My perfect yandere!


"I sorry too. It's not y..y..your fault. I am too heavy to handle but I can't help it. When it's about you, I just can't help it. So please don't take it upon yourself. I am sorry". Tsubaki had her cheek connected to my bare chest and hands holding my back. 

My hands were on the wall as I held the urge to hug her back, as right now my lower body has become embarrassing. 

Her hairs were pressed between our bodies with her pale neck in my view. Her natural fragrance and caramel shampoo were profuse in the air. Her body pressed against mine was more than enough to make my body hot.

" It's okay. Next time we will talk about it more calmly". She hummed but didnt separate herself from her. 

"Ah Tsubaki I think it's better if we leave this place. It's not good to be here for a long time. We will raise suspicion". I urged her so we doesn't embarrass both of us or worse I end up in a cell.

"" She rubbed her cheek on my chest, tickling it a little bit, in reluctance to get apart from me.

'Oh, man. Why is she so sweet'. I patted her back even I also wanted her close to me. Nonetheless, she stood straight and after unwrapping her hands faced me.

Her eyes had slight tears at corners, with her face stunning red. She was gorgeous, but now she was a goddess in disguise.

I stared at her and it seemed tha she got more embarrassed. She ducked and shifted toward the door. 

"I will be waiting for you". She said in a low tone as she turned the knob.

I didnt know whether she was thinking straight or not, but there were some people just in front of our changing room. I suddenly pulled her before she could reveal herself, and closed the door abruptly.

'Woof. That was close'. I sighed in relief but my attention got pulled toward my arms when I felt something warm.

I looked down and saw Tsubaki in my grasp. My forearm was in front of her bosom with her back connected to my front. Her body was again in contact and this time we were closer than before.

Her eyes were wide open as well as mine. But for some obvious reasons, I didnt want to let her go. 

'Ah fuck it...' I wrapped another arm around her abdomen and hugged her more tightly, leaving no room for even a gust to pass between us. Due to our height difference, my chin was touching her back of the head

" Can we stay some minutes more like this". I asked what I really wanted right now. Being this intimate with her was once only my imagination but now I was living it and loving it wholeheartedly.

"Y-y-ye-yeah so-sure". She replied like a broken robot. I wanted to take dozen of pictures of her shy face but right now, I only wanted to live the moment and enjoy it to the fullest.

Taking a full whiff of her hair, I leaned back and supported both our bodies on the wall of the small changing room. My hands were fixed at their place as I knew if I move even a bit now, then I didnt think I would be able to control myself from discovering her whole body, in heat.

We stayed for a full minute in teeth aching sweet silence when Tsubaki said in a muffled tone. Her head was now resting on my chest as I moved my head slightly upward.

" This sure is peaceful and lovely. Should we start living here?" Her eyes were closed as she spoke in a calm tone.

I chuckled before answering in the same way.

"Sure if the princess will be able to live in this cramped place then I will be honored to oblige with her wish". She pinched my forearm before answering.

" I am no princess. And besides..." She smiled looking at me through the mirror opposite to us, fixed just beside the door.

"...I can live anywhere until it's with you. Whether this cramped room or streets until my breathe continues I will be always your side. ". Her words felt comfortable to hear and tingling to heart.

I averted my gaze from her as I didnt want to show what face I was making now and buried it on her hair.

" I can make you flustered too".

I sighed inwardly.

'You don't know how much you affect me Tsubaki'.


Our date continued with Tsubaki making me wear different kinds of formal and casual dresses. She said that she wanted to get a fresh idea for her design, so she was just reviewing what was already in fashion.

We were in the third store in the mall. This certain clothing gallery had a lot of formal three-piece suits hung. This whole store was only focused on men wearing. Sleeve cuffs, neckties, varieties of shoes,  belts, and many other things which I never had seen before but knew what they were. I barely had worn anything formal before and if I had to count then I already had more formal today than the total I have worn in my 17 years of life.

Tsubaki handed me a blue three-piece suit which had a white shirt, blue waistcoat, and a coat with the same shade as the formal trouser and the waistcoat. I wore the required accessory according to the suit with brown cut shoes and used the only piercing on my left ear to wear a black earring. I looked at myself in the mirror.

'Hmm..not bad. I guess now I somewhat match Tsubaki'. After coming back to the store, Tsubaki got lost in her world while staring at me but before I could bring her back someone approached us.

"Umm...excuse me". She was a lady in her early twenties wearing the same uniform as the other employees in the store. 

" Yeah?" I asked after glancing at Tsubaki who was now frowning at the store lady.

"Can I take some of your time? You see, the suit looks good on you and recently we are looking for young models for our brand advertisement and posters. You just have to meet the manager once and if everything goes well you will be paid handsomely". She said in a genuine tone.

" Are you sure I am fine being your model. I mean I never did modeling before". I was taller than average but I didnt think my face was that of a model's.

"Yes of course. I am sure that you will be perfect for the job. So if you allow then please come with me". Before I could form any decision I looked toward Tsubaki.

Her fist was clenched to the point where her knuckles started becoming white. Her eyes were darting at the lady in rage. Suddenly I remembered our argument from the morning. 

I immediately decided what I had to do.

" Sorry but I will decline. You see, I don't think I am cut for it. I hope you understand". The lady's smile dropped with a sad one.

"Aww. it's a shame. Well, can I get pictures of you? I just want to show my manager what should we look for in the future which can result in the best" I didn't have any problems with it so I nodded.

She instantly took out her phone and snapped two pictures of me. But before she could return to her job, a cold chilling voice came from the side.

"May I know your name?" 

"Ah, it's Kaede. Sasaki Kaede". The lady replied a little flustered. Tsubaki was smiling but her face said otherwise. Her hand was crossed on her back with her eyes crescent. Her aura could be anything but calm.

" I hope a good future for you, Ms. Kaede."


A/N: Yandere side kicking in.

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