Chapter 13: This That Feel’s Like Home
When next again he woke, Note was once again pressed firmly against two bodies. Ravan had at some point, crawled onto the bed with them. Having snugly tucked himself under Note's chin. He'd then invaded Xian's space and was nearly on top of him. Note didn't know whether it was worth him complaining about their current sleeping situation. With the most injured one having ended up on the bottom of the pile, he felt he had no right to whine. He hesitantly freed an arm from the tangle and placed his hand on Xian. His body was on the mend, but out of caution Note funnelled a bit of his magic into him anyway. A hand came to rest atop his.
"May I ask why I'm being groped so early in the morning." Xian's scratchy voice was barley a whisper.
Note from his squished position had somehow perfectly placed his hand on Xian's chest. Successfully coping a feel. An action that seemed a bit inappropriate even with his good intentions. Xian in his waking state wouldn't let him snatch his hand back though. As if waiting to wake, to properly to accuse him of lechery.
The little brat on his other side burrowed his face deeper into his neck. His stubble tickling him.
"Don't waste your time on that battered bird. I'm right here, have at it." Ravan's voice vibrated against Note's throat.
Nowhere near being a morning person -no matter how many lives he's lived- Note elected to ignore the both of them. Whatever delirium they were under would fade once they woke up.
"Are you both alright? I think I can patch us up now." Trying to gently rend himself free of the two, Note sat up.
He held out his hands. Until he felt his every inch ache. As if a fever had burned through him while he slept. His hands limply fell to his side, his momentary pride deflated. Xian shifted but was smacked when he also tired to sit up. Ravan after forcing him to stay put, grabbed his water skin passing it to the frowning patient.
"We noticed." Ravan said shifting to the end of the bed to face Note.
His face screamed that he wanted answer's. Note took a swig of the water passed to him from behind. Filling the two in on his alone time with their ghost. Xian's face portrayed nothing, absorbing the story with and indifferent nod. Ravan was looking at him incredulously. His eyes made Note's skin itch. It felt like he would cut him open just to take a look inside for himself. Instead, he let out a long sigh.
"How lucky am I. Two rare oddities and my disposal. What a price you would fetch."
Note passed him back his water skin. Not dignifying his babble with a response. Ravan put on his best pout. Muttering to himself as he got up.
"Such a shame I'm not looking to sell."
They'd slept through an entire day, Note was shocked to discover. After his extra magical patch up, Xian was able to get up and moving again. Ravan was happy to complain how he'd had to practically drag the two lugs back to a main road for help. Patching them up himself. Note didn't bother reminding him he could of simply left them and gone for help first. Asking for a doctor to visit them once they'd been delivered to the inn.
Xian called over one of his messenger birds that had followed them to Ravloft. Asking for carriages to be sent from the Division to pick them up. The bird must have been a special familiar because it had barley set off for a few hours. Before an all-white elegant looking bird, landed on the banister of the restaurant they were eating in. The note was scribbled so hurriedly only Xian could decipher it. It was from his Liaud who was anxiously demanding to know why and how we'd been hurt. Even the long feathers of the messenger shook with a sense of concern. Note pulled out his field note's and began properly writing up his report.
As Xian scrawled out a response to his head, Ravan watched the two of them. Having discarded their meal to focus on paper work.
"Is this why you prefer being called note?" Ravan asked his voice light.
Two sets of hands paused.
"Is it alright if I use it too? You seem to like it." Ravan's hand tapped on the table, his hand flexing as if wanting to reach out for something.
Note glanced at Xian whose frown eased as they made eye contact. The slight jut of Xian's chin, conveyed his opinion. 'It's up to you', so Note shyly nodded to Ravan.
Ravan's cheeky smile beamed at them, "Good thanks Note. It really suit's you."
Note felt somewhat embarrassed at his name being used and complimented. A warmth rose in his chest.
The carriages arrived a few days later. Making the journey home easy. Returning to the mountain, where winter was in full swing was a harsh reminder. Ravloft hadn't been too bad but as soon as they entered the mountain range the snow and cold was happy to greet them first. Xian had rushed off to report to Liaud directly. Reign had eagerly called the remaining two into his office. Reading Note's report and hearing them explain it simultaneously. Once Note mentioned his newly acquired healing abilities Reign's eyes sparkled.
"How extraordinary you both have awakened your magic. With such variety- Though a catalyst does appear in both accounts."
Reign's brain seemed to be whirring as he went quiet. Jotting down a few of his thoughts, on what ever paper had space. When Note asked what he meant by 'both' Reign excitedly told him Lise and her squad had arrived back not long after they'd left. She had also returned with her divine magic truly awakened. Their magic seemed to have similar roots, both excelling in support type magics.
Reign was beaming like a proud papa. Note saw the image of him and Lise in a corny family photo with the leader of the Division's hand on their shoulders; flash into his mind. Hoo that screamed daddy issues just ignore that. Note tried to pay attention as Reign went off track discussing theories he had about the siblings.
They were only freed from their leader's impromptu theoretics of divine magic lecture, when an Akava healer came to inspect them. After the check up the healer excitedly examined Note's magic. Exclaiming how their branch would love to have him work with them. Ravan suddenly acting like a spoiled brat shooed the healer away calming, 'they were too tired for nonsense'. Not letting them get another word in as they left.
Note wondered if Ravan had been instructed by Reign to defend against him being snatched up by another branch. Being in Akava would be quite fun, Lise and Yuka were there after all. Ravan looked like he'd lock him up if he seriously considered such a thing. On the though of his sister, Note wondered if she'd be free to visit with him. The quest she was on was a vital plot point. He'd have to pretend he didn't know everything about it of course, but he was excited to hear it from the protagonist's mouth.
Lise had been sent to a distant island that was rich with rare medicinal herbs. With her protagonist halo drawing in exciting adventures of course their simple retrieval mission had instead become one exciting adventure after another. From the hidden throve of divine artifacts from some ancient hoarder; to the magical creatures they had to save from cruel smugglers. Their trio had finished off their year with many exciting stories to tell.
Note didn't have to wait long at all. On his way into the dining hall to grab some food -having successfully given Ravan the slip- His precious first moments of alone time were dashed as the two Akava kids came rushing up to greet him.
"Brother!!" Lise's powerful bear hug scooped him up.
Note dangling from his strong little sister's arms happily greeted her. When he turned to greet his cute little honorary brother, Note was met with a shock. The little beansprout had overtaken him. Note felt half hearted mental calculations spinning around him. The kid had been nearly Lise's height when they first met. Perhaps before they'd gone on their month-long trek, he had grown to be only a bit shorter than him. The kid dared overtake him!?
I'm sensitive about my height!! I had to fight tooth n' nail against shorty genes in two lifetimes!! Every inch is precious and this bean stalk so swiftly lapped me. Suddenly Note missed having Ravan around, that shorty was fully grown at least. He was content being a cocky prick from the short end of the main characters height chart. Yuka smiled sweetly nodding his head as he gave his greeting. Note felt instantly guilty for cursing at him in his head.
"I take my eyes off you kids for a second and you grow." Note sighed adjusting his clothes as Lise put him down.
Lise giggled still clinging to his arm, "Don't worry he's still cute like this. You aren't going to lose your book worm buddy anytime soon."
Note pinched her cheek, "I wasn't just talking about him missy. I heard about your little magic tricks."
Lise pretended to be hurt by the pinch scrunching her face at him.
"Darn who told you. I was gonna have you and Annie train together and when she kicked your butt, I was gonna swoop in."
Him at Anora's mercy just for the sake of a grand reveal, sent chills down his spine. Wriggling out of Lise's grip Note linked arms with Yuka.
"Since when was my baby sister so cruel. Yuka is my brother now; he'll treat me better."
Yuka's face burned as Lise gasped dramatically. The two kids joined him for dinner, filling him in on their adventures. Surprisingly Lise was humble in her retelling, leaving out the most thrilling points. These two healer branch kids tended to gloss over thing's they though might worry him. He'd have to go to Anora to hear the good bits.
Lise promised to show off her new battle axe she'd claimed as her own, from the treasure trove they'd found. It was being looked at by Jaunvei experts. All the artifacts they'd found were being excitedly analysed by the explorer and the scholar branch. As the secrets of the hidden armory was a rather rare chance to flex the Division's knowledge muscles. Note was aware Lise's axe was in fact enchanted and had been the cause of her sudden enhanced magic.
He though of the ethereal and solemn spirit that had given him his abilities.
He wondered if Lise's magic veins had been an issue. A handful of tropes could point in any direction. A protagonist's whose potential is hidden on purpose, would be an exciting plot point. A bit more dramatic then a simple unlock of greater power. In Orion's case his poor health had organically stunted his potential. So, who could have hidden Lise's? If that happened to be the case.
After eating the kids trailed after Note, following him back to his room. His social battery was at critical levels but how could he deny them. He wasn't used to the piled-up snow on the mountain. Taking his usual scenic route around the outside out of habit. The path hadn't been cleared that day and was hard to trudge through. At least it was for himself and Lise. Yuka was practically walking atop the snow and ice without disturbing a single snowflake.
Note only noticed then Yuka also hadn't really altered his clothing appropriately for the winter weather. As if he had forgotten when he got dressed for the day. That more layers and furs were necessary. Something in the back of his head scanned through what he could remember from the spoilers about the book. He couldn't recall Yuka's background. Anora had some fae ancestry, it stood out in her vibrantly coloured hair and eyes. But that was common among the families that had been within the Division for generations. Yuka had pursued the Division on his own because he had a talent for magic. A little baby genius asking for admission, was right up the Divisions ally. That was the end of his recollection.
Ah well- If it's important the plot will get to it eventually. He'd just have to stick it out to see what kind of crop the bean pole would produce.
The kids seeing his room a bit dusty from his absence quickly helped spruce it up. Their wet clothes dripping everywhere suddenly didn't seem as annoying. As they tidied up for him. The halls of the dorm cavern had shoe racks set up for the messy weather. So, the slush at least hadn't made it into his room.
Anora dripping with snow and sweat eventually burst in. Making impressive puddles as she sat down to join them. How she'd found the drive to train in such weather wasn't that surprising at this point. Note eagerly asked for her version of their adventures. The gory details were finally revealed. Anora nearly shouting as she described how cool Lise had looked, wielding her axe down wrathfully on their foes. Lise's cheeks flushed as she tried to get Anora to stop bragging on her behalf.
By the time the kids left for the night, the night lamplights were burning. Note smiled to himself as he collected his things to take a bath before bed. Lise had tried to get him to go to the baths with them. But he had declined banishing the trio back to their respective branch dorms.
The warmth of the mountain's natural hot springs soothed the residual aches the cold had aggravated within his body. Warmed up and refreshed Note returned to his room and after many days away from his precious bed. Dove into it for the night. Asleep before his mind could find him things to overthink about.