My perfect yandere!

Staying away!

"Tsubaki". I called her suddenly as she got comfortable in my embrace on the bed we share. It was already half past 11 when we decided to roll in. Well, it 's still somewhat accelerating to sleep with her in so close contact, but I have started to endure it somehow and could get comfortable too.

"Kazu-kun?" She didn't have my face in front but I could guess she cutely would have tilted her head with this tone.

"Uh. there is a cousin of mine who needs tutoring. So I won't be returning home with you for the time being ". I felt her grip tighten on me as she asked me after a momentary silence.

 " Is it a girl? " My body stiffened a little on hearing her chilly voice. I knew it must be impossible but I somehow felt her breathing seemed a little cold too.

 "Ah no. He is my younger cousin Shibu-kun. He is a grade-schooler and my uncle asked me to help him with his upcoming test  ".  'Sorry, Shibu, for using your name '.I apologized to my cousin inwardly upon misusing his name for a false reason.

 " Oh my. Test in so early in the session. Hmm~ I wonder which school has so riled up academic plan. " A sweat dropped my forehead as I choked my breath in my throat on hearing her.

(A/N: Will, Ara~, suit her?)

 "Ah. He wants to switch schools, so admission tests. It 's only for a week tho.  " I tried to cover it up without letting my voice break.

 "Fufu. Can 't be helped. So I have to make it without my Kazu-kun for the week huh ". She suddenly pulled me in a closer hug as she pressed her cushion body against me with her legs entangled with mine.

 'Ah...cuddling with her feels great '. In ecstasy, I also started snuggling on her with my face on top of her hair. My lungs were filled with her overwhelming scent.

It was a fact that I couldn 't control every part of my body but thanks to my previous arrangement, my boner won 't be felt by her....maybe.

 " Kazu-kun. " She said with a muffled tone as her breathe felt ticklish on my chest.

 "Hmm. " I hummed in response with my eyes closed as I enjoyed her warmth to my heart 's content.

 "You won 't cheat on me right? " My eyes got shot open when I heard her question.

With a sigh, I replied to her, as I started stroking her hair gently.

 "Never, I promise. The thing which I hate the most won 't be imitated by myself. Your presence in my life has become irreplaceable to the point where getting separated from you would be my worst nightmare. So if you ever see me drifting away, just snatch me and tie yourself with me up, okay? "

(A/N: It was a phrase but not for her;)

 "I sure will do that.  " She murmured under her breath which I wasn 't able to hear. Her arm got tightly around my back in a protective manner as she made our bodies like it was one.

It was the best feeling which I doesn 't want to lose to the end of life.

 "I love you Kazu-kun ".

 " I know ".


The next morning, I and Tsubaki were sharing the table as we started digging into the wonderful breakfast.

Today she prepared okonomiyaki which was melting on my tongue and bombarding my buds with lots of flavors.

I never thought that she could prepare something so complex in the morning within a limited time. Her image was only getting higher and higher in my view.

After eating she suddenly said...

 "Kazu-kun. I will tell Mafuyu to pick you up after school and she will drop you back home after tutoring. Just save her number in case ". She held her hand forward which had a card in grasp.

I paused for a second before replying.

 " Nah. It 's close to the school and the street is congested so it will be good if I just walk there. Don 't worry, I will be back before 10 ". She didn 't reply and took the card back with a frown and returned to the kitchen, to wash dishes.

 'I am sorry Tsubaki '. I landed my head on the table because of the guilt for making Tsubaki sad.

I didn 't like lying, especially to the people I love but I have to do this.

 'It will surely be worth to endure it for now Tsubaki '.


After school, I didn 't have any club work today. The primary selection was finished so the other briefing would be done which doesn 't require my presence.

Kunimi called me at the cafe at 3.30. It was 2 in the noon and it would take me 45 minutes to reach there at most. So I patiently waited for Tsubaki to say goodbye.

She came back from her council work after about 15 minutes. I was sitting leisurely in the empty classroom when I saw her approaching me with a smile on her face.

It was so easy to tell, that it wasn 't her normal smile but a forced one. I stood up before asking.

 "Are you done with your work? " She nodded as she stopped some feet apart from me.

 "So shall we go? " I asked again.

 "Um...Kazu-kun before that can...can you hug me? " She weakly extended her hand with a hopeful expression. Her hands were a little shaky like she was even expecting a rejection.

I stood there blankly for a second before dashing forward and wrapping my arms around her.

Her tensed body got relaxed in an instant upon my touch. She exhaled before rubbing her fluffy cheeks on my chest and crossing her arms around my back.

Her body was so delicate yet so inviting that I ended up hugging her with more grip than I usually do.

 "It 's only for a week Tsubaki. After that, I will return home with you again. So don 't make that face okay? " I said in a warm tone to soothe her but in place of responding, I felt warmness spilling on my chest.

 "Eh? Tsubaki? Are you crying? " I wanted to separate myself to look at her but her grip was so reluctant that I surrendered soon.

 "Aah...Tsubaki. You are making this harder for me. It 's not like we will be together all the time and eventually will have to stay away from each other in the future too. So please try to understand. You know my heart aches seeing you like this ". I tried to reason with her but still, she was clinging to me like a baby.

 " Okay, tell me what I can do for compensation. I will try my best to oblige with your request so please tell me ". I said as I caressed her back.

After a brief pause she separated her face from me and with her hand still connected, she said in a hoarse tone.

 "Then call me by my first name. " Her ears were red with tear stains ruining her perfect face. I wiped her remaining tears before smiling brightly at her.

 "Kayo. Is that okay now? " I said it naturally as I have called her by the first name, various times before in my mind but she didn 't take it so naturally.

She inhaled deeply with her cheeks going another shade of crimson. Her cuteness was overloaded that I only wanted to peck on her cheeks right now. But before I could have enjoyed my view she crashed her face on my chest.

 "Tsubaki? " I was a little dissatisfied upon missing such a cute Tsubaki.

 "Please don 't look Kazu-kun. It 's the  'melted state ' period. "

 "But you look so adorable. I want nothing but to stare at you for eternity. " I expressed my true feeling without holding back.

After a pause, she called me in a slightly cold voice.

 "Kazu-kun... " I hummed in response.

 "Please don't say these things to any other girl okay? " I gulped on hearing her words.

 'Her mood swings are really dangerous.  '


A/N: I feel sad for Tsubaki.

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