scratch made a sound of protest, "Chatting with Grandpa isn't gossip. It's discussing family matters."

Note blinked, "Grandpa?"


Xian had been doing quite a bit of running around to catch up on his work. As the second in command of Jaunvei. His field work often got in the way of duties he couldn't easily trust to anyone else. Liaud would often get too into his research and forget to do his own work. Which only added to the backlog. Xian had already dragged Ravan in to help run some errands for him. As soon as Note got back from Lace's. he'd also be put to work.

Xian paused thinking now that Note should be back by now… Shouldn't he?

Liaud looked on as Xian zoned out, paper's still in hand. The furrow of his brow was growing more prominent by the second. Liaud wished he had a mirror to trap the image in to look back on later.

 His metallic hand fingered the stone decorating his waist, the carving worn now; only he remembered what he'd carved into it. To anyone else it was indiscernible. Liaud had encouraged Reign to send someone else to look into that case. Anyone else was fine, just not Xian. It was his one selfish wish as his guardian. He was an old greedy man, even now.

Xian had gotten away with standing in a daze too long, if no work was to be gotten done. It was time to tease him. Liaud cleared his throat getting Xian's attention.

"Shouldn't we have a family dinner soon? It's been too long."

Xian nodded along, wordlessly agreeing as he got back to organizing.

"And I mean the whole family."

Xian looked up confused, "Whole family? It's just us though. Or is Sir Reign intending to visit?"

Liaud sighed, "I drink with Reign probably too much as it is. I'm tired of his face."

Xian titled his head, wondering which head could possibly spare time to eat with them.

Liaud smiled at his clueless kid, "I mean your family. The one you made all on your own. What? Are you not willing to share? Even for a dinner, how unfair. Do you intend to leave this old man all alone from now on. Haven't even had me over for how long, I'm going to forget what my grandchildren look like."

Xian's face went pale before he went beet red. The embarrassment nearly steaming from his ears. He was used to Liaud referring to all the animals that followed him as his grandkids. To hear Liaud so matter of fact. Bring up his team mates in such a way... Xian was tempted to see if he could shift into something small and escape.

Liaud was enjoying seeing such rare vivid expressions on Xian's face. So, he continued chattering.

"I don't think Reign will give them up. Even marrying them into our branch won't budge him. He might even dare try and gift you a home on his mountain. It would be convenient for my son-in-law's though… Ah listen to me. As if I don't control all the teleportation magic in our division. I get to sweet young Scratch's just fine don't I. When you visit him can you bring some treats from me? I discovered some new recipes for young drakes in the archives the other day-"

From outside of Liaud's office Ravan was also red from head to foot. Just hearing Liaud's teasing from the hall was hard to endure. Even as he became distracted and switched into doting on his grand-dragon. He still was slipping in references to the three of them every chance he got.

Ravan thought to himself… In this Division there really was no such thing as a secret.

The ever so faint sound of Note's light footsteps was suddenly beside him. Before Note could ask, Ravan hopped up covering his mouth and trying to drag him off. The hallway rug it seemed, disagreed with their escape attempt. The doors to the office opened wider as the carpet dragged the two inside.

Liaud happily got to spend the rest of the day teasing all his son's. Prying every possible detail he could out of the three of them. By the time they'd finished supper he was more then content. Enjoying spending time around such a lively dinner table. After tomorrow he and sweet Scratch could compare notes and enjoy themselves thoroughly next time they visited together.

The next few days were full of oddly domestic moments. Note couldn't get used to the atmosphere but enjoyed them none the less. Wishing Lise and her team would get back already so they could get their teasing out of the way as well.

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