My perfect yandere!


*Ding*. Right now me and Norihito san were entering an elevator in a magnificent apartment. The top floor of this apartment reaches the sky and the location was surrounded by various landmarks. After the dinner and chat, Norihito san asked me to meet Tsubaki right now and I also agreed, half reluctant.

After sitting leisurely, this time a little relaxed, we arrived at this place. I was naturally, nervous suddenly going to meet my crush and the tension intensified as now I know that she loves me.

The elevator stopped on the highest that is the 73rd floor. I was a little weak with heights so I refrained from looking outside the glass shield of the elevator and kept my face straight.

It was a little embarrassing to see Norihito san this excited. But I could understand his standing from a father's point. My parents were also like this until...

*Ding*. My train of thoughts came into a pause when Norihito san pressed the bell. The whole floor contained a single door. 

I was standing just behind Norihito san who was about half feet taller than me so I must be hidden from the peek hole. 

The door was opened after some seconds with a click.

"Evening lily". Norihito san walked forward and wrapped the person in front of him, in a hug.

I saw two pale yet beautiful hands wrapping on Norihito san's back, but not completely, only in courtesy.

It wasnt a doubt about who did these hands belonged to. Suddenly my heart started pumping as each second passed.

After some moments of greeting Norihito san separated himself and walked aside leaving the third person and me, face to face.

Crystal blue eyes, dark raven hairs tied in a bun, and a face that beautiful which could make numerous people regardless of gender, mesmerized. An angel was standing in front of me with her eyes to their widest point.

She stepped back and before I could even call her she escaped inside her house and disappeared.

" See I told ya. She is shy as heck". Norihito san gave me a wink completely rebelled his gentleman looks.

"Let's go inside. " I nodded hesitantly and followed him inside. 

The house was huge. The entrance and hallway were thrice the sizes of my shack. We walked in the hallways and entered a big living room. There was a comfortable couch and a lazy bean bag beside it.

"Please sit here. I will bring her in a minute". He directed me on the couch before walking further into the house.

I slouched down and got engulfed in its fluffiness. I felt like diving in clouds and the warmth of it told me that it was heat insulated.

Since the Tv was still on, it meant that Tsubaki was watching it before we arrived.

There was a culinary show going on the screen so without touching anything unnecessarily, I started learning how to make cheese balls.


As Norihito, left Kazuya in the living area, he walked quietly toward the master bedroom.

He knocked on the door as it was shut closed.

" Lily, it's only me. Come on open the door". He said in a low tone but the other side was able to listen.

"Dad...why you bring him. I am not prepared. I will die like this". The other voice came a little raggedly.

Norihito chuckled before he spoke.

" So, should I ask him to leave?" The door was abruptly opened.

"No dont". Kayo appeared in a different dress and look unlike before. Now she had an elegant white one-piece on her body with hairs combed and tied in a ponytail.

" My princess looks so beautiful".. Norihito was so awestruck that he leaned forward to hug his daughter only to get mercilessly rejected.

"You will ruin my dress. Well, I look okay right?" She asked Norihito as she glanced down toward herself.

"Absolute adorable. Now go and catch him". He gave a thumbs up making her more nervous.

" Please dont eavesdrop dad". With a smile, she said and started walking toward the living room.

Her hands were sweaty with her mind running wild. She was nervous like hell. Her shaky legs were barely holding her and helping her to walk straight.

She inhaled exhaled turned her feet several times but at last, decided to face Kazuya in the end.


I was almost the end of preparation and ready to go fry em all nice and golden when I suddenly sensed a presence approaching me slowly.

Since the entire house was dimly lighted I wasn't able to see but I knew that the person was Tsubaki because of her scent.

Her caramel fragrance was overwhelming in the air.

She walked and stood in front of me blocking the TV with another gawkable thing. Her smooth thigh.

"E-evening Kazuya kun". She greeted me while stammering a little.

I also stood up and greeted back.

" Hey, Tsubaki. How are you?" I asked casually as we were not so distant to start with a normal greeting and all.

"I am good. Please sit down". She gestured toward the couch.

"Yeah sure." I fell back on the comfortable seat.

It seemed that she was a little confused about where to sit, so I patted beside me.

"We aren't strangers right, so please make yourself comfortable". I said with an honest smile.

She froze at her place for quite some moments before nodding vigorously. 

She sat beside me while maintaining some distance apart. The TV was muted so it wasn't a hinder in our chat.

I was about to say something when Norihito san appeared.

" Sorry guys. I have some matter to take care of right now so I will excuse myself. And please use protection if things develop that way. Bye~". And he left. Leaving me and Tsubaki dumbfounded.

His words took time for me to register and when I realized what he said near the end, my face grew hot. I thought Tsubaki didnt hear it but when I glanced toward her...

'She is more embarrassed than me'. Her eartips to her whole face were red. She was fidgeting cutely at her place. The blush made her more beautiful and alluring.

Unconsciously I started staring at her.

"Kazuya kun dont look." She hid her face behind her palms when she felt my gaze on her.

I chuckled.

"Don't hide your face, it's beautiful". I said not to compliment her but just stated my inner thought.

She slowly unhid her face and turned her head toward me.

" Ah..dont look Kazuya kun or I will meltdown right now instantly". 

"Okay..then what about this?" I turned my back and after putting my left leg on the couch, I faced toward the opposite direction.

"Sorry, but I become really unsightly when you look at me like that". My heartbeat skipped once on hearing it.

Kayo was my crush who had made me heartache for a long time and suddenly hearing these words made me realize how stupid I was to believe those rumors.

" It's okay Tsubaki. I just want to talk if you like it this way, then it's okay". Well, I was a tiny bit dissatisfied with missing the blush-filled Kayo but that's okay.

"Did my father tell you something?" Her voice was shaky like she was terrified but I have to tell her the truth.

"Yeah he did. But I want to know from you ". After a pause and settling my heart I gathered every ounce of courage to ask her.

" Do you like me?".  I suddenly felt something on my back.

Tsubaki has leaned her head with her hand wrapped on my waist.

"Tsubaki?" I was startled with my blood flow rising.

"I dont like you Kazuya kun. I am in love with you. Since a long time, you have made your way into my heart which I have never allowed any person to even peek into. You have made me see what I wasnt able to. Feel what I always thought was superficial and fake. You have made my mind and heart a mess without even knowing. So without dodging my feeling, I would like to confess that I have fallen for you really hard and now it has become unbearable to live a single moment without you". My feeling was high sailing in waves of emotions. I have never heard this kind of heartfelt confession ever before. She made my heart race several times and I was praying that it doesn't stop in the middle because of anxiety as I wanted to hear confession until the end.

I didnt speak for a few minutes and processed every word she said, only to fail in the end. I wasnt in my right mind after hearing it so I spoke as naturally, I could.

" Okay. I am really happy to know that such an amazing person loves me. But I can't answer your confession right now". I felt her grip on my waist tighten but she didnt interrupt me.

"See the thing is that I like you but I want to fall for you as a partner and not just like you as a crush. So please give me some time ". I said what I felt was true. I knew being with her would surely make my stupidity fall for her so I just needed some time. 

" So you just have to fall for me right?"


"Then will you stay with me?"


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