My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 20: House & Home

Making his way with his remaining things, Note lazily walked the path from his mountain to Xian's. Anora had arrived not long after he'd woken from his unplanned nap and hauled away anything of significant weight. He felt like she was more and more treating him like an in-law she was determined to show off to. Well, I have distracted the two older love interest characters haven't I. Anora has less obstacles because of me. Note chuckled to himself. Silently approving of the blue haired fighting obsessed girl. He'd have to go play with the kids again before they got busy running around on their adventures. Note wondered if as a side character he had the ability to trigger a hot springs or beach episode.

 A tiny scaly cannonball rushed headlong into his neck. Dispersing the fanfiction plots from his mind. Scratch gurgled its hello. It wasn't big enough to be flying around alone, so that could only mean-

 "There you are." Ravan called out from behind him.

Note turned as the remaining bundle in his arms was deftly snatched away. Scratch happily settling on his shoulder. These two getting closer suddenly felt risky. Ravan already had a possessive nature; he might teach bad habits to the little dragon.

"Are you alright Note?" Ravan glanced at him.

"Why do you ask."

"You've been crying."

Ah, Note had already forgotten how he'd awoken. Maybe that's why Anora had lugged so much away for him.

"Well, I'm fine. Just must have had a sad dream. Nothing worth worrying about."

"Do you ever have good dreams? I don't think I've seen you wake from a dream that wasn't a nightmare."

Ravan looked at him. His worry wasn't being concealed, though he tried to keep his tone teasing.

"Not to be a downer, but that's not so strange for me."

"How is it not strange? How messed up his that pretty head of yours."

Note couldn't help but chuckle.

"Been awhile since the pot called the kettle like this."

Ravan bumped his shoulder, "I'm being serious. Since our first mission, you only seem to sleep properly when one of us is with you."

"Well, how would you know how I sleep without you. You're not there."

"There's this thing called a mirror. Look at the dark circles you get when you sleep alone. I could see them even if you were at the peak and I was at the bottom. tsk"

Haa why did it feel like he was being forced to reflect so much today. Note sighed, picking up his pace. He shouldn't have chosen to walk. Taking a ride would have kept him from such a tiring topic.

Ravan was doing his best to catch up with his pace.

"Just spill it you tight lipped fox. What good is keeping it to yourself. You'll make your sister worry at this rate."

Note came to a halt. Ravan had hit his weak point.

"For your information, nightmares are completely normal. As a child the only dreams I had were nightmares. It hasn't been this bad for a long time. But this isn't anything new for me. I'm used to dealing with it, it's not your concern."

Note only felt the harshness of his tone after he'd spoken. Ravan seemed taken aback. They bickered often enough. Note's tone rarely dripped with this much irritation. Both now hesitated.

Note quick to regret what he shared, spoke first.

"Sorry I-"

"You shouldn't have to."

"Why are you struggling alone. It's fine if you don't want to tell me. But you have me and Xian, don't you? I won't even bother mentioning Lise- I know you'd chew off your tongue before worrying her. You idiot."

Note was unsure how to respond. He really wasn't struggling with anything. Whatever he'd been crying about, had made him feel better. He really was fine. Suddenly Note felt a bit like he was getting the 'cried wolf' treatment. His habit of brushing off his feelings was coming back to bite him.

Note started walking again. Wracking his brain with a way out of the heavy conversation. Ravan followed though he seemed to be aggravated. Kicking at the nearly melted snow that lingered at the path's edge.

Note was still trying to think of a way to ease the tension. Should he just voice some worry to make Ravan feel better? He was an anxious person he had a million of them. Note was a bit upset with himself now. He'd been worrying his team mates. He hadn't considered they might notice his anxieties. His dreams were just most likely that. He was used to having the ability to close himself off and hide away when he wasn't able to hide his problems. With such clingy friends, his old habits were impossible.

Oddly Note felt a sense of ease wash over him. He recalled his existential late night talks he used to have with his oldest friend back home. He wondered how Ravan would react to such topics. Xian was always willing to listen but he rarely spoke up. Why not give him the chance, they were roommates now. At the end of this path.

"How do you feel about endings?" Note glanced over to Ravan.

He raised his brow at him, "Endings? What kind of ending?"

"Any. All of them."

"You have to give me more then that. Ending of a poem? Of a story? A life??"


"Well, uh-"

Note smiled at the way the cogs in Ravan's brain were clearly whirring away. Trying to make head or tails of the sudden topic change.

"I think about them all the time. I can't stop myself."

"Well, that doesn't seem good. No wonder you dream the way you do. You think about that kind of stuff. How far in advance must you think out things. It won't help anything."

"I'm aware. I also think it's a waste. To worry and mourn for things before their gone. Awareness doesn't equal cure though."

"A clumsy fox like you. This does explain a lot. The best schemers can plan for every possible outcome and event. Never considered the toll thinking like that can get you."

Note lightly kicked at Ravan. As the mischief returned to his face.

"It's not all bad. It makes you appreciate little things. I may always be grieving things as they happen. But it's just how I treasure them."

"I really can't leave you alone then can I. don't want you missing me too much."


"Wh- I'm taking that as agreement. I'm to great a catch. You-"

"I do treasure you."

"You're a pain in the butt. But I won't pretend your not one of the things I'm unwilling to let go of."

Ravan had stopped walking. The side entrance that leads to the caverns of the Jaunvei district, finally came into sight. Note happy to be nearly there didn't think to look back at his lagging companion. The weight of his words lost to his moment of sentimentality.

The blush burning Ravan's skin and his shocked stupid expression's only witness was Scratch. Who looked as their smallest human made a few strange faces as he was left behind.


Xian had carefully organized his home to accommodate the new situation. The study had been fashioned into an office space. Two of the spare rooms had been made into bedrooms. Xian had been tempted to not bother putting a bed in Note's room. After all he'd slept in his bedroom before. Why couldn't he keep just sleeping there. It was big enough.

Xian had managed to control his irrational thoughts and had properly furnished both rooms. Liaud would ask question's if he'd requested only one new bed. Note's was the room next to his, Ravan's right across the hall. With one room to spare, Xian's home truly felt a bit more filled with the other two's stuff now mixed in with his.

Lise and her two tails had already made plans to come over once everyone had settled in. Xian thought losing his peaceful domain would feel like a loss. As Note came through the door though, it didn't feel like he'd lost anything. A few of the animal's got up to crowd Note asking for attention. Xian silently coming to stand amongst them.

"Are you looking for pet's too?" Note glanced at him, his hand busily petting heads.

Note smiled as he grabbed onto Xian to steady himself, as he maneuvered around the eager beasts at his feet. Note felt an unblinking stare burning into him. Did? Did he really want pets? Note gently lifted his hand to stroke the back of Xian's head. The stare softened. Note tried to not laugh.

Ravan came through the door. His presence unnoted by the two. Who were being half mauled by jealous animals trying to rip the two men's attention from each other. Ravan felt his own instinct to intervene rise up.

The image of Note half lost in his own world, confessing how much he treasured him flashed across his mind. Ravan quietly took the things he was carrying into the house. Avoiding the chaos, but not escaping the mess his own thoughts were in.


After a few days of getting used to sharing the space, the three had found it easy enough to adapt. They'd had to endure each other on missions enough that sharing the house came second nature. Though it wasn't without bickering. Their fights were mostly small and meaningless.

Ravan liked to pick fights when he was bored. With how finickity Note and Xian both were, it was easy for him to lay traps to rile them up. Simply put something back wrong and their brows would furrow and twitch. Note was better at keeping his cool but Xian wasn't as used to it. Ravan could count on him for a good argument.

Just as much as Ravan enjoyed riling his roommates up. He was also slowly training them. He slowly pushed the two out of the kitchen, taking it for himself. If they dared try and only eat simple things with him around, they wouldn't know peace. The two soon got used to his cooking schedule, arriving to hover around the kitchen at meal times. The animal's and men both peaking in to see what smelled so good.

Xian was the prime neat freak of the house. Though Note was as specific with the way he organized things. His ability to go blind to mess was also remarkable. Xian was unwilling to break or alter his regular cleaning schedule. Even going as far as stripping them of their clothes if they slept in on laundry days, to get everything clean.

Note's nature made it hardest for him to find a balance between his old habit's and new. He was a recluse at heart and desperately needed alone time. This proved difficult. Xian out of habit would quietly come sit with him whenever he was free. Ravan with the freest time out of them, would bother Note in a less bearable way. Coming to where ever he was and clinging to him. Laying on his lap, squishing into his chair. Leaning over Note's shoulder.

There was a park bench not far from the house, it was tucked away in a quiet corner of the district. Placed in a way one could enjoy the view of the waterfall. At night the glowing moss that surrounded it mimicked the night sky. During the day light streaked in from pinholes high above. Note found his peace there. Though it wasn't uncommon for Scratch or another animal to follow him there. At least Note was free of human company for awhile.


Once Lise judged her brother to be comfortable in his new living situation, she happily imposed her little sister privileges. Asking eagerly to be invited over to play. Xian paled a bit at the thought of more people filling into his house, but agreed. Ravan was excited by the prospect, eager to win Lise over with his cooking.

Note was a bit taken back by the two's response to the request. Lise is the main character after all. Even though the two hadn't gotten as close with her as in the original story. Their fondness for her couldn't be stopped it seemed. He was more willing to root for Anora or Yuka as Lise's potential partners. They were closest in age after all. But doting on her was fine, he couldn't deny Lise was just too lovable.

As Ravan and Xian prepared for the small get together. They exchanged glances as Note zoned out in the middle of setting up the new table they'd gotten for the occasion. Ravan mouthed the words 'sister mode' and Xian almost choked on the laughter he attempted to stifle. 

When Lise arrived with Anora and Yuka in tow. The kids looked around at the house eagerly. Lise shouted for a tour. Her and Yuka's eyes were shining with curiosity. Anora had already gotten distracted playing with the biggest beast. The same one that had been the first to greet Note his first time at the house. Note had taken to simply calling the canine esq lumbering creature Wolf. As Anora gave Wolf hearty pats, Note gave the two nosey ones the tour.

Yuka nearly tripped when they got to the study/office. No doubt the text's Liaud was storing here were rare collectables. Yuka looked like he planned on checking the spine of each text before he'd move on.

Having distracted Lise's two shadows. Xian had decided to escape the social situation and fly off for a bit. Ravan had gone to scheme away in the kitchen. The siblings were left alone. Lise was sitting on her brother's bed beaming at him.

"This house is so lovely! Are you settled in now?"

"Mn. As settled as I can be." Note took a seat next to her.

"Is it fun?"

"A bit."

Lise shoved Note for his short responses. Causing his poker face to crack a bit. A playful smirk giving him away.

"Alright it's comfortable." Note gave in.

"It's homey. Warm." Lise said wistfully.

Note caught the melancholic shadow that passed over Lise's face.

"I'm sure your long-term housing will be decided soon. I just cut ahead because of that little trouble maker."

Note looked to Scratch who was dozing on his pillow. The already growing dragon sleepily chirped at them as Lise gave it some attention. Scratch happily purred at her gentle scratches.

"I know. It won't be the same though."

"True your place will be quieter. You should let me move in."

Lise giggled, "Your always welcome. But I don't think you'll escape so easily."

Note sputtered, "What's that supposed to-"

Lise bumped against him again nearly knocking him off the bed.

"Geeze. Are you playing dumb. Showing off this love nest, then asking to come live with me."

 Note could only blink at her. What kind of thing's was she thinking. The imagination of the protagonist was as wild as her story. The befuddled look on her brother's face only made Lise laugh harder. Smacking him as she laughed at his cluelessness. Her less frail than before brother managed to endure her playful beating.

 "I like your team. Mr. Xian and Ravan seem really nice. I'm relieved. They take care of you… I'm jealous really. That you let them."

 Lise took Note's hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. Note brought his other hand to cover hers. Trying to give the best smile, a face paralysis like him could give.

 Note shyly spoke, "You take care of me plenty. I wouldn't be here without you. Wouldn't have this warmth. You gave it to me first."

Lise pulled him into a hug, "Silly you're the big brother. You've always done everything for me. I can't catch up to you."

Note rubbed her back, feeling a sharp ache stab his chest.

"Love shouldn't be calculated kid. As long as I'm still around to give it, it's yours."

"Alright. I'll take it! Just leave some for everyone else. I don't want your boyfriends to complain to me, for hogging it all."

Note untied Lise's hair ruffling it. She screeched and laughed. Hair a mess, as her brother rushed out of the room his ear's burning red.

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