My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

39 – Is it finally time to rest?



The moon was suspended in the sky. Our group was given a building to borrow.

It wasn’t a huge tree, but a residence made of brick that was built normally on the ground.


It was a guest house meant for when races other than Elves came to visit, and was made following the Eglantine Kingdom’s style. However, being a country that was within a forest, there weren’t any candlesticks that used fire. 


A chandelier that used precious stones that dimly shined was hung from the ceiling. The room’s width wasn’t all that different from that of a typical inn, and there were only two private rooms. It was like there was a room for the master’s use and a room for the servants’ use.


Of course there was a bookcase displayed, so I indulged myself with reading. 


"Mou… I really was hoping to stay in a treehouse." (Sasha)


"Hmph. I guess that would be the normal thing to expect. To be honest, even for a guest house of a whole country, this is somewhat small."


But compared to my own room back in Japan, it was outrageously spacious though.


"This probably denotes that they simply don't have many guests. After all, elves are often described as an arrogant race." (Yuki)


"Let's try not to judge them or say anything rude until the wedding is over."


"Speaking of the wedding, darling, what do you think?"


"About what?"


"You know exactly what I mean. After all, you saw the look Harmonia had."




"Yare, yare. You really want to hear my theory? Fine. She doesn't want to marry. It's true that I felt hesitation and sadness in her voice."


"I thought so too. I'm happy that we have matching wavelengths! That means we have reached a new level of becoming one!"


"Do you want me to knock you out again? Quit it. Back on topic, I'm going to go ahead and guess that she ran away from home to avoid marriage. It's the only reason why she had so little guards with her. Those guys we stomped tried to kill her, and Legolas was probably trying to get her back. I think that's basically the gist of it."


"Shishou, I have a suggestion! If all this is happening because the elves need a king, can't the problem be resolved if we display your great power to them once again and have the Elves submit to you? With their level of war potential, you could annihilate them even if…" (Stella)


"Stop it! You say such stupid things. What joy would there be in demonstrating my might in a remote region like this? Do you really think I am a circus attraction to put of a show for these idiots? And besides, standing above people is a chore. You 3 are already enough of a handful, I don't want to be bothered with the fate of a country."


"Ooh. As expected of Shishou. She just declared her love for us and doesn't want any other distractions so she can still shower us with it!" (Sasha)


Err… that's totally not the message I tried to send.


"I wonder how the new king looks?" (Stella)


"The Queen said we will meet him tomorrow. For now, let's call it a day. I really am looking forward to sleeping in an actual bed."




~Eglantine Kingdom ~


"Congratulations, heroes. There's nothing more I can teach you. You all have surpassed me." (Arthur)


Commander Arthur was giving a speech to the 4 heroes. Edelweiss 's former classmates. Yamaguchi Ichiro, Watanabe Amane, Hidorima Kasumi and Nishimura Misaki.


"Yosh. With this we're finally level 48!" (Ichiro)


"We really surpassed everyone in the royal army!" (Amane)


"Does that mean we're finally ready to move against the demons?" (Kasumi)


"Woah there! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's true that your progress is incredible. But obviously we won't throw you in battle just yet. We still need to see how you fair in a large scale military scenario. As for your personal skills, I have nothing left to teach you. But you guys are lucky. With His Majesties permission, allow me to introduce you your next instructor." (Arthur)


Arthur took a few steps backwards. A black cat jumped on the spot he once stood on.


"Ooo. That's a cute kitty! Is it lost?" (Misaki)


"Eh? No. She's your instructor."



Complete silence for a few moments.


"Is this… a joke? How is a cat going to train us?" (Ichiro)


"How rude! Despite looking like this, I'm not a cat. My name is Shamoa."


"It talked!" (Misaki)


"Listen, I know this is weird, but lady Shamoa is well known in this world. She came out of her own free will and offered to train you for just 1 week. But a week with her is equivalent to months under anyone else. You couldn't ask for a better teacher." (Arthur)


"But how is a cat supposed to… GUAAAH!!" (Ichiro)


Before he could finish his sentence, Ichiro was assaulted from all directions. Back and forth constantly. A stream of powerful air surrounded the cat and propelled it back and forth at great speeds. The heroes could not follow Shamoa with their eyes. Eventually, Ichiro collapsed.


"Well? Ready to learn?"


"... Yes…" (Ichiro)


"Shamoa-sama… you really are amazing, and we are grateful to receive your guidance, but… why are you doing this?" (Amane)


"I have my own circumstances. I can't disclose more than that, so don't ask." (Shamoa)


There was nobody in the kingdom that could even touch Shamoa. Even if the king were to want her as a war asset, it was literally impossible to do it by force. However when she out of her own free will asked to train the heroes for 1 week, the king could only smile and consent. It was like a sign from God.


Even the Empress herself could not restrain Shamoa's actions. There were individuals in this world that people learned not to oppose. Shamoa is one of them. 


"Shamoa is very talented! After all, she's the one that trained the mysterious person known as the Winter Fox!"


At that word, all four heroes were shocked. The Winter Fox was a legend that rose from Almus village. Kasumi once wanted to save Almus village herself. It was a village that everyone gave up on. Yet, the villagers have built a statue to honor their savior.  


Rumors also spread about the terrifying power and it also reached the kingdom, however some say that it's only a legend.


"If that is the case, then, Shamoa-sama, please train us the same way!" (Kasumi)


"No can do. I can't train you the same way I did with her. You guys are too weak for that. But don't worry. I have other ways to…" (Shamoa)


"Unacceptable! We are heroes! We were meant to overcome any challenge! No matter how hard the training is, we can handle it! So treat us the same as that person!" (Ichiro)


"Oh brother. What troublesome children. You really need to listen when grown ups talk. Fine. You think you can handle it? Then how about a little test?"


The 4 heroes firmly nodded at Shamoa's words.


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