My perfect yandere!


In an empty classroom, a beautiful black-haired schoolgirl was sitting with a frown on her flawless face. 

It was about 5 in the evening when Tsubaki started growing more impatient. She had called 96 times and have sent more than 200 messages to Kazuya, but none of the messages were seen, nor any calls were picked.

[The number you are dialing is currently switched off] she was continuously biting her nails while shaking her legs in anxiety. 

She was already guilty for not being able to go home with him, and when he started avoiding calls she became sure that he was angry. However, she knew that she didnt do anything so bad that Kazuya would avoid her to this extent, and more to that he didn't even go home. Since her apartment was highly secured, a notification always pops up every time her key card was used.

She switched on her phone and in place of dialing the last dialed number, she called another person who was on her favorite list.



"Tsubaki sama. Good evening".

" Report me Kazuya kun's location and whereabouts since he exited the school". She said without greeting back as her mental condition wasnt in perfect condition.

"For three hours, Kazuya sama was sitting in a park near the northwest of your school." Tsubaki bit her thumb to the point where it started bleeding before asking a little scaredly.

"Was he with someone". Her entire being was expecting a negative answer as she didnt know what she would do if her assistant gave affirmation.

" No. He was alone since the start. Even someone asked him, he didnt even answered them ". Tsubaki sighed in relief but another issue started building inside her.

" What he was going all the time?" The answer came after a brief second.

"...He was crying and staring aimlessly at nowhere. He never moved from his spot and sat there until now". Tsubaki stood from her seat as she realized the reason for his misery.

" It must be because of his parents". She murmured under her breath but the person on another side of the call heard it.

"Ah...Tsubaki sama. I think you should see the footage of your school first. I think you are misinterpreting something here". Tsubaki heard her voice and with a confused look disconnected the call.

She opened the video sent by her assistant which contained clear footage of the school ground area. The footage was clear with background noise reduction, so Tsubaki was able to listen to every word as well as see what was on showcase.

Anger, frustration, hatred was building inside her but she knew it wasnt time for that.

She called her assistant again...

" Wh-what he is doing right now?". She asked in a little shaken-up voice.

"..He is whistling while walking on the street near the station. " Tsubaki wasnt able to contain her tears and started weeping loudly over the phone. Heavy pearl-like tears started dripping down her face as she plopped down on the ground.

"He-he al....always do th..that when he becomes devasted from inside". She was very well aware of his habits and she never imagined that because of her Kazuya would become like this.

" Tsubaki sama. Get a hold of yourself." Her assistant was trying to console her but to no avail. Tsubaki was anything but could be calm right now.

"I...I...sorry Kazu". 



After the automatic door slid closed on my back I entered the convenience store.

I was told to report at 8 in the evening, but I was about an hour earlier. 

" Ah, part-timer. You are early. Want to start working now?" I nodded at the owner's proposal as I didnt have anything else right now and I didnt want to roam freely.

"Great. Get the jacket of the store from the changing room and I will teach you the basics". For about half an hour he told me how to handle store machines and how to deal with special kinds of customers.

The way he taught was easy to learn.

" Thank you. I will do hard work to meet your expectation". I bowed as he left the counter.

"Don't sweat it Kazu boy. And you can have something to eat if you feel hungry. Just register it before ". I nodded with a smile because of the goodwill he showed to nearly a stranger.

There weren't many customers in and out so I was just sitting on the chair while gazing outside. Suddenly I remembered that my phone went off because of the drainage of the battery. It was fortunate that there were a variety of chargers available near the counter.

I plucked my phone and switched it on.

There was a massive amount of notification mostly from Tsubaki and some from Kunimi. I didn't know how to answer her but it was definite that if I answer her right now then our relationship will end up ruined completely.

'But was there anything to begin with?' I asked myself and with a dry chuckle, I texted back Tsubaki.

[I am at my part-time. I will come home late. ] And sent it.

Sighing I leaned back and involuntarily my mind went back to her again. 

For some instance, I wanted to state all the things I saw today as fake and accept Tsubaki's feeling toward me as genuine. The reason for this though was the number of pictures of mine I saw on her wall.

But something pinned that part of my mind and a sudden thought came...

'Did she have only my pictures?' I didnt know and I didnt want to think.

The fact was that a girl of Tsubaki's caliber was always out of my reach and even I knew it since the start I tried to breach my limits which made me nothing but a fool desperately trying to reach something unattainable.

" Excuse me. Can you pack this?" Breaking my thoughts I went back to work.

"Yeah sure.."

Time passed rather in a flash as the number of customers increased, as the night neared. I checked my phone every now and then, but despite my message was being seen she never replied.

'I guess she made up with Kabura kun'. This was the only conclusion I could make. A sting feeling was piercing my heart to think of her with someone else but there was nothing I could do.

*Slide**Tring* It was until these sudden guests arrived.

My eyes went wide when I saw the number of people entering the store.

About half a dozen of huge built men in Black suits, glasses, and cut marks over their faces entered the shop. They were no doubt looking like criminals out of movies. My hand was moving toward the emergency button when one of them who looked like a boss, called for me.

"Don't. Kazuya kun". I was surprised to hear my name from him.

He walked toward me and offered his hand for a shake. I was scared but still returned his greeting.

" I am Tsubaki Nichiro. Kayo's uncle ". I was startled to know he was Tsubaki's relative and knowing that he had the same family name. I knew they must be blood-related. However, his facial features say otherwise...

" I am Sakahi Kazuya. It's nice to meet you". I said in an absent tone as I didnt know why this situation was happening in the first place.

"I knew you Kazuya kun, for a long time. I wanted to meet you but not in circumstances like these". He scratched his head with a dry laugh.

I was just standing straight and didnt reply.

" Well, normal chats would be better if we do it sometime later. First.." He snapped his fingers and soon the gate slid open again.

Another black-suited man came inside with a beaten-up teenager in his grasp.

The student was wearing the same uniform as me so I was a little shocked by his state. His left eye was bruised and his clothes were tattered. His walking posture didnt look good either. All in all, he was in his wrist condition.

However, on closer look, I was able to recognize who this person was...

"Kabura kun". I got out of the counter area with a bottle in hand. Even I was dead angry with him, his condition was pitiful to even look at.

I offered him the bottle which he didnt took and just stood there limply.

" It's okay Kazuya kun. You don't have to offer anything to this bastard". Nichiro san came toward him and stood beside Kabura.

"Start talking". He whispered silently in Kabura's ear which I was able to listen to.

Kabura shivered visibly before taking out his phone and showing me something again.

" Th..these are the ori..original photos which I just zoomed in and took the screenshots. " He showed me the same picture containing Kabura and Tsubaki, however this time there were several other people too.

Two of them were Tsubaki's parents and one of them was none other than Nichiro san.

"And the fact he knows about Kayo chan personal life, then being cousins it was natural to know about this much. Don't you think". My eyes were wide because of shock and various other emotions.

" Never did I imagine that my son would do something like this". Another round of heavy blow dropped when he revealed this.

"He is your son?" It was simply unbelievable to know that someone could beat their children to pulp over such a small matter. Well, it was big for me but not for adults, right?

"Kazuya kun, you will soon know how much Kayo chan matters to our family. Anyway, we will talk about it later, for now...dont you think you should be somewhere else?" I gulped as he said in a little chilly voice unlike before.

"Excuse me then". I took out my jacket and after putting it on the counter I left the store in a rush.

I knew my job was done for, after this but now I didnt want anything else, but just to meet a certain person.

I ran outside and just when I was about to run toward the station, a young woman halted my steps.

" Kazuya sama please come with me if you want to meet Tsubaki sama".


A/N: Heavy it was huh. Anyway, I will drop another chapter today as this is one hell of a hanger. Comment if you are liking the story~

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