My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 91: Problematic Books

Lecia curses Victor under her breath, her head spinning with the predicament she's found herself in. The sudden eruption of blue flames around her, coupled with the mysterious "dead" professor's publication in her hands, leaves her convinced this is no mistake. Yet, if one of his books was here in the library, shouldn't it have reacted and caused a stir in the past?

So, is it only her?

But then, why did it ignite long after reading the first page?

'What the hell does it mean?!'

Viviane thins her lips amid Lecia's frantic thoughts and trembles. Although such a reaction is appropriate after being engulfed by fire, the flames were anything but standard. So far, the former archaeologist's behavior doesn't suggest she has much experience with these magical fires.

'Then again, what do I know? I was only surrounded by fire once before being swept away,' Viviane reminds herself.

In any case, the elder slime must maintain her unassuming facade more carefully. Feeling Daniel's throat dry in his own horror of the escalating magic, she swallows slowly on his behalf before stepping closer to the shaken woman.

"Are you okay, Lecia? You're not burnt anywhere, are you?"

The former archaeologist gasps, her face flushed. A switch flips in her head before dropping the book to pat herself down. This should've been her first reaction instead of analyzing what happened. Fortunately, aside from her heated face, she can't tell of any burns or damage.

Yet, that only encourages her heart to beat faster. 'Why is that? Vivi definitely saw it as well, but I'm fine?'

At least, she thinks she's fine.

Without verbal confirmation, Viviane pulls out her phone. "I'll call for an ambulance, just in case."

Lecia's breath hitches as she snaps back to the elder slime. "Wait! I'm good, I'm good!" she urges in a blur, her chair nearly tumbling over as she rises to her feet with her hands out.

The less quiet break rumbles through Viviane. She looks around, hoping nobody has heard them, then returns her gaze. "Are you sure?"

Lecia grips her hands together and bites her lips. Of course she's not sure, but what she is sure about is not attracting further attention. Knowing her panic isn't helping, she takes a cool breath and closes her eyes.

"Yes," she insists more softly, then opens her eyes firmly. "Don't call anyone, please."

The elder slime twists her lips, but nods. While she would go through bringing emergency attention if needed, she hoped the former archaeologist would want to keep this matter discrete. It's a bit selfish when anything could've been done to her, but it supports the assumption that Lecia recognizes the nature of these flames, just like the one emphasized in the commissioned art from Daniel.

However, the elder slime can't relax too much, especially while she feels jittery from her son within. She wants nothing more than to hear and talk to him, but she can't immediately unlink from his mouth right now. To compensate, she rubs her own arm and squeezes to comfort her sweet host.

'Hang in there, child. Maybe it would've been better if I listened to you and not shown her the book, but then we wouldn't have seen proof that the book reacts differently.'

"So...what exactly was that?" Viviane asks on that note, leveling her voice.

Lecia groans, leaning one-armed against the table. She slides a hand over her forehead as she narrows her eyes. "I'm not sure."

That's the truth for the most part. Although she triggered the green fire from the Stonehenge book, she hasn't observed other unknowns and magic beyond that and Victor's disappearance. Now that she has a witness to another, Lecia considers her options.

Which is to say, there's really only two: Play dumb or bring her in.

Playing dumb would be easy, especially when she's dumbfounded as is with the blue flames and its relation to Victor, but it would be largely unhelpful as it wouldn't guarantee any silence. That could place both of them in danger if others were to know.

There's also the possibility that "Vivi" knows more than she led on. What if she intentionally approached her more than out of admiration to pass on this book?

'What a fucking mess.'

Taking a step at a time, Lecia removes her hand to face. As she observes the troubled blonde, she understands that she needs to first ensure this girl keeps quiet. If this is not just happenstance either, she'll also need to find a way to extract her background.

'If there's anything I've learned about this girl, she's not going to ignore this. I have to bring her in,' Lecia concludes.

The question is at what length? It has to be in a way that doesn't expose her organization negatively.

With such troubling decisions, Lecia exhales. "Listen to me, Vivi. Do not say a word about this, not even about us meeting."

The elder slime widens by the shift in tone. "O-okay?"

"I'm serious. It'd be even better if you forget what you saw, but I won't ask for the impossible. Just know this is for our safety more than anything else."

Viviane straightens. "Safety? I can hardly describe what I saw, so how would anybody believe me that you were suddenly surrounded by blue fire?"

A fat lie, of course.

"It doesn't matter whether people believe you or not," Lecia counters. "With enough word, someone who knows better will be on to us."

The warning widens the elder slime's eyes. If anything, it mirrors Victor's warning about others. She considers her next words carefully.

"It...sounds like you know something about all of this."

Snorting, the former archaeologist smiles dryly. "Truthfully, I don't know enough."

She picks up the book again and taps it. "For now, this isn't the best place to talk. I will have to take this book with me, so if you want to talk more, give me your number. I'll contact you when we can meet again. Just don't try digging into this any further right now."

Lecia pauses before stepping to the elder slime, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Please, Vivi."

Shaking, Viviane can feel Daniel's urge to pull away, but she remains in control. They simply can't keep themselves sheltered when there's already people that will detect her, just like Victor did.

They need to understand those around more.

"I, I understand, Lecia. Before we exchange numbers, though, can I ask something?" the elder slime begins, gripping her hand close to her chest. This is more to help her son inside her to relax.

Lecia removes her hand while thinning her lips. "I'm not sure if I can answer."

Even so, the elder slime presses. "I just need to know! Are you...perhaps aligned with the Isis followers that Layna speaks of in her book? Is that why you're researching the author and her claims?"

Stiffening, Lecia snap-opens her eyes, her jaw loosening. Before she might spit out as air drives into her, she turns her head away to reign in a short laugh by the notion.

'If she's worried about that, that puts me a little ease as well.'

Viviane cocks her head, wondering if her question was odd. Not to keep the elder slime waiting, Lecia clears her throat quickly. "No, no, nothing like that. If anything, I'm just...well, I guess you could say a fool way in over her head."

Regret flickers in Lecia's eyes as she smiles weakly. To that end, Viviane can only help wonder what might bring a notable archaeologist and businesswoman to degrade herself.

She wants to know for sure: Did she really bring about the green flames that let her escape? Why?

"Then I suppose we're the same," the elder slime agrees, forcing a smile.

Through deception and unknowns, some progress has been made as two girls exchange numbers and shake hands. Their area is cleaned up, but any sign of the blue fire that rose is absent, leaving only traces in memories.

When goodbyes are said and Lecia is out of sight, Viviane finally unlink with her son's mouth. Immediately, he coughs as he regains control of his jaw and mouth. Viviane fully expected him to yell at her for her decisions, but he just groans.

"Let's just get the hell out of here. I don't want to see any more books at this point."

That's putting it mildly, as Viviane fidgets, gazing downward. "Are you...angry?"

The artist sighs, his heart managing as he recalls everything exchanged. "Not angry, just worried as usual. I know you felt right about getting closer, but she's the only one who is highly related to the green fire that summoned you and Anne. If she found out what you were..."

"Then what?"

Daniel remains silent.

After a few seconds, Viviane hugs herself before continuing more firmly.

"I understand your worry, child. However, I feel she's just as new to this magic as we are. We might not know her role or motives yet, but I don't think she'll be able to do much. That's especially if she wants to keep matters a secret."

Their head turns away as Daniel scoffs. "Whether she means well or not, I still don't like it."

"It's fine to feel that way, but I won't regret using this chance to meet. For now, I think you're better off worrying about the dinner with Mama and Mummy tonight, don't you think?"

"Oh, boy..." Daniel mutters.


If it can't get any worse, his phone buzzes in Viviane's pocket. She carried it in addition to her own while sharing form. Pulling it out, the elder slime soon raises her brows while Daniel sweats as they read a text from Rachel:

I've made preparations, so we'll have dinner at my home with you and Anne, tomorrow at 8. No ifs or buts about it, you hear?

Viviane giggles as she feels her son quiver within. "With Marlin arrival, you're going to be quite busy tomorrow too, huh?"

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About seven thousand kilometers to the East, crowds buzz and suitcases roll against the tiled floors of Heathrow Airport in London. Mixtures of moods follow the various lines as impatience, ease, and excitement float about.

Among them, Marlin is particularly anxious as he looks at his phone to check the status of his flight to North Dakota with a connection from New York. It would be a couple of hours before boarding begins, but he really wishes something would happen to prevent his departure.

It's not merely the prospect of jet lag, nor that he doesn't want to see his niece. Under better circumstances, he'd love to visit America, since it's been decades when he had to visit for a business trip.

However, he's afraid of what he might discover and what his niece has involved herself with. When speaking to her father — his older brother — he played it as a business trip to which he'll be visiting her.

"Just don't give her any ideas, Marlin. She's weird enough as is with your influence. Just...let us know how she's really doing."

Marlin snorts. 'I'm sorry, brother. The damage might already be done.'

He regrets revealing to her the book he holds, but if she's truly involved in something otherworldly on her own, it's not like he can stand by pretending either. Just to be safe, he left the book at home under lock and key while keeping a copy on his laptop. There was no way in hell he'd take the original with him, especially if he wanted to stave suspicion within The Order.

Taking a breather, he soon enters the security checkpoint and unloads his hand luggage onto the conveyor belt and a bin with his shoes and phone. Without any drama, he exits the checkout clean as most would, then picks up his luggage on the other side.

However, when the bin of his shoes and phone exits the scan, the luggage in his hand drops. Blood draws away from his face as he stares at the gray tub creeping towards him.

Next to his shoes and phone is none other than the "Book of Isis" that was supposed to be at home.


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