My perfect yandere!


Currently, in a small single room house, not more than 900 sq. ft in size, stood two people. One of them was me and the other was my crush Tsubaki.

After the tea, she called her car and we suddenly started traveling back to my house. This development wasn't in my plan, well all these which were happening since some days weren't planned at all, so I just went with the flow.

It was surprising to know that Tsubaki had a Mercedes, ready for use anytime. Well, being the daughter of Norihito Tsubaki, this much was to be expected from her. Since the distance between the apartment and my shack was about a 40-minute ride we had a good time talking about school and stuff. I and Tsubaki had some similar liking so we didn't have much of an awkward moment. 

Tsubaki is a kind of a person who knew a little about everything so conversing with varieties of people was her fortè. Unlike me who knew only mangas, sports, and food. Food not as in cooking but which shops sell the best. Within my 17 years of life, I have discovered various places in Tokyo as well as outside of the city, where delicious souvenirs are served.

My heart was beating rapidly as this was the first time I had a girl in my room. Well I have only spent half a day here but still since my belongings and personal things were here, this could be considered as my personal space.

Tsubaki hoped in and without me saying anything, started exploring the house. The look in her eyes was of like a child who has discovered something fancy and new.

I chuckled at her cute antics.

"Told ya. This place is cramped". I said 

" Yeah it's undeniable but isn't this place cozier. Like I could feel you closer to me". Her bright red face was illuminated in the dim lamps making her beautiful and my heart skip.

"Ye-yeah it seems so". I scratched the back of my head while stuttering.

In my room, there was a sliding wardrobe for futons but since my things were inside of it, the futons were folded in the corner of the room. 

Suddenly, Tsubaki twirled around and fell on my futons, with her face digging inside the sheets.

" Ah, Tsubaki are you fine?" I walked instantly toward her as I thought that she might have a sudden headache or sort but when I heard her giggling and muffled voice...

"Hehe...Kazuya Kun's scent. It's more intoxicating than I thought. It was best I came here. Ahh... it feels relaxing and makes my heart race at the same time. What should I do? Do I have to pay for this? I have my wallet, right? Nngg.Thanks for the meal!! "....I only sighed.

" Tsubaki it's half past 9. We should pack and go back. It will take time to pack everything". I said as I started arranging my clothes in a bag. 

"Kazuya kun". She said in a calm tone, making me turn around to look at her.

" Hmm?" I asked.

"I have a wish. Can you make it come true?" She was now sitting cross-legged on my futon. Her legs seemed extra long under her light blue jeans.

"If possible then I will". I said as I stood straight after putting the cloth I had in my hand, inside my bag.

" You know... it's not like I am a pervert or sort. Nu-uh..absolutely not but I was-wanted to be intimated at least once in your room. Can I?" She slowly spread her hands for a hug with a timid look on her face and teary eyes adorning her cuteness.

I was baffled thinking.

'How a person could be this cute?'. I left my reasoning behind as I moved forward.

She closed her eyes a little as I got near her. I sat on the futon just some inches apart as she turned herself toward me.

I looked at her misty eyes for a second before wrapping my arms around her back. I  hugged her soft body lightly as it seemed that her body might break if I was to apply much force.

But my impatience and urges got better of me and I ended up hugging her tightly in my embrace. She squealed lightly at my sudden action but nevertheless, she also reciprocated by snuggling in my chest comfortable yet filled with passion.

I pulled myself back and laid down on the futon slowly with Tsubaki on top of me. We didn't let go of each other and still were snuggling and feeling each other's warmth. Her presence was overwhelming me, making my mind blank. But this wasn't bad or to say this feeling was something I always longed for.

"Like this, I don't think I will be able to resist and soon propose to you". I whispered in such a low tone that only she could hear, even we were the only ones present in the room.

" I can't wait when that comes". She rubbed her face on my chest as she spoke in the same tone.

"Don't worry. I won't make you wait long ". 


I packed my stuff inside bags and trolleys as Tsubaki was arranging my study table by putting the notebooks and stationery inside a case. I was noting down the list for my supplies that's why I had my notebook opened up and spread on my table.

" Ah, Kazuya kun. What is this?". I turned back toward her and saw her with a hairpin pinched between her fingers.

In a trance, I leaped and took it from her.

After realizing what I did, I apologized to her right away.

"Sorry Tsubaki. It''s important for me. I hope you can understand". She stood there frozen for a couple of seconds making my heart race as knowing her personality from the surface, I knew she would pry in this matter.

But to my surprise...

" It's okay Kazuya kun. We all have secrets. I hope you can tell me one day about it". She smiled warmly at me, unintentionally making me guilty for hiding this from her. But I couldn't help it. This was the only secret of my life which I haven't told any person until now. Neither parents nor any friends. 

'Sorry, Tsubaki. But I can't tell you right now about it'. I sighed inwardly.


After sorting everything inside the shack, it didn't take long for two big men to come inside the house and take them all with them. I knew they all were the bodyguards assigned for Tsubaki's safety so I didn't interrupt and let them do whatever they wanted.

My whole house become empty again, as I stood at the entrance. I have already paid advance rent and I couldn't take it back so after informing the owner and handing him the house key, I walked outside of the apartment, with Tsubaki by my side.

I looked back to my one-day-house for the last time before turning toward the street.

"Now we will be together, forever Kazuya kun". My gloominess was swept by the cute chime of the fluffy ball beside me. I nodded and walked toward the car and toward a new phase of my life...

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