Chapter 2: Its All too cliché Isn’t It
I burst into laughter when I first realise what has happened to me. The old woman- who I soon learn is called Sabine- must of herd my laughter and assumed I'd woken up a maniac. Though the person I am now, is a stranger to her. Perhaps she'd just assume I was always an odd sort. I have a few days to stew on the ridiculous idea that I had in fact, awoken in another world. More specifically the world of the very web novel I'd fallen asleep reading, the popular -soon to be animated- novel 'Many Blossoms'. This is what I get for reading the book, instead of waiting for the show. I get isekai'd, transmigrated, I've become a typical portal falling idiot. No large truck or rabbit hole needed! Just a high-speed collision of my phone to my face! What a deal, a bargain!
I might just go insane if I linger too long on the ridiculous circumstance, I've found myself in. I try to think seriously on what to do now. Luckily for me Sabine was in fact a kind hearted stranger, there was no need to pretend to be like the original in this circumstance. I asked for her name and where I currently was. Her inn was called the Rickshaw Inn, settled on the edge of the humble town of, Spokewrike. Not an important location, I didn't recall the names ever making it into the novel. The only reason I'd figured out which world I'd fallen face first into, was the familiarity of the plot. I was -thankfully- now but a small player in this world.
The main character of Many Blossoms, a young woman called Lise starts her story on a pilgrimage with her older brother Orion. In search of a place to call home. Their parents having gone missing -yada, yada- typical main character back story. Pushed out by other relatives wanting to claim the family home as theirs -etc. etc.- Most of the details had already blended with other such stories I'd read and had already become lost to me. The important driving force of events for Lise, is when her brother suddenly catches a serious cold while travelling. The caring and brave heroine decides to check her brother into the nearest inn and rushes off in search of help. Before you know it, she ends up blindly going to the most prominent healing center in the country. A branch of the highly influential Willow Division, a group which studies all aspect from monster hunting to philosophy. Being the main character she is, Lise enters the healing branch for help only to end up a being recruited.
This is how the main story begins. A standard right place right time set up, for any young cute main character. It seems I am now nestled into, that very main characters doting older brother Orion. Not too bad a body to fall into, nothing more than a side character with a sister complex. A comic relief and sometimes obstacle for his sister's gaggle of suitors. If anything since the story only really mentions him here and there, I'm rather pleasantly surprised at his good looks. The main character genes must be hereditary. An adorable little sister must have a handsome but stern older brother. As a chronic fan of older brother types, I really can't complain.
In the original story as soon as he is well enough to crawl out of bed Orion hops on a horse and rushes to join his sister. This leads to him only worsening his condition, leading to a permanent weakness of his body. Knowing this important tidbit. I make sure to take it slow, give the medicine I'm offered time to work. After giving myself a few days' rest, I decide its time to properly test drive dear 'Orion.'
I ask Sabine if she'll let me help tend the inn, as thanks for all she's done. She seems hesitant at first. Making sure I'm still taking the medicine that's been sent to me. I'm not sure if its my incessancy or the now restored good looks of Orion, that finally wears her down. I begin greeting her customers, bringing them to their rooms when Sabine is occupied with other guests. It seems I might be underestimating my new face, as a few Spokewrike girls begin lingering outside the inn whenever I tend the front desk. I humour the idea of just sticking around here to avoid all possible 'adventures' I might get dragged into, if I were to rush off to take my place beside my dear 'sister.'
Perhaps ignoring the original Orion's driving character trait, is the best option for me. He was jokingly referred to as the 'magnet of misfortune' by the fanbase. If Lise were to show up, I couldn't even be sure I'd be able to pick her out. Could I even fulfill the originals' role properly, I'd only ever been a younger brother after all. I'd hate to disappoint her, after she did so much to save him. Her poor brother has already left this world behind.
Picturing Lise walking around with a main character aura radiating off her like a neon sign, or maybe the brightly coloured gravity defying hair of a comic protagonist. I lean against the front desk laughing to myself. As I imagine stereotypical uniform wearing teens running around trying to save the world. My train of thought is derailed when Sabine steps in, back from her shopping. Catching the almost misty-eyed glance she gives me before approaching.
"Well lad, there's quite the fancy lookin' carriage out-front. It's clearly marked with the Willow Division crest. Think your ride has finally shown up my boy."
Sabine softly sniffles as both joy and sorrow washes across her face, as if unable to settle on an emotion. I couldn't help but stand still. Frozen in place with shock; by both her news and clear affection for me. The thought -this world must really be a gentle one- crosses my mind, as Sabine heads for the kitchen.
The regular village girls all rush in moments later, pouting as they ask "Are you really going to leave? Are you sure you must! Can't you stay awhile."
I was about to do my best to comfort them, they're just sweet kids after all. Sabine return's shooing them away before I find the words to comfort them.
"You girls act as if this lad is dying'! He's fit as a fiddle, now get on home. You've been spending enough time outside my inn. I can only imagine the complaints your parents will have for you, leaving your chores to come here. Go on, out with you."
She turned her eyes on me once the girls had gone, "What are you standing behind there for. Go collect your things, I've already packed your medicine and some food for the road."
She seemed to have regained her composure and was gently swatting at me to do as I was told. It seems I wasn't going to be able to avoid the plot that easy. I didn't have much to pack besides the bag of belongings that Orion had left behind; it had felt wrong going through someone else's things.
A wave of anxiety washes over me for the first time since I'd discovered my new face. Am I really going to have to be him? I'm not myself anymore, I'm him. A ringing and dizziness make it difficult to breath as my throat tightens. They really wave over the existential dread of this genre, don't they? Who I was a week ago, who I was my whole life; might be gone forever. I might be dead; my real body might be laying somewhere. I'm never going to wake up, myself.
Lost in my head just trying to stay upright. I return to Sabine and receive the overly filled bag of provisions. Magic in nature the Divisions unique driverless carriage patiently sits out front. The horses that pull it watch as we walk up. Only relaxing once, a familiar avian screech notifies them that I am the awaited passenger. The deep sinking pit my mind is lost in, makes it hard to do more then climb in and wave a final farewell. Sabine must mistake my quiet blankness as my own sadness over the sudden parting. In a way she isn't wrong. Though the goodbyes I'm lost in, are ones from my old life; ones I'll never get to make. The horses set off at a steady pace, Sabine and her Rickshaw Inn slowly fade into the distance under a yellowing sky.