My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2018 at New York City

A week passed. In that time Yelena's group got placed in a temporary hold by the top members of the family. Citing things like reckless endangerment and failure to complete an assignment lead to a freeze on any new assignments. Instead, we were spread out to merge into the cleaning crews, the least desirable labor in the family. Even Yelena wasn't exempt from it. Every night I headed out with Yelena and some others to clean up crime scenes and blood spills all across the city. It was a good night when we didn't have to dump more than a dozen bodies out into the bay. The majority of these calls were drug-related and just cleaning up the evidence. For all the bodies we were called to dispose of, I never bothered looking into the victims. It would be pointless bothering to find out if they were innocent or not. I just did my work no questions asked. Though I did stop eating meat. Eve had asked me about that but I just brushed it aside, saying I was just trying to be healthy.

Eve's days were getting busier and busier. The other models didn't come around anymore as they were all too tired after spending the whole day rehearsing and getting things ready for the big day. It wasn't just the fashion show that they had to work for. There were also photoshoots, exclusives, and interviews that they had to do. Usually, we'd even come home at the same time, which we'd just laugh off. We would then immediately retire for bed, neither of us willing to drag the day's events out of the other.

As for the restaurant, I was still working there during the daytime. Yvonne was absent for the whole week, working double time on her design putting the finishing touches on the fantasy bra. One night, Eve came home and told me that she hadn't been chosen to wear that bra. Instead, it would be Valentine. She wasn't upset because this was only her first show. Giving a rookie the most anticipated set of brasserie was never heard of and she was happy that one of her friends would at least be able to wear it.

I had texted Valentine congratulating her about the news. We chatted a bit on the phone about random things. How she was holding up, if her foot was feeling better, shit like that.

And so my life was rather quiet for the week before the upcoming show.

At least if you ignored my nightly activities.


It was the day of the show, in the late afternoon.

I was looking at myself in the mirror, with a pretty expensive suit on. Eve had told me anything was fine but I didn't want to embarrass her. I had gotten my haircut a little earlier that day. I tried dabbling into Eve's makeup kit to try and hide the scars on my face but it was to no avail. She just patted my cheek before leaving.

I had just finished a light shower and was making poses in front of the mirror when my phone rang.

I picked it up and it was Yvonne. She was calling me to tell me that she was also bringing along Yelena. I was a little surprised but didn't really mind. It would be a good change in pace for 'Big Sis.' She was really overworking herself this past week and was clearly stressed. Maybe the show would help alleviate some of it.

I checked to make sure every light was off and that the house was cleaned up. We were expecting company for the afterparty and I wanted to make sure everything was okay. Thankfully having to clean every last drop of blood in the countless warehouses owned by the mafia made me an extremely fast and efficient worker. I spent the earlier part of the day working on it and the whole apartment was sparkling by the time I left.

I rushed to the nearest subway station. The streets were way too crowded with cars even though it was only five in the afternoon. This show was really well-known. I could see several billboards advertising the venue just on my way to the station.

After swimming through hoards of people, I made it on the first subway that appeared. Damn was it packed. It was so crowded, there was literally no room to move around. I thanked whatever god had convinced me to bring along my cologne. I would surely reek of other people's smells if I didn't.

Thankfully Yvonne's neighborhood wasn't too far away and I was only underground for two stops. I stepped out and traced my steps towards her home. I found it and knocked on the door.

Yelena opened it up with a peek. When she saw it was me she opened it, revealing her fashionable dress. She even had a little corsage in her palm. It was a little jarring seeing my boss dressed like that. She clearly wasn't too used to it either. She looked rather uncomfortable and kept glaring at me.

Yvonne rushed up to us a little later. She had done her hair and makeup and was also wearing a long dress. She was clacking away in her heels and that's when I realized Yelena still had sneakers on.

"Hey you really going to wear sneakers with that dress?"

"Huh? What's wrong with it?"

She seemed confused. Yvonne rolled her eyes.

"I know right? I've been trying to get her to wear the heels I got her but she keeps saying its too uncomfortable."

She turned towards me and gave me a thumbs-up. "You look great in that Adam."

"Thanks you do too."

"You think so?" She laughed and did a little twirl.

Yelena was frowning, staring at the heels on the floor. She sighed and put them on reluctantly.

"Damn these are terrible! Why do they feel so tight?"

Yvonne ruffled up her hair much to her chagrin.

"You'll get used to it. Well? We're all ready so let's go!"

I helped the two sisters down the steps from the porch and we made our way to a waiting helicopter. The venue had been kind enough to provide us a helicopter, saying we were VIPs because of our relations to the underground and the models.

This was my first time riding a helicopter and it was unsettling. Both Yelena and Yvonne laughed at me when I screamed after the helicopter had practically turned vertically, fearing that the flimsy harness would release me and cause me to fall. I was still clutching onto the handrests when we finally touched down on a helipad on one of the skyscrapers only two buildings from the main hall.

After descending, we found ourselves before a long red carpet surrounded by gaggles of reporters. We hadn't even made it out of the glass doors when the camera shutters began firing away and blinding us. These bastards had their flashes on! I was blinking to try and get rid of the black dots in my vision.

Yvonne was smirking at my reaction and leading me by the arm. Yelena was following close behind. There were others walking on the red carpet, but suddenly after our appearance, it was like they didn't even matter. Every single camera was pointed at us. I could understand why. Yvonne and Yelena were two world-class beauties. Seeing them would instantly take anyone's breath away, man or woman. I also got quite a bit of attention myself. I was sure it was because they were wondering what some commoner was doing amongst these two queens.

We finally made it into the building and away from the prying eyes. I was gasping at the sheer pressure of it. Yvonne was laughing and even Yelena seemed to be smiling, though she was also looking a little bit nauseous at the same time as well. Several attendants approached us in red and white suits. After showing them our tickets, they immediately took us to a lounge area. A woman with a clipboard and a headset rushed over.

"Are you Adam Martin?"

I pointed at myself. "Yeah that's me."

"One of our models is requesting your presence. Please follow me backstage."

I glanced over at the girls. Yvonne was glaring at the woman and Yelena wasn't even paying attention.

"Just go. Make sure to come back before the show starts."

"Yeah I will."

I waved bye as the woman began leading me towards the off-limits area. The second I passed a door I got a better look at the behind-the-scenes of the show. There were all sorts of cables and towers all connected to lights and other visual equipment. There were also dozens of people maintaining them, checking on them, or just yelling into their headsets. Everyone seemed super busy.

The woman lead me through another door and I found myself in a large holding area that was occupied by dozens of supermodels. It was full of wall-to-wall mirrors and bright lights. Pop music was blasting from speakers hidden in the ceiling. The models were also running around getting last-minute makeup checks and fitting checks so no one even glanced at my arrival. I was hoping we'd grab Eve and then head out but of course, the woman shouted something into her mic that was broadcast to the entire room.

"Eve Martin please come out."

I almost facepalmed. Now everyone was staring at her, or more specifically me. I was doing my best to ignore them when Eve showed up. Oh boy was she breathtaking. Somehow her already incredible body became even leaner and tanner. She had on these white angel wings coming out of her sparkly bra and a panty that was practically a thong, leaving little to the imagination. She gave me a hug seeing me.

"I'm so glad you made it," she whispered.

I was forcing a smile trying to ignore the excited gossip from the other models. It only grew louder when the other four crowded. They were also wearing similar underwear and gave me hugs with the exception of Valentine. Though Eve had snorted and gave them an angry glance, she seemed to be permitting it for now. But she soon had enough and grabbed my hand to drag me out.

Eve was talking to me excitedly after we were alone. I could tell she was nervous so I just squeezed her hand.

"Don't worry you'll be fine. If it's too much just imagine it's just me in the crowd."

She blushed, clearly imagining it. "I can't do that Adam. It'll be even more distracting..."

She inhaled my smell one last time and went back. There was less than an hour before the show started and she had to be on stand-by. She told me she would be the second one out on the runway.



When Eve arrived back at the backstage prep area, she was mobbed by some of the other supermodels who were dying to know who the man was.

"Was that your boyfriend Eve? Oh my god he is like so fucking gorgeous. Is he a model?"

Eve just lightly laughed. She wasn't close to any of them and was a little uncomfortable.

"No he's just my brother."

"Jesus he looks so damn cool. Are those scars on for show?"

She frowned when one of them speculated the validity of Adam's scars. Seeing her mood fluctuate, her little group quickly separated her from the others, forming a small barrier.

Valentine squeezed her arm. "You okay Eve?"

Eve slightly nodded. She could still smell the remaining scent of Adam and had calmed down a lot. She took a deep breath and raised her fist.

"Let's do this!"

The others put their hands together and joined her in a cheer.



I made my way back to Yvonne and Yelena where we just lounged around until the hall opened its doors. We got in line where there were quite a few celebrities amongst the honored guests that we were a part of. Yvonne and Yelena made some polite greetings. They were also practically celebrities, being the daughters of one of the most infamous influencers of the city. No one greeted me asides from some of the women who were dressed up fancily.  I just shook their delicate hands and gave them as wide of a smile as I could.

When the doors opened, we made our way into the dark hall following the floor lights to our seats in the front row. We were practically within touching distance of the runway and it would be a great view for when Eve would come out.

Things began quieting down when the stage glowed brightly to reveal a screen with the words Victoria's Secret flashing along with some visual effects. Lights began dancing around on the walkway and screen to create some beautiful golden globes. The lights faded and flickered out.

Then without warning, a spotlight showed a man wearing some designer clothes and holding a microphone. In the background, a band had been set up. There were quite a few cheers that I heard. Now I wasn't sure who they were but they seemed to be a big deal judging from all the cheers. They began playing live music and the spotlight shone again once the vocals began. This time it featured a model. More cheers.

As the man was singing, the model began sauntering down the runway, blowing kisses and holding her swaying hips in as seductive of a manner as possible. Even I was a little blown away at how attractive she presented herself as. Yvonne pinched the side of my thigh to shake me out. I looked around and could see that nearly every man was drooling, while the women were jealously looking at the woman's curvaceous figure.

I quickly turned to the beginning of the stage before long. Then the spotlight shined on her. She began her mesmerizing walk, captivating the eyes of everyone in the hall. She was literally dripping with the most seductive aura possible. Upon her reveal, the whole crowd went silent, the voice of the singer and instruments being the only source of sound in the whole hall. Then people started screaming their heads off, louder than they had for the first model or the band. The band was beginning to have a hard time making themselves heard over the roar that came over the crowd.

Eve didn't even look phased in the slightest and kept walking. Unlike her counterpart she didn't even glance at the stage, only walking with one hand on her hip and the other tousling her long hair. I'm not sure how but she finally turned her head when she came parallel with me. While still moving, she had moved her hand to slightly lift one of the strings around her panties and turned her head to blow me a kiss and a wink.

The crowd went wild again at that. Even with the next model already appearing on the stage, she was still the center of attention. Everyone's eyes were on her until the moment she walked off the stage. I felt a little bad for the model who had appeared after Eve. There were still cheers but they were half-hearted and not very excited. Props to her, she still kept a professional look and kept walking.

I couldn't help but reel as I kept thinking over Eve's walk. Just when the hell did she become such a temptress?


A.N. ngl i'm also excited for the upcoming smut scene for next chapter

time's been kind of cryptic so imma just say 2018. anyways i have some thoughts of future events like covid. it's a parallel universe so hey why not. it'll be a good way to introduce slice of life stuff and an "incentive" for his girls to move in.

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