My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 18: Fledgling Rumor’s

Note was thankful for the new mission that would take them away from the mountain. Though they'd passed the peak of their region's winter. It was proving a nasty finale. Their three-man unit was sent far away to a coastal city. Where the bustle of merchants acted like the regions heart. 

Their task this time was once again recognizance. Reign had carefully asked for them to stick to the watching, not engaging this time. Note had wanted to protest, when three sets of eyes had landed on him. Thinking then to the ghostly scholar whose face he often dreamed about. His protests stuck like a lump in his throat.

 The coast was warm compared to the frigid mountain range. They'd ditched their heavier wear in their lodging the moment they'd arrived. The plan was simple, Xian would fly around while they walked the city. The target was the somewhat more silent parts of the market district. Where goods and services leaned towards unsanctioned or downright illegal. They were to look into reports of smugglers. One's that had been dealing in magic creatures. Most magic beings in this world were protected from being treated like common animals. To buy and sell them was immoral and forbidden. Clearly this didn't stop people from trying.

 Note was buzzing with excitement. This wasn't due to the warmer climate but the main focus of their mission. When the word dragon had been uttered during their briefing. It had taken great effort to hide his excitement. Note was a simple man, he'd once been a socially awkward closeted kid. Of course, he'd spent his life obsessed with dragons.

 The rumor they were chasing as specifically to deal with the trading of hatchlings of a few draconic varieties. Note had stayed up late many nights during their journey. Eagerly reading up on the species and varieties of drakes in this world. If the journey had been just a bit longer perhaps, he could have memorized even their egg shell distinctions.

 Note and Ravan were walking about the bustling venders. They'd have to wait for nighttime to sneak into the illegal market. Shandy business has no place in the light after all. But having a look around now to familiarize themselves with the city was necessary. Note still abuzz with the possibility of dragons, wasn't even that bothered by the bodies bustling around him.

 Ravan always best at blending in, let the airhead wander at will. It wasn't like it was possible for him to get lost. Ravan fiddled with the pendant around his neck. It gently thrummed in Note's direction. Still working fine then. Ravan paused to pretend to consider the stall's wares. Surprised to find the shop sold intricate decorative charms. The kind one might hang from their belt or off their weapons. Even when I'm not trying my taste is impeccable, Ravan thought to himself.

 Animals, flowers, all sorts of things had been carved from gem, stone and wood. Colourful tassels and chains to hang them from were also neatly displayed. Ravan turned, Note had noticed his absence and was idling to the side waiting for Ravan to find him. His far-off gaze meant he was probably lost in thought. A few passers by were nearly tripping over themselves staring at the him. Tsk stook out like a sore thumb.

 Ravan turned back to the table. A little fox carved from blue goldstone caught his attention. He picked it up and paired it with pastel tassel, adding a few smaller beads around the stone. The vendor made sounds of approval at his combination. Helping tie the creation firmly together for him. Asking if he would like anything else. Ravan was about to say no, when another ornament caught his eye.

 A multi-colour wood had been intricately carved. Three leaves or perhaps feathers were sharing a woven branch. Each leaf somehow a different shade. The charm reminded him of fall. Ravan picked up the little wooden leaves. Paying for his purchase and tucking the charms away. He felt a bit odd, like a feeling he couldn't place was jumping in his chest. He made his way to where Note had tucked himself.

 Ravan had to hold in a snicker as he saw Note register his surroundings again at his approach. The maroon eyes -always with an air of disinterest- focused on him. Some of the coldness easing for a moment, as Note scanned him up and down.

 "Well, what did you get? If it's snacks, I want a bite."

 Ravan let out a huff, "Whose feeding you? Am I in charge of keeping you from wasting away now?"

 "Don't complain about a position you chose to fulfill yourself."

 Ravan couldn't combat such blatant fact, "It wasn't food. I'll show you later. If you're hungry follow the steam."

 Note turned the direction Ravan was pointing, further down the market there was indeed the steam of food stalls. His stomach often forgetting to alert him to hunger, grumbled its agreement. Note looked to the sky, wondering if Xian was hungry too. Ravan was easy to tend to. The slightest want or need he'd complain until he got what we wanted. Xian was harder to deal with. He'd stay quiet until the moon turned blue.

Ravan followed Note's eyes, "If he needs anything he'll come down. Or snatch a plump pigeon or rat to snack on perhaps."

Note scrunched his nose. He doubted Xian would hurt an animal easily. But he was a naturalist. Perhaps as was nature, Xian would follow the food chain if he needed to. From behind the two staring at the sky. Came the voice of the very man they were discussing.

"I don't eat rats. Don't put such things on me."

 Note seeing a chance took it immediately, "Is there a reason why not?"

Xian eyed him, "Once I've used an animal's form it becomes hard to eat them. It's why I avoid farm animals if I can."

Oh, that's news to me. Both Note and Ravan looked surprised. Xian looked between the two. Frowning in confusion at why they seemed so shocked. Then seemingly realising he'd been keeping his abilities habitually close to the chest. His team mates had never had reason to learn his shapeshifting wasn't limited to the hawk form he preferred. Becoming shy, Xian wordlessly headed in the direction of the food stalls.

Note looked to Ravan, whose mouth was agape. Gently bumping Ravan's chin to close his mouth. The two followed after the big secret keeping stinker. Without a word the two were -with glances alone- forming their plan of investigation. Deciding what to request and how to punish such secrets being kept. Too busy scheming together, neither noticed the red tinge to Xian's ears. He'd never told anyone other then Liaud about his abilities. He was sure Liaud had informed the Division head but the other branch heads weren't even aware.

Such magic's weren't so uncommon, but only his -now lost clansmen- had the inherent talent for it from birth. It gave them to time to perfect the shape of many forms. It's why their secrets had been so treasured; and so, hunted. Xian's mind was jumbled, why had he so easily let his business slip. That wasn't like him. Liaud's knowing looks while meeting Note, flashed into his mind.

After a quick meal the three managed to get a good idea of the market's layout. Going back to change once the sun began it's decline. As the night settled over the city. The lanterns of the market dimmed their hue; it was time.

Wearing sheer veils over their faces, as was customary of customers of the forbidden market. The three fanned out to try and find the illegal magic creature vendor. Note walking alone was enjoying the much less clustered walk. He'd let his hair down to enhance the appearance of a wealthy young master with coin to burn. Ravan had done the same. Xian with his bulky form and sharp gaze had stuck to concept of body guard. So, he could easily join either of the 'young masters' if they needed help.

Note was idly glancing at the vendors. Not so different really. Many of the shops in the night market weren't as extreme as he'd thought they'd be. Some of the shops leaned to more adult tastes, sure. Things that had a hard time being bought in the light. A little bookshop that hadn't been there during the day suddenly caught Note's eye.

Upon a closer look the books seemed to rage from corny romance novels, to full on smut. Note's finger's itched to read a good trash novel again. Yuka had been sharing his books with him. But they all leaned to being great literary works. Sometimes you just need to read absolute junk. It's good for the soul. Note picked up a book with a dramatic dragon on the cover. He enjoyed the cheesy summary on the back, so he bought it immediately.

He idly flipped through the book about to tuck it away when he felt eyes on him. Note figured one of the two had come over to peak at his purchase. The scent of his mint grew stronger. He looked down to the ring hanging from his neck, wondering why it seemed more fragrant then usual.

"You an admirer of drake's lad?"

The sudden stranger in front of him, surprised Note. The stranger had noticed the book he hadn't tucked away yet. Note looked at the sly smile of the man addressing him. Nodding at his question. Without a word the stranger beckoned at him and turned down one of the side paths.

Note paused a moment. Shaking a small walnut shaped object in his pocket twice. Then followed the man. After a few twists and turns, the path opened up to an inner courtyard. Hidden behind a few of the larger shops that were closed at night. Cages covered in sheets lined the walls. A few burly looking employees guarded them.

Well, this certainly looks suspicious.

Note followed the scout and stood where he gestured to.

"Now young master, don't be too surprised. But I happened to find something you might be keen to see. Now know I picked this fella up out of the goodness of my heart. Alright- Maybe once you get a look, you'll want to take over for me."

The vendor had a perch set up in the center. He brought out a small bird cage and set it on the hook. Wish a dramatic pull of the cloth, a small wyvern no bigger than Note's hand was curled up inside. At the sudden change of it's surrounding the little hatchling raised its head. It opened its mouth as if to make a sound. The vendor raised his hand quickly and the little drake ducked it head and shut its mouth tight. Note felt his heart ache.

He'd seen enough to confirm the rumours. The division would settle the rest. The little wyvern looked at him then. It's small eyes like little beads, as it titled its head at him.

Gah don't do that. If you've been trained to look at me like that this is too cruel.

 "What do you think? Do you know how rare this little fella is. Freshly hatched only a week ago. If you raise him from this age, he'd be tame to you for life."

 Note fact checked the man's words against his recent studies. He seemed to be somewhat speaking the truth. Tamed wasn't quite correct. No magic creature can be tamed. They can be bonded with, befriended. But never owned. Probably most creature's the man sold either withered in their captivity or escaped eventually.

 Reign's plea for them to keep to the mission rang in Note's head.

 Note finally spoke, "Such fine wares. I'm sure I couldn't afford them."

 The vendor smiled and began haggling with him. Note was rather surprised it seemed it might be possible to obtain it if he used all the coin he was carrying for the mission. Had Reign given them so much travel expense to purchase proof? Was the vendor stuck on a limited time frame? If he was hatching and selling one creature at a time. Perhaps the hatchling became too hard to deal with, if he didn't sell it quick enough.

 The walnut in his pocket pulsed once. Indicating a request for check in. The hatchling in the cage shivered at being exposed to the cold winter air too long. Note felt his sense weaken.

 Note was walking stupidly down the alley trying to find his way back onto the main throughfare. Even though it wasn't too cold, he'd pulled up his cloaks hood. He tapped the walnut and it quickly thrummed a response.

 Hands gripped onto his arm. Note let Ravan link his arm through his and lead him out to the main street. He didn't ask how Rav had managed to find him. Pulled into another side path away from the one he'd been lost in. Xian was already waiting there.

 Ravan and Xian looked to Note expectantly.

 "Confirmed the rumor. Mission success. There's a hidden courtyard, it looks like they don't change location much. It was a maze back there. Don't think anyone not being led by the vendor would find their way easily. I expect he's got people on watch as well."

 Xian nodded his approval. Ravan gave Note a hearty smack on the back. A high-pitched squeak of protest came from Note's hood. Note tried to act indifferent, as two sets of eyes shot him a look. Xian came over placing a heavy hand on Note's shoulder.

 A scratchy little squeak, like a growl could be faintly heard.


 Ravan like a lecher began groping Note's pockets. Finding them practically empty, it was clear he'd been relived of all his coin.

 "You didn't." Ravan's eyes were practically sparkling.

 "Note. No, you- Did you really?" Xian reached for Note's hood.

 A small little pointed head peaked out through Note's hair. Its little beady eyes squinted at the approaching hand. Letting out its tiny grumble of warning. Xian retracted his hand, lowering his face to the little drake's level. Note tried to stay still as Xian got awkwardly close to him.

 Deep growls and chirps suddenly came from Xian's throat. He was whispering them, so his breath danced past Note's neck tickling him horribly. The baby tucked into his hair and hood for warmth made a happy sound. Xian quickly made a few more vocalizations and the baby seemed to get the message lowering its small voice. Xian exchanged a few 'words' with the little one before moving away.

 He gave him a look. Note couldn't tell if it held approval or annoyance.

 "They'll make great evidence. A key witness. Good job." Xian lightly patted Note's head.

 Ravan also tried to peak at the baby making a nest amongst Note's hair. When a tiny puff of smoke was sent out, Ravan was yanked away by Xian.

 "Wh- I want to bond with it!!" Ravan pouted.

 Xian shoved him forward, "Let's head back first. You'll have plenty of time on the trip back. What's the rush."

 Ravan huffed, "What if it take's you two as it's daddies! I want to make sure it knows who its papa is."

 The 'daddies' in question were too shocked to speak the rest of the walk back.

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