My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

52 – Magitech Doll

“Mou… Shishou, how long have we been on the road already?” (Stella)

“Hang in there, sis.” (Sasha)

The carriage, although stable, was still rocking on these dirt roads. Because Stella was blind, it seems that this is taking a toll on her. To be more precise, she suffers from motion sickness. Usually for each 2 hours we travel, we need to take at least a 30 minute break, or else she tends to throw up all over the place.

We’ve been on the road for quite some time now. The mountain range of the giants is far from the elven lands. It’s been two weeks already. We had the provisions given to us by the elves, but eventually it will be back to hunting. Sleeping in the carriage is also better than sleeping on the ground, so I guess it’s not that bad.

“Calm down, you two. Look over there. It looks like the ruins are near.”

After a few more minutes I signaled the bicorns to stop.

“Darling… are these really ruins?”

True. They don’t look like any ruins I know. This is not the image you associate with the word ‘ruin’.

A narrow pair of granite doors between two large pillars marks the entrance. Beyond the pair of granite doors lies a scanty, deteriorated open area. It's covered in small bones, broken pottery and broken stone. I could see rows of tombs and several statues, pillaged and claimed by time itself. Was this some form of temple?

Further ahead are two paths, but the left is a dead end. There are several braziers scattered around, somehow they're still burning. What happened in this place? Many wall paintings still remain. 

"Darling, all these images…"

"Yeah. They depict the races working together. Humans, dwarves, elves, giants… all of them happily working together. Just how old are these ruins? Given the stories about war Remia told me… This is fascinating."

For a bookworm like me I wouldn't mind taking my time trying to decipher the meaning behind these pictures. But for now let's finish exploring.

As we headed deeper, we most likely reached the final room. A large concrete door blocks the path. Dried blood splatters are all over it, somehow untouched by time and the elements.

“Is this the end?”

“Looks like it. Strange. Pyria told us that the Magitech Doll targets everyone that enters these ruins. We’ve been here for a while now but there are no signs of life.”


Sasha was tugging my tail from behind. As I turn towards her…

“That’s not true. Look over there. It’s a kitty.” (Sasha)

Huh? She was right. A black cat was lying on the ground. It didn’t look like it was dead. Sleeping in a place like this… wait a second. Something about that cat looks really familiar.

“You two, stay here and don’t move.”

“Haaaai!” (x2)

I got close to the cat. And as soon as I leaned over, a magic circle ignited under it.


A large explosion occured.

“Kyaaa! That was scary!” (Sasha)

“Umu. But something like that…” (Stella)

Yeah. I was unharmed. I accelerated and strengthened my legs with mana. Faster than the speed of sound, I took the cat before the explosion occurred and stepped out of harm's way. I then took a better look at it.

“Huh? It really is… Shamoa! Can you hear me? Wake up!”

I shake her up and down a few times.

“Nyaaa! What’s this? An earthquake?”

“So you finally woke up.”

“Eeh? Edel?”

Both of us were dumbstruck not knowing what the other person had in mind.

“Shishou, you know that kitty? It looks fluffy. Can we pet it?”

“Oi! I’m not a plaything.”

“It’s complicated. Yes. I know her. She was my master.”

“Shishou’s Shishou? I see.” (Stella)

“Anyway, Shamoa, what are you doing here?”

“Ugh. You had no idea how many teleportation spells I had to cast to get here. No. Forget about that. There’s something serious I have to tell you!! I’ve been put to sleep. This is one big trap!”

“[Ravia Nihilim].” (???)

A faint voice echoed and along with those words I was assaulted by flames. The flames had a pale silvery white color. Ugh. This is no joking matter. They are dangerous and I still have to protect Shamoa.

“The Supreme Incineration Silver Field Flames bestows all the pains in the world. The agony increases every second, and one minute is all it takes for someone to die.” (???)

“Kuh. These flames… are a joke. Erupt and… Devour!”

My nether flames burst from all over my body. Countless snake-like heads were formed and all of them were assaulting the silver flames. Although for a second they looked like they were struggling, in the end, my flames completely ate the silver ones. And naturally the ground around me froze.

“Resorting to such a cheap tactic is pathetic. Did you really think I would drop my guard? Show yourself.”

The sound of approaching footsteps caught my ears. Hmm? What the? Another loli? Does my loli slayer title draw them to me or something? I’m not a lolicon for crying out loud.

“My target has escaped Ravia Nihilim. I need to adjust my opinion of you.” (???)

Wait. Now that I look at her, she has doll joints. 

“Are you the Magitech Doll guarding this place?”

“Nay. That was an inferior Gilieriam model, not specialized in combat and mostly good at analysis.” (???)

“Edel, watch out. She’s the one known as the Fallen Hero and she destroyed the Magitech Doll with one move!” (Shamoa)

“Eer… Shamoa, even if you shout it like that I’m not familiar with the ‘Fallen Hero’ thing. Is that supposed to mean anything?”

“Ugh. I forgot you’re that type of child. Look, I’ll explain later. My body is still numb, so just get us out of here. She’s here to kill you.” (Shamoa)

“Running away?” (???)

The loli tilted her head as she spoke those words. I simply tossed Shamoa backwards and Sasha and Stella caught her.

“Run? Who’s running away? I have no reason to. Listen, I don’t know who you are and honestly I don’t care. I came here to acquire a Magitech Doll. Judging by your looks and reaction you’re also one. Since you destroyed the one guarding these ruins, I’ll just have to claim you.”

“How foolish. Reassessing the opinion of the target once more. Although you have the approval of Shamoa, you are incapable of realizing the danger in front of you. I shall destroy you.”

“Bring it on. I’ll give that cheeky ass of yours a good spanking.”

“Edel, wait! You can’t! Your ice magic will not work against her!”

My ears twitched. 

“Won’t work you say? That’s interesting… and impossible at the same time. I’ll put that statement to the test.

Sasha, Stella! Take cover and watch over Shamoa. I’ve got some ass kicking to do.”

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