My second chance in a strange reverse world!

Chapter 4: Strange but not so welcome changes

I considered going upstairs to inform them that the food was ready, because my mother had gone back up to the second floor for some reason, as I hadn't seen her anywhere in the living room, her purse on the couch being the only indication that she had been here.

However, as I approached the stairwell, I heard hurried steps from above.

My mother descended quickly, her face concerned. Her bust jiggled frantically as she rushed down. How she could walk down the stairs so fast in heels was beyond me.

I approached her before she reached the top step. "Is everything okay?" I inquired, concerned.

My mother walked right by me. "I'm late for work!" She said impatiently, grabbing her briefcase from the couch, then dashed to the dining room and devoured immediately, almost without swallowing, what I had prepared. She burped as she hurried to the exit and opened it. "Thank you for the food!"

I watched as the door closed behind her, the sound echoing through the house's silence. I stood motionless for a few moments before snapping out of my trance. My steps were slow and heavy as I made my way to the dining room, where I picked up my mother's half-empty plate and tossed the food scraps into the kitchen's small trash can. My thoughts were heavy with disappointment that she hadn't enjoyed the meal as I washed the plate. I could hear my sisters' soft footsteps descending the stairs as I finished cleaning.

I walked out of the kitchen just in time to see my younger sister happily sniffing the air in the dining room. "Smells yummy!" She said this as she sat up quickly in her seat.

That made me smile; this simple comment had already completely lifted my previously somewhat depressed mood. I walked over to them and sat back down, listening to my younger sister hum as she ate her food.

Luna was dressed in black pants and a white shirt with a design of some band or something, which I didn't recognize, but it was in the style of a rock band. Despite the fact that I had no recollection of her liking any particular band, I focused on watching her eat her meal with a smile on her face.

My elder sister, Nola, also took her seat and smiled. After a few moments, her brow furrowed as her gaze shifted to my younger sister, who was engorging herself with aliment and puffing out her cheeks in the process.

Nola sent Luna a look. "Eat slowly," She scolded.

Luna in question quickly swallowed her food, then returned to stuffing her mouth full of food while mocking Nola. "No, bitch," my younger sister replied, her voice somewhat muffled due to her mouth being full.

With a scowl on my face, I set down my fork, which held a piece of bacon. My younger sister was never that rude, and she was never that rude at the table either. What worried me was Nola's reaction; she may appear expressionless and mature, but when she gets angry, she becomes quite aggressive.

I was about to try to mediate what I was sure would turn into a fight between my sisters when my older sister's teasing voice stopped me. "Heh~" Her eyes narrowed with amusement as she snorted. "What? Jealous?"

My younger sister sulked; my older sister mockingly laughed along with it. At this point, I was perplexed and a little scared; this was definitely strange.

They didn't seem to want to talk about what had happened, so I cleared my throat, causing the two pairs of my sisters' golden eyes to look at me with interest. "Luna, you shouldn't say that to your sister." I tried not to sound too bossy.

"Huh?" Luna cocked her head, perplexed. She then laughed. "You're right," she said, sending a mocking glance at Lona. "She would like to be, but she can't be." 

"Heh, at least I'm not a virgin." Nola countered.

Luna opened her golden eyes wide, as if the revelation were impossible, and pointed an accusing finger at Nola after a series of emotions flashed across her face. "Liar!"

"I don't lie." Nola said flatly.

Luna moved her accusing finger closer to Nola instead of lower it. "Masturbating doesn't count." Nola opened her mouth, only to be cut off. "Nor do blow-up dolls!" Nola snapped her lips shut, and a smile spread across Luna's face. "Aha! I knew it, no man in his right mind would sleep with someone that ugly."


Luna's exaggerated laughter died in my ears as I stared blankly at the scene in front of me. What in the world is going on?

I raised my hand because the apparent back and forth of insults between my sisters seemed to be intensifying. "Hey!" When I called, the insults stopped. "Don't discuss those things at the table; it's disgusting. Save your talk for a private place"

They exchanged glances, communicating through their eyes, before speaking in unison. "Men" When they agreed, they both laughed amicably and resumed eating, as if the previous bout of increasingly degenerate insults had not occurred.

I don't understand what's going on.


With a strange expression on my face, I looked at my two sisters, who were happily eating their food. This was strange indeed; the changes were so numerous that I couldn't ignore them; I was beginning to suspect that I hadn't actually gone back in time, but something more complicated.

I sighed, sweeping my gaze across the table, realizing there was nothing to drink. I squeaked my chair back, and when my sisters looked at me with interest, I pointed to the kitchen. "I forgot the orange juice." I turned on my heels and started walking. "I'll be right back."

I entered the kitchen and walked to the refrigerator, ignoring the voices of my sisters who were once again engaged in conversation. I opened the doors to see if there was any orange juice or something to drink, but there was none. I remembered I had already opened the refrigerator so I should have already known. I could only lean back a little on it, running my hand through my hair. I sighed, confused, frustrated, and thirsty, and closed my eyes for a moment to relax.

I exhaled slowly and inhaled slowly. Everything was fine; it was just minor changes, possibly a butterfly effect caused by time travel, nothing more. In an attempt to calm my thoughts, I clenched and unclenched my fist several times.

"Alex, are you okay?" A fluent and pleasant voice asked from behind me.

I spun around quickly, only to be met by the worried expression of my older sister, Nola. Her golden eyes were fixed on me, and the frown on my older sister's fine brows made me nervous. She took a step closer to me as she noticed my surprise.

"Alex," She said again. "Are you okay?"

"Huh... yeah, don't worry, I just didn't remember we were out of orange juice." I spoke awkwardly.

Nola squinted even more. "We told you that when you got up from the table." She pointed before folding her arms beneath her chest. "But you seemed to be quite distracted."

I smirked and scratched my hair. "Sorry about that." I shrugged as I said this. "But I'm fine, really." She didn't seem to believe me, but she nodded, so I turned to the cupboard. "Ah, but if you want, I can make coffee." My mind needed some caffeine, so I offered and was planning to do it anyway if she didn't accept.

Nola gave me a strange look. "The coffee pot is out of order." She said as if it were obvious. "Did you forget?"


She nodded. "Yes, for some reason it doesn't work with the essence, mom will change it when she gets paid."

"Huh... okay then, I guess I'll take water."

Nola nodded, turned, and opened the refrigerator. I kept staring at her, but when she bent down to get something, I shifted my gaze a little. She was wearing pants, and I didn't want to look like a pervert staring at her when she was showing her ass.

I looked back at her as she closed the refrigerator again, a little perplexed because she was holding a can of beer in one hand and a can of soda in the other. 

"Are you going to drink that in the morning?" I asked somewhat perplexed.

"Hm?" Nola looked at me with a puzzled expression, then opened the beer can with a satisfying sound of gas release. "Yes."

"But it's not healthy." I tried to reason, although it sounded a bit hypocritical since I do the same thing.

"Just for today," She said with a smile, taking a sip from her can of beer.

Nola began to leave the kitchen, but I stopped her by pointing to the other can she was carrying. "What about the other one?"

"Luna." She said simply and walked out of the kitchen.

I frowned, grabbed a glass of water, and followed her as quickly as I could.

When I got to the dining room table, I watched as both of my sisters sipped their drinks and ate, talking about something while occasionally laughing or raising their voices as if it were an amusing conversation. Seeing this made me reconsider mentioning how harmful sodas are. Maybe it's okay for today. I said to myself and ignored it for the time being.

I tried to start eating, but I wasn't hungry, so I took a sip of water and looked at my sisters. They got along well, but not particularly well; they only talked once in a while and that was it; at the table, they were almost always on their cell phones.

Luna spoke just as I was thinking. "Nola, listen!" she said, holding up a finger... She burped so loudly that I almost choked on the water I was drinking.

"Luna!" exclaimed my older sister, disappointed. I nodded and wiped my mouth with a napkin. It was only natural to chastise Luna... "You still have a long way to go," Nola said, cutting through my thoughts with a tone so solemn. 

My sisters then engaged in a burping battle in the middle of the morning, and my mind short-circuited. My adorable little sister and my unattainable, dignified older sister could never act so shamelessly; it's as if I were watching two brothers bantering while eating rather than two cute girls...

I think I'm going crazy.

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